CBB Conlang Relay 8/Mesak
Mesak text
Ñúg ȿíhok mbázmesittohos sá sɨros mbúre nútos bañtuos bagu. Ipuhnoi:
—Tetos sá tekoɀɀohkos ɀoñ gagɨk hikkúeio. Ȿího, síti abrɨkki terinatnos. Piɀti, sɨs koɀɀohɨs tánda nútoñ ȿapoñ mbázpɨɨs? O, sísoñ tánda psuroñ gekkunakúpɨi sá darperpɨɨs! Heȿpɨɨs: "Gagɨs ndɨ́g, piɀti núti brɨki ȿapithetɀápɨɨ! Ko tekiddaapɨkɨ, tetɨs gaȿɨpperkepɨkɨ."
—Koños bamkutos, ndɨ́nos bamkutos sá henkkohakos.
Heȿpɨos: "Sɨr! Arinatapɨkoi!" Piɀti, nar izínne, guhos gahenkkohkos mbázos.
"Tsɨnd, gagɨs koɀɀe! Tȿaɀkɨɨs ísɨs rinat sá tánda boñ psuroñ gekkuna tánda kuɀɀeȿapoñ!"
A person appeared before the king and began to tell this story. He asked him:
—What do you and your soldiers make us do? King, you take all our land. Then, which soldiers come to this place? Oh, they'll make the child flee to the tree and succede! They'll shout: "Help us, so that you may inhabit this land! If you insult us, we will kill you."
—A big bow, a small bow, and a quiver.
He shouts: "Let's start! We'll hold him!" Then, a weapon's sound, our black arrow came.
"God, watch over us! Take two of it and run to that tree, to freedom!"
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