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Category for conlangs, regardless of whether they are a priori conlangs or a posteriori conlangs.
If one of these languages is yours, please also mark it with a more specific tag, so that people who are looking for a specific kind of language will be able to find it more easily. Thank you!
This category has the following 50 subcategories, out of 50 total.
Pages in category "Conlangs"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 828 total.
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- A posteriori conlang
- Aalaurid
- Aasti
- Aawaaniaan
- Abakwi
- Abdegi
- Adam-man
- Adare
- Adawa
- Adelic
- Adin
- Adjuvilo
- Adpihi
- Adúlad
- Adûnaic
- Adāta
- Aeldarspragc
- Aelya
- Aen Mhiddrun
- Aen Mhidun
- Aenonean
- Aeo
- Aercant
- Aertran
- Afk Ckoc Bhrpn
- Afrihili
- Aganean
- Ahlimite
- Ahua
- Aikenloren
- Ailurin
- Airumali
- Aivordeinvit
- Ajalian
- Ajyrkety
- Akbiekdi
- Al Bakiyye
- Al Mastizu
- Alarian
- Alayun
- Albic
- Aldana
- Aldarnic
- Aligian
- Allicivere
- AllNoun
- Almalinian
- Almaqerin
- Alpha Smart
- Alphistian
- Alpianic
- Alpic
- Alpítin
- Altherkin Itak
- Altherkin Itak Word List
- Altllamiac
- Alurhsa
- Alwato
- Amal
- Amaringa
- Ambarnic
- Amerysk
- Amtorian
- Amélia
- Amòssi
- An Essay towards a Real Character
- Anaqaen
- Anathic
- Anawanda
- Ancallon
- Ancaron
- Ancient Language (Eragon)
- Ancient Tongue of the Wise
- Andopadish
- Anglish
- Anglo-Saxon Computerese
- Angrex
- Angstian
- Anian (The World)
- Anikin
- Animalic
- Aninese
- Anoé
- Antido
- Anìesé
- Anóé
- Aoma
- Ape
- Apfiso
- Appisto
- Appleyard's Quenya
- Apralios
- Aptaye
- Aquarian
- Aquitan
- Arahau
- Aran'Esei
- Arangothian
- Arcadian
- Arcaicam Esperantom
- Archaic Imperial (Empire-in-the-West)
- Archeía
- Arctican
- Arda/Henaudute
- Arden
- Ardenorian
- Ardensi
- Arionak
- Arithide language
- Ariyani
- Arka
- Arkan
- Arkian
- Arlipo
- Armavi
- Armine
- Arne
- Arnira
- Aroni
- Arromian
- Ars signorum
- Arulo
- Arumian
- Arvan
- Arvandran
- Arvorec
- Arwinish
- Aryezi
- Arêndron
- Arēsæd
- Ascenderati
- Asdoranvor
- Asha'ille
- Ashamaic
- Asiteya
- Askaic
- Aslarian
- Asmeni
- Aspele
- Asrord-Dânis
- Astarien
- Atalantaic
- Atarel
- Atas
- Atevi
- Athomine
- Athonite language
- Atlan
- Atlango
- Atlantean
- Atpisto
- Attidian
- Attrendian
- Auld Elvish
- Aulingese
- Aurogaelb
- Avaeran
- Avantimannish (The World)
- Avarin
- Avasician
- Avench
- Avesta
- Avorenta
- Avrlun
- Aw'ingiwa
- Ayeis
- Ayeri
- Ayola
- Ayváriþ
- Azarian
- Azir
- Azorese
- Aéstari
- Ańyreŧ
- Aθáta