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Our Father

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Our Father, also known as the Lord's Prayer, is a widely-known prayer of Christianity. It is used by linguists and conlangers for comparing the differences between languages. In many cases it is also called the Pater Noster because of the widespread use of Latin in the Church. There are even Runic inscriptions in Latin along the lines of "say a Pater Noster for so-and-so's soul."


Romance Languages


Pater noster, qui es in caelis:
sanctificetur Nomen Tuum;
adveniat Regnum Tuum;
fiat voluntas Tua,
sicut in caelo, et in terra.
Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie;
et dimitte nobis debita nostra,
Sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris;
et ne nos inducas in tentationem;
sed libera nos a Malo.


Padre nuestro, que estás en los cielos,
santificado sea tu Nombre;
venga tu Reino;
hágase tu Voluntad,
así en la tierra como en el cielo.
Nuestro pan cotidiano dánosle hoy;
y perdónanos nuestras deudas,
así como nosotros hemos perdonado a nuestros deudores;
no nos dejes caer en tentación,
mas líbranos del mal.

Germanic languages

High German

Vater Unser im Himmel,
Geheiligt werde Dein Name,
Dein Reich komme.
Dein Wille geschehe,
Wie im Himmel, so auf Erden.
Unser tägliches Brot gib uns heute,
Und vergib uns unsere Schuld,
Wie auch wir vergeben unseren Schuldigern.
Und führe uns nicht in Versuchung,
Sondern erlöse uns von dem Bösen.
Denn Dein ist das Reich und die Kraft
und die Herrlichkeit, in Ewigkeit.


Onze Vader,
die in de hemelen zijt,
geheiligd zij Uw naam.
Uw rijk kome,
Uw wil geschiede op aarde als in de hemel.
Geef ons heden ons dagelijks brood,
en vergeef ons onze schulden,
gelijk ook wij vergeven aan onze schuldenaren.
En leid ons niet in bekoring,
maar verlos ons van het kwade.

Modern English ELLC (1988)

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.
[For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
now and for ever. Amen.]

Early Modern English (1662 BCP)

Our Father, which art in Heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done,
in earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
But deliver us from evil.
[For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory,
For ever and ever.] Amen.

Middle English

Fader ure ðatt art in hevene blisse,
Ðin hege name itt wurðe bliscedd,
Cumen itt mote ði kingdom,
Ðin hali wil it be al don,
In heven and in erðe all so,
So itt sall ben ful wel ic to;
Gif us alle one ðis dai,
Ure bred of iche dai,
And forgive us ure sinne,
Als we don ure wiðerwinnes:
Leet us noct in fondlinge fall,
Ooc fro ivel ðu sild us alle. Amen.


Fæder ūre, þū eart on heofonum:
sī þīn nama ȝehāȝlod.
Tōbecume þīn rīce.
Ȝeƿeorþe þīn ƿilla
on eorþan sƿāsƿā on heofonum.
Ūre dæȝhƿāmlican hlāf sielle ūs tō dæȝe.
And forȝief ūs ūre ȝyltas
sƿāsƿā ƿē forȝiefaþ ūrum ȝyltendem.
And ne ȝelǣd þū on costnunȝe,
ac ālīes ūs of yfele.


Fader vår, du som er i himmelen!
Helliget vorde ditt navn;
komme ditt rike;
skje din vilje,
som i himmelen, så og på jorden;
gi oss idag vårt daglige brød;
og forlat oss vår skyld,
som vi og forlater våre skyldnere;
og led oss ikke inn i fristelse;
men fri oss fra det onde.
For riket er ditt,
og makten og æren i evighet.

Celtic Languages


Asron atīr, esti·i̯o eni nemesi,
noibos buu̯et tou anu̯an,
ro·to·aχsāt tou rīgi̯on
u̯reχtus tou au̯illos
u̯or talamoni samalī eni nemesi.
Asron baragon petidīi̯ācon dā snūs sindīu̯on.
Matu̯ī snūs asron dligetā,
samalī i̯on matu̯imos asron dligeti̯obo,
ne·c snīs wede dū u̯osagitē,
eχtos snīs dīlunge au u̯allū.


Feel free to add Lord's prayer in your conlangs' version here.


Nou Pare, qwe ets nou cell,
qwe santificat eh vou nome,
qwe vene a nos vou reixĩ.
Qwe eh façata va voluntà,
tant na terra com nou cell.
Donat-nus hogge nou pã qwotiggãn
e pardonat-nus nas ofensas,
com tantbain nos pardonèms qwĩns ofensen-nus.
E nõ deixat-nus cadre na tentazõn
e lluwerat-nus dou Mal.

Altherkin Itak

Our Father - Altherkin Itak - Script 4.JPG

Jia'meh Abbous Jeon'yajeo naebu de, namaewae Yi beilahjeon ang de.
Jeo no Altherkjeon Yi beilah.
Jikan fotei, dei'fover Yi werben no Jeo e'ea Jeon'yajeo naebu.
Deikan ima e'ea deikan'mej, lat warei kae'a jia'meh nimo.
Luswerzya luswer jia'meh paliya. Warei ahsu luswer luswerzya dei'fover nyan.
Yi beilah nei warei jianxi werben dili, da'a'te Yi warei proteto detei luswer paliya.
(Jeo no Altherkjeon Yi ang de, ta Jeonji, e'ea ta pa'a'me, por jikan fotei mej.)

Our Father Heaven inside is, name you holy it is.
Land of God your exist.
Time future, intent you act of Earth and Heaven inside.
Today and every day, To us bread our give.
Forget sins our please. We their sin forget intend also.
You "To be" no us cause "to act" bad, but you us protect from sin please.
(Land of God yours it is, The divine power, and the glory, for time future all.)

Hear it read by Motonjia (external Link)


A Prayer to The Psynecerion, a polytheistic "Lord's Prayer" equivalent in the religion of Kareigăn-Hæx religion.

Modern Arkhæn Alkavăht Script

Arkhaen Lordprayer.PNG


Keir præhăm mhe jzakar Yfikt Sehri,
Hoth amăn khăma taiku Hæx, ara Gaateni
Keir amăn ir ăndrgaaten, keir flær dhe vari, mhe garăm deru cogan dhe miyar kædi
Mhe kariar ăz i ăn ara zeidu joirk ak mhe mujes jzakar haqeinan dhe hjaani
Măhdi keir suod zăn hoth adr, măhdi keir anămi zăn hoth adr,
Mhe ghejz haqeinan zuk i ăn ăhsl dyhijoi
Măhdi hoth gaate qajoi dyhijoi mhe mujes jzakar kanrqeinăn avarkhe
Măhdi ăhsl mhe takad kăhkănen dhe jzakar ræhi dhe hjaani ak dhe jzakr Kareigăn-Hæx.
Aze Takădi!


We pray to the Perfect Ones,
They who came from Six, our creators
We who are subservient, we ask of them, to lend us some of their strength
To carry on our daily tasks and to keep the balance of nature
May we live as they do, may we die as they do, to bring balance upon all worlds
May they create more worlds to drive the imbalance away.
May all to be enlightened of the ways of nature and of the Original Six.
Aze Takadi! (both a greeting gesture as well as a sort of "amen")


Oure fadêr that be yn heuenerihhe;
sende ye-hallawet thin namô;
cwem te thin rihhdomaz;
sende thin wellez ye-dôn swo yn medwaralde swo yn heuenam;
yef ôs on te daye oure ijelckday susteynavant;
ande ôs foryef oure detes,
swo we foryef te oure detendam;
ande ne lîth ôs nouwt te thon castynge,
but framward-ôs-lôs fram euele.


Patro nia, kiu estas en la ĉielo,
sanktigata estu Via nomo.
Venu Via regno.
Fariĝu Via volo,
kiel en la ĉielo, tiel ankaŭ sur la tero.
Nian panon ĉiutagan donu al ni hodiaŭ.
Kaj pardonu al ni niajn ŝuldojn,
kiel ankaŭ ni pardonas al niaj ŝuldantoj.
Kaj ne konduku nin en tenton,
sed liberigu nin de la malbono.
(Ĉar Via estas la regno kaj la potenco
kaj la gloro eterne.)


Kes Etâr, qwin il eskáleo ri,
genomentuz i missild,
offimmoz i tis agenir,
geroz i tis élekk,
léda l-eskálio, śo l-edzúroro si.
Forventikál vekánandum dontiz káj píl,
et offűliz i bêtgánandu,
léda ke s’ offűlam i h-inóvand bêtdífendo.
E gin véliz kum kojsitána,
ak gemojgiriz i vultími.
(Dé tis i h-agenir, i forrel e l-iskür forvenâk.)
Roz ö-gen.


doi cevrirni.iu noi zvati le do cevzda do'u fu'e .aicai .e'ecai lo do cmene ru'i censa
.i le do nobli turni be la ter. ku se cfari
.i loi do se djica ba snada mulno vi'e le cevzda .e .a'o la ter.
.i fu'e .e'o ko dunda ca le cabdei le ri nanba mi'a
.i ko fraxu mi loi ri zu'o palci
.ijo mi fraxu roda poi pacyzu'e xrani mi
.i ko lidne mi fa'anai loi pacyxlu
.i ko sepri'a mi loi palci
.i .uicai ni'i loi se turni .e loi vlipa .e loi mi'orselsi'a cu me le do romei


efma-en-ve fi-atfalit tléé
((tintom-en-ve fi-ulaat tléé
uuifó-en-ve fó-én-aé)
,ve ie-aile-ufuium li-aten-óf-(ailu)-at-ia.
,ve felien-en-ia éliuón-at-ia
nif-(ia én-(laéen ia feliu) éliuón-at-al.
,ve ia erian-ól-(ésélit-en-uilien)
tléé ve ia erian-sééld.
(fan ól-tintom tlé ól-élein tlé ól-aliaten (al-en-ve al
ló-(et-tlé-néf)). ,fti-ló.)

Classical Longrimol

See also Longrimol for more information
by Longrim
Adhorom nedhúrer
airalichy raivog
therdhäil darandorog
dhánäilichy malfog
márchan nedhúrer
oi thärvim mênjäldhim
dhulro-m'il glastainúlong
dhulro-m'il gruidhong.
[find i dharandr-og cambadh-og asdago-og cwildhríl. Emín.]

Classical Arithide

See also Classical Arithide for more information
by Eugene
See also Arithide Sample Text Corpus for more information

Classical Arithide Late Classical Arithide
Fābā rignā, zōon saluminnum,
histamosit illos ays.
Egēra lisgas ays.
Reskerosit deiros ays,
halagum saluminnumena.
Rignor emereto haror omer krerērō,
a kansārērō irige syndrē,
rīgisae syndirēnēs kansārena.
On rege avgērērō thiftiae,
nege rege magārērō vokirōn. Amen.
Fābā rikin, saluminnum hero,
histamesit illos ayn.
Egura lisgas ayn.
Reskeresit deiros ayn,
halaginnum saluminnumena.
Rikin emnatir haro omnat kreruras,
nam kansaruras rīkae syndrē,
rikisyndoris syndirēnēs kansariena.
On riko avlataguras orgrei,
nege riko magāruras vokyrōn. Amen.


See also Ellesklavan for more information

vidrömü, ci eu en éfni,
aolé eu tli nömü.
tli řoyamü viyen.
tli sřay eu fazi,
en teřya é ža eu en éfni.
dono no sé širu pasirana kotined.
éti frocefi no trégepaseniran,
kön no frocefi elehli ci trégepaseni kontri no.
éti neu kleřtni pa no ostü betnosü;
mé délifeř no dé džharag.
(porceu lešé eu lé řoyamü, lé pufovřir, éti lé kloriyen,
por tu éti tu) amné.

Teeverb Kuluxem

See also Teeverb Kuluxem for more information

Teeverb Kuluxem:

Tuchomat Kulonar:
Padre keeyuhn infadia, uba' nio shuuran,
Tunatma kuyuhn echa' tubonflaken.
Yaco-ubhiemna tukinglak kunoi tuyumya,
Shem yaco-ubfin tupaj kunoi,
Nio shutereen sima nio shuuran.
Pal-ubofero tukwam kudiama kuval alt sheeyuhn;
Shem pal-ubforglan teeyuhn sima okforglan teeotheeno;
Vo pal-ubleedha teeyuhn alt shutemapta,
Kief pal-ubforma okvan vaeem shupekitat;
Tukinglak shem tufuertlas shem tuglameeka eshadda kunoi.


The prayer of the Lord:
The Father of Ours, who is in Heaven,
Your name is great.
Bring your kingdom here,
And accomplish your plan,
On Earth the same as in Heaven.
Give us the food of this day;
Forgive us the same as we forgive others;
Do not lead us to temptation,
But force us to go away from evil;
The glory, the power and the glory are your's.


See also Thorsutian for more information

Man baset, cus ёd nё parasje,
ёsmardzsёn ёdur xjen zavke.
Xjen mёbraţje rikas.
Xjen zsёdu çozid,
ёn toke siç ёd tho parasjud.
Jat maţu ked ord man vorje bucje.
E ţalis maţu man funёbartiv,
siç maţ ţalёmi çadёk cus funёbart kurda maţu
E pron maţu nok tho ёnarzsud,
pas shonah maţu el necud,
(ţa xjen ёl mёbraţi, uuzs, e strirren,
ţa dadarma e dadarma.)


See also Tauro-Piscean language for more information

Tet Fedä ëleêses, wa zï in Heofonem,
¡Letan tet Namen janes clenê bean!
Tet Kïnedom janes kum.
¡Letan tet Willê janes dodê bean,
Et Eëtenem tonnê in Heofonem!
¡Jefan ëleêsen tode tet jedewamliken Bräden!
¡And fëjefan ëleêsen te Jïêlten,
Tonnê ëleês fëjef kvinem, dass makê Jïêlten!
¡And ledan ëleêsen nat in Kostnungen,
Ak beëjan ëleêsan fram Ïfeêlem!
[Tï janes zï tet Kïnedom, tet Mït and tet Wöldë,
To efä nes efä.] Sotlikê.

It is worth noting that the Tauro-Piscean language evolved into the (New) West Germanic language below.

West Germanic

See also West Germanic language for more information

Uɍę Ąldoɍ, tu tąt is in ħjovonųm,
Si tin namę halaɉ.
Kumę tin riŧę,
Maŧiǫn tin wįleǫn up eɍdųm ék swa in ħjovonųm.
Uɍę daɉliŧ lafǫn gįvǫn us todaɉ,
ǫnd foɍgįvǫn us uɍę ſųldzǫn ék swa we foɍgįf uɍę ſųldaɉǫn.
Ǫnd faɍǫn tu ųn in ħjan kǫstnųnðǫn, ak luzǫn ųn uvęlęnę.
[Ųmbętąt tin is tąt riŧę, tąt miħt ǫnd tąt wųldoɍ,
ąvɍweɍd eŧę.]

Vityng by Schlaier

See also Vityng for more information
See also Vityng our Father for more information

fæðirr óssa, hvem ar i himinn
nama þinn ver hǽlge
kónungrikk þinn ver gaður
øskja þinn ver skaftur
an eorð og sva i himinn.
ǿssi gefar dægglykur brǿð óssa, þessa dagg.
og synni óssa grætar óss
sva varr grætum þætt ƕað skap synni an ǿssi
i nǿðen lǽðarna óss
og fram yfil takar óss.


See also Nytal for more information
See also Nytal biblical texts for more information

Babu ni la, ki ad’jo ju ojl
Ni la a’šijnt noym Ok
Nori sliknost Ok
Ni la a’nut ehoj Ok
Iknijt ju ojl, Iknijt sjep bajus vsi
Ole tyahri er ni la ejs ni la
A vlup er ni la le finans ni la
Iknijt gek ni la a’vlup er le mefinanser ni la
A ta nenijt ni la ka medoljem
U vrij ni la de olim


See also Lánc for more information

Vojun nát, eráv bálot
Townon úk svútutolas
Townon krišpót atja
Townon šalja toljas
Džú bálot džu pánot
Lakfadžo vojay vojunon banfadžáro bágwo kál
Ši vojay vojunyojon plačoy gwalč
Džu vój vojunyajon plajačanay mijo gwalčen
Ši vojo onás gorávtjámás ét majv
Ýbo vojo ód ono gráwno nálutol.

L337 5q34Ҟ

0ύЯ ph4th3r N ん3\/N,
L33+ 1z ur N¥m,
ur Ӄ1n6|)0mz h3Я3 nao,
u 90んん4 cl00 vv47 u w4んん4 cl00,
0n 34r+ん L13k n ん3\/N.
L37z 34+ 2d4y l13k d4 07hЯ d31,
461v h0w3r fragz & pks plz,
& wii vv1LL 461v3 d4 w0nz dat phr4993d u5.
$4v3 uz phr0m d4 fl00d,
& 41$0 phr0m d4 L337 3v!|_.


See also Lišěč for more information
Latin alphabet
Fial Ipa, ktõr õłokotë tajväka
sanktakammë leel nimien
mënnajast leel küningrik
tĕdaekemmë leel vylen
śo tajväka, śo mälmake
đnes antajatë fiam đnesmasen lĕjpäen
õnt fergepejetë fial velkĕnesen
śo fi fergepekemmë fial velketelnesem
õnt ĕłi oğiatojotë ferśukedenë
õnt svobõdojotë fian pakadaţë
Cyrillic alphabet
Фиал Ипа, ктõр õљокотё тайвäка
санктакаммё леел нимиен
мённайаст леел кÿнингрик
тĕдаекеммё леел вылен
зо тайвäка, зо мäлмаке
ћнес антайатё фиам ћнесмасен лĕйпäен
õнт фергепейетё фиал велкĕнесен
зо фи фергепекеммё фиал велкетелнесем
õнт ĕљи ођиатойотё ферзукеденё
õнт свобõдойотё фиан пакадаθё


See also Keβag for more information

Fät man, lë beş ë pöt taɸ ë nheμet'
lo seintsat ë seɸot'u ðo
qeşa e dewönhoxul ðo
ër sat'a ë pełäk do
aże taɸ ë nheμet', aże taɸ ë nhujm'
ovinë manheşë ekys ë nałecu ekyşoru μan
cë danosë en μyg μan
lo danos aże en μyɣocuv μan
cë μë phonë manhëm taɸ ë rhejżaxaş
aca püksatё manhëm renh e-ekwaň.


See also Teycil for more information
Paycil, jsomnajs hœjcoir væ
zulev jsuveno lea
ga ayro bolmadanev
malev nā lea
jsomnajs me ehrenajs
moljga luie molojzunour mujxel ga beih
me jqœnūl ga gjrebeih
polajs-ajga jqœnosæcūl gjrebō lea
me pîrojgīne xo le ga doikot vā
tu jræsīne jcon le ga jzineih vā


See also Nician for more information

Il nost pat
Il nost pat, chi ses nis ceis,
Saintifcat sie’l tu nom.
Venì’l tu regn.
Se face la tue volontat,
Nis ceis com sope la terre.
Oz dànos il nost pan cottizan.
E dimìttenos is nosts dèvits,
Com ezze nos dimittius ais nosts devitoes.
E n’indùcenos in teumtazion,
Veò lìveanos da male.


Nustr Padr, ke sia i llo chel,
sia senghid tew nôn,
gwein tew rheon,
sia ffaeth tew wolont,
syrs lla der sig i llo chel.
Dun nustr pan diwrnal a nu h-eidd;
e pharddun llo nustr phechad a nu,
si nu pharddunan llo nustr phechad.
E salw nu di'll temp di drial,
mai llifr nu di'll mal.
Per ill rheon, ill cofaeth e lla leir es ill tew, per segl e segl.


a Phazeoir Nusteor que bias 'n y ceues;
foreth noef il tew nom;
gouenyes il tew camouils;
foreth fès la teva gouoluntáts
en lâ derra cuomo 'ny ceues;
danos-el osdia le nusteor panèn cuotidièn;
dimeti y nusteor dheuz
cuomo dimitemus ai nusteor dheutoeres;
et ne nus attrayer rhen al tentación,
mays eliveránus des val.

Old High Jermench

fatzar nôstar cî es in câlîs
seiaz cunsantzîts noum twou
wienaz rin twou
seiaz cundahtûts wuontzats twâ
siht in câl ah in zerra
fân nôstar côsitân ta nous houd
ez ferdouna nous ôdsa nôstra
siht ez nus ferdounams ôdintîs nôstrîs
ez nei nus intûtzas in zinhôn
mâhs liura nus tei mâl


sánctyata tawas xonomar-ca-he
wewóytâ hanirfanar-ca-he
pepelewórkâ tawas walar-ca-he
tatâhyata-me tâlcoteyel támtar-ca-he
ffaffalyata-me mesas taipallanar-ca-he
ffalmá cam taipallanar-ca-he
anhaharxanyata-me çalarswwalana-ca-he
roromyata-me tusar-te-he. Omen.
Heavenly Father
and blessed-be thy name
and realised-be spiritual-Rest
and fullydone-be thy will
and Middle-World-in-the
and Heavens-in-the
and give us each-day godly-gift-the
and wash us our spiritual-separation
and we wash their spiritual-separation
and burden-not us heavenly-adjudication-by
and guide us evil-out-from


They ask to Jesus concerning to pray; and said Jesus:
Whenever you pray say this:
Father of us in-heaven-in
holy the name of you
become the heavenly-realm of you with fast
go done the will of you as in the earth as in the paradise
give you towards us today the bread of-everyday of us
wipe-away you the this-here sin of us as we wipe-away the sinship of them
do-not lead us towards temptation
do-not but put you us to trial. amen.

(Modern) Ialacian

Yamono Fadatheudeur inmiso hedeveudeun,
leteyim no nekem bi aneurshta.
Leteyim no kidingdeudeum kam,
leteyim kiena waonteyim fu hapeun bi dushta
onmiso eukeurtheu asoru biya dushta inmiso hedeveudeun.
Giveyim pamo tisoneun yamono neunlimiso beurekedeu.
Forgiveyim pamo aru yamono sikinsi
jesteumiso asoru haveyamo alsorumiso forgiveushta taseto kien sin agensteumiso pamo.
Kipeyim pamo feurommiso faollinggeu intumiso sikin kienu biyamo tempeushta.
Seiveyim pamo feurommiso lo iveulmung in;
foru lo kidingdeudeum, lo padauweudeur, toru lo geulodoridi bi yimno, forueveurmiso. Amen.

(Modern) Avelian

Camo no Fadatheudeur inmiseot hedeveudeun,
cim letnida no netem bimnida-aneurnidayo.
Cim letnida no kidingdeudeum kamao,
cim letnida kimnat weontnida hapeunao bimnida-dumnidayo
onmiseot euteurtheu cometeo ca bimnida-dumnidayo inmiseot hedeveudeun.
Cim givnida camo koretien camo no tienlimiseot beureted.
Cim forgivnida camo ateo camo no sitin
jestmiseot cometeo camo alsuteomiseot forgivnijiyo il kim sinnida agenstmiseot camo.
Cim kipnida camo feurommiseot feolshao intumiseot sitin kimnut camo bimnida-tempnidayo.
Cim seivnida camo feurommiseot iveulmang il;
feteo kidingdeudeum, padauweudeur, kuteo geulodoridi biseo cim no, kuteoeveurmiseot. Emen.


Njosto padrón, kia asta an chiellium
Chea sjen nom asta sancituri
Chea sjen raliam venvi
Chea sjen volosón asta naochi
Ser terrum sem ser chiellium
Dunnavi-noasta azi njosto pani je chachi uro
Pardanvi njostosi ovenchuvati
Ser noasta pardunomós achi ere ellum kia noasta uvos ovensuvasa
Lel nen noasta inducha teminotium
Masi leberani noasta ochje malum.


Ár faður ín hevinað,
Halóað er þín nam,
þín kingdom kome,
þín vil er makað,
on erðað as ín hevinað.
Give víð tilda ár dali bred.
Forgive víð, ár sina
As ví forgive þata, som sin eje víð
Save ví fro tímiðum af trialað
o delive ví fro ývilað
[For kingdomiðum, páeriðum, o glóríðum er þíns ná o for evur. Amen.]


Fòrr ewo nhebn,
neem Yöö yehöle,
rüü Yöö yesiwoikèm
weu Yöö yesiwoigeedü
nadwol loi nhebn.
yügevusye daalebreed ewo tadee.
Yüfgevus eemyesen ewo,
loi wifgevem daa deesen ngeets us.
Yüseevys frè jentaam,
an yübrengus frè ivu.
[Kèz ödrüü, edpawo, 'n odgloi deeyööz
nyo 'n freve. Amen.]


Món Pápa ínno ávno,
ton nomí es holíninó,
ton ressilénto komí,
Te hi esóno finí,
ono l’Érti se ínno ávno.
Áttū ma’ món díni bréto sedí.
Forgívū món sína per mas
se ma forgíva la pópla ki sí kon mas.
Sévū mas de l’hóro di triálo
ve delíverū mas de la vílo.
[Per la ressilénto, la póvro, ve la glóro es ton
adéssi ve per etérni. Ámen.]


Than pár ágí,yrth thí inn yln,
yrth than avn ádích ogam,
Kumadth than unkrig ádích,
Mymeridth than abad ádích,
Onn jorder ek inn yln.
Gefathí égí than yndé broth ágí
ug yrdylathí égí thaí egání ágí,
ek yrdylath égí étí dach égánath alyn égí.
ug dá burdithí égí dá díchossen,
ach durthí égí am drogh.
[Lí yrth sy than unkrig ádích, than ubres ug than gylá. Líny ug y. Amen]

Sandic (Kémani)

Pé da aŵ pa lēyar,
Daeyui obatara béenú pé,
Béno pé obaféd,
Wîc pé obatoka,
Ó ba imprîâ obatokara ŵhé pa ân.
Ŵian ta damdabin jémohnin otiab opétora,
Ta lenadabin aŵin otiab opéfama,
Ta kémabin, ŵiab opur, otiab opéfama.
Ŵian opéneot ma ân aŵtewîc ân ma dabin lenain,
A ŵiab frn wîc ân ma dabin akenoin opéjjémz.
[Pa skra jébi- Ba imprîâ frn pé batara, iné wî ba béno, iné wî ba auzeract,
Gre kala, jéb obatara,]


Pani morosza muno metsa
Muno motsekune asza
Urhdu murez munazi otso numira fujarez arhmede,
ko drokesza murez numira lofurajizy,
Kru murez drokesza murez furetez dusz lek e murez muteke.
Ko furetez murez enu umz ki dorake.


Papa denes, ce da a seli,
Noma dedi esi santo fa fara.
Sarso dedi fa veni,
Vola dedi esi fa fara, tanta a sinla, tanta a seli.
Ves den, xat de den per nos dada,
E debiti denes perona, tanta nos perona emedebiti denes.
E a temta nos ne conduşu,
Ma nos escer de saló fara. Amén
Папа дэнэс кэ да а сэли,
Нома дэди эси санто фа фара.
Сарсо деди фа вени,
Вола деди эси фа фара, танта а синла, танта а сэли.
Вес ден, хат де ден пер нос дада,
Э девити денес перона, танта нос перона эмэдебити денес.
Э а тэмта нос нэ кондушу,
Ма нос эскещэ дэ салӧ фара. Амӭн.


Somama as lala jasokjo flesliklo
kasmoklo slasli kaslopla as ma,
sobojeslotolapla as ma snoplosni,
jotisipla as ma smasni kan,
fla klosapla ple blam jasopla.
Of kalikjo lalal sablisni kaliko plajaplan as la.
A majonokepasli lalal nokojesmaplan as la
ple lala majonokepasli nanan nokojesmasliklo lal.
A mo jesasni lalan smabajotisiplal
ja bepjasni lalan it nojoblapla.


Kihā́mmic Millenium Bible


9 Vámû náčûm hekóš fáz kašā́ etômá: mnốmô Dárat kétômô yû́n Yégkhāne sói, danamá tīdá sōramá séi.

9 You (n pl nom) have to (pres n pl) pray (inf) how (conj) according to (conj) this (f sing gen): our (m sing nom) Father (m sing nom) who (m sing nom) in (prep) Heaven (m sing prep) be (pres m sing), your (f sing nom) name (f sing nom) holy (f sing nom) be (pres f sing).

10 Ī́tnômô Yegašā́n ôfót, ī́tnûm yón lé Gántre yā́ yû́n Yégkhāne tróp verázamô.

10 Your (m sing nom) Kingdom (m sing nom) come (fut imp m sing), yours (m sing nom) on (prep) the (m sing prep) Earth (m sing prep) as (adv) in (prep) Heaven (m sing prep) be (fut imp m sing) do (past part m sing nom).

11 Klûrû́vû pā́dû yû́n étôme klûrét mámô stagaþố.

11 Daily (n sing nom) bread (n sing nom) on (prep) this (f sing prep) day (f sing prep) we (n pl all) give (imp m sing).

12 Yanošố mánômā solgkhámā yā́ mánômā solgkhonámā mámû yanû́m.

12 Pardon (imp m sing) our (m pl acc) debt (m pl acc) as (adv) our (m pl acc) debtor (m pl acc) we (n pl nom) pardon (pres n pl).

13 Ôyán nárstûnô mámā ôkradžôtố bán é ayán eutá mámā čulūtố paškomá ī́tnûm sói lố čanák é lố tūkál ə́tə tôvánə džā́zə. Amén.

13 To (prep) temptation (m sing all) we (n pl acc) lead (imp m sing) not (neg) and (conj) from (prep) evil (m sing abl) we (n pl acc) save (imp m sing) because (conj) yours (m sing nom) be (pres m sing) the (m sing nom) power (m sing nom) and (conj) the (m sing nom) glory (m sing nom) for (prep) all (m sing term) time (m sing term). Amen (adv).


anseraz faþiriz, hwaz in itim oranï biuziz,
haggiðiz þinaz onamaz sijeza.
þinaz bazilidomaz kwemiða,
þinaz bulizi ana þe gerþi
hwo ana þo oranï þuriða.
anseraz hemerilikazini itini arþizi tohemeri gebeniza
andi anseraz hamaritï sigihoriza,
hwo wiz itini sundarï anagagin anziz sighoram.
andi to itinø hagadomiziz de-agiza
haldiz þinaz fram itinø ubiliziz siziza.


Ayter oosen, dar yas dh'indra,
Wennick yas ya hennell ov;
Erras a h-affy hoyrick ov;
Voon erreth surrys;
Ar channal, say ar indra.
Acketh y'oos keenow gakeener scran os.
Ga vargeth y'oos affickes os,
Sinda chy a vargy heem dar affickash dhe goorth oos.
Ga harrenneth y'oos nee dhe gunther;
Madge nashneemeth y'oos oo leen.


Patro Nostra - (a version)
Patro nostra, qui esta in ceal
Santificat esta nomen teu
Regno teu venira
Voro teu sera fazut
Sur Terra ca esta in ceal
Donez a noi hodia nostra pan omnidia
E ieştaz nostras debitos
Ca ieştam nostras debitores
E noi duçez non in tentazio,
Ma noi liberaz del malezza.


Ruo rehtaf, ohw si ni nevaeh,
Dewollah eb yht enam,
Yht modgnik emoc,
Yht lliw eb enod,
No Htrae sa ti si ni Nevaeh
Evig su siht yad ruo yliad daerb,
Dna evigrof su ruo snis,
Sa ew evigrof esoht ohw nis tsniaga su.
Dael su ton otni noitatpmet,
Tub reviled su morf live,
Rof eniht si eht modgnik, eht werop dna eht yrolg,
Rof reve dna reve,


In Bisla'ikh Script

Дӑтэвӑнђоҏю, ќерђКӑлэӑн,
Овэеђэда кӑлэмӑнта,
Ќоралусвађэда, ҏэвӑнђадтеђбува,
Дежэђэда, гушанђэда, ҏантэнкђаҏђбувӑ,
ГтюђЭҏпэх, лэкэнӑ скђКӑлэӑн,
Бӑлшӑђэда ск'оҏю эн левенӑ павђлучӑн,
Бӑлшӑђэда ск'оҏю эн сэќ спучӑшђэда,
Бӑлшӑђэда ск'оҏю эн мусэнђэда,
Ос лунӑмачэђэда скђоҏю эн мусэнђэда, ю мусэнђоҏюђбувӑ обаяђеда!
Спрэнкђэдађбувӑ веж скђмӑлхӑнӑ, эмп cпрэнкђэдађбувӑ ҏобуђковӑтэ ос ҏобуђмӑлхӑнӑ!
Аҏ Ќоралусвађэда, энугяђэда, сэќђэда,
Яу сэќоҏу,

In Roman Script

Dativan'orryu, xer'Kalian,
Ovie'idu kalimanthu,
Xorulirsvu'idu, rrivan'udthe'birva,
Dezhi'idu, girshun'idu, rrunthing'urr'birva,
Gthyu'Irrfikh, likina sg'Kalian,
Balsha'idu sg'orryu in levena puv'lirchan,
Balsha'idu sg'orryu in six sfirchash'idu,
Balsha'idu sg'orryu in mirsin'idu,
Os lirnamuchi'idu sg'orryu in mirsin'idu, yu mirsin'orryu'birva obuya'idu!
Sfring'idu'birva vezh sg'malkhana, imf sfring'idu'birva rrobir'kovati os rrobir'malkhana!
Urr Xorulirsvu'idu, inirgya'idu, six'idu,
Yair sixorrir,


Our father, in heaven,
Your name is Sacred,
Your kingdom, it comes,
Your wants, your needs, they shall occur,
On earth, similar to heaven,
you give to us now the bread of life,
You give to us all your compassion,
You give to us now your forgiveness,
and you teach to us forgiveness, so we will forgive as you!
You will not lead us to evil, but you will lead us from temptation, and evil!
they are your Kingdom, Your power, your all,
For all time,
I pray!


The Prayer to Sola: The 'lord's prayer' equivalent in the Qilan religion of Solarriam

Qi'a Script:

Prayer to Sola.png

Transliteration with Grammar points:

nalo'áf qi'no a'a so'la o'za no'ó-dá'ó
pray we to sola on day(definite)
ra'a-i'infa'nó da'sana'i lí'di qo'va
(adv)continuous shine his light
ni'vi'da lí'di vo'o'o qi'no va'lo si'í'i si'a qo'va si'a qo'novir
fill he lives our with joy and light and warmth
razina'lo'on lí'di va'siro'á na'la
bring forth he plants all!
fazi'i'os lí'di qa'a'vo'o-i'aza-dá'ó
sustain he herd(pl)(definite)
ra'a-i'infa'nó ni'vi'la'á lí'di va'lo si'zaroni'i qi'no
(adv)continuous provide he us with necessities our
a'a nazilo'o'a si'a ri'ad
to eternity and day
qa'asno'oq qi'no li'a'a
salute we you

Proper translation:

We pray to sola on this day,
That his light may continuously shine.
May he fill our lives with joy, light and warmth
May he bring forth all plants,
May he sustain the herds
May he continuously provide us with what we need
For eternity and a day
For we salute you


Volapük Rigik - Original Volapük

O Fat obas, kel binon paisaludomöz nem ola!
Kömomöd monargän ola!
Jenomöz vil olik, äs in sül, i su tal!
Bodi obsik vädeliki givolös obes adelo!
E pardolös obes debis obsik,
äs id obs aipardobs debeles obas.
E no obis nindukolös in tendadi;
sod aidalivolös obis de bad.

Volapük Nulik - New Volapük

O Fat obas, kel binol in süls! Nem olik pasalüdükonöd!
Regän ola kömonöd!
Vil olik jenonöd, äsä in sül, i su tal!
Givolös obes adelo bodi aldelik obsik!
E pardolös obes döbotis obsik,
äsä i obs pardobs utanes, kels edöbons kol obs.
E no blufodolös obis,
ab livükolös obis de bad!
(Ibä dutons lü ol regän, e nämäd e glor jü ün laidüp.)
So binosös!


By xadrezo

Meqas up thèladzh [mɛqas up θəladʒ]
wedy qiv [wɛɟ qiv]
wey ily [wɛj iʎ]
odh wediv [ɔð wɛdiv]
ladzhav thècc [ladʒav θəɕ]
ow melcadzhapyitsh [ɔw mɛʟadʒapjitʃ]
ow um ywethèmevits [ɔw um ɥɛθəmɛvits]
èwh om udh ywethèdhevits [əʍ ɔm uð ɥɛθəðɛvits]
ow kèm ywethèqgadily [ɔw kɛm ɥɛθəðɛɢadiʎ]
èwh ow kèny fadzhiv [əʍ ɔw kəɲ fadʒiv]
èq. [əq]


Calcoradish sample text (Lord's prayer).jpg

  • Latin transcription
Chém e starden
Vem stár, edur sór agøis sym naeth; a yidur.
Yidur dræs vem sǿdur e zøch vendur ǿl nabel.
Yidur dræs vem volnadúr ol zøch vendur adenǽl.
Yidur dræs vem lygor e zøch vendur nagǿl aver laghne, den andur aver naeth.
Zøch fegois e odetol vem yidur codurnedem.
Zøch adegois e cǽge edur yidur modelaer e chter, corem edur yidur adegedoer vem modenódel e agor yidur.
Zøch dois gorendrǽl e yidur, em decæis yidur gór modhem.
Volnadúr em voldor em graneth tordýr e zøch triondor.


Getuz-sovex'Vatu pwo njebex,
getuz-detu'imje sanktifikate;
riz-detu'Krolete xri sovex;
faz-detu'Vile pwo zemlje kil pwo njebe.
Siwodnja daz-detu sovex'xlote;
e prastjez-detu sovex'deptex,
kil prastjez-sovex sovex'deptekex;
njok perlimjez-detu folz pwo temptatje,
e rifekez-detu takuj ploxje.


zan paher, qua-dauv fí-jeuwof dauv og-quarmenom:
our father,, in the heavens you (be-)where

nin-fêtyom quesam omfi-secchyom, perem fí-jeuwof i-dvan,
down-gaze and about-look, from in heavens your,

arjjaguz quesam cuscuw, dauv:
blessed and lovely, you

qua-varam pahera i-zan qua-dauv siyymnom quesam le-nes dauv khoelyos:
TOP.truth father of us indeed you are and you make.whole

qua-náman i-dvan, yisam he arjjagmenem: your, that-in.particular it (is) blessed

qua-reget i-dvan, yisam he nin-wanmnem:
TOP.realm your, that-in.particular it down-come

qua-wallwan i-dvan, yisam he tintenmnem:
TOP.will your, that-in.partic it be beautifully done

nô ôg-jájomd og-qua-jwí-nô:
as loc.Gea loc.TOP.Heavens as

qua-sómat i-zan, cabyôm dauv le-he on-nes yiyi og-yi-sunnu: of us, give you that LOC.this.sun/day

qua-erufezzí i-zan, nô suwatyôm dauv qua-nes, hessam nes suwatyos nô:
TOP.sins of-us, as wash.clean you, them we wash.clean as

n-dlatem sem le-nes on-piscamat dauv:
NEG.put NEG DAT.trial you

rats dlatem le-budem de-yi-tartar:
quicker send ACC.evil to-that-yonder (away)

n-wanmnem sem og-nes sem nenfâs.
NEG.come NEG among-us no evil-doing



Andon burcuetnya sigie burcuteget:
Ronetlinete Attokorutyo,
ansiradiyabek ec'ungut,
onabek t'amanextangut,
hanyiptabek lhardagut,
ronde hanodeder.
Unarihat pankorutit pirkoruma.
Avelkorutna ripna,
avelkepkorutna ripnakder.
Pesadey dumirkorimat merey ik'adibikare.
Guene t'amanextanek, hurotek, yomonek, kolganalnuk.

Urban Basanawa




ur Fadder, d'is an heven,
hope dy name doo heeliged,
hope dy kingdom kome,
hope dy will wese doon
an erd like an heven.
ur daglik brood, geve to us fondag
en fergeve ur shuldes,
like wi fergevet ur beshulders
en ne leed us into yuwaku
ak free us weg fon evel.


/ur 'fadər də is in 'hevən/
/'ho:p dai 'na:m du: 'hi:ligət/
/'ho:p dai 'kiŋdəm 'ko:m/
/'ho:p dai 'wil 'we:s 'du:n/
/an ert laik in hevən/
/ur 'daxlik 'bru:t 'ho:p du 'ge:f tə us 'fondax/
/en fər'ge:f ur 'ʃuldəs/
/laik wi fər'ge:vət ur bə'ʃuldərs/
/en ne 'li:t us intə ju'waku/
/ak 'fri: us 'weç fon 'evəl/


  1. the short vowels /e/, /i/, /o/, /u/ are frequently pronunced as [ɛ], [ɪ], [ɔ], [ʊ] respectively; the long vowel /a:/ is frequently pronunced as [ɑ:]
  2. the vowel in the suffix -dom(as in the word "kingdom") can be /o/ or /ə/.
  3. /ŋ/ is frequently pronunced as [ŋk] in syllable-final position, but this only applies to words and affixes of Germanic Origin.


Fater Unser, der is ime himmel
Geheiligt werde dain name
dain raich kome
dain wille gescheh
auf erden wie ime himmel
gib uns heyt unser tagliches brout
und erlou unsere schulde
wie wir erloun unsere schuldiger
und fyyre uns nicht in fersuuchung
aber befrai uns fomme ybel


/'fɑ:tər ʊnsər dɛr ɪs ɪmə 'hɪm:əl/
/g'he:lɪkt 'ʋɛrdə daɪn 'nɑ:mə/
/daɪn 'raɪx 'ko:mə/
/daɪn 'ʋɪl:ə g'ʃe:/
/auf 'ɛrdən ʋi: ɪmə 'hɪm:əl/
/'gɪp ʊns 'hɛɪt ʊnsərə 'tɑ:klɪxəs 'bro:t/
/ʊnt ər'lo: ʊnsərə 'ʃʊldə/
/ʋi: ʋɪr ər'lo:n ʊnsərə 'ʃʊldɪgər/
/ʊnt 'fi:rə ʊns nɪxt ɪn fər'su:xʊŋ/
/abər b'fraɪ ʊns fomə 'i:bəl/


  1. in Koulesch, /x/ is never pronunced as the voiceless palatal fricative [ç], even before or after front vowels.
  2. the copula "is" is also sometimes written as "ist", but the form "ist" is considered archaic or dialectical.


Pronounciation table

p b f v ƿ m t d þ ð ł l c ƶ s z r n k g x h ȝ š i e a ɔ o u ı ɛ y
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̊/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/

anderűs lı̋lok̬e ainlı̋lok̬e
The Lord's Prayer(Mt 6:9b-13) and the Doxology
helȝeka̋s ų́da tarne̋xaþo
Translated from the Greek

Greek text with interlinear


Πάτερ ἡμῶν ἐν τοῖς οὐρανοῖς ἁγιασθήτω τὸ ὄνομά σου
father our the in the heavens hallowed the name your


ἐλθέτω βασιλεία σου γενηθήτω τὸ θέλημά σου ὡς ἐν οὐρανῷ καὶ ἐπὶ γῆς
come the kingdom your be.done the will your as in heaven and on earth


τὸν ἄρτον ἡμῶν τὸν ἐπιούσιον δὸς ἡμῖν σήμερον
the bread our the daily (?) give


καὶ ἄφες ἡμῖν τὰ ὀφειλήματα ἡμῶν ὡς καὶ ἡμεῖς ἀφήκαμεν τοῖς ὀφειλέταις ἡμῶν
and forgive us the debts our as also we forgive the debtors our


καὶ μὴ εἰσενέγκῃς ἡμᾶς εἰς πειρασμόν ἀλλὰ ῥῦσαι ἡμᾶς ἀπὸ τοῦ πονηροῦ
and not carry.into us into temptation but deliver us from the evil (one)


Ὅτι σοῦ ἐστιν βασιλεία καὶ δύναμις καὶ δόξα εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας ἀμήν
for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory into the eternity amen

Senjecan text

  • 9b: cemenőm éna ƿú-tąta̋. tu-fę̋to sa̋kaþo ı̋lo:
  • 10: tu-ręᵹta̋iƿa ǧe̋mo: tu-tőla épa cemenősk̬e v̌ętősk̬e éna kı̋aþa ı̋lo:
  • 11: ƿúm o sáhvi sa̋ho ƿu-k̬a̋zom dǫ̋e:
  • 12: ƿu-vų̋mon ƿun dų̋re épa ƿus ƿu-vų̋mlun dų̋ra:
  • 13: xę̋lam éna ƿun de̋uke mę. þǫ́si łąxta̋s ápa ƿun še̋ve.
  • hi ręᵹta̋iƿak̬e ƿa̋kak̬e ṁa̋gok̬e tús o še̋ðtam éna e̋sa⋮


cemen-őm éna ƿu=tąt-a̋ tu=fę̋t-o sa̋k-a-þ-o ı̋l-o
heaven-STA.PL in our=father-VOC.SG your=name-NOM.SG holy-IND-PPTCP-NOM.SG become-SBJV
tu=ręᵹta̋iƿ-a ǧe̋m-o tu=től-a épa cemen-őm=k̬e v̌ęt-ős-k̬=' éna kı̋-a-þ-a ı̋l-o
your=kingdom-NOM.SG come-SBJV your=will-NOM.SG as heaven=STA.PL-and earth-STA.SG=and-ELIS in do-IND-PPTCP-NOM.SG become-SBJV
ƿ-úm o s-áh-vi s-a̋ho-Ø ƿu=k̬a̋z-om dǫ̋-e
1PL-STA to this-day-ADV this-day-ABS our=bread-MOT.SG give-IMP
da ƿu=vų̋m-on ƿ-un dų̋r-e épa ƿ-us ƿu=vų̋ml-un dų̋r-a
and our=debt-MOT.PL 1PL-MOT forgive-IMP as 1PL-NOM our=debtor-MOT.PL forgive-IND
da xę̋l-am éna ƿ-un de̋uk-e þǫ́si łąxt-a̋s ápa ƿ-un še̋v-e
and temptation-MOT.SG in 1PL-MOT lead-IMP not but evil-STA.SG from 1PL-MOT free-IMP
hi ręᵹta̋iƿ-a=k̬e ƿa̋k-a=k̬e ṁa̋g-o=k̬e t-ús o še̋ðt-am éna e̋s-a éimvi
for kingdom-NOM.SG=and power-NOM.SG=and glory-NOM.SG=and 2SG-STA to eternity into be-IND amen

Alternative Writing System

Tawyr Oorthaagryfii

  • Erlii Maadyrn Ingglic (1662 BCP)
Aur Fadhyr, witc art in Hevyn,
Halood bii dhai Neem.
Dhai Kingdym cym.
Dhai wil bii dyn,
in erth az it iz in Hevyn.
Giv ys dhis dee aur deelii bred.
And foorgiv ys aur trespasiz,
Az wii foorgiv dhem dhat trespas ygenst ys.
And liid ys naat intuu tempteetcyn;
Byt dylivyr ys frym iivil.
[Foor dhain iz dhy kingdym, dhy pawyr, and dhy gloorii,
Foor ever and ever.] Amen.


By Sam_s89

  • An alternative writing system for a Mancunian conlang, still in the early stages of development.
Ë të-afse,
Wah bÿ n Elÿsÿum,
Fntastk bÿ je næm.
Je tym kum
Je wanh bÿ tun
N ve Näf n Elÿsÿum.
Gf wÿ ttæ ë clep
N fegyf ë prÿfjus
N wÿ ulfegyf veh wah prÿfjus wÿ
N tunt sent wÿ nefe temcun
But tlyfe wÿ frm ÿfyl
[Fe Elÿsÿum, ve pë n glary bÿ ja, në n frefe]


By personak.

  • King Dgeimzs Vurczén (King James Version)
Aur fáadhur,
Which aart in héeven,
Háaloud bii dhai neim.
Dhai kíngdem kuom,
Dhai wil bii duon on Urth,
Azs it izs in héeven.
Giv uos dhis dei aur déiliy breed.
And fourgív uos aur deets,
As wii fourgív aur déeterzs.
And liid uos not íntuu teemptéicsen,
Buot delíver uos fruom íivel:
Four dhain izs dhe kíngdem, and dhe páuwer, and dhe glóuriy, fouréver.