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General information - Óroil śíre

The flag of the Háfrig (Avorenta) language

Háfrig [IPA: ˈhaːfrig] is the name of a constructed language family containing Háfrigerrak, SPQ and Avorenta. Here you can read about Avorenta [ˈɒvorɛntɒ] which is created by Attila Répai in 2008. The word ’avorenta’ means 'regulated’, as Háfrigerrak and SPQ underwent a regularisation, the result of this is the Avorenta language. Its grammar is based on the Hungarian language, therefore it is an agglutinating language. Its dictionary contains over 2100 words, most of them are ficticious, but a few derive from Turkish, Lithuanian, Latin, Germanic and Celtic languages.

The main advantages of Avorenta:

  • It has a logical grammar without a lot of exceptions.
  • Its vocabulary can be enlarged without restraint because we can form a large amount of words with suffixes.
  • Words are easy to pronounce.
  • We can express long English sentences very briefly.
    eg. 'I and you could have taken them back down to the cellar' = Ájdivvélüstivemó l-ármoga.
  • We can express slight differences of importance with word order.
    eg. I vínor ővixe gefűleó ha fereneldum. = 'When I was walking on the street, I saw one of my friends.'
    A fereneldum gefűleó hi vínor ővixe. = 'When I was walking on the street, I saw one of my friends.'
    Ővixe hi vínor gefűleó ha fereneldum. = 'When I was walking on the street, I saw one of my friends.'
    Gefűleó ha fereneldum i vínor ővixe. = 'When I was walking on the street, I saw one of my friends.'

Alphabet and pronounciation - Abece het átcórán

The alphabet of the Háfrigvotán (HGV) script

Writing systems - Votánfádacche

HGE is originally written with a unique script called Háfrigvotán [IPA: ˈhaːfrigˌvotaːn] (HGV) but the latin alphabet is more widely used.

Short a â e ê/ä i o ö u ü/y
ɒ/a a ɛ e i o ø u y
Long á é í ó ő ú ű/ý

Voiced b d dz () g v z (ź) j l m n ń q r w
b d ʣ ʤ g v z ʒ j l m n ɲ k/ʦ r w
Unvoiced p t c ć k f s ś h ch x
p t ʦ ʧ k f s ʃ h ç/x ks


  • Dź and ź appear only in foreign words.
  • Q is pronounced as [k] before a, â, á, o, ó, u, ú and [ʦ] before e, ê, é, i, í, ö, ő, ü, ű.

Linking vowels and consonants - Roêndögarce

We use them to avoid consonant or vowel clusters.

  • Between words and suffixes we use a definite linking vowel (see below)
  • Between any types of words we use h- or ö- (eg. mínisse h-effár, ortend ö-gnu)

That's why HGE has 6 forms of the words i ('the'), e ('and') and a ('a/an').

i a e
V - V hil
réve hil afallum
réve l-afallum
réve had afallum
réve d-afallum
tága het esne
tága t-esne
V - C hi réve hi piktum ha réve ha piktum he tága he kecán
C - V il
i h-
révest il afallum
révest i h-afallum
a h-
révest ad afallum
révest a h-afallum
e h-
kecán et esne
kecán e h-esne
C - C i révest i piktum a révest a piktum e kecán e tága

Grammar - Errakniff

Nouns and adjectives - Hênmisse he nilganmisse

Noun and adjective declension - Hênmis- e nilganmispégońán

Like Hungarian, HGE is an agglutinaing language. Nouns and adjectives can be in 18 cases either singular or in plural. Words does not have gender. Nouns can be divided into 5 groups:

  • Nouns ending in a consonant (eg. hutt 'house')
  • a-stem (eg. capta 'room')
  • e-stem (eg. pikte 'bag')
  • i-stem (eg. zülti 'thing')
  • u-stem (eg. histu 'news')

Suffixes have two types:

  • Suffixes starting with a vowel (eg. -um, -áma)
  • Suffixes starting with a consonant (These suffixes also have a linking vowel, which is to be used after a consonant. (eg. -(e)n, -(é)ti)

If you add a suffix starting with a vowel to a noun ending in a vowel, the original vowel at the end of the word disappears (eg. capta + -iri > capt- + -iri > captiri). If the final vowel and the suffix is the same, we write a long vowel instead of both (eg. histu + -u > histú). We don't use a linking vowel after words ending in an N, R or L (eg. veffel + -(i)s > veffels). The ending -S changes into a -Z and -AU/-EU changes into -AW/-EW (eg. katas + -um > katazum, bláneu > blánewio).

Case Hungarian suffix HGE suffix
Example HGE suffix
Nominative - - hutt, capta -e hutte, capte
Accusative -t -um huttum, captum -u huttu, captu
Genitive -nak -(i)s huttis, captas (i)sse huttisse, captasse
Dative -nak -áj / -âj huttáj, captáj -o hutto, capto
Instrumental-comitative -val -(e)n hutten, captan -(é)ne hutténe, captáne
Causal-final -ért -ad huttad, captad -áde huttáde, captáde
Translative -vá -uá huttuá, captuá -ué huttué, captué
Terminative -ig -(é)ti huttéti, captáti -(é)te huttéte, captáte
Essive-formal/modal -ként / -ül -oj huttoj, captoj -ojje huttojje, captojje
Inessive -ban -io huttio, captio -eo hutteo, capteo
Adessive -nál -ómo / -om huttómo, captómo -óme huttóme, captóme
Superessive -on -óro / -or huttóro, captóro -óre huttóre, captóre
Elative -ból -i hutti, capti -ei huttei, captei
Ablative -tól -ími / -im huttími, captími -íme huttíme, captíme
Delative -ról -íri / -ir(i) huttíri, captíri -íre huttíre, captíre
Illative -ba -a hutta, captá -ea huttea, captea
Allative -hoz -áma / -am huttáma, captáma -áme huttáme, captáme
Sublative -ra -ára / -ar huttára, captára -áre huttáre, captáre

Comparison - Pűronán

In Avorenta, we can compare not only adjectives, but every types of words.

Singular nominative Stem
superlative -iś il iskéniś ('the most beautiful') -iśś- iskéniśś-
comparative -ér iskénér ('more beautiful') -ér- iskénér-
base form - iskén ('beautiful') - iskén-
negative comparative -eri iskéneri ('less beautiful') -err- iskénerr-
negative superlative -eś il iskéneś ('the least beautiful') -eśś- iskéneśś-

Samle sentences:

  • Comparison of adjectives: Árpád ö-śűdér, sir Romulâs. / Árpád ö-śűdér Romulázom. ('Árpád is taller than Romulus.')
  • Comparison of nouns: Mes jamattu Árpádér, sir i tis. ('My statue looks like Árpád more than yours.' Literally: 'My statue is more Árpád than the yours')
  • Comparison of verbs: I vittegum mítiśśe. ('I like spring the best')

Verbs - Dífekke

Conjugation - Dífekkpégońán

Verbs have three forms: D1 for present, D2 for past and D3 for future. These are formed by changing one of the vowels of the verb.

a/â araq o aroq ê arêq
á ám ó óm é ém
e/ê left a laft i lift
é él á ál í íl
i eldvin o eldvon ê eldvên
í lím au laum é lém
o ćebor a ćebar ö ćebör
ó óron á áron ő őron
ö nörp o norp e nerp
ő fintőr ó fintór é fintér
u kununt o kunont ü kunünt
ú húz ó hóz ű hűz
ü śrükk u śrukk i śrikk
ű krűn au kraun í krín

There are three tenses (present, past, future) and four moods (indicative, conditional, subjunctive, imperative). Past tense is formed with the suffix and future tense is formed with the suffix added to the conjugated D1 form. As there are only verbs ending in a consonant, we can add the suffixes without any changes. When we use the imperative, we put the personal pronoun or its short form before the D1 form of the verb.

Indicative Conditional Imperative 1
Imperative 2
SG1 -e -ive -ez -
SG2 -i -ivi -iz ti-- / t'-
SG3a (general) - -iv -oz ho-- / h'-
SG3b (masculine) -og -ivog -ox / -ogoz hog--
SG3c (feminine) -a -iva -az hag--
PL1a (general) -am -ivam -anz / -amoz ke-- / k'-
PL1b (SG1+SG2/PL2) -em -ivem -enz / -emoz ken--
PL1c (SG1+SG3/PL3) -um -ivum -unz / -umoz kun--
PL2 -in -ivin -inz du-- / d'-
PL3 -est -ivest -edz / -estoz ve-- / v'-

The verb ren ('to be') is also regular.

Indicative Conditional Imperative 1
present past future present past future present future
SG1 re reó reá rive riveó riveá rez rezá
SG2 ri rió riá rivi rivió riviá riz rizá
SG3a ro riv rivó rivá roz rozá
SG3b rog rogó rogá rivog rivogó rivogá rox roxá
SG3c ra ragó ragá riva rivagó rivagá raz razá
PL1a ram ramó ramá rivam rivamó rivamá ranz ranzá
PL1b rem remó remá rivem rivemó rivemá renz renzá
PL1c rum rumó rumá rivum rivumó rivumá runz runzá
PL2 rin rinó riná rivin rivinó riviná rinz rinzá
PL3 rest restó restá rivest rivestó rivestá redz redzá

Passive voice - Gandífend fóda

Form: D1 + -u / -tu (after L, N, R) + the correct form of ren (it can be omitted in SG3 in present tense). Sample sentences:

  • Ille kataze mőr pellu bez ovvertu restó. ('These books are read by many children)
  • La pemúr gerévu. ('That picture is seen.')

Another way to express passive voice: add the -út formative before the personal suffix.

  • Ille kataze mőr pellu bez ovverútestó. ('These books are read by many children)
  • La pemúr gerévút. ('That picture is seen.')

The object of the action - I dífáns deveri

Instead of using the accusative form of the personal pronoun, we can use the possessive suffix. Sample sentences:

  • Réve veum. > Révüste. ('I watch them.')
  • Ovvélivestó meum il ükóla. > Ovvéleldivestó l-ükóla. ('They could have taken me to the school.')

Pronouns - Elongömisse

Personal, possessive and reflexive pronouns - Mínâl, ájdánâl et ájkámüssend elongömisse

Personal pronoun Possessive pronoun Possessive suffix Reflexive pronoun
SG1 me / iss mes -eld feld
SG2 ti tis -ild fild
SG3a (general) ho hos -old fold
SG3b (masculine) hog hox / hos
SG3c (feminine) hag hax / has -ald fald
PL1a (general) ke kes -ând fând
PL1b (SG1 + SG2/PL2) ken kens -ênd fênd
PL1c (SG1 + SG3/PL3) kun kuns -und fund
PL2 du dus -ind find
PL3 ve ves -üst füst

We decline personal pronouns like nouns. Exceptions are listed below:

  • The accusative form of the pronouns me, ti and ve contains the final vowel: meum, tium, veum.
  • The elative form of ti and ho are written with a long í: tí, hí. (to avoid confusing them with ti ('you') and hi ('the')).

Possessive pronouns are simply the genitive forms of personal pronouns.

Demonstrative pronouns - Kívend elongömisse

There are three types of demonstrative pronouns:

  • Demonstrative pronouns referring to a near object
  • Demonstrative pronouns referring to a distant object
  • General demonstrative pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns referring to near or distant objects
this that this kind of that kind of as large as this as large as that so much/many
so much/many
ill la nix nax fex fax vis vas
a- all ala anix anax afex afax avis avas
e- ell ela enix enax efex efax evis evas

The prefix a- means 'the same'.

  • -¿Óle d-elong ö-katazum veri? -Gan, sítle h-alum. ('-Are you reading another book? -No, I'm still reading the same one.') Note that ala, which refers to a distant object, is used, because it's from the view of the person who asked the question.
  • Illio h-üsmegio h-avas afal ro, sir il elongio. ('There are as many apples in this basket than in the other.')

The prefix e- means 'the other'.

  • -¿Illu bissiru genéqwidamá? -Gan, ellu. ('-Shall we buy these newspapers? -No, the others (which are these ones).')

General demonstrative pronouns are the same as the noun suffixes. Singular nominative form is ü or y.

Case Singular Plural
Nominative ü / y e
Accusative um u
Genitive is isse
Dative áj o
Instrumental-comitative en éne
Causal-final âd áde
Terminative éti éte
Essive-formal/modal oj ojje
Inessive io / jo eo
Adessive om óme
Superessive or óre
Elative í ei
Ablative im íme
Delative ir íre
Illative á ea
Allative am áme
Sublative ar áre

They are used when distance of the object isn't important or it doesn't refer to a phisical object (eg. emotions, colours, numbers or whole clauses).

  • Śurvoteó hi jorqum, ginćo h-offergetez um. ('I wrote down the number, so that I won't forget it.')

Interrogative, relative, indefinite and general pronouns - Qwinkonend, roênend, ogadireńńa t-óroil elongömisse

What? Who? Which? What kind? How large? What sort? How many?
(cardinal number)
How many?
(ordinal number)
How many?
Interrogative for qwin fil nil fál gen vil vix vić
Relative -l forl / foll qwil fill nill fáll genil vill vixil vićil
la- lafor laqwin lafil lanil lafál lagen lavil lavix lavić
Indefinite vo- vofor voqwin vofil vonil vofál vogen vovil vovix vović
će- ćefor - ćefil - - ćegen ćevil ćevix ćević
General -eńńa f(o)reńńa qwi(le)ńńa fi(le)ńńa ni(le)ńńa fáleńńa geneńńa vi(le)ńńa vixeńńa vićeńńa
-tál fortál qwintál filtál niltál fáltál gentál viltál vixtál vićtál
-ven forven qwíven - - - géven - - -

Meaning of the prefixes/suffixes:

  • će- = 'some of ...'
    -¿Fíven maun hítum putt? -Gan, or ćefil. ('-Is every men wearing a hat? -No, only some of them.')
  • -eńńa = 'no-'
    eg. foreńńa = 'nothing', qwińńa = 'nobody', vileńńa = 'none'
  • -tál = 'any-'
    eg. fortál = 'anything', qwintál = 'anyone', viltál = 'no matter how much/many'
  • -ven = 'every-'
    eg. forven = 'everything', qwíven = 'everybody'.

Adverbs - Potessöcorge

Adverbs from nouns and adjectives - Potessöcorge hênmissei he nilganmissei

Adverbs are formed with the suffix -at. Examples:

  • Noun > Adverb
    teuta ('German') > teutat ('in German') Teutat lauma. ('She spoke in German.')
  • Consonant stem adjective > Adverb
    felt ('good') > feltat ('well') ¡Geniffiz um feltat! ('Learn this well.')
  • Vowel stem adjective > Adverb
    ferme ('warm') > fermat ('warmly') I pindrio hi míne fermat ö-tissest. ('People dress warmly in winter.')

Pronoun-adverbs - Elongömissál potessöcorge

Pronoun-adverbs are adverbs which have some common features with pronouns, for example they can get the same prefixes/suffixes.

Where? To where? From where? To which direction? From which direction? When? When?
(at ... o'clock)
Interrogative ós ósa ósi ósar ósir ênn vik éda
Relative -l ósil ósla ósli óslar óslir ênnil vikil édal
la- lós lósa lósi lósar lósir lênn lavik léda
Indefinite vo- vós vósa vósi vósar vofál vósir vovik véda
će- ćós - - - - ćênn - -
General -eńńa óseńńa óseńńá óseńńi óseńńar óseńńir ê(nne)ńńa vikeńńa édańńa
-tál óstál óstála óstáli óstálar óstálir ênntál viktál édatál
-ven ósven ósaven ósiven - - - - édaven

Real adverbs - Feterrál potessöcorge

There are real adverbs referring to time, place and manner. The first group of them is similar to the demonstrative pronouns: every adverb has a 'near' and 'distant' form. They can also get the a- and e- prefixes.

Real adverbs with 2 forms
this time that time in this way in that way here there to this place to that place from this place from that place
léjk lájk śe śo hett hatt hetta hatta hetti hatti
a- alájk aléjk a(ś)śe a(ś)śo ahett ahatt ahetta ahatta ahetti ahatti
e- elájk eléjk e(ś)śe e(ś)śo ehett ehatt ehetta ehatta ehetti ehatti

In the second type, abverbs of place get the suffix -io ('in') and adverbs of manner get the suffix -at.

  • Adverbs of time:
    óle ('already'), sítle ('still'), ifte ('later'), finér ('sooner'), nu ('now'), len ('sometime/then'), lepti ('after this'), lapti ('after that'), álvin / víven ('always').
  • Adverbs of place:
    utio ('outside'), asio / táńio ('inside'), śurio ('up'), difio ('down'), ápio ('ahead/in front'), domio ('at the back'), licio ('aside').
  • Adverbs of manner:
    anirat ('alone'), maurat ('together').

Numbers - Jorce

Definite numbers, names of months and days - Ogadiráta jorce, i mêndisse he tikisse mis

To form ordinal numbers or fractions from cardinal numbers, we add the -x or suffixes after or instead of the final sound. The names of the months and days are also formed from the cardinal numbers with the suffixes -ximênd (-x + mênd ('month')) and -~eg ( ~ means that the final consonant of the stem duplicates).

Cardinal number Ordinal number
Days of the week
0 zür züx züć
1 an anx - anximênd anneg
2 dau daux dauć dauximênd daweg
3 tor to(r)x to(r)ć torximênd torreg
4 cet cex ceć ceximênd cetteg
5 fim fix fić fiximênd fimmeg
6 sit six sić siximênd sitteg
7 völl vö(ll)x vö(ll)ć völlximênd völleg
8 gad gax gać gaximênd
9 noj nox noć noximênd
10 tich tix tić tiximênd
11 tian tianx tianć tianximênd
12 tidau tidaux tidauć tidauximênd
100 ünt(rit) üntrix üntrić
1000 epaz epax epać
1000000 bill bi(ll)x bi(ll)ć
  • Numbers from 11 to 19 are formed with the prefix ti- (eg. tian (11), tidau (12), titor (13)).
  • Numbers from 20 to 90 are formed with the suffix -te (eg daute (20), torte (30), cette (40)).
  • Vowel clusters in compound numbers are replaced with an apostrophe (eg. daute + an > daut'an).
  • Longer numbers can be read in two ways:
    12,369,854 > andaubill-torsitnojepaz-gadöfimcet (Literally: 'onetwomillion-threesixninethousand-eight[linking vowel]fivefour')
    741 > völlüntrit-cett'an (Literally: 'sevenhundred-fortyone')

Indefinite numbers - Ogadireńńa jorce

They can be compared like adjectives.

Singular nominative Stem
superlative most
comparative more
base form many
negative comparative less meri merr-
negative superlative least meś meśś-

Postpositions and further affixes - Misoptále he fittu pégońe


Postpositions are placed after the word they refer to (eg. i swip ócen ('because of the rain'). Most of them have three forms.

To where?
From where?
under entre entra entri
above śure śura śuri
in front of ápe ápa ápi
behind zéle zéla zéli
next to gűre gűra gűri
between pitte pitta pitti
around éle éla -
towards vilcio vilqa / vilce vilci

Other postpositions:
bez ('by'), inau / inóv ('against'), önte ('instead of'), ócen ('because of'), aur ('without'), aki ('since'), éna ('according to'), opti ('after'), dár ('beyond'), séd ('through').

Verbal prefixes - Dífekkfinpégońe

Verbal prefixes can express the direction of the action, they can modify the meaning of the verb or they can mark that the action is finished. The most frequently used verbal prefixes are these:

Meaning Hungarian
Prefix Sample
in be- a-
into bele- eś- eślakk
out ki- át- / út-
down le- dif-
up fel- śur- śurfőn
here ide- hett-
there oda- hatt-
together össze- têr- têrhúz
apart szét- ig-
back vissza- áj- ájrév
over/through át- sê-
away/off* el- og-
* meg- ge-

The prefixes marked with * (og and ge) are used to make the action finished eg. -Voti l-émentum? -Óle gevoteó. ('-Are you writing the homework? -I've already written it.')

Word formation - Corgegênájfirán

Noun formatives - Hênmisdífárde

  • -ión: a person whose job is connected with a certain thing eg. effár ('tooth') > effárión ('dentist'), fillog ('game') > fillogión ('hunter').
  • -árd: an object which is connected with an action eg. behün ('refrigerate') > behünárd ('refrigerator')
  • -án: it forms a noun from a verb eg. fűl ('see') > fűlán ('sight')
  • -ek(k) / -ag: mostly a thing which is the result of an action eg. ört ('bake') > örtekk ('cake')
  • -(ö)gan: mostly it forms a noun from another noun or adjective eg. étti ('happy') > éttigan ('happiness')
  • -iśte / -ida: a place for an action eg. avolt ('eat') > avoltiśte ('restaurant')
  • ika: it forms a country name from a nation's name eg. teuta ('German') > Teutika ('Germany')
  • -íc: diminutive suffix eg. esne ('pig') > esníc ('piglet')

Adjective formatives - Nilganmisdífárde

  • -âl / -ál / -au: it forms an adjective from a noun eg.mín ('man / human being') > mínâl ('human'), Miogedzúr ('America') > miogedzúrâl ('American')
  • -áta: something which has something eg. cork ('ear') > corkáta ('something which has an ear')
  • -eńńa: it shows the lack of something eg. cork > corkeńńa ('something without an ear')
  • -(ö)get: something which looks like another thing eg. mín (human being) > mínögêt ('humanoid')

Verb formatives - Dífekkdífárde

  • -on / -aśś: it forms a verb from a noun eg. qwink ('question') > qwinkon ('ask a question')
  • -ilt: it forms a verb from an adjective eg. vétig ('ready') > vétigilt ('become ready')
  • -ün: it forms a verb from an adjective eg. bós ('big') > bósün ('magnify')
  • -ann: it shows that doing something is allowed or it expresses ability eg. rip ('run') > ripann ('he can / is allowed to run')
  • -ill: mostly it shows that the action is repeated many times eg. ver ('read') > Verill a katazum. ('he reads a book many times or he doesn't read the whole book for one occasion')
  • -ir: it forms a causative verb eg. ovvort ('throw away') > Ovvortir il erip. ('He makes somebody throw the ball away')
  • -ing / -íf: reflexive verb eg. loć ('wash') > loćing ('wash oneself')
  • -ung: reciprocal

Participle formatives - Dífekkmisdífárde

  • -(e)n: it forms an infinitive eg. rév ('watch(es)') > réven ('to watch')
  • -end: it forms a present participle eg. vot ('write') > a votend ö-pellu ('a writing child')
  • -é (-év-): it forms a past participle eg. fűl ('see') > i fűlé galéna ('a ship that was seen')
  • -áj (-áv-): it forms a future participle eg. arad ('look for') > il aradáj śutte ('the letter to bee looked for')
  • -ix: eg. rip ('run') > Ripix ámogó. ('He arrived running')
  • -and: something that can be done eg. díf ('do') > dífand ('can be done').

Word order - Corg'éćer

There is no strict word order (SVO is the dominant), the parts of the sentence are generally in order of importance. when we want to emphasise a word very strongly, we can use the prefix có- / c'. Omme corkum ájdogó, c'ill líćireldó. ('He had blue ears, that [and not anything else] made me laugh')

Translations - Bettélege

Useful phrases - Iskáte córilláne

Welcome! ¡Agête! ¡Agêtam!
Hello! ¡Winś!
Good morning / day / evening / night! ¡Felt mernikkum / tikum / aświlum / tekinum!
Good-bye! ¡Ájfűlán! ¡Ćüs!
Yes. No. Pit. Gan.
‒What's your name? -My name is... ‒¿For i missild? ‒I missild ...
Pleased to meet you. Gêlete, ćo molem.
Sorry. Offűlán(um).
Thank you. Valte.
‒How are you? ‒I'm fine, thanks. / I've got a splinter in my right ear. ‒¿Éda ri? ‒Valte, feltat. / Eremb ro hi rofe corkeldio.
‒Where's the toilet? ‒Behind that mountain. ‒¿Ós i büswa? ‒La kuntán zéle.
Good luck! ¡Felt ö-ligrum!
I love you. Mítilde.
‒Do you speak Avorenta? ‒Yes, of course. / No, but I want to learn it. ‒¿Lími h-Avorentat? ‒Pit, vécidátat. / Gan, ak míte geniffen.
How do you say...? ¿Éda córtu hi(l) ...?
I don't understand. Gan sine.
Please speak more slowly. ¡Ćimbre, límiz ćevérat!
Please write it down. ¡Ćimbre, divvotiz um!
It's Greek to me. Ill máj Esperantu.
Watch out! This deep-sea diver has smelly feet. ¡Potiz! Ill bőremúrâl revid qwenáta kíkum ájdog.

Romulus and Remus - Romulâs e Remas

Rea Silviáj, Numitors pellináj gémennalde főró, Romulâs e Remas. Ak i howadeńńa Amuliâs i zígu gen éló bawiren. Rea Silvium tákesserconiró het a besláj impézó, ćo gebostiroz ö-vitta hi gémennu. I besla h-inio gan optodauf (optodífó), i pellú hi robendorellor oqqwitó d‑üsmegio. A śinna vilkas genógó veum, qwin avoltiró t-êllavonó hi dau zígum. A Faustulâs missát’ ájfilqwazión i huttolda véló, len bênoldáj, Akka Lárenciáj dontó veum. I pelle sêvindó hagáj, śe Faustulâs et Akka balio niffirestó Romulázum e Remazum.
Ift’ i gémenne kewilesténe maurat gebowirestó h-Amuliázum. Ênn śurgőtestó, ogadirestó, ćo lor órinor, lós pell’éjkestis iskéniś pêllu télestó, vonil dúnum krűnestá. Il ommissonekk ócen inio medülig appíćán rá dawest ö‑pitte. Léjk histeńńa posomoldio Romulâs diddűśimbó bidoldum, e hi śurtildiltend ö‑dúnum fodis fodir ommissonó Rómáj, famis Kr.á. 753‑ími 716‑éti lauger ró.

The Magical Deer (Ancient Hungarian legend) - I vinturbaraus fába

Isteró ha tikkor, ćo fillogonn gefinestó, het i zébio ha jauvos śinnabarau riltó h-ápüst. La texadó h‑ápüsti, ve pêdze hi meotizál pengale pitta si folkestó. Hatt ö‑lapti h‑elónat farswin, e doz mőrti aradestó, h-édańńa son genógaldestó. Táńővestó l‑óle völlé pengalu he ves ájfilisse holozavoltiránar ekarináj nógestó. Foropti ves etâram ájrowix gekátest hí hi restánum, forven zültüsten i meotizál pengale pitta rowestó, ćo h‑ájfilüstu holozavoltirix hatt bíledz.
I Meotizis tirlün Perśias lenn gűre nógand; an wádus exeloren vilqveni múr éliohaff, gan ájd ö‑robendu, ak batále holozáta fêllüreo, h‑aćorreo, fozeo, h‑áfeo he fillogeo; i táń- et átőván ante tefig. I meotizál pengale pitta rowestó fixi, e fim pellti gan ollíkiltestó hatti. Ênnil i six pellio h-átfimmestó, i zébio damöwájnat i Bereka-zígisse bênáre he pelláre nágest, laqwine hi maune h-aur tagâlonstó, et évas i bórdis córnibálum sovitest e cerdára bêdlonstó. Ájfilüsten maurat avellat ovvélestó veum i Meotizis pengaleo. I bós ö-flet opti hett ró hil anx ö-śommeg.
Isteró pêdze, ćo h‑illio h‑eltoppio le pelle pitte l-alán wariónis, Dulánis dau pellinum êś ohhaffestó, anigum Hunor, i h‑elongum Magor lájmó bênoj. Illei minnei dévizó lapti hi ven hún e hunnâs. Isteró pêdze, ćo lapti mőrti baulest i meotizál pengale pitte, úzestó bêre bós foxuá gőten, et y tirlün óle gin tákümben, gin avoltiren gan ö-ró bonnu veum.

The Lord's Prayer - Kes Etâr

The Lord's Prayer written with Háfrigvotán script
Kes Etâr, qwin il eskáleo ri,
genomentuz i missild,
offimmoz i tis agenir,
geroz i tis élekk,
léda l-eskálio, śo l-edzúroro si.
Forventikál vekánandum dontiz káj píl,
et offűliz i kes bêtgánu,
léda ke s’ offűlam i h-inóvand bêtdífendo.
E gin véliz kum kojsitána,
ak gemojgiriz i vultími.
(Dé tis i h-agenir, i wara t-il omengan forvenâk.)
Roz ö-gen.

The Apostles Creed - Evele'n

Evele 'n Allâzio, forvengámend Etário, eskális et edzúris dífiónio.
E Jézuś Kristuzio, i hos anfőré zígio, i kes Mínio,
qwin gefíntu ró l-Omena Gúsergan, fór Omena Mári,
árentu ró Poncius Pilátus entre, genígestó, gebaw et offorkestó.
Difortó l-entredzúra, trox ö-tikkar śurátogó hi boweste pitti,
śurrőnó l-eskála, hon savit i forvengámend Etârallâzis rofiom,
hatti offimm ö-ćevéren ungendu he bowévu.
Evele h-Omena Gúsergio, hi katolige Mittomen'huttio,
il omenisse rogennio, hi bêtgánisse h-offűlánio,
hi ćerras śurátogánio et i forvenâkál ungio.
Roz ö-gen.

The Babel Text - I Bábel-firm

1. I h-elón’ Edzúr elum errákum et elu h-encóru h-ájdó.
2. Ênnil nőgiri oggefinestó, Śińáris lannor nágest a bós entrelannum e hut diflázestó.
3. Śe cárest ellanáj: “Fimminz, dífenz berikku het unnűrenz u feltat!" I berikkum tildestúnoj, i beśtum rőnájgánoj iskidestó.
4. Lapte śe cárest: “Ejja, tildenz dúnum e tiórum, follis refitt il eskáléti h-ám! Oftájnenz fumáj mísum, e gin igestréjenz il Edzúror!”
5. Lájk i h-Allâs difortó, ćo gefűloz i dúnum et i tiórum, follum i míne tildestó.
6. Śe límó: “Révinz, ill an fox e h-an errákum límest. Ill or i h-úzán i ves ferkis. Ipte freńńa son rá démaneńńa váj, follis rekkarvelánum ogelorrest.
7. Illad ortanz dif e dichtanz têr i ves errákum, ćo qweńńa gin sinoz i lojgis errákum!"
8. I h-Allâs fixi h-igestroj veum hatti l-elón’ Edzúror, et inasófen lájchestó hi dúnis tildán.
9. Illad mísontu la Bábeláj, dé l-Allâs hatt têrdichtó l-elón’ Edzúris errákum e hatti h-igestrojüst i h-Allâs i h-elón’ Edzúror.

207-word Swadesh list - 207 corgáta Swadeś-diqwil

See Swadesh list for Háfrig (Avorenta).


If you are interested in my conlang, or if you have some questions or if you've found something to correct, please write me an e-mail to the following address: repaiattila@freemail.hu

Amb iminild i mes errak, fi qwinku h-ájdi fi nógió vofor feltünávum, ćimbre, votiz máj a kassöśuttum i folkend uskézar: repaiattila@freemail.hu

See also

The official website of Avorenta