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Ayola is an international auxiliary language which was begun by the Aiola Research Group (ARG). Though the ARG was formed in 1995, it did not publish its first 'stable' version of Ayola (which was then called Aiola) until 2004.

Ayola's website mentions influences from Esperanto, Interlingua and Loglan.

A substantial overview of the phonetics and grammar of this language is available on its website.

External Links

This article is part of a series on International Auxiliary Languages.

Romance-based Auxlangs: Aercant * Atlango * Interlingua * Latin Nov * Novial * Occidental (Interlingue) * Panroman * Romanal
Germanic-based Auxlangs: Folksprak * Nordien
Slavic Auxlangs: Novoslovnica
Turkic Auxlangs: Jalpi Turkic
African Auxlangs: Afrihili
Mixed-Origin Auxlangs: Esperanto * Adjuvilo * Ido * Ayola * Medial Europan * Bolak * Kotava * North American * Pantos-dimou-glossa * Pasetok * Sasxsek * Universalglot * Volapük
A priori auxlangs: -

This article is part of the Conlang Rescue Project.

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 ( Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Unported License ).
Some information in this article was taken from LangMaker. (For the specific article, please see the 'External Links' section.)