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Sa lêgwa syar dwar valyô
Pronunciation: /ˌnɔvelaˈtine/
West: /sa lɛ̃gwa sjar dwar valjõ/
East: /sa lɛ̃gwa ʃar dwar vaʎõ/
Spoken in: Central Italy
Timeline: Alternate
Total speakers: ca. 5000
Genealogical classification: Indo-European
Written in: Latin alphabet
Created by:
Bukkaa started in November 2012

Novelatine is a language, spoken by a few thousand people in two remote mountain valleys in Central Italy. Its speakers call their own language Sa lêgwa syar dwar valyô, The language of the two valleys, or simply Sa lêgwa (nob), The/Our language. It is a direct descendent of Latin, and it retained a more conservative grammar, morphology and syntaxis than the other Romance languages. Its lexicon retains many more words directly from Latin than other Romance lexicons.

Apart from its conservatism, the main feature is the presence of two distinct dialects, one for each valleys, with some definite differences.


Main article: Novelatine phonology


Main article: Novelatine morphology


Main article: Novelatine syntax



Main article: Novelatine-English dictionary

Everyday lexycon

  • Cyao!: Hi, Hello (informal)
  • Sawve: Hi, Hello (formal)
  • Bonô diê! (formal full form) - Bôdiê! (informal short form): Good morning/Good day (until 14:00/2:00 pm)
  • Bonô vesperô! (formal full form) - Bôvesprô! (informal short form): Good evening (from 14:00/2:00 pm until leaving)
  • Bonô nowtê! (formal full form) - Bônowtê! (informal short form): Good night (only when leaving at night)
  • Ad revideri! (formal full form) - Arevider! (informal short form): Good bye
  • Cyao!: Bye! (informal)
  • Bêvête! (sing. m.) - Bêvêta! (sing. f.): Welcome - Bêvêtyi! (plur. m. or mixed) - Bêvête! (plur. f.)
  • Cwomod ti e?: How are you? (informal)
  • Cwomod vob e?: How are you? (formal)
    • Bê!: Fine
  • Ti/Vob gracyage!: Thank you, Thanks (1st person of verb gracyager, to thank)
  • Muwtô ti/vob gracyage!: Thank you very much
    • Ore: You're welcome (1st person of verb orar, to pray, fixed form)
  • Cwomod vocers?: What's your name? (informal)
  • Cwomod vocemnyi?: What's your name? (formal)
    • .... vocer!: My name is ....
  • Cwôtyi anyi ti sôt?: How old are you?

This fixed expression are used in both dialects, but in the Eastern dialect only some forms are used. For example only the informal forms Bôdiê, Bôvesprô, Bônowtê, Arevider are used in greetings, while the usual form for thanking someone is Gracyage/Muwtô gracyage! without the pronouns.

In the Western dialect it's common to ask Cwomod (ti) vad?, for How are you?, while in the Eastern dialect an usual question is Cwomod es/ez?.

The days of the week - Syi dies sies sewtimane

English Novelatine
Monday W: Lunedie E: Lundie
Tuesday Mardie
Wednesday Mercurdie
Thursday Yowdie
Friday Venerdie
Saturday Sabadô
Sunday Dominca

The months of the year - Syi mêses sies anyi

English Novelatine English Novelatine
January Yanwarye July Yulye
February Fevrwarye August Awguste
March Marcye September Sewtêber
April Apriw October Owtober
May Maye November Novêber
Juny Yunye December Decêber

The seasons of the year - Se stagyons sies anyi

English Novelatine
Spring primver
Summer aysta
Winter yem


Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Article 1

Todyi omins lyiberyi ed aycwi per dyignitadê ed yurya nascôter. Lyi praydityi cô sies racyons ed sies côscyêcye sôt ed sa fradernita de unyi azon awtrô de lyis avêda e.

Lord's prayer

  • Pader nob, cwi ê sies cyelyi es,
  • sô nomê ti sôwtificeter
  • sô regnô ti venye
  • sa voluwta ti faceter
  • ida ê sies cyelyi, ida ê se tere
  • danob sô panê cotyidyanô nob
  • ed ad nob dyimiti sa debita nob
  • ida nos ad debiteres nob dyimitim
  • ed nos ê têtacyonê non êduces
  • sed lyiberanos de sies malyi.
  • amê.

Hail Mary

  • Ave Maria, gracye pwena,
  • se Domine tecô e
  • tu êter mulyerô benedicers
  • ed se fruwte sies vêtris ti benediciter, Yese
  • Sôwta Maria, mader Dyi
  • ora per nob, pecatorô
  • nôc ed ê sies ore sies morz nob
  • amê

Babel text

  • Er ê tode sies Tere una sowa lêgwa ed se mesime parvowe
  • Domud de sied oryêz provenyirêt, unô pwanô ê sies tere Senaar êvinyerôt ed ic êcowayerôt
  • ed omcwi azô prosimô si dicsyit: "Venyid, facyem laderes ed cocwem les cô sies focyi ed utyem syor laderô pro syar pedrarô ed sies bitumins pro sies cemêtyi"
  • ed dicsyerôt: "Venyid, facyem nob unô ciwtadê ed unô turê sô chies cuwmê sô cyelô pertawti ed cewebrim sô nomê nob, andecud ê todô sô terô abyem dyivideri"
  • ed se Domine descendyit perud vider sô ciwtadê ed sô turê, cwô syi filyi Adamyi aydificavêt.
  • Ed se Domine dicsyit "Ecô, lyi une sowe vuwge sôt ed une sowe lêgwe utyôt, ida lo facere êcipyerôt ed de syor proyewterô si non ôt desister, donecud son operô si abyôt finyir"
  • "venyid, igider, descendem ed côfôdem sô lêgwô lyis, perud sô você sies prosimyi si non abyôt êtêder".
  • Ida se Domine de iesvi locyi ê todô sô terô les dyivisyit, ed lyi sô ciwtadê aydificar desistyerôt
  • et sa ciwta Babel vocata fuyit, comud ic se Domine sô lêgwô tode sies tere côfusyer ed êdic se Domine ê todô sô terô les dyivisyit.

States of the world

States of Europe

English Novelatine Adjective Inhabitant
Albania Awbania awbanês
Andorra Andora andorane
Armenia Armenya armene
Austria Awstrya awstriace
Azerbaijan Azerbaygyan azere
Belarus Rusya Awba awboruse
Belgium Bewgyô bewgice bewge
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnya ed Erzegovina bosniace
Bulgaria Buwgaria buwgare
Croatia Croacya croate
Cyprus Cipre ciprice
Czech Republic Cechya
Respublica Ceca
Denmark Danya danês
Estonia Estonya estonês
Finland Finya finice
France Galya galice
Georgia Georgya georgyane
Germany Germanya germanice germane
Greece Graycya grayce
Hungary Ungarya ungarês ungare
Iceland Islandya islandês
Ireland Ibernya ibernês
Italy Italya italyane
Kazakhstan Kazakistania kazake
Latvia Letonya letonês
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein liechtensteinês
Lithuania Litwanya litwane
Luxembourg Luxemburg luxemburghês
Republic of Macedonia Respublica Macedonya macedon
Malta Mawta maltês
Moldova Moldova moldovês
Monaco Monace monachês
Montenegro Môs Niger nigromôtês
Netherlands Nederlandya nederlandês olôdês
Norway Norvegya norvegês
Poland Polonya polace
Portugal Portugaw lusitane
Romania Romania romene
Russia Rusya
Federacyô Rusa
San Marino Sôwte Marine sôwtomarinês
Serbia Serbya serbe
Slovakia Swovachya swovace
Slovenia Swovenya swovenice swovene
Spain Ispanya ispanice ispane
Sweden Svecya svedês
Switzerland Ewvecya ewvetice ewvete
Turkey Turchia turce
Ukraine Ucrayna ucraynês
United Kingdom Regnô Unyitô ôglice
Vatican City Vaticane
Ciwta sies

Other State Names

Other names (other continents, common institions, former countries and unrecognized countries):
English Novelatine Adjective Inhabitant
Common institutions
European Union Unyô Ewropayca ewropayce
Former countries
Czechoslovachia Cecoswovachya cecoswovace
Federal Republic of Germany
West Germany
Respublica Federaw Germanica (RFG)
Germanya Ocidêtaw
German Democratic Republic
East Germany
Respublica Democratica Germanica (RDG)
Germanya Oryêtaw
Jugoslavia Yugoswavya yugoswave
Soviet Union
Union of Socialist Sovietic Republics
Unyô Sovyetica
Unyô syar Socyalisticarô Sovyeticarô Respublicarô
Unrecognized countries
Abkhazia Abcasya abcase
Kosovo Kosovya kosovice
Southern Ossetia Osecya Meridyonaw meridionalosetice
Turkish Republic
of Northern Cyprus
Respublica Turca
Cipryi Sewtêtryonals
Countries in other continents
United State of America Statyi Unyiti Americhe americane
People's Republic of China
Respublica Vuwgar Syinês
Japan Yaponya yaponês
India Êdya êdyane

Sound changes from Latin

These are the main sound changes that affected the Late Latin spoken in this area, which later became Novelatine. These sound change laws are usually respected, but sometimes there are other results, mainly because of analogy (for example the uniform masculine/feminine accusative plural ending -es, the actual derived endings should have been very different in each declension, but it spread in every noun class).

Legend: C, any consonant; N, a nasal consonat (n, m); V, any vowel; the sign [:], a long vowel or consonant.

  • i: → yi [ji] (lupī → lupyi)
  • ct → wt
  • pt → wt
  • VlV → VwV but → VlV if another w is present. (incola → êcowa - voluptas → voluwta)
  • ClV → CwV but → ClV if V = u (clavis → cwav - flumen → flumê)
  • C: → C (terra → tera)
  • tiV → cyV [ʧj] (liberatio → lyiberacyô)
  • CiV → CyV [j], but not if [i] is stressed.
  • eNC, iNC → ê [e◌̃]
  • aNC, oNC, uNC → ô [o◌̃]
  • eN_#, iN_# → ê [e◌̃]
  • aN_#, oN_#, uN_# → ô [o◌̃]
  • ae_# → e
  • ae (stressed or in a syllable before the stressed one) → ay
  • us_# → e