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Our Father

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Our Father, also known as the Lord's Prayer, is a widely-known prayer of Christianity. It is used by linguists and conlangers for comparing the differences between languages.


English (1662 BCP)

Our Father, which art in Heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done,
in earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
But deliver us from evil.
[For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory,
For ever and ever.] Amen.


Pater noster, qui es in caelis:
sanctificetur Nomen Tuum;
adveniat Regnum Tuum;
fiat voluntas Tua,
sicut in caelo, et in terra.
Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie;
et dimitte nobis debita nostra,
Sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris;
et ne nos inducas in tentationem;
sed libera nos a Malo.

High German

Vater Unser im Himmel, Geheiligt werde Dein Name, Dein Reich komme. Dein Wille geschehe, Wie im Himmel, so auf Erden. Unser tägliches Brot gib uns heute, Und vergib uns unsere Schuld, Wie auch wir vergeben unseren Schuldigern. Und führe uns nicht in Versuchung, Sondern erlöse uns von dem Bösen. Denn Dein ist das Reich und die Kraft und die Herrlichkeit, in Ewigkeit. Amen.


Fæder ūre, þū eart on heofonum: sī þīn nama gehāglod. Tōbecume þīn rīce. Geweorþe þīn willa on eorþan swāswā on heofonum. Ūre dæghwāmlican hlāf sielle ūs tō dæge. And forgief ūs ūre gyltas swāswā wē forgiefaþ ūrum gyltendem. And ne gelǣd þū on costnunge, ac ālīes ūs of yfele.


Feel free to add Lord's prayer in your conlangs' version here.


Patro nia, kiu estas en la ĉielo,
sanktigata estu Via nomo.
Venu Via regno.
Fariĝu Via volo,
kiel en la ĉielo, tiel ankaŭ sur la tero.
Nian panon ĉiutagan donu al ni hodiaŭ.
Kaj pardonu al ni niajn ŝuldojn,
kiel ankaŭ ni pardonas al niaj ŝuldantojn.
Kaj ne konduku nin en tenton,
sed liberigu nin de la malbono.
(Ĉar Via estas la regno kaj la potenco
kaj la gloro eterne.)


doi cevrirni.iu noi zvati le do cevzda do'u fu'e .aicai .e'ecai lo do cmene ru'i censa
.i le do nobli turni be la ter. ku se cfari
.i loi do se djica ba snada mulno vi'e le cevzda .e .a'o la ter.
.i fu'e .e'o ko dunda ca le cabdei le ri nanba mi'a
.i ko fraxu mi loi ri zu'o palci
.ijo mi fraxu roda poi pacyzu'e xrani mi
.i ko lidne mi fa'anai loi pacyxlu
.i ko sepri'a mi loi palci
.i .uicai ni'i loi se turni .e loi vlipa .e loi mi'orselsi'a cu me le do romei

Classical Arithide

See also Classical Arithide for more information
by Eugene
See also Arithide Sample Text Corpus for more information

Classical Arithide Late Classical Arithide
Fābā rignā, zōon saluminnum,
histamosit illos ays.
Egēra lisgas ays.
Reskerosit deiros ays,
halagum saluminnumena.
Rignor emereto haror omer krerērō,
a kansārērō irige syndrē,
rīgisae syndirēnēs kansārena.
On rege avgērērō thiftiae,
nege rege magārērō vokirōn. Amen.
Fābā rikin, saluminnum hero,
histamesit illos ayn.
Egura lisgas ayn.
Reskeresit deiros ayn,
halaginnum saluminnumena.
Rikin emnatir haro omnat kreruras,
nam kansaruras rīkae syndrē,
rikisyndoris syndirēnēs kansariena.
On riko avlataguras orgrei,
nege riko magāruras vokyrōn. Amen.


See also Ellesklavan for more information

vidrömü, ci eu en éfni,
aolé eu tli nömü.
tli řoyamü viyen.
tli sřay eu fazi,
en teřya é ža eu en éfni.
dono no sé širu pasirana kotined.
éti frocefi no trégepaseniran,
kön no frocefi elehli ci trégepaseni kontri no.
éti neu kleřtni pa no ostü betnosü;
mé délifeř no dé džharag.
(porceu lešé eu lé řoyamü, lé pufovřir, éti lé kloriyen,
por tu éti tu) amné.


See also Thorsutian for more information

Man baset, cus ёd nё parasje,
ёsmardzsёn ёdur xjen zavke.
Xjen mёbraţje rikas.
Xjen zsёdu çozid,
ёn toke siç ёd tho parasjud.
Jat maţu ked ord man vorje bucje.
E ţalis maţu man funёbartiv,
siç maţ ţalёmi çadёk cus funёbart kurda maţu
E pron maţu nok tho ёnarzsud,
pas shonah maţu el necud,
(ţa xjen ёl mёbraţi, uuzs, e strirren,
ţa dadarma e dadarma.)


See also Tauro-Piscean language for more information

Tet Fedä ëleêses, wa zï in Heofonem,
¡Letan tet Namen janes clenê bean!
Tet Kïnedom janes kum.
¡Letan tet Willê janes dodê bean,
Et Eëtenem tonnê in Heofonem!
¡Jefan ëleêsen tode tet jedewamliken Bräden!
¡And fëjefan ëleêsen te Jïêlten,
Tonnê ëleês fëjef kvinem, dass makê Jïêlten!
¡And ledan ëleêsen nat in Kostnungen,
Ak beëjan ëleêsan fram Ïfeêlem!
[Tï janes zï tet Kïnedom, tet Mït and tet Wöldë,
To efä nes efä.] Sotlikê.

Vityng by Schlaier

See also Vityng for more information
See also Vityng our Father for more information

fæðirr óssa, hvem ar i himinn
nama þinn ver hǽlge
kónungrikk þinn ver gaður
øskja þinn ver skaftur
an eorð og sva i himinn.
ǿssi gefar dægglykur brǿð óssa, þessa dagg.
og synni óssa grætar óss
sva varr grætum þætt ƕað skap synni an ǿssi
i nǿðen lǽðarna óss
og fram yfil takar óss.


See also Nytal for more information
See also Nytal biblical texts for more information

Babu ni la, ki ad’jo ju ojl
Ni la a’šijnt noym Ok
Nori sliknost Ok
Ni la a’nut ehoj Ok
Iknijt ju ojl, Iknijt sjep bajus vsi
Ole tyahri er ni la ejs ni la
A vlup er ni la le finans ni la
Iknijt gek ni la a’vlup er le mefinanser ni la
A ta nenijt ni la ka medoljem
U vrij ni la de olim


See also Nician for more information

Il nost pat
Il nost pat, chi ses nis ceis,
Saintifcat sie’l tu nom.
Venì’l tu regn.
Se face la tue volontat,
Nis ceis com sope la terre.
Oz dànos il nost pan cottizan.
E dimìttenos is nosts dèvits,
Com ezze nos dimittius ais nosts devitoes.
E n’indùcenos in teumtazion,
Veò lìveanos da male.


Nustr Padr, ke sia i llo chel,
sia senghid tew nôn,
gwein tew rheon,
sia ffaeth tew wolont,
syrs lla der sig i llo chel.
Dun nustr pan diwrnal a nu h-eidd;
e pharddun llo nustr phechad a nu,
si nu pharddunan llo nustr phechad.
E salw nu di'll temp di drial,
mai llifr nu di'll mal.
Per ill rheon, ill cofaeth e lla leir es ill tew, per segl e segl.


a Phazeoir Nusteor que bias 'n y ceues;
foreth noef il tew nom;
gouenyes il tew camouils;
foreth fès la teva gouoluntáts
en lâ derra cuomo 'ny ceues;
danos-el osdia le nusteor panèn cuotidièn;
dimeti y nusteor dheuz
cuomo dimitemus ai nusteor dheutoeres;
et ne nus attrayer rhen al tentación,
mays eliveránus des val.


sánctyata tawas xonomar-ca-he
wewóytâ hanirfanar-ca-he
pepelewórkâ tawas walar-ca-he
tatâhyata-me tâlcoteyel támtar-ca-he
ffaffalyata-me mesas taipallanar-ca-he
ffalmá cam taipallanar-ca-he
anhaharxanyata-me çalarswwalana-ca-he
roromyata-me tusar-te-he. Omen.
Heavenly Father
and blessed-be thy name
and realised-be spiritual-Rest
and fullydone-be thy will
and Middle-World-in-the
and Heavens-in-the
and give us each-day godly-gift-the
and wash us our spiritual-separation
and we wash their spiritual-separation
and burden-not us heavenly-adjudication-by
and guide us evil-out-from

Alternative Writing System

Tawyr Oorthaagryfii

For more about this system see Tawyr Oorthaagryfii

  • English (1662 BCP)
Aur Fadhyr, witc art in Hevyn,
Halood bii dhai Neem.
Dhai Kingdym cym.
Dhai wil bii dyn,
in erth az it iz in Hevyn.
Giv ys dhis dee aur deelii bred.
And foorgiv ys aur trespasiz,
Az wii foorgiv dhem dhat trespas ygenst ys.
And liid ys naat intuu tempteetcyn;
Byt dylivyr ys frym iivil.
[Foor dhain iz dhy kingdym, dhy pawyr, and dhy gloorii,
Foor ever and ever.] Amen.