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Kintu is a Universal Language, a region auxiliary language for the Bantusphere, in southern Africa.

Timeline/Universe Universal Languages
Period Future Utopia
Spoken in Bantusphere
Total speakers 450 million
Writing system Ditema tsa Dinoko
Classification Proto-Bantu
Basic word order SVO
Morphology Agglutinative
Alignment N-A
Created by User:Aquatiki
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Pan-Bantu flag

While Swahili has, in many ways, united northeastern Africa, a true pan-Bantu language is yet needed. Approximately 450 million people would be connected by this language, called Kintu. This includes the languages of Swahili, Shona, Zulu, Xhosa, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Lingala, Gikuyu, Nyanja, Tshiluba, and many more.

Pre-nasalized stops Eight noun classes Seven vowels Five tenses and three aspects Agglutinative morphology Heavily prefixing Two tones (hence only one marked) We propose a new script, Ditema tsa Dinoko, which has yet to be adopted by Unicode.



Labial Alveolar Post. Velar Glottal
Nasal m n ɲ ŋ
voiced b d g
unvoiced p t k (ʔ)
Prenasalized voiced ᵐb ⁿd ᶮdʒ ᵑɡ
Fricative voiced v z (ð)
unvoiced f s (ts) ʃ h
Approximant r l j w


Front Back
High i u
High-Mid e o
Low-Mid ɛ ɔ
Low a

low tone (unmarked) and high (´)


Noun Classes

# Name Sound Example Notes
1 Singular Human m(u)- muntu "person"
2 Plural Human ba- bantu "people"
3 Singular Plant mu- muse "tree"
4 Plural Plant mi- mise "trees"
7 Singular Object ki- kitu "thing" Assimilated old class 5 too
8 Plural Object bi- bitu "things" Assimiliated old class 6 too
9 Animal Singular n(i)- nyama "animal"
10 Animal Plural ni- niyama "animals"
14 Abstract/Collective bu- bulo mi "life" Assimilated old class 11
15 Infinitives ku- kulonda "to follow"
17 Locatives ku- kunzila "on the road" Assimilated old 16 and 18

Old Proto-Bantu classes 12 and 13 (diminutives and ...) differ too much across the region to keep. Classes over 17 are disputed.


Tense Marker Example
Present Ø londa = follows/is following
Past (Recent) na- nalonda = just followed
Past (Remote) ka- kalonda = followed (long ago)
Future (Near) ta- talonda = will soon follow
Future (Remote) ko- kolonda = will follow (distant future)


  • Perfective (completed) || me-
  • Progressive (Ongoing Action): ki- → kilonda = is following
  • Habitual/Repeated Action: sa- → salonda = follows habitually
  • Negative Marker: te (suffix) → londa-te = does not follow
  • Subjunctive/Imperative: tu- → tulonda = let (someone) follow


See also: Kintu/Swadesh
Universal Languages
AFRICA SEDES (Horn of Africa), Middle Semitic (Semitic languages), Kintu (Bantu languages), Guosa (West Africa) Universal Language.png
CENTRAL ASIA Jalpi (Turkic languages), Zens (Iranian languages), Dravindian (Dravidian languages), Neo-Sanskrit (Indo-Aryan languages)
EUROPE Interlingua (Romance languages), Folksprak (Germanic languages), Interslavic Slavic languages, Balkan (Balkans)
FAR EAST Dan'a'yo (CJKV), MSEAL (Mainland Southeast Asia), Indo-Malay (Maritime Southeast Asia)