Natlang Uses of Diacritics in the Latin Alphabet

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This is a collection of articles that list different uses of diacritical marks that have natlang precedence. Conlangers can use this to find inspiration for their own conlang's orthography or transliteration.

List of Articles on Natlang Usage of Latin Alphabet Diacritics
Diacritic name Other names Character Notes
Acute accent ˊ
Acute accent below ˏ
Bar Stroke, horizontal bar, middle tilde ◌̵ Eth (Ðð) and capital African D (Ɖ) are listed here. See also stroke.
Breve ˘
Breve below ◌̮
Candrabindu Chandrabindu, chandravindu, candravindu, chôndrobindu ◌̐
Caron Háček, haček ˇ
Cedilla ¸ Some of the letters included here have in practice comma below, but Şş and Ţţ are listed under comma below.
Circumflex ˆ
Circumflex below ◌̭
Comma above ◌̓
Comma above right ◌̕
Comma below ◌̦ This article includes Şş and Ţţ, but not other letters containing a comma looking diacritic. Instead, see cedilla.
Diaeresis/umlaut Tréma, trema ¨
Diaeresis below ◌̤
Dot above ˙
Dot above right ◌͘
Dot below Underdot ◌̣
Double acute accent Hungarumlaut ˝
Double grave accent ​ ◌̏
Double ring below ​ ◌͚
Double vertical line above ​ ◌̎
Grave accent ˋ
Grave accent below ˎ
Hook above Dấu hỏi ◌̉
Horn Dấu móc ◌̛
Inverted breve Arch ◌̑
Low line below ◌̲ This diacritic is very similar to macron below.
Macron ˉ
Macron below ˍ
Middle dot Interpunct, interpoint, centered dot, centred dot, space dot ·
Ogonek ˛
Palatalized hook ◌̡
Retroflex hook Hook, tail ◌̢
Right half ring ʾ
Ring above ˚
Ring below ˳
Stroke Diagonal stroke, solidus, strikethrough ◌̷ Bar may also be called stroke. Eth (Ðð) is not listed here, but under bar.
Tilde ˜
Tilde below ˷
Tilde overlay ◌̴
Vertical line above ˈ
Vertical line below ˌ
Vertical tilde ◌̾

Layout Overview

In these articles combining (non-spacing) diacritics are attached to a ◌. Diacritics without a ◌, like ¨ for example, are non-combining (spacing). Non-combining diacritics are sometimes called modifier letters in Unicode. The non-combining forms may for example be used when writing about a conlang's orthography, when one wants to refer to a diacritic without using any base letter with it. Some natlangs even use some diacritics as stand alone characters!

When a letter is referred to without concerning about case, it is displayed like so: Ťť. This is for clarity's sake because some diacritics may look different depending on the letter's case, as in the previous example. When either only an upper case or a lower case letter is used in an article, it usually refers to that specific case variant. But it can also refer to a character which has only one case.

Sometimes it may be necessary to refer to a digraph, for example Ŀl in Catalan. When a digraph is referenced to without concerning about case, it is written like this: Ŀl ŀl; with a space between the letters. Different languages' orthographies may have different rules about capitalization of the first letter of a word. In most languages, only the first letter of a digraph is capitalized; but there are languages where both letters are capitalized. Which rule a particular orthography, that is examplified in these articles, follows, can thus be discerned from how the article writes the digraph.

These articles show first which precomposed letter plus diacritic combinations exist in Unicode, and what their codepoints and Unicode names are. The different forms of the stand alone diacritics are also shown. For example the tilde has three different forms: An "ASCII form" ~, which is used in programming among other things, where the tilde is centered; a non-combining diacritic form ˜, where the tilde has the same position it would have when combined with a base letter; and a combining form ◌̃.

Many diacritics or accented letters look very similar to other characters, for example caron ˇ and breve ˘. These cases are warned about either in the text at the beginning of the article, or in notes at the table that lists the precomposed characters. It is desirable that all the diacritics in one orthography can be easily told apart, so conlangers devising new orthographies should be careful about this. A conlanger may also mistakenly copypaste a similar looking but wrong character from somewhere to a conlang project, so thereful the articles also list characters that would otherwise be unlikely to normally appear in the same orthography, such as Latin Capital Letter O With Stroke, Ø (U+00D8); and Empty Set, ∅ (U+2205) for example. Cases such as the one with caron ˇ and breve ˘, which concern essentially all characters with this accent, are notified about in the text at the beginning of the article. Cases such as Ø and ∅, which only concern an individual pair of characters, are notified about in the Unicode table.