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Neo-Khitanese Lexicon

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Revision as of 19:28, 15 May 2008 by Kuroda (talk | contribs) (Added: distributive and multiplicative numeral forms)
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Multiplicative forms measure quantities: "X times as much; X-fold; of X parts; double, triple, quadruple". Distributive forms give the sense "X each; by Xes, in sets of X; X by X". There are also collective and iterative forms, not shown here.

Numeral Systems
Number Cardinal Counting (1) Counting (2) Ordinal Multiplicative Distributive
0 ko:su
1 ümü:n, ümü:ke:n dïsïk naï ü:mnin ümü:rmen ümü:tel
2 jü:r kassa ho êkindi, gên jü:rmen jü:rtel
3 ïlan co:k gur ïlagï ïlarma:n ïlanta:l
4 dïgïn ca:k dur dïgï: dïgïrma:n dïgïnta:l
5 tuŋga ca:ŋ tau tuŋgï tuŋgarma:n tuŋgata:l
6 ñuŋgun kilkü nir ñuŋgï ñuŋgurma:n ñuŋgunta:l
7 nadan da:ktuŋk döl nadagï nadarma:n nadanta:l
8 japkun co:ktuŋk maï japkï japkurma:n japkunta:l
9 êgin ca:ktaŋk is êgi: êgirme:n êginte:l
10 ja:n cuŋtuk o:n ja:gï ja:rman ja:ntal
11 ja:n ümü:n ja:n ü:mnin ja:n ümü:rmen ja:n ümü:tel
15 ko:mdok ko:mdoki ko:mdokmon' ko:mdoktol
20 orïn orï: orïrma:n orïnta:l
30 gucïn gucï: gucïrma:n gucïnta:l
40 döcin döci: döcirme:n döcinte:l
50 ta:bun tabï: ta:burma:n ta:bunta:l
60 jïran jïragï jïrarma:n jïranta:l
70 na:ja:n na:ja:gï na:ja:rman na:ja:ntal
80 söksön söksi söksörmö:n söksöntö:l
90 tokson toksï toksormo:n toksonto:l
100 ñamadï jaur ñamadï ñamadïrma:n ñamadïta:l
1,000 mïŋgan mïŋgï mïŋgarma:n mïŋganta:l
10,000 tümen tümeŋgi tümerme:n tümente:l

Color Terminology

Color Terms
Kilda English
borko color, hue
dikteme blue
lüpcürin dark green, brownish-green; blue-black, dark blue
culdïn blue-green
kö:kü light blue, blue-gray, sky-blue
koŋdorïn dark brown, brownish-black
ñö:lmö green
yasïl green (of vegetation, landscape)
kaktarma orange; (archaic) light yellow
šêra:rï light yellow, lemon-colored
fula:ma red
horïn bright red, scarlet
se:gdi dark red, blood-colored
jayarïn light red, pink
cacalu golden-yellow, gold-colored, coppery; red (of rust, rocks, fish, etc.)
jajaŋ red and yellow (of autumnal foliage)
kürilik maroon, reddish-purple
cucïrïn violet, purplish
bagdarïn white
gïltarïn bright white, pure white
be:li, kêmala pale, light (of color)
ñigjeme black; dark (of color)
pïŋgalak gray
fepkerin light gray, speckled/mottled gray
ïgjama yellowish-gray, beige
hurïma gray (of weather)

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