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Robert Marshall Murphy

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Birth: Planet Earth
Profession: Upper school (high school) math teacher
Natural languages: English, Korean, Ancient Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, Akkadian, Ugaritic, Yiddish
Created conlangs: Weddish, Parseltongue, Proto-Polynesian Hebrew, Syrenian, Semitic Korean
Other conlangs: Na'vi, Latin, Syrunian, Klingon
Interests: Philosophy, theology, math
More information: Feel free to contact me about anything

I'd love to chat any time, so feel free to email me anything you like, any time.

I mainly like IAL (International Auxiliary Languages), which part of Universal Languages project. These 15 languages are (not all by me):

  1. Dan'a'yo - 1.5 billion people in China, Japan, the Koreas, and part of Vietnam (combination of sprachbunds)
  2. Neo-Sanskrit - 1.4 billion people on the Indian subcontinent (Indo-Aryan)
  3. Interlingua - 800 million people in the Romance-speaking world (Romance of Indo-European)
  4. Folksprak - 500 million people in the Germanic world (Germanic of Indo-European)
  5. Kintu - 450 million people in the Bantusphere (Bantu of Niger-Congo)
  6. Indo-Malay - 380 million people in Maritime Southeast Asia
  7. Guosa - 340 million people in West Africa (combination of sprachbunds)
  8. Interslavic - 300 million in the Slavisphere (Slavic of Indo-European)
  9. Middle Semitic - 290 million speak the Arabics and Israeli (and Syriac) (Semitic of Afro-asiatic)
  10. MSEAL - 233 million (combination of sprachbunds)
  11. Dravindian - 230 million (Dravidian)
  12. Zens - 200 million (Iranian of Indo-European)
  13. Jalpi Turkic - 170 million (Turkic)
  14. SEDES - 117 million from the Horn of Africa sprachbund
  15. Balkan - 60 million people in the sprachbund

I have a naturalistic auxlang with a rich history for my personalang, called Weddish. Like a lot of my personal projects, it is a Jewish language. I also imagined some fictive histories. A big project is Oceanic Hebrew, which has Austronesian Hebrew, Polynesian Hebrew, and a minilang called Neo-Oceanic Hebrew.