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Conlang Relay 12

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Conlang Relay 12 was a scheduleless relay run by Jeffrey Henning. Unfortunately, Jeffrey completely disappeared during the course of the relay, which is quite eldritch. We all hope he is well and found no time for the relay only because he is involved in real-life occupations.


For grammar and vocabulary see the Mærik page


Bræmte skonn: Helik!

Br. vrtullann: pryydh, tws, saklack pryydh! Vro offsaw taadh mandrom klædd lukth! Olta jngum tonkum bodhom røwann.

Br. skonn: Helik!

Br. lukann: Vro offuaw taadh vrt, øll fere ordhum wisum.

Br. skonn: Fann berdhær!

Br. wanann: Fann røwe?

Br. vrtullann: Ganz vint tonum. saklack pryydh tws, saklack pryydh!

Br. skonn: Helik!

Br. lukann: giaaw vro fryydd fors. Ay! Losprow forortz færliwth swadd!

Br. wanann: Edd offua leeks!

Br. lukann: Jæ lijt, rik wællk. Ferew luk tonk. Ganta trøør fund wællg øll mistian wælld Konusch, farkt fere edd aldant døtt.

Br. wanann: Ferso sønc orz øll rensma aldanth bioordh. Fann leka lukann?

Br. vrtullann: Offaw vro mat aldkth fæærnd.

Br. lukann: Barwan, fermaw bodhom wællkum situm sachtws. Ferma bætum wællx liwnt sær, bæt fermaw mistiat Petær. Bæt fundow renz, vintull tonk, tiællum ganta sidh wællg renz siæn haar dronk!

Br. skonn: Hey Petær, gær ton vik høghliom tytzskum!

Br. lukann: Ganta rena wællg førnum entinum apnhusk...

Br. skonn: Helik!

Bidhalma trænnum jngstum bidhlull fryy: "LEKA HAFRULL! EDD ALT PÆMP!"


The man says: Persist!

The healer says: Press out, lady, you must press out! Now I can see the child's head already! You are almost through with the event.

The man says: Persist!

The child says: Now I can see well, what place this is.

The man says: What the...

The woman says: What happens?

The healer says: There is nothing for you to be afraid of. You must press out, lady, you must press out!

The man says: Persist!

The child says: I want something to wear. Hey! I'm accustomed to wearing expensive clothes!

The woman says: It can speak!

The child says: Listen up, my mother. I'm your child. I hope you will not call me Konusch, because that is too plain.

The woman says: May all this be because I've drunk too much beer? What is the child saying?

The healer says: I can now cut the umbilical chord.

The child says: You know, before my death I was a general. I also had an excellent name, and was called Peter. And I hope I'll get a drink, you monster, on the other hand I will not drink any milk!

The man says: O Peter, you stop wriggle like a worm!

The child says: I have not drunk fire-water for eight months...

Next day some scribe wrote: "A BABY TALKS! IT IS A HOLY GIFT!"


Click here for details.


za'dhaz t̂ahaot̂ahao fa'waur khaz fa'waur thwel uzú.

gaheish-a izu-guvdhab, "sudoitr kha ezé!"

datãv-a uhzu-guvdhab, "ei-i-mald-a! eze-dabrol! eze-beig wa'dabrol; aza-kaun wa'khaz sha'uth-a tze-a ya'ekham — t̂epb̂ard-a uza-telb!"

gaheish-a izu-guvdhab, "sudoitr kha ezé!"

uth-a uhzu-guvdhab, "aza-kaun wa'khaz a-kaz."

gaheish-a izu-guvdhab, "ha'—?"

mald-a izu-guvdhab, "hawa dhu?"

datãv-a uhzu-guvdhab, "eze'nyih-telos — eza-beig wa'dabrol! eze-dabrol, ei-i-mald-a, ezé!"

gaheish-a izu-guvdhab, "sudoitr kha ezé!"

uth-a uhzu-guvdhab, "azoi-shus sha'nguhraash; i uzoi-vek wa'tezat oolu-dawaz-ad elikuh-tub!"

mald-a izu-chayik, "uhzoi-kaun wa'gũb!"

uth-a uhzu-guvdhab, "ei-maba ei-tzii-a, eze'nyih-dasyem ash kónush kha; sem ilúka sudstamb uz."

mald-a izu-guvdhab, "hawa uzú? ha'azu-dagul sha'lip sudzid?"

datãv-a uhzu-guvdhab, "aza-kaun taz wa'oojhg tzuh chong oungki."

uth-a uhzu-guvdhab, "tawa ga'azii-met, matóntanen ta'r̂engôktadhm-a azíí -- i tzii sem, píder, uzii-tein kurad-ad-tzat. ei-miplatz-a! aza-shus wa'dagul tahao, akh nyeng sha'lẽĩl nilmao!"

gaheish-a izu-guvdhab, "ei-píder, eze'nyih-kemet ka'yagul yag-ad."

uth-a uhzu-guvdhab, "aza-shus anhamári nga'tei mefsatm ta'tratz-a."

gaheish-a izu-guvdhab, "sudoitr kha ezé!"

ta'rezat-a oolu-dume, uzu-thes-ad ya'tazao: "uth uhzu-gũb. daalnad sudahya uhzú!"


This was something to see and hear.

The [female] elder said, "Please be persevering!"

The healer said, "Woman! Push out! You must push out; I can see your baby with my eyes — the end of the birth is coming closer!"

The elder said, "Please be persevering!"

The baby said, "I can see here."

The elder said, "Is—?" (or: "Huh?")

The woman said, "What's that?"

The healer said, "Do not fear — you need to push out! Push out, woman, do it!"

The elder said, "Please be persevering!"

The baby said, "I want clothing (or: a sarong); and it must be well-made!"

The woman screamed, "[The baby] can communicate!"

The baby said, "My mom, please do not name me Kónush; it's such an ordinary name."

The woman said, "What was it? Did I drink too much wine?"

The healer said, "I can now cut [the baby]'s 'womb-stem'."

The baby said, "When I die, I will be a matóntanen in the order of warriors — and my name, Píder, will have honor. Hey monster! I want to drink something, but not at all any mother's milk!"

The elder said, "Píder, don't spasm like a fished fish."

The baby said, "I want anhamári that's at least eight months old."

The elder said, "Please be persevering!"

The following day, it was written by someone: "A baby communicated. [The baby] was a holy gift!"


(as received by Amanda Babcock Furrow)


This text contains ñ (n-tilde), « (double open brackets), » (double closed brackets), ¿ (inverted question mark), ¡ (inverted exclamation point)


Esti ul fistu junu minchu miravuisimu.

Diched al presbideja, «¡Esperi!»

Diched al jalada, «¡Forchi, huiña! Nexida nadari. Podju videri ul bambinu cun uls ocuus. Tembra compuedejid il nadali.”

Diched al presbideja, «¡Esperei!»

Diched ul bambinu, «Podju videri ul fistu mundu.»

Diched al presbideja, «¿Man?»

Diched al huiña, «¿Esti?»

Diched al jalada, «Nu timi. Nexida forchari. ¡Forchi, huiña!»

Diched al presbideja, «¡Esperi!»

Diched ul bambinu, «Feru junu coxudu, ed nexidad bini nifaladud.»

Firidud al huiña, «¡Ajovid!»

Diched ul bambinu, «Marri miu, nu cuami mi juni numi pomu ul Cunux, pervia esti medjogri.»

Diched al huiña, «¿Fid esti? Bivi ul vinu tan mutu.»

Diched al jalada, «Agora, podju currari ad il fumi umbuigu.»

Diched ul bambinu, «Pochini morriju, eseju ul djinerali, ed undrajid il mi numi, ul Perru. Feru siñunu, junu bivudu, peru ¡nun lapi!»

Diched al presbideja, «Nu fali ils spazmis pomu juni pixi in ul molu.»

Diched ul bambinu, «Feru juni cauxi djul vinu djils opu minchis maduradu.»

Diched al presbideja, «¡Esperi!»

Il dji debosti, niscrived, «Diched ul bambinu, <Fuid juni nudji sampi.>»


Conlang Relay 12/Carrajena


Click here for details.

Mad mar

Zhi macheu fel nona fech arala: "Eshaï."

Zhi melen ozh matiro fech arala: "Macheu onalizach mela. Asa mel mad. Onalizach e eni!"

Macheu fel nona fech arala: "Eshaï."

Onali fech arala: "Selach eni."

Macheu fel nona fech arala: "Ai!"

Macheuta fech arala: "Ai? Pei chíra osim. Asa doc mad. Pei li-docim!" matiro arala.

Macheu fel nona fech arala: "Eshaï."

Onali fech arala: "Seich cizhon mad. Dri cici."

Macheu fech arala: "Onaliza araäyo!"

Onali fech arala: "Daä shanadi! Isai "Kunukúlu" mad nom adim."

Macheu fech arala, "E ba? Trach dólcach paninezhon fich cos!"

Matiro fech arala, "Mal psapsi!"

Onali fech arala, "Pei seich arom. Ko-vani hana ich Kilitíni ko-nomi. Mal azhei roch uso."

Macheu fel nona fech arala: "Eshaï."

In hli gapshash lwev lweu van. Mar gapsha hana sal iönaliza selayo.

English translation

English translation missing


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Una bona historja

Ũ dïe una mara diçé pensatïuament: "J’heh fè".

Denn al’aixillatora dou part diçé super ou naçament: "Una mara pare ũ piceu cjude. Tou naçament eh bõ. Ou cjude vide!"

A mara diçé pensatïuament: "J’heh fè".

Ou cjude risponé: "Jo vid ou mond".

A mara diçé pensatïuament: "Au!".

Al’autra fama diçé: "Au? Nõ tema. Toul’intent eh bõ. Sega intentant! Diçé al’aixillatora dou part.

A mara diçé pensatïuament: "J’heh fè".

Ou cjude diçé: "Tu mantenes-mi caude. Tu caudes-mi mout."

A mara risponé: "Ou cjude parle!"

Ou cjude diçé : "Asdouz vos ets moutas. Ũ bõ nome pur tu eh Cunucoul."

A mara diçé: "Perdõ? T’has bewat ũ wisci!"

Al’aixillatora dou part diçé: "Jo nõ sent-mi bain."

Ou cjude diçé: "Protegga-mi. A qwe apelle-si Cilitĩn hast venat tantbain. Ou mau rode ma morta."

A mara risponé: "J’heh fè".

Ad ou fĩn ou temp pasaré. Ou fĩ dal’historja esaré scriwat tantbain pur ou cjude.

A good story

One day a mother said thoughtfully: "I hope."

Then the midwife said about the birth: "A mother gives birth to a little child. Your birth is good. The child sees!"

The mother said thoughtfully: "I hope."

The child answered: "I see the world."

The mother said thoughtfully: "Ouch."

The other woman said: "Ouch? Don’t be afraid. Your try is OK. Keep on trying!" said the midwife.

The mother said thoughtfully. "I hope."

The child said: "You keep me warm. You warm me much."

The mother answered: "The child talks!"

The child said: "You both are many. A good name for you is Kunukúlu."

The mother said: "Pardon? You have drunk a whisky!"

The midwife said: "I don’t feel well."

The child said: "Protect me. The one who is called Kilitíni has come too. The badness surrounds my death."

The mother answered: "I hope."

In the end the time will go by. The end of the story will also be written by the child.


Tara katsha

For mikhet, prasu te ahatuja met tark: "Ek hafja azamsah."

Dan krtiah af manukh-shap te ahatuja ufar manukh-shap: "Prasu manukh-shapja leitil bala. Manukh-shap af du isja tara. Bala seja!"

Prasu ta ahatuja met tark: "Ek hafja azamsah."

Bala antwartja: "Ek seja bcjuloka."

Prasu ta ahatua met tark: "Au!"

Andara fru te ahatuja: "Au? Isja ni bcjajalu."

"Farsokh af du isja tara. Farsokhja mikhet!" te ahatuja krtiah af manukh-shap.

Prasu ta ahatuja met tark: "Ek hafja azamsah."

Bala te ahatuja: "Du haltja ek pratap. Du pratapja ek mikhet."

Prasu te antwartja: "Bala bcjasaja!"

Bala te ahatuja: "Du twa isja mikhet. Tara nam fir du isja Kunukul."

Prasu te ahatuja: "Unshiltja? Du hafja drikja wiski!"

Krtiah af manukh-shap te ahatuja: "Ek ni folja tara."

Bala te ahatuja: "Niwaraja ek. Nara ko ga namja Kilitin okhsa isja komja. Muska omgipja tot af ek."

Prasu te antwartja: "Ek hafja azamsah."

In ent kala fargaja. Ent af katsha okhsa te isja skrifja fir bala.

A good story

One day, a mother said thoughtfully: "I have hope."

Then the birth helper said about the birth: "A mother bears a little child. Your birth is good. The child looks!"

The mother said thoughtfully: "I have hope."

The child answered: "I see the world."

The mother said thoughtfully: "Ow!"

An other woman said: "Ow? Don't be afraid."

"Your try is good. Keep trying!" said the birth helper.

The mother said thoughtfully: "I have hope."

The child said: "You keep me warm. You warm me much."

The mother answered: "The child talks!"

The child said: "You two are many. A good name for you is Kunukul."

The mother said: "Pardon? You have drunken whiskey!"

The birth helper said: "I don't feel well."

The child said: "Protect me. He who is called Kilitin has also come. The mouse surrounds my death."

The mother answered: "I have hope."

In the end the time passed. The end of the story was written also for the child.

Conlang Relay 12
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