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ki Eka – parents, elders
ki Eka – parents, elders
ki Qeheweqa – siblings
ki Qeheweqa – siblings

Line 51: Line 52:
Descriptive adjectives are placed between the article and the noun:
Descriptive adjectives are placed between the article and the noun:

ka loka Waqa – the red car
ka loka Waqa – the red car.
Hi apa ka loka Waqa qaha. I bought the red car.
Apa ku ka loka Waqa aqaha? Have you sold the red car?
ki hena Ta – the beautiful city.
Mi apa i kiha hena Ta wona. I lived in that beautiful city.

ki hena Ta – the beautiful city

Predicate adjectives follow the copula /ha/
Predicate adjectives follow the copula /ha/
Line 60: Line 68:

ki Ta ha hena – the city is beautiful
ki Ta ha hena – the city is beautiful
1        ana
2        ha
3        ka
4        ki
5        hi
6        hepa
7        hipa
8        a
9        na
10        he
11        e
12        hahe
13        kahe
14        kihe
15        hihe
16        hepahe
17        hipahe
18        ahe
19        nahe
20        hahi
21        anuhahi
22        hauhahi
30        kahi
40        kihi
50        hihi
60        hepahi
70        hipahi
80        ahi
90        nahi
100      oka
1000      kaha

Line 66: Line 138:

Koha personal pronouns are as follows:
Koha personal pronouns are as follows:
I/me – mi
I/me – mi
you (sg) – ku
you (sg) – ku
he – i
he – i
she – hi
she – hi
we – wi
we – wi
they – i hi
they – i hi

Line 88: Line 166:

wa – Who? What?
wa – Who? What?
we'e – Which?
we'e – Which?
wo -Where?
wo -Where?
waha – When? (from Tosa /wa sa/ 'what time?')
waha – When? (from Tosa /wa sa/ 'what time?')
walo – Why?
walo – Why?
wi – How?
wi – How?
Tosa syntax is essentially that of Standard German, albeit somewhat regularized.
Ki Muka hea ka Haka. The mother sees the father.
Hea ki Muka ka Haka? Does the mother see the father?
Ki Muka apa ka Haka hea. The mother saw the father.
Apa ki Muka ka Haka hea? Did the mother see the father?
Ki Muka weka ka Haka hea. The mother will see the father.
Ki Muka wola ka Haka hea. The mother wants to see the father.
Ki Muka apa ka Haka hea wola. The mother wanted to see the father.
Ka Haka weka ho ki Muka hea. The father is seen by the mother.
Ka Haka apa ho ki Muka hea weka. The father was seen by the mother.
Ka Haka weka ho ki Muka hea weka. The father will be seen by the mother.
Ka Haka apa hu ki Muka ka Qepa qepa. The father gave the gift to the mother.
Ka Haka apa hu ki Qi hi ho i ka Qepa hi qepa. The father gave the gifts to her children.
A - m. house
a - indef. masc. art.
ana - indef. fem. art.
apa - PST
aqaha - v. sell
Ehe - m. food
Eka - pl. parents
Haka - m. father
hea - v. see
hena - a. beautiful
Ha - f. woman; v. copula
haha - a. black
hi - 1. plural marker 2. pro. she
Ho - m. son
ho - prep. of, belonging
Hona - f. Sun
hu - prep. to, towards
i - pro. he
i ... hi - pro. they
ka - art. masculine singular
ka ... hi - masculine plural
kaha - v. buy
ki - art. feminine singular
ki ... hi - feminine plural
kiha - dem. this, these
Koha - f. Koha language
Koka - f. daughter
ku - pro. you (singular)
laa - a. blue
le - a. poor
Leha - m. spoon
lina - a. green
loka - a. red
mi - pro. I, me
Mo - m. moon
Muka - f. mother
Ta - f. city
Qaqena - m. hospital
qaha - v. buy
Qeheweqa - pl. siblings
qepa - m. Qepa; v. give
Qi - m. child
Qo - m. God
ufawasa - v. transfer
wa - who? what?
Waha - m. water
waha - a. white
waha - q. when? (< Tosa /wa sa/ 'what time')
walo - why?
Waqa - m. car
weka - FUT
weqe - which?
wi - pro. we; how?
wo -where?
wola - v. want to
wona - v. live

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[[Category: A Posteriori]]
[[Category:A posteriori conlangs]]
[[Category: Germanic conlangs]]
[[Category: Germanic conlangs]]

Latest revision as of 13:16, 22 January 2018


Koha is the trade language of the Pacific nations of the Earth of the Eislehrenwelt, where Imperial Germany was the colonizing power and the moon, its icy surface shining brilliantly, illuminates the dalliances of servicemen and native women.

Phoneme Inventory

The phoneme inventory of Koha is small: /a, e, i, k, h, l, m, n, o, p, q, u, w/. /q/ represents the glottal stop {{[ʔ]}}. /w/ is pronounced {{[v]}}


Koha nouns have gender, definiteness, and number.

Gender and Definiteness

There are two genders in Koha: masculine and feminine. The definite masculine article is /ka/; the definite feminine article is /ki/.

Ka Haka. The father.

Ki Muka. The mother.

The indefinite masculine article is /a/, while the indefinite feminine article is /ana/.

A Haka. A father.

Ana Muka. A mother.

The mother language of Koha, Tosa, possessed three cases (nominative, accusative, and prepositional) in addition to definiteness and gender, although not every combination received an individual form.

Definite Father – ta Fata (nom.), te Fata (acc./prep.) Mother – ti Muta (nom./acc.), ta Muta (prep.) Indefinite Father – a Fata (nom.), ana Fata (acc./prep.) Mother – ana Muta (nom./acc./prep.)


Koha has only two numbers: singular and plural. The plural is indicated by placing /hi/ after the noun.

Ka Ho hi. The sons.

Ki Koka hi. The daughters.

There are some nouns, all feminine gender, which are inherently plural and therefore do not use the plural indicator /hi/. These include:

ki Eka – parents, elders

ki Qeheweqa – siblings


Descriptive adjectives are placed between the article and the noun:

ka loka Waqa – the red car.

Hi apa ka loka Waqa qaha. I bought the red car.

Apa ku ka loka Waqa aqaha? Have you sold the red car?

ki hena Ta – the beautiful city.

Mi apa i kiha hena Ta wona. I lived in that beautiful city.

Predicate adjectives follow the copula /ha/

ka Waqa ha loka – the car is red

ki Ta ha hena – the city is beautiful


1 ana

2 ha

3 ka

4 ki

5 hi

6 hepa

7 hipa

8 a

9 na

10 he

11 e

12 hahe

13 kahe

14 kihe

15 hihe

16 hepahe

17 hipahe

18 ahe

19 nahe

20 hahi

21 anuhahi

22 hauhahi

30 kahi

40 kihi

50 hihi

60 hepahi

70 hipahi

80 ahi

90 nahi

100 oka

1000 kaha


Personal Pronouns

Koha personal pronouns are as follows:

I/me – mi

you (sg) – ku

he – i

she – hi

we – wi

they – i hi

/i hi/ is used for both male and female. /ku/ is an unusual choice (one would have expected /ki/ given the origin of Tosa) but the choice seems to reflect a desire to avoid homophony of “thou” and “the (fem)”

Demonstrative Pronouns

There is one demonstrative pronoun is Koha: /kiha/.

Kiha Ma. This man.

Kiha Ha. This woman.

Kiha Qi hi. These children.

Interrogative Pronouns

wa – Who? What?

we'e – Which?

wo -Where?

waha – When? (from Tosa /wa sa/ 'what time?')

walo – Why?

wi – How?


Tosa syntax is essentially that of Standard German, albeit somewhat regularized.

Ki Muka hea ka Haka. The mother sees the father.

Hea ki Muka ka Haka? Does the mother see the father?

Ki Muka apa ka Haka hea. The mother saw the father.

Apa ki Muka ka Haka hea? Did the mother see the father?

Ki Muka weka ka Haka hea. The mother will see the father.

Ki Muka wola ka Haka hea. The mother wants to see the father.

Ki Muka apa ka Haka hea wola. The mother wanted to see the father.

Ka Haka weka ho ki Muka hea. The father is seen by the mother.

Ka Haka apa ho ki Muka hea weka. The father was seen by the mother.

Ka Haka weka ho ki Muka hea weka. The father will be seen by the mother.

Ka Haka apa hu ki Muka ka Qepa qepa. The father gave the gift to the mother.

Ka Haka apa hu ki Qi hi ho i ka Qepa hi qepa. The father gave the gifts to her children.


A - m. house

a - indef. masc. art.

ana - indef. fem. art.

apa - PST

aqaha - v. sell

Ehe - m. food

Eka - pl. parents

Haka - m. father

hea - v. see

hena - a. beautiful

Ha - f. woman; v. copula

haha - a. black

hi - 1. plural marker 2. pro. she

Ho - m. son

ho - prep. of, belonging

Hona - f. Sun

hu - prep. to, towards

i - pro. he

i ... hi - pro. they

ka - art. masculine singular

ka ... hi - masculine plural

kaha - v. buy

ki - art. feminine singular

ki ... hi - feminine plural

kiha - dem. this, these

Koha - f. Koha language

Koka - f. daughter

ku - pro. you (singular)

laa - a. blue

le - a. poor

Leha - m. spoon

lina - a. green

loka - a. red

mi - pro. I, me

Mo - m. moon

Muka - f. mother

Ta - f. city

Qaqena - m. hospital

qaha - v. buy

Qeheweqa - pl. siblings

qepa - m. Qepa; v. give

Qi - m. child

Qo - m. God

ufawasa - v. transfer

wa - who? what?

Waha - m. water

waha - a. white

waha - q. when? (< Tosa /wa sa/ 'what time')

walo - why?

Waqa - m. car

weka - FUT

weqe - which?

wi - pro. we; how?

wo -where?

wola - v. want to

wona - v. live