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== '''Overview''' ==
[[User:Rivendale|Click Here to see disclaimer]]  
dal'qörian (pronounced: ''dal-koo-ree-yan'') is a 3 year old conlang invented by myself ([[User:Rivendale|Rivendale]]). It's basic style is Indo-European, and although mainly arbitrarily invented, many words are drawn from English, German, Welsh, Cornish and Latin. To date, the language is fully functional, with a dictionary of around 10,000 references, words and phrases, idioms, (including a small colloquial element), fully grammatical, and the language also includes around 400 'dal'qörian' people's names. All the countries of the world have also been 'dal'qöranized, (as in ''anglisized'').<br/>The language actually sounds like a hybrid of Romance and eastern European languages. Here is a quick taster:

{{Infobox|name=Dal’qörian|pronounce=ɗælkuɹi:jæn (Eng: Dalcurian)<br>[[Media:Dalcurian.ogg|hear pronunciation]]|tu=Present|species=Human|in=[[Dalcuria]] |no=over 3 million|script=Latin alphabet<br>(Dalcurian variant)|tree= [[Thaduracian|Thaduracian]]<br>&nbsp;[[Proto-Dalcurian|Proto-Dalcurian]]<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;[[Old Dalcurian|Old Dalcurian]]<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Middle Dalcurian<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Modern Dalcurian|morph=Analytic (standard)<br/> Semi-synthetic (Halcarnian)|ms=Nominative-Accusative (pronouns only)|wo=SVO/SOV|creator=Dayle Hill|date= 2003-ongoing}}

'''ela mantábel, am gravætas ön jerandel, nämambr eƒragörädn ön equahörädn.
'''éren Þöldr, máriÞ resæÞámn ön qevésenámn, néba qväombr,, ön, máriÞ ela, am perös qve beröjelperös, agöentr.
''All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
''They should be endowed with reason and conscience and act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
dal'qörian is a 'rhotic' language; the letter 'r' is pronounced after every vowel. It's pronounciation is very deliberate. In fact, by and large, dal'qörian is quite formal; it has no 'slang' form, although there is a small colloquial element to it.
== '''Alphabet and pronunciation''' ==
{| border="1"
! letter !! letter name !! pronunciation
! a
| al || as in cat
! b
| bri || as in bat
! c
| ca || as in cat
! d
| da || as in day
! e
| era || as in end
! f
| ƒe || as in fall
! g
| géø || ''see special pronounciation''
! h
| hal || as in hat
! i
| il || as in kill
! j
| öja || as in the French name ''Jean''
! l
| lá || as in like
! m
| ma || as in man
! n
| na || as in not
! o
| ol || as in top
! p
| pä || as in pat
! q
| qöc || as in 'k' in kick
! qu
| q'qöa || as in quick
! r
| ræ || ''see special pronunciation''
! s
| siri || as in sit
! t
| tø || as in take
! v
| vála || as in van
! x
| séca || as in wax
! y
| yenta || ''see special pronounciation''
'''special vowels and characters'''
{| border="1"
! letter !! letter name !! pronunciation
! ä
| äli || as in 'ey' in they (see also special pronunciation)
! á
| áli || long as in bar
! é
| éga || long as in feel
! ö
| öli || long as in cool
! ø
| ø || as in German doch
! æ
| æ || as in the 'i' in find
! Þ
| eÞ || th as in bath but not in the
===='''special pronunciations'''====
'''g''' is pronounced hard at the beginning and middle of a word, like g in ''get'' but soft at the end of a word,like g in the German word ''swanzig''.<br/>'''r''' is an ''alveolar trill''. Its place of articulation is alveolar which means it is articulated with the tip of the tongue against the alveolar ridge (or just behind the top teeth). It can be likened to the way in which a Scottish person with a strong accent would say ''great, straight, road'', etc.<br/>'''ä''' is pronounced like the ey in ''they''. However, at the end of a word, or where it is separated by a high apostrophe, it is pronounced 'ey ya'.<br/>'''y''' is always pronounced as the English upper case 'y'.<br/>'''q''' on its own is only found at the beginning of a word, including words that are separated by a high apostrophe, as in ''dal’qörian'' or ''qatáj''-cat, and is always pronounced like an English 'k'.<br/>'''c''' only appears in the middle or end of a word such as ''qurvecsár''-to annoy and ''dörac''-through, and is sounded like an English hard 'c'.<br/>'''x''' is used only to denote a negative word and attaches to the end of a verb. (see ''verbs'' and ''negatives'')
As well as being a 'rhotic' lanuage, dal'qörian is also PHONETIC; its spoken exactly as it is written. Once you have learned to pronounce the letters, speaking and reading dal'qörian should be relatively easy. For example, ''dal'qörian'' is pronounced ''dal-koo-ree-yan''. Here are a few more examples, in syllabic form, to give you a flavour of how words sound:
{| border="1"
! dal'qörian !! meaning !! phonetic pronunciation
! strömi
| hot || stroo-mi
! binä
| I/Iam || bin-Aya
! stæcnáÞrädn
| thankless || sty-kun-arth-rey-dun
! ädiáda
| yesterday || ey-dee-ar-da
! yenø
| immense || why-en-och
! ødérämös
| steadiness || och-dee-rey-mooss 
! qsendaréø
| scenario || ku-send-a-ree-och
! embáragadöraj
| puppy || em-bar-ra-gad-oo-raj
! siagentöj
| aunty || see-a-gent-ooj
Many adjectives in English have recognizable endings such as: ''able/ible, al, ful, ic, ive,less, ous''. However, there are many adjectives that do not have specific endings, for example, colours. The past participle of verbs can also be used as adjectives. For example, in the sentence, "He was abandoned as a child", ''abandoned'' is the past participle of the verb ''abandon'', but in the sentence, "He was an abandoned child", ''abandoned'' becomes an adjective because it describes an attribute of the noun ''child''.
dal’qörian has no specific endings for adjectives except:
* When the past participle of a verb is used as an adjective (looses the prefix '''gä’''' and adds the suffix '''ädn''')<br/>
* When an adjective has a relative verb (formed by adding the suffix '''ädn''' to an infinitive):
{| border="1"
! infinitive !! past participle !! adjective
! námbr-''to abandon''                   
| gä’námbr-''abandoned''                              || námbrädn-''abandoned''
! qurivecsár-''to anger''             
| gä’qurivecsár-''angered''                            || qurivecsárädn-''angry''
! tsöcr-''to touch''                       
| gä’tsöcr-''touched''                                      || tsöcrädn-''touched''
''example text'':
* '''mæ gä’námbr di arangájel qve mæöra'''. ''He abandoned his children''.<br/>
* '''mæ ni námbrädn arangáj'''. ''He is an abandoned child.'' 
* '''Jödran gä’tsöcr di gæatéj qve diöra'''. ''Jordan touched your guitar.''<br/>
*'''binä, gerödn taÞ Þonábrämös, disiri tsöcrädn'''. ''I'm very touched by that gesture.''<br/>
*'''diö gä’ábravecsár binöra'''. ''You have angered me.''<br/>
*'''binä qurivecsárädn'''. ''I'm angry.''
===='''Comparison of adjectives'''====
In English, many adjectives are compared by adding the suffixes ''er'' and ''est'' with the definite article ''the'':
{| border="1"
! absolute !! comparative !! superlative
! fast
| faster || the fastest
! late
| later || the latest                                   
Another way of comparing adjectives is with ''more'' and ''the most'':
{| border="1"
! absolute !! comparative !! superlative
! achievable
| more achievable || the most achievable
! advanced
| more advanced || the most advanced                                   
In dal'qörian, both of these constructions are rendered with the prefix '''te''' with words beginning with a consonant, and '''tev''' with those beginning with a vowel:
{| border="1"
! absolute !! comparative !! superlative
! araciev-''late
| tev'araciev-''later'' || di tev'araciev-''the latest''
! bracödrädn-''achievable''
| te'bracödrädn-''more achievable'' || di te'bracödrädn-''the most achievable''                                   
===='''Comparative sentence patterns'''====
There are three types of comparative sentence: ''positive, comparative'' and ''superlative''.<br/>'''Positive sentences''' are those such as:
* ''The pie is not '''as nice as''' it was yesterday''.
* ''One picture is '''as nice as''' the next''.
* ''It’s '''as good as''' it gets''!
In dal'qörian, these are formed with the word '''säsa''' which goes before the adjective:
* '''séÞa epnij ''säsa stæ’quraläla'' ädiáda'''. ''The pie is '''not as nice as''' yesterday''. (In comparative sentences, adverbs of time do not begin the sentence. See Adverbs)     
* '''sia gä’létr di vaÞriámn,, ön sia ''säsa gé’älig'' söcasendras'''. '' She told the truth and was '''as honest as''' possible.                       
Using the intensifier '''esti''' with '''säsa''' also renders the equivalent of ''just as...as'', which is slightly more emphatic:
* '''binä ''säsa esti sæadörädn'' diöra'''. '' I’m '''just as surprised as''' you''.
'''Comparative sentences''' are those such as:
* I’m more intelligent than you.
* The train is faster than the car. 
* It was less noticeable than yesterday.
These are simply formed with the comparative form of the adjective and '''nas'''-''than'':
* '''binä ''tev’ilalägra nas'' diöra'''. ''I'm '''more intelligent than''' you.''                       
* '''Sahán ni ''tev’éagöra evédrátsi nas'' Sösan'''. ''Shane is a '''better driver than''' Susan.'' 

* '''tiÞ ''gé’natinträdn stæmériÞ nas'' ädiáda'''. ''It ''was less noticeable than'' yesterday.''
[[Image:Welcome note in dalscript.jpg]]

Sentences such as: "''You are getting taller and taller. The wind is blowing stronger and stronger'' etc, (where the adjectice is compared with itself), are formed with the adverb '''brát'''-''still'' ('''brát''' is also used as the conjunction ''but'') and the comparative:
'''[[Dal'qörian Script|For more on the Dalcurian Script, click here]]'''

* '''diö vädenária brát te’viténa'''. ''You are getting taller and taller''. (lit: ''You are becoming still taller'').     

* '''di ateméj löbria brát te’herecöl'''. ''The wind is blowing stronger and stronger''. (lit: ''The wind is blowing still stronger'').
<font color=#151B8D><span style="font-size: 16px">'''Qiöra qoÞ. Aca re bán? Binä, te intevönæÞ dis déalecti Dal’qöria, velcamör ela. DérÞ, diö descöbræ däáträdn qörabárämösel qve májä, niaságrämös, liläárämös,, ön salö ni ænÞal degérø dis oragéanámn tiÞöra-lintöni di vosérämös qve tiÞöra qedérÞas.<br/>Binä, öcra di épø taÞ diö icaÞr besöcér siÞ intevönæÞ, iquirquas qnáÞr diöra,, ön méla diö, máriÞ éanö qomenträmösel ödri qualtédrämösel, iquirquas é-mäl binöra,, ödri méla diö natindr éanö enörämösel,, taÞ binä gä’ábravaqur,, ön diö qönér,, taÞ diö nöacr önestár,, nes efragörädnas maqur taÞ dérÞ: ''[email protected].uk'''''

'''Superlative sentences''' are those such as:

* ''I’m the best guitar player''.  
<span style="font-size: 16px">'''Hi, and welcome to the Dalcurian language website. Here, you’ll find detailed descriptions of its grammar, pronunciation, style, and a basic history of its origins right up to its present day usage.<br/>I would like to thank you for taking the time to peruse this website, and if you would like to email me with any comments or questions, or if you notice any mistakes that you feel you could correct me on, then please feel free to do so at''': '''''[email protected]'''''
Through my own experiences, I have purposely simplified the grammatical terminology in this article, and I have also included brief descriptions of grammatical words and expressions in each respective section. This is because I want newcomers to language study not to feel intimidated by heavy terminology and explanations. As I can remember when I first began to study German, I was very confused with 'intense grammatical explanations'. Of course, when studying or creating a language, one must have some understanding of grammar to begin with. However, for the above reasons I have, for the most part, written this article in [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Simple_English_Wikipedia simple English].<BR/>I should also state that most of the examples and references here are based in comparison to the English language.

* ''This is the happiest I’ve seen her''.
=='''Sub categories'''==

* ...''and worst of all, she said I wasn’t attractive''!
===[[Dalcurian language and basic history|Dalcurian language and basic history]]===

The first two examples are formed as in English:
===[[Dalcurian alphabet and pronunciation|Dalcurian alphabet and pronunciation]]===

* '''binä di tev’éagöra gæatéjátsi'''. ''I'm the best guitar player.''                             
===[[dal'qörian adjectives|Adjectives]]===
* '''séÞa di te’qurnöra,, taÞ binä gä’ábravisör siöra'''. ''This is the happiest I've seen her.''

As in the tird example, the form ''adj + of all'' is formed by adding the adverbial suffix '''as/ni''' to the comparative adjective:
===[[dal'qörian adverbs|Adverbs]]===

* '''minäla, te ména, gä’ábra-eƒragör di iáda,, brát ''tev’éagöras'', ména, lintöni Tradiáda, mösárax nöreÞár'''. ''We’ve been given the day off but '''best of all''', we don’t have to go back until Wednesday. ('''mösárax'''-''must not'' in dal'qörian renders the English equivalent of ''do not have to'', see '''Verbs''')
===[[dal'qörian verbs|Verbs]]===

===='''Adjective past tense'''====
===[[dal'qörian prepositions|Prepositions]]===

===='''Adjective continuous past'''====
===[[Dal'qörian negatives|Negatives]]===

===='''Adjective future tense'''====
===[[Dal'qörian nouns|Nouns]]===

==='''Adjective word order'''===
===[[Dal'qörian Cases|Case]]===

===='''Attributive and Predicative adjectives'''====
===[[Dal'qörian pronouns|Pronouns]]===

===='''Post positive adjectives'''====
===[[Dalcurian punctuation|Punctuation]]===

===='''Inherent and non-inherent adjectives'''====
===[[Dal'qörian Telling the time|Time]]===

===='''Nominal adjectives'''====
===[[Dal'qörian numbers|Numbers]]===

===='''Resultant adjectives'''====
=='''Miscellaneous word and phrase lists'''==

==='''Adjectives with prepositions'''===
====[[Dal'qörian colours|Colours]]====
====[[dal'qörian days/months/seasons|Days/months/seasons]]====
====[[dal'qörian describing people|Describing people]]====
====[[dal'qörian countries|Names of Countries]]====
====[[Dalcurian hello/goodbye please/thankyou|Hello/goodbye Please/thankyou]]====
====[[Dalcurian intensifiers|Intensifiers]]====
====[http://docs.google.com/View?id=dmh9tc5_92r9dbhhr English Dalcurian Dictionary]====

===='''Dynamic adjectives'''====
[http://www.omniglot.com '''Omniglot''']

[[Websites in Dalcurian|Various webpages in Dalcurian]]


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Latest revision as of 09:23, 8 November 2012

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Pronounced: ɗælkuɹi:jæn (Eng: Dalcurian)
hear pronunciation
Timeline and Universe: Present
Species: Human
Spoken: Dalcuria
Total speakers: over 3 million
Writing system: Latin alphabet
(Dalcurian variant)
Genealogy: Thaduracian
  Old Dalcurian
   Middle Dalcurian
    Modern Dalcurian
Morphological type: Analytic (standard)
Semi-synthetic (Halcarnian)
Morphosyntactic alignment: Nominative-Accusative (pronouns only)
Basic word order: SVO/SOV
Creator: Dayle Hill
Created: 2003-ongoing

Welcome note in dalscript.jpg

For more on the Dalcurian Script, click here


Qiöra qoÞ. Aca re bán? Binä, te intevönæÞ dis déalecti Dal’qöria, velcamör ela. DérÞ, diö descöbræ däáträdn qörabárämösel qve májä, niaságrämös, liläárämös,, ön salö ni ænÞal degérø dis oragéanámn tiÞöra-lintöni di vosérämös qve tiÞöra qedérÞas.
Binä, öcra di épø taÞ diö icaÞr besöcér siÞ intevönæÞ, iquirquas qnáÞr diöra,, ön méla diö, máriÞ éanö qomenträmösel ödri qualtédrämösel, iquirquas é-mäl binöra,, ödri méla diö natindr éanö enörämösel,, taÞ binä gä’ábravaqur,, ön diö qönér,, taÞ diö nöacr önestár,, nes efragörädnas maqur taÞ dérÞ: [email protected]


Hi, and welcome to the Dalcurian language website. Here, you’ll find detailed descriptions of its grammar, pronunciation, style, and a basic history of its origins right up to its present day usage.
I would like to thank you for taking the time to peruse this website, and if you would like to email me with any comments or questions, or if you notice any mistakes that you feel you could correct me on, then please feel free to do so at
: [email protected]

Through my own experiences, I have purposely simplified the grammatical terminology in this article, and I have also included brief descriptions of grammatical words and expressions in each respective section. This is because I want newcomers to language study not to feel intimidated by heavy terminology and explanations. As I can remember when I first began to study German, I was very confused with 'intense grammatical explanations'. Of course, when studying or creating a language, one must have some understanding of grammar to begin with. However, for the above reasons I have, for the most part, written this article in simple English.
I should also state that most of the examples and references here are based in comparison to the English language.

Sub categories

Dalcurian language and basic history

Dalcurian alphabet and pronunciation












Miscellaneous word and phrase lists



Describing people

Names of Countries

Hello/goodbye Please/thankyou


English Dalcurian Dictionary



Various webpages in Dalcurian

This article is one of many about the Dalcurian language.

Sub categories:

Dalcurian language and basic history:
Halcánian dialect
Dalcurian alphabet and pronunciation
Comparison of adjectives * Comparative sentences * Adjective endings * Adjective tense * Attributive and Predicative adjectives * Post positive adjectives * Inherent and non-inherent adjectives * Nominal adjectives * Resultant adjectives * Adjectives with prepositions * Adjective Hierarchy * Adjective Negation
The verb to do * Modal Verbs * Verb Moods
Preposition word order * Alternative uses of prepositions

Miscellaneous word and phrase lists:

Colours * Days/months/seasons * Describing people * Names of Countries * Hello/goodbye Please/thankyou * Intensifiers * English Dalcurian Dictionary


Omniglot * Various webpages in Dalcurian