Dalcurian adjective negation
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There are 2 ways in which to negate Dalcurian adjectives.
The most common is way is with the prefix stæ. This prefix in itself, denotes opposition, and is found already on many adjectives, equating the English prefixes un, dis and in:
- vehiqualosträdn associated, stævehiqualosträdn disassociated
- lenandrädn helpful, stælenandrädn unhelpful
- dasqurnä emotional dasqurnä unemotional
- önestárädn correct stæönestárädn incorrect
By default, these types of adjectives are already negated, and the prefix is an inherent part of the word (a static prefix). Invariably, an inherent stæ is only seen on ädn adjectives, that is adjectives formed from verbs, or adjectives that have a noun derivative (with some minor exceptions).
When used on any other adjective, stæ attaches with a high apostrophe:
- vélø cold stæ'vélø not cold
- reÞö red stæ'reÞö not red
- despániÞ' miserable stæ'despániÞ not miserable
The second method is the use of the verb inflection x/ax. This method is not used as much when negating a stand alone adjective, but is frequently used when negating adjectives in comparative sentences. (See Comparative Sentences):
- vélø' cold véløax not cold
- reÞö red reÞöax not red
- despániÞ' miserable despániÞax not miserable
- DanöÞ véløax/stæ'vélø. It's not cold.
- Binä despániÞax/stæ'despániÞ. I'm not miserable.
Incidently, in sentences such as:
- TiÞ ni stæ'vélø iáda'. It's not a cold day.
the article must come before the adjective as normal.
NOTE: Look at the use of danöÞ and tiÞ in these sentences:
- DanöÞ véløax/stæ'vélø. It's not cold.
- TiÞ ni stæ'vélø iáda. It's not a cold day.
DanöÞ is used in the first sentence as it does not refer to an object (a dummy pronoun). TiÞ is used in the second example as it refers directly to day.
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