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===[[dal'qörian|back to Dalcurian main page]]===
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Halcarnian (Dal' spelling: '''Hal'qánian'''), also known as: '''Söemi'Dal'qörian''' (Finno-Dalcurian) is a Dalcurian dialect spoken exclusively in the Halcarnian province. It has several differences between itself and ''''Dal'qöriádn''''-Standard Dalcurian. These include:
The Halcarnian dialect arose out the isolation period between 500 to 1400AD. Halcarnia was the main southern port on the island, and a major trading artery to central Dalcuria. However, after a corruption battle between a Halcarnian provincial governor and the King's central governmant, Halcarnia was segragated from the rest of Dalcuria, and ran as an autonomous province for nearly 900 years. Halcarnia fell on very hard times during this period since Dalcuria's leaders had always forged good relationships with England and Europe, and they were extremely influential in directing trade away from the province, thus forcing Halcarnia to survive on a recipricol economy. This also had a significant effect on the language, which failed to evolve beyond the realm of Old Dalcurian.<br/>Dalcuria managed to reclaim Halcarnia at the beginning of the 14th century, but the dialect never became superstrated. Although business, political and religious affairs were standardized, both orally and in literacy, the standard tongue of the region was very healthily retained. Of course, from that time, the Halcarnian dialect has undergone changes along with middle to modern-Dalcurian, but retains many old-Dalcurian features such as verb moods and modality, verb-pronoun inflection, and noun cases and accusative marking.
* Noun cases/markers
* Spelling, pronunciation and vocabulary
* Pronouns
* Modal expressivness
* Possesive structure
* Word order
Halcarnian is mutually intelligeable with its mother tongue, although some knowledge of its case system is required.
Here are brief descriptions of those differences.
===Noun Cases and markers===
Halcarnian has fifteen noun cases: 3 grammatical cases, 6 locative cases, 3 essive cases and 3 marginal cases.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
! colspan="5" style="background:#cfcfcf;" | Halcarnian cases
|- style="background:#dfdfdf;" |
! Case !! Suffix !! English prep. !! Sample !! Translation
! colspan="5" style="background:#efefef" | Grammatical
|  nominative || &nbsp; || - || taloj || house
| genitive
| -in || of || talojin || of (a) house
| accusative || -an || - || talojan || house (as an object)
! colspan="5" style="background:#efefef" | Locative (internal)
| inessive || -asä || in || talojasä || in (a) house
| elative || -ta || from (inside) || talojta || from (a) house
| illative || -sta || into || talojsta || into (a) house
! colspan="5" style="background:#efefef" | Locative (external)
| adessive || -la || at, on || talojla || at (a) house
| ablative || -lta || from (off of) || talojlta || from (a) house
| allative || -le || to || talojle || to (a) house
! colspan="5" style="background:#efefef" | Essive
| essive || -na || as || talojna || as a house
| exessive || -attä || from being || talojattä || from being a house
| translative || -iksi || to (role of) || talojiksi || to a house
! colspan="5" style="background:#efefef" | Marginal
| instructive || -in || with (the aid of/by means of) || talojin || with the house
|| abessive || -uuta || without || talojuuta || without (a) house
| comitative || -ne || together (with) || talojne || with a house
Although the above cases almost replicate those of the Finnish language, their usage is much more 'definate'. And, since Halcarnian is an inflected dialect, word order within sentences can be comparatively free - the function of a word being indicated by its ending. But, for emphasis, word order does change on a regular basis.
This marks 'ownership' of an object by a noun (''different from possesives, see below'') and corresponds directly to the English 'apostrophe 's' and 'of the/a' genitive:
* '''Fenstij d'talojin''' ''The house window'' lit: ''The window of the house''
* '''Panuaj d'gaduurajin''' ''The dog's bed''
* '''D'eviidrämus Ankein''' ''Anke's drink''
* '''D'eliviajel kirajin''' ''The pages of a book''
This case marks the 'object' of the verb:
* '''Mina ga'visuur talojan '''. ''I saw a house''.<br/>But for emphasis:
** '''Talojan ga'visuur mina!''' ''I saw a HOUSE!''<br/>Here, the objective marker MUST be used. Word order alone simply does not denote ''who/what'' is being seen since both nouns are unmarked and therefore potentially the ''subject''. Leaving it off could give rise to 'humerous ambiguity: '''Taloj ga'visuur mina''' could translates as ''A house saw I''!
This case ending, apart from being used to mark the object, can also be used to emphasize a ''subject':
* '''Danuutt taloj'''. ''There is a house''. (but its not important).
** '''Talojan danuutt!''' ''Look, a HOUSE!''
In the 2nd example above, although 'HOUSE' technically isn't an object, the object marker is being used in an 'exclamatary' fashion, to give it special attention.
Note: As a spoken (''and strictly colloquial'') rule, the objective marker is only needed when it's grammatically neccessary, or to avoid ambiguity. If the noun/pronoun is inflected with a prepositional marker, it may not be used. However, with nouns/pronouns marked by external prepositions, and in sentences where the object also performs an action, it may be neccessary to mark the object:
* '''Mina ga'gor kafijsta'''. ''I went into a shop''. But:
** '''Mina ga'visuur haanan, se ga'gor haan kafijsta .''' ''I saw him go into a shop''. (''Halcarnian verbs take 1st position in subordinate clauses AFTER the conjunction'').
In the 1st example, '''kafij''' needs no object marker since the locative marker '''sta''' can only denote that the 'shop' is 'being gone into'. Therefore, '''Kafijsta ga'gor mina''' would still read, ''I went into a shop''.
Locative is a case which indicates a location. It corresponds mainly to the English prepositions ''in/inside'', ''into'', ''from (inside/outside/out of)'', ''to/towards'', and ''at'':
* '''Haan habitr talojasä .''' ''He lives in a house''.
* '''Sihaan ga'kamuur talojatä'''. ''She came out of (from inside) a house''.
* '''Anke goria talojsta.''' ''Anke is going into a house''.
Again, for emphasis, word order can change and the objective marker used:
* '''Talojanäsä habitr han!''' ''It's a HOUSE he lives in! He lives in a HOUSE!''
* '''Anke ga'adrattalaar talojla'''. ''Anke was at home
* '''Anke gagor d'talojlta.''' ''Anke left the house.'' (lit: ''Anke went from the house'')
* '''Anke goria talojle.''' ''Anke is going to a house.''
* '''Mina ga'bekuuadr Petrilta kiraj'''. ''I got a book from (off of) Petri.'' (lit: ''I received from Petri a book'')<br/>As mentioned earlier, the objective marker may only be used if it's grammatically neccessary. In the above sentence, '''kiraj''' needn't be marked because of the intervention of '''Petrilta''', which pr-determines '''kiraj''' as an object. If you were to write the sentence with '''Petrilta''' in last position, then '''kiraj''' would have to be marked:
* '''Mina ga'bekuuadr kiraj''an'' Petrilta'''.
This case carries the meaning of a temporary state of being, often equivalent to the English ''as a...''.
* '''Jonäokni, til talojna.''' ''At the moment, it's a house''.
* '''Eren ga'fuukr til ''talojattä talotuurijeliksi'''''. ''They changed it '''from a house into flats'''''.<br/>In '''talotuurijeliksi''', the suffix '''tuuri''' is a diminutive suffix (''makes something small'') and '''el''' is the plural marker, as in Standard Dalcurian.
* '''Lapiijna, minoli glato'''. ''When I was a child I was skinny'' (''As a child...'')
This case roughly equates to the English ''with/without'', ''together with'', and ''by'':
* '''Haan goria parenojne'''. ''He is going with dad''.
* '''Sinaitt konsomiir tatt luufejin'''. ''You should eat that with a spoon''. (''with the aid of'')
* '''Miina levaltr tsuugajin'''. ''We're going by train''. (''by means of'')
* '''Kalo nomaijuuta'''. ''Kalo has no money''. (is without money'')
The main differences are:
'''ä''' remains the same
'''ö''' is written as '''uu'''
'''é''' is written as '''ii'''
'''á''' is written as '''aa'''
'''ø''' is written as '''ok''' but pronounced hard as in ''lock''
'''æ''' is written as '''ai'''
'''c''' is replaced with '''k''' and pronounced hard
'''Þ''' is replaced with '''tt''' but pronounced the same
'''qu''' is written as '''ku'''
'''kk'''-the way to voice this is to pronounce the first '''k''' hard, the second is voiced like the English '''Y''' in ''yacht'' or the soft '''J''' in the German ''Javol'' or ''Ja''. One has to be careful of spelling traps too, for example the Halcarnian word for a thin, summer jacket is '''hakan''', but the same word spelled '''hakkan''' means ''peace'' or ''serenity''. Here are some examples in Standard and Halcarnian respectively:
* '''strömi, struumi'''-hot
* '''vélø, viilok'''-cold
* '''iáda, iaada'''-today
* '''alsalöátsi, alsaluaatsi'''-fanatic
* '''eÞöa, ettua'''-some
* '''hemørämös, hemokrämus'''-forgiveness
Consider these 2 examples-the 1st Article of the Declaration of Human Rights:
''Ovakkatäsä on jerandelasä elni hamuuniel nemambr efraguuräden on ekuahuuräden. Erenitt semiir retisaamn on kviisanämnn, on alotr elnine vaalimäin amuurämuus''.
''Ela mantábel, am graßætas ön jerandel, nämambr efragörädn ön equahörädn. Érenöra Þöldr, máriÞ reÞæsámn ön qvésänámn qväombr,, ön máriÞ ela, am perös qve beröjelperös, agöentr''.
It's often said within the Dalcurian borders that Halcarnian ISNT a dialect, but a different language all together. On first hearing Halcarnian, one might get this impression, however, Halcarnian shares over 90 percent Dalcurian vocabulary, and in formal conditions adheres to the same prepositional phrase word order rule. Halcarnian, unlike many dialects, has its own grammar and written standard. Some gramatarians argue that dialects are in fact languages unto themselves. I however, feel that, if a 2 forms of the same language are mutualy intelligeable (albiet with a little training), then they are in fact 'dialects'.
===Vowel Harmony===
There is only a 'tinge' of vowel harmony in Halcarnian. When the short letter '''a''' is part of a syllable, in which the following consonant forms the first letter of a following syllable ending in another short '''a''', then the final '''a''' must change to '''ä'''. To that, you will never see '''äa'''; the final '''a''' must change to '''ä'''. This is evident in some of the case endings, and also in the accusative pronoun 'polite' form: '''hanä'''-''you'' but adding the accusative marker '''an''' must change to '''hanään'''. The '''ää''' is then pronounced as a short '''e''' (as in the English ''hen'').
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
! colspan="2" style="background:#cfcfcf;" | Personal pronouns (nominative)
|- style="background:#dfdfdf;" |
! Halcarnian !! English
! colspan="2"  style="background:#efefef;" | Singular
|mina || I
|sina || you
|haan || he
|sihaan || she
|til || it
|manuu || one/you (impersonal)
! colspan="2" style="background:#efefef;" | Plural
|miina || we
|elsina || you
|eren || they
! colspan="2" style="background:#efefef;" | Polite
| hanä || you (polite)
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
! colspan="2" style="background:#cfcfcf;" | Personal pronouns (accusative)
|- style="background:#dfdfdf;" |
! Halcarnian !! English
! colspan="2"  style="background:#efefef;" | Singular
|minään || me
|sinään || you
|haanan || him
|sihaanan || her
|tilan || it
|manuuan || one/you (impersonal)
! colspan="2" style="background:#efefef;" | Plural
|miinan || us
|elsinan || you
|erenan || them
! colspan="2" style="background:#efefef;" | Polite
| hanään || you (polite)
Accusative (objective) pronouns are denoted with the objective noun markers. However, '''mina, sina''' and '''hanä''' must adhere to vowel harmony: ('''a''' does not follow '''ä''' and vice versa):
* '''Mina ga'visuur sinään''' ''I saw you''.  
* '''Haan ga'visuur minään'''. ''He saw me''.
* '''Miina ga'visur gaduurajän'''. ''We saw a dog''. 
**'''Gaduurajän ga'visur miina'''. ''We saw a DOG!''
The allative ending '''le''' is added to the accusative to form a ''dative'' pronoun:
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
! colspan="2" style="background:#cfcfcf;" | Personal pronouns (dative)
|- style="background:#dfdfdf;" |
! Halcarnian !! English
! colspan="2"  style="background:#efefef;" | Singular
|minäänle || to me
|sinäänle || to you
|haananle || to him
|sihaananle || to her
|tilanle || to it
|manuuanle || to one/you (impersonal)
! colspan="2" style="background:#efefef;" | Plural
|miinanle || to us
|elsinanle || to you
|erenanle || to them
! colspan="2" style="background:#efefef;" | Polite
| hanäänle || to you (polite)
(The accusative/dative '''haanan/haananle''' often gets mistaken for the accusative/dative '''hanään/hanäänle''' by foreign speakers and also by Dalcurians themselves)

* '''Mina ga'enduukr haananle til'''. ''I gave it to him''. (note the word order)

* '''Sihan kuaskria minäänle ni kualtiidrämuus.''' ''She's asking me a question''. (lit: ''She's asking to me a question'').
There is a distinct difference between standard Dalcurian and Halcarnian pronunciation, mainly:

The Halcarnian case system can make it difficult for speakers of of Indo-European languages to grasp-especially if you're used to using prepositions to place a noun. Thankfully, this case system doesn't extend into the articles '''a''' and '''the''' as in German. In fact, the absence of the definate article '''di''' automatically renders '''ni''', and '''di''' is only used when its really neccessary to identify the noun (''however,'' '''di''' ''is written as'' '''d'''' ''; conidered more as a '''clitic'''''):
* High front vowels '''i''' and '''é''' tend to be more rounded.

'''Danuutt taloj.''' ''There is '''a''' house''. but:
* High back vowel '''u''' as in the noun ending '''ämös''' is shorter

'''Danuutt d'taloj.''' ''There is '''the''' house''.
* Non use of neither the characters nor the sounds '''Þ''' and '''ø'''

==='''Word order'''===
* Palatialization with doubled consonants-this is especially important in Halcarnian, for example the Halcarnian word for ''yearning/longing'' is '''hakan''' /hakan/ yet the word for a ''summer jacket'' is '''hakkan''' /hakʲan/

Generally, Halcarnian word order is SVO, though for emphasis it can change to OSV:

'''Mina goria talojsta.''' ''I'm going into a house.'' but for emphasis:
Halcarnians spell as they speak. The marked vowels '''á''' and '''ä''' can be seen, though this is normally reserved for formal contexts. The high front vowels '''é''' and '''i''' are also only used with formality, however, since they are not pronounced they don't appear in normal writting. For example:

''' Talojansta mina goria!''' '' It's a HOUSE I'm going into!''
* '''vélø'''-''cold''
** Halcarnian
*** '''veloc
* '''disiri vélø'''-''very cold''
** Halcarnian
*** '''desere veloc

Notice how in the second example, the 'objective' marker is also used. Although this isnt neccesary (''since we know that 'I' am the one going into the house because it's '''taloj''' that carries the illative marker''), the objective '''an''' is used for emphasis.
[[Category: Conlangs]]

Latest revision as of 09:25, 8 November 2012

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The Halcarnian dialect arose out the isolation period between 500 to 1400AD. Halcarnia was the main southern port on the island, and a major trading artery to central Dalcuria. However, after a corruption battle between a Halcarnian provincial governor and the King's central governmant, Halcarnia was segragated from the rest of Dalcuria, and ran as an autonomous province for nearly 900 years. Halcarnia fell on very hard times during this period since Dalcuria's leaders had always forged good relationships with England and Europe, and they were extremely influential in directing trade away from the province, thus forcing Halcarnia to survive on a recipricol economy. This also had a significant effect on the language, which failed to evolve beyond the realm of Old Dalcurian.
Dalcuria managed to reclaim Halcarnia at the beginning of the 14th century, but the dialect never became superstrated. Although business, political and religious affairs were standardized, both orally and in literacy, the standard tongue of the region was very healthily retained. Of course, from that time, the Halcarnian dialect has undergone changes along with middle to modern-Dalcurian, but retains many old-Dalcurian features such as verb moods and modality, verb-pronoun inflection, and noun cases and accusative marking.


There is a distinct difference between standard Dalcurian and Halcarnian pronunciation, mainly:

  • High front vowels i and é tend to be more rounded.
  • High back vowel u as in the noun ending ämös is shorter
  • Non use of neither the characters nor the sounds Þ and ø
  • Palatialization with doubled consonants-this is especially important in Halcarnian, for example the Halcarnian word for yearning/longing is hakan /hakan/ yet the word for a summer jacket is hakkan /hakʲan/


Halcarnians spell as they speak. The marked vowels á and ä can be seen, though this is normally reserved for formal contexts. The high front vowels é and i are also only used with formality, however, since they are not pronounced they don't appear in normal writting. For example:


  • vélø-cold
    • Halcarnian
      • veloc


  • disiri vélø-very cold
    • Halcarnian
      • desere veloc
This article is one of many about the Dalcurian language.

Sub categories:

Dalcurian language and basic history:
Halcánian dialect
Dalcurian alphabet and pronunciation
Comparison of adjectives * Comparative sentences * Adjective endings * Adjective tense * Attributive and Predicative adjectives * Post positive adjectives * Inherent and non-inherent adjectives * Nominal adjectives * Resultant adjectives * Adjectives with prepositions * Adjective Hierarchy * Adjective Negation
The verb to do * Modal Verbs * Verb Moods
Preposition word order * Alternative uses of prepositions

Miscellaneous word and phrase lists:

Colours * Days/months/seasons * Describing people * Names of Countries * Hello/goodbye Please/thankyou * Intensifiers * English Dalcurian Dictionary


Omniglot * Various webpages in Dalcurian