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Conlang Relay 12/Toma Heylm

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Details for the Toma Heylm text of Conlang Relay 12.

The text

akot edra ey anyelis tamya.

syin rigyana seta tomil "lhi delye sa testdre!".

syin kusot seta tomil "anya, file! lo sokril simelal! eff tisanot kipayu nes oleye efim. lo delye silkot oriya syin simelalu."

syin rigyana seta tomil "lhi delye sa testdre!".

syin kipa seta tomil "eff tisanyik dampeyu edra".

syin rigyana seta tomil "aa?".

syin anya seta tomil "ure?".

syin kusot seta tomil "lo delye mi kakrot lek. lo sokril filet. file!"

syin rigyana seta tomil "lhi delye sa testdre!".

syin kipa seta tomil "eff sokryok sipoyu, lir syim delye mi marelis".

syin anya seta tamot "sem seta tomyok!".

syin kipa seta tomil "haya efim, lo delye datil lek tef operu yiv "Cunux", tal sem ey sureli".

syin anya seta tomil "ure dava keryik? eff seta sipil fhasayu tamamelis".

syin kusot seta tomil "eff kardot kastet hiya biliyu".

syin kipa seta tomil "tarya eff delye elyik dodeyi, eff delye kupra, lir Petra delye haldyik operu efim. eff sokryok bolgeyu lir syin sipetu, rel eff delye sipyok lek rumiyu".

syin rigyana seta tomil "lo delye mi tulyik lek yiv kuyon la yumela".

syin kipa seta tomil "eff sokryok topayu mini fhasa seta fharot dolva okostel."

syin rigyana seta tomil "lhi delye sa testdre!".

elyi seta peyrai yumola kareli "syin kipa seta tomil 'edra seta todat rigeli'".


  akot edra ey  anyelis tamya.
  N.f  ADJ  COP ADJ.f   ADV
  syin rigyana seta tomil "lhi delye sa testdre!".
  ART  N.f     MOD  V.f    3.p MOD  MOD      
  syin kusot seta tomil "anya, file!  lo  sokril simelal!  eff tisanot kipayu 
  ART  N.f   MOD  V.f    N.f   V.imp  2.s V.f    V.inf     1.s V.f     N.f.ACC
  nes  oleye    efim.    lo  delye silkot oriya syin simelalu."
  PREP INST.N.? 1.s.GEN  2.s MOD   V.f    ADV   ART  V.inf.ACC
  syin rigyana seta tomil "lhi delye sa testdre!".
  ART  N.f     MOD  V.f    3.p MOD  MOD     
  syin kipa seta tomil "eff tisanyik dampeyu edra".
  ART  N.f  MOD  V.f    1.s V.m      N.m.ACC ADJ 
  syin rigyana seta tomil "aa?".
  ART  N.f     MOD  V.f   INTERJ
  syin anya seta tomil "ure?".
  ART  N.f  MOD  V.f    N.m  
  syin kusot seta tomil "lo delye mi  kakrot lek.  lo sokril filet.  file!"
  ART  N.f   MOD  V.f    2.s MOD  MOD V.f    ADV   2.s V.f   V.inf   V.imp
  syin rigyana seta tomil "lhi delye sa testdre!".
  ART  N.f     MOD  V.f    2.p MOD  MOD     
  syin kipa seta tomil "eff sokryok sipoyu, lir syim delye mi marelis".
  ART  N.f  MOD  V.f    1.s V.m     N.f.ACC CONJ ART MOD  MOD ADJ.f   
  syin anya seta tamot "sem seta tomyok!".
  ART  N.f  MOD  V.f    3.s.m MOD V.m    
  syin kipa seta tomil "haya efim,   lo  delye datil lek tef     operu   yiv 
  ART  N.f  MOD  V.f    N.f  1.s.GEN 2.s MOD   V.f   ADV 1.s.DAT N.m.ACC PREP 
  "Cunux", tal  sem   ey  sureli".
  name     CONJ 3.s.m COP ADJ.m  
  syin anya seta tomil "ure dava keryik?  eff seta sipil fhasayu tamamelis".
  ART  N.f  MOD  V.f    N.m MOD  V.m      1.s MOD  V.f   N.f.ACC ADJ.f    
  syin kusot seta tomil "eff kardot kastet hiya biliyu".
  ART  N.f   MOD  V.f    1.s V.f    V.inf  ADV  N..m.ACC
  syin kipa seta tomil "tarya eff delye elyik dodeyi, eff delye kupra, lir Petra
  ART  N.f  MOD  V.f    ADV   1.s MOD   V.m   ADJ.m   1.s MOD   N.m    CONJ name
  delye haldyik operu   efim.   eff sokryok bolgeyu lir syin sipetu,   rel  eff
  MOD   V.m     N.m.ACC 1.s.GEN 1.s V.m     N.m.ACC CONJ ART V.inf.ACC CONJ 1.s
  delye sipyok lek rumiyu".
  MOD   V.m    ADV N.m.ACC
  syin rigyana seta tomil "lo delye mi tulyik lek yiv  kuyon la   yumela".
  ART  N.f     MOD  V.f    2.s MOD  MOD V.m   ADV PREP N.f   PREP LOC.N.f 
  syin kipa seta tomil "eff sokryok minu    topa fhasayi seta fharot dolva 
  ART  N.f  MOD  V.f    1.s V.m     REL.ACC N.f  N.f.GEN MOD  V.f    NUM   
  syin rigyana seta tomil "lhi delye sa testdre!".
  ART  N.f     MOD  V.f    3.p MOD  MOD     
  elyi seta peyrai yumola  kareli "syin kipa seta tomil 'edra seta todat 
  3.p  MOD   LOC.N.m ADJ.m   ART  N.f  MOD  V.f    ADJ  MOD  N.m   


  aa?	an exclamation of surprise
  akot	n. story (f)
  anya	n. woman (f)
  anyeli	adj. marvelous
  bili	n. umbilical cord (m)
  bolge	n. monster, demon (m)
  Cunux	a foreign name
  dampe	n. world (m)
  datet	v. to give
  dava	imperfective modal
  delye	irrealis/future modal
  dodeyi	adj. dead
  dolva	numeral eight
  edra	adj. this
  eff	pron. 1st person sing. nom.
  efim	pron. 1st person sing. gen.
  elal	v. to become
  elyi	pron. 3rd person pl. nom.
  ey		copula (v. to be)
  fharal	v. to ripen, to ferment
  fhasa	n. wine (f)
  filet	v. to push
  haldal	v. to honor
  haya	n. mother (f)
  hiya	adv. now
  kakral	v. to fear
  kardal	v. to be able
  kareli	adj. next, following
  kastet	v. to cut
  keral	v. to happen, take place
  kipa	n. baby (f)
  kostel	n. month (f)
  kupra	n. military general (m)
  kusot	n. midwife (f)
  kuyon	n. fish (f)
  la		prep. on; takes locative
  lek	adv. not
  leye	n. eye (m)
  lhi	pron. 2nd person pl. nom.
  lir	conj. and
  lo		pron. 2nd person sing. nom.
  mareli	adj. sturdy, well-made
  mela	n. dock (f)
  mi		delye mi: should
  min	relative particle; see grammar notes
  mola	n. day (m)
  nes	prep. with; takes instrumental
  oriya	adv. soon
  oper	n. name (m)
  Petra	Peter
  peyet	v. to write
  rel	conj. but
  rigeli	adj. sacred
  rigyana	n. priestess, wisewoman (f)
  rumi	n. milk (m)
  sa		delye sa: optative mood
  sem	pron. 3rd person sing. nom. (m)
  seta	past-tense modal
  silkal	v. to complete
  simelal	v. to give birth
  sipo	n. blanket (f)
  sipet	v. to drink
  sokret	v. to need
  sureli	adj. ordinary, common
  syim	pron. 3rd person sing. nom. (f)
  syin	definite article
  tal	conj. for, because
  tamal	v. to shout, to scream words
  tamameli	adj. too much
  tamya	adv. much, very
  tarya	adv. when
  tef	pron. 1st person sing. dative
  testyal	v. to hope.  Plural form testdre.
  tisanal	v. to see
  todat	n. gift (m)
  tomet	v. to say, to speak
  topa	n. cup (f)
  tulal	v. to flop about
  ure	n. what (m)
  yiv	prep. like

Grammar Notes

I hope I didn't leave any words or affixes out! If I did they may be in the glossary linked from Grammar of Toma Heylm.

Grammar notes (longer version with charts at the above URL):

  Word order is SVO.  
  Articles, number and prepositions precede nouns, and adjectives follow them.  
  Nouns have gender, but it is not marked on the nouns; it is marked on the 
  adjectives that modify them and the verbs for which they are the subject.
  Nouns inflect for case, of which there are seven (nominative, accusative,
  genitive, dative, instrumental, locative, causative).  Inflection is by a 
  mix of prefixes and suffixes according to the following chart:
          Nominative     [none]     shadow - edior world - dampe
          Accusative     -u, -yu        edioru        dampeyu
           Genitive      -i, -yi        ediori        dampeyi
            Dative       a-, ay-       ayedior        adampe
         Instrumental    o-, oy-       oyedior        odampe
           Locative     uy-, yu-       uyedior        yudampe
          Causative     hi-, iy-       iyedior        hidampe
  Pronouns inflect irregularly for case and are given in their inflected
  forms in the vocabulary. 
  Adjectives follow the noun and agree with it in gender (if singular)
  or number (if plural).  In the singular, no suffix indicates a male 
  noun, and -s indicates a female noun.  -d indicates a plural noun.   
  Adjectives can modify a noun or be the object of the copula.
  Verbs come in two flavors, -et and -al.  In this dialect, there is an
  imperative form created by dropping the final consonant.  Verbs decline 
  for gender and/or number as follows (chart best viewed in non-proportional 
                            Verbs in -al     Verbs in -et
     infinitive           to see - tisanal  to go - dimitet
     imperative           tisana!           dimite!
     male                 tisanyik          dimityok
     female               tisanot           dimitil
     plural               tisandre          dimitrai
  Modals precede verbs, and adverbs follow them.  Verbs conjugate for gender
  or number of the subject (gender if singular, number if plural).  Tense,
  mood, and aspect are indicated by the modals.  Verbs in the infinitive
  can follow the conjugated verb to modify it.
  The modal verb system is based on the three-part Creole system:
    * seta indicates past tense.
    * delye indicates irrealis mode, and has its own auxiliary particles
      to indicate certain moods; it is used for future events, probable,
      potential, wished-for, hypothetical, conditional, and
      "coulda/shoulda/woulda" constructions.
    * dava indicates imperfective aspect, including progressive,
      iterative, and habitual aspects.
  The modals always appear in the order "seta delye dava".  No modals
  indicates non-past indicative, aka the simple present.  All three 
  modals would indicate "would have been doing", or "was about to be
  doing", or "intended to be doing"...
  The copula, ey, disappears in the presence of modals.  Therefore, 
  modals without a verb after them should be considered a form of the
  copula.  Since the copula is considered naturally imperfective, dava 
  is not used with it.
  Adverbs usually end in "ya".  Some adverbs have comparative and 
  superlative forms, which are listed in the vocabulary where appropriate.
  Verb phrases can be nominalized by putting the definite article 
  "syin" before the verb, which then takes noun case marking.  The 
  former object of the verb takes genitive case.
  When quoting speech, the speech verb will agree in gender with the noun 
  used as the subject.  If that is different from the speaker's natural 
  gender, then any "I-sentences" within the quoted speech will be at variance 
  with the artificial gender of the speech verb.
  For example, if quoting a female farmer, one would write:
     Syin pason seta tomyok, "Eff delye tandot dereval tam herimu".
     ART  N.m   MOD  V.m      1s  MOD   V.f    V.inf   PL  N-ACC
     The  farmer did say(male), "I will make(female) to bloom the flowers".
  The particle "sil" begins nominal clauses such as "that the flowers are red".
  Relative clauses are a different matter.  Toma Heylm has internally 
  headed relative clauses.  This is very different from the way which 
  English does things.  For example:
     I see the woman
     eff    tisanot syin anya-yu
     I(NOM) see(f)  the  woman-ACC
     The woman gives a book to the man
     syin anya       datil   mind-u   syin ay-alam
     the  woman(NOM) give(f) book-ACC the  DAT-man
     I see the woman who gives a book to the man
     eff    tisanot [min-u   syin anya       datil   mind-u   syin ay-alam]
     I(NOM) see(f)  [REL_ACC the  woman(NOM) give(f) book-ACC the  DAT-man]
     I see the man to whom the woman gives a book
     eff    tisanot [syin anya       datil   mind-u   min-u   syin ay-alam]
     I(NOM) see(f)  [the  woman(NOM) give(f) book-ACC REL-ACC the  DAT-man]
     I see the book which the woman gives to the man
     eff    tisanot [syin anya       datil   min-u   mind-u   syin ay-alam]
     I(NOM) see(f)  [the  woman(NOM) give(f) REL_ACC book-ACC the  DAT-man]
     The woman who gives the book to the man sees me
     [min syin anya       datil   mind-u   syin ay-alam] tisanot lifa
     [REL the  woman(NOM) give(f) book-ACC the  DAT-man] see(f)  me(ACC)
     The man to whom the woman gives a book sees me
     [syin anya       datil   mind-u   min syin ay-alam] tisanyik lifa
     [the  woman(ACC) give(f) book-ACC REL the  DAT-man] see(m)   me(ACC)
     The book which the woman gives to the man is about me
     [syin anya       datil   min mind-u   syin ay-alam] sayok       lifa
     [the  woman(NOM) give(f) REL book-ACC the  DAT-man] be.about(m) me(ACC)
     I give the book the woman saw to the man
     eff    datil   [syin anya       seta tisanot min-u   syin mind-u]   syin ay-alam
     I(NOM) give(f) [the  woman(NOM) did  see(f)  REL-ACC the  book-ACC] the  DAT-man
     I give the book to the man the woman saw
     eff    datil   syin mindu    [syin anya       seta tisanot a-min   syin alam-u]
     I(NOM) give(f) the  book-ACC [the  woman(NOM) did  see(f)  DAT-REL the  man-ACC]
  The relativizer min comes directly before the internal head noun of the 
  relative clause.  It gets the case marking that the head noun would have
  had in the OUTER sentence; the head noun retains the case marking that it 
  gets in the INNER sentence.  (Backwards of the way Russian does it.)

Charts of verb conjugations, noun declensions, and the pronoun matrix can be seen at Grammar of Toma Heylm.

Smooth Translation

This story is very marvelous.

The priestess said, "May you hope!"

The midwife said, "Woman, push! You need to give birth! I see the baby with my eyes. You will soon complete the birth."

The priestess said, "May you hope!"

The baby said, "I see this world."

The priestess said, "Huh?"

The woman said, "What?"

The midwife said "You should not fear. You need to push. Push!"

The priestess said, "May you hope!"

The baby said, "I need a blanket, and it should be well-made."

The woman shouted, "He spoke!"

The baby said, "My mother, you will not give me a name like 'Cunux', because it is ordinary."

The woman said, "What is happening? I have drunk too much wine."

The midwife said, "Now I am able to cut the umbilical cord."

The baby said, "When I should die [lit: become dead], I would be a military general, and Peter will honor my name. I need a monster and a drink, but I won't drink milk."

The priestess said, "You should not flop about like a fish on the dock."

The baby said, "I need a cup of wine that has fermented eight months."

The priestess said, "May you hope!"

They wrote the next day, "The baby said 'This was a sacred gift'."

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