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Conlang Relay 12/Da Mätz Se Basa

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This is Henrik Theiling's Da Mätz se Basa torch of Conlang Relay 12.

Darynese -- Running Text

Dorunyaera! Nyaram, ilaetraenyaera!
Mizaebaiao: Marinyaera!
Saerai: Saenyanyaera! Yaetai! saenyanyaera!
Saerai: Yaetai! Emilonaime mati dorusetas raikae. Yaemi deles se daibe!
Mizaebaiao: Marinyaera!
Emilo: A! Teoro dorunyaetas raokae!
Saerai: rarurileyiza!
Mizaebaiai: Latrimaelnaor?
Saerai: Pasaeranyaepara! Aesem saenyanyaera! Yaetai! saenyanyaera!
Mizaebaiao: Marinyaera!
Emilo: Raokae taekonyaera! Yaope tazembo ranneos teonzanyae raokae.
Mizaebaiai: Taeyinnaor ilaetraese?
Emilo: Eyilai. Raokaekul laemtraenyaera. Daibenaimao ineyilao zaitrinyae
raokae. 'Konor' tusreonyaepa raokae. Taenae menyae yaemi.
Mizaebaiai: Nanenaor? Ilaetraese emilo!
Saerai: Emilseyai sem datae raikae.
Emilo: Nenkenaimeo naer leobysunyae raokae. Yilae aon leobysunyae raokae.
'Petros' zaitrinyae raokaenaimae aon.
Emilo: Aotaelao menyae raokae. Subenyai, ilaoba zelnelonyaepa raokae.
Saerai: Petros! Ebenyaepara!
Emilo: Ner trais binyin keoru, saisinsu zelnelonyae raokae.
Mizaebaiao: Marinyaera!

Darynese -- Interlinears

This is how I broke it down.

Dorunyaera!  Nyaram, ilaetraenyaera!
Doru-nyaera! Nyaram, ilaetrae-nyaera!
see-IMPER!   And     speak-IMPER!
Look!  And speak!

Mizaebaiao: Marinyaera!
Mizaebaiao: Mari-nyaera!
husband:    persevere-IMPER
Husband: Persevere!

Saerai: Saenyanyaera!  Yaetai! saenyanyaera!
Saerai: Saenya-nyaera! Yaetai! saenya-nyaera!
priest: push-IMPER     Ma'am   push-IMPER
Doctor: Push! Ma'am, push!

Saerai: Yaetai! Emilonaime       mati dorusetas   raikae.
Saerai: Yaetai! Emilo-naim-e     mati doru-setas  raikae.
priest: Ma'am   baby-POSS-thing  head see-POL.POS I.ADULT.FEM
Doctor: Ma'am! I see the baby's head!

Yaemi  deles    se         daibe!
Yaemi  deles    se         daibe!
it     almost   do.POL.POS you.ADULT.FEM
You have alsmost done it!

Mizaebaiao: Marinyaera!
Mizaebaiao: Mari-nyaera!
husband:    persevere-IMPER
Husband: Persevere!

Emilo: A!       Teoro      dorunyaetas     raokae!
Emilo: A!       Teo-ro     doru-nyaetas    raokae!
baby:  ah/well! place-this see-POS.UNCERT  I.ADULT.MASC
Baby: Ah!  I think I see this place!

Saerai: Rarurileyiza!
Saerai: Rarurileyiza!
priest: damnit!
Doctor: Damnit!

Mizaebaiai: Latrimaelnaor?
Mizaebaiai: Latrimael-naor?
wife:       any.abstract.idea-QUERY?
Wife: What?

Saerai: Pasaeranyaepara!          Aesem saenyanyaera!  Yaetai! saenyanyaera!
Saerai: Pasaera-nyaepara!         Aesem saenya-nyaera! Yaetai! saenya-nyaera!
priest:  again push-IMPER     Ma'am   push-IMPER
Doctor: Don't get in a bad mood!  Push again, Ma'am, push!

Mizaebaiao: Marinyaera!
Mizaebaiao: Mari-nyaera!
husband:    persevere-IMPER
Husband: Persevere!

Emilo: Raokae       taekonyaera!  Yaope      tazembo ranneos        teonzanyae  raokae.
Emilo: Raokae       taeko-nyaera! Yaope      tazembo ranneos        teonza-nyae raokae.
baby:  I.ADULT.MASC dress-IMPER   rich-THING clothing much/lot/often wear-POS    I.ADULT.MASC
Baby:  I want to dress! I often wear expensive clothing.

Mizaebaiai: Taeyinnaor    ilaetraese?
Mizaebaiai: Taeyin-naor   ilaetrae-se?
wife:       person-QUERY  speak-POL.POS
Wife: It can speak?

Emilo: Eyilai.  Raokaekul     laemtraenyaera.
Emilo: Eyilai.  Raokae-kul    laemtrae-nyaera.
baby:  mother   I.ADULT.MASC  listen-IMPER
Baby:  Listen to me, mother.

Daibenaimao                   ineyilao zaitrinyae  raokae.
Daibe-naim-ao                 ineyilao zaitri-nyae raokae.
I am your son.

'Konor' tusreonyaepa  raokae.        Taenae         menyae yaemi.
'Konor' tusreo-nyaepa raokae.        Taen-ae        me-nyae yaemi.
'Konor' wish-NEG      I.ADULT.MASC   common-CONCEPT is-POS  it
I don't want (to be called) 'Konor', that's too common.

Mizaebaiai: Nanenaor?                  Ilaetraese    emilo!
Mizaebaiai: Nane-naor?                 Ilaetrae-se   emilo!
wife:       malicious.lie/trick-QUERY  speak-POL.POS baby
Wife: Is that a trick?  The baby speaks!

Saerai: Emilseyai    sem datae raikae.
Saerai: Emilseyai    sem datae raikae.
priest: Nabelschnur  now cut   I.MASC
Doctor: I will now cut the umbilical cord.

Emilo: Nenkenaimeo                   naer  leobysunyae       raokae.
Emilo: Nenke-naim-eo                 naer  leobysu-nyae      raokae.
baby:  General-POSS-place/time/event death exist/possess-POS I.ADULT.MASC
Baby:  I had the death of a General.

Yilae             aon  leobysunyae       raokae.
Yil-ae            aon  leobysu-nyae      raokae.
good-concept/idea name exist/possess-POS I.ADULT.MASC
I have a good name.

'Petros' zaitrinyae  raokaenaimae                   aon.
'Petros' zaitri-nyae raokae-naim-ae                 aon.
'Petrus' be-POS      I.ADULT.MASC-POSS-concept/idea name
My name is 'Petrus'.

Emilo: Aotaelao            menyae  raokae.
Emilo: Aotael-ao           me-nyae raokae.
baby:  thirsty-ADULT.MASC  is-POS  I.ADULT.MASC
Baby:  I am thirsty.

Subenyai, ilaoba zelnelonyaepa   raokae.
Subenyai, ilaoba zelnelo-nyae-pa raokae.
However,  milk   drink-AUTH-NEG  I.ADULT.MASC
But I don't want to drink milk.

Saerai: Petros!  Ebenyaepara!
Saerai: Petros!  Ebe-nyae-pa-ra!
priest: Petrus!  zappeln-AUTH-NEG-IMPER!
Doctor: Petrus!  Don't squirm like that!

Emilo:  Ner      trais binyin   keoru,   saisinsu zelnelonyae    raokae.
Emilo:  Ner      trais binyin   keoru,   saisinsu zelnelo-nyae   raokae.
baby:   previous five  one.half 44.days  vodka    drink-AUTH.POS I.ADULT.MASC
Baby:   I drank vodka the last 8 months.

Mizaebaiao: Marinyaera!
Mizaebaiao: Mari-nyaera!
husband:    persevere-IMPER
Husband:    Persevere!

Ereo                  mokeorul donyose       donyoao --
Er-eo                 mokeorul donyo-se      donyoao --
next-place/time/event day      write-POL.POS writer
The next day, the writer wrote:

'Ilaetraerilo        emilo! Taomaenaime    kaodi!'
'Ilaetrae-ril-o      emilo! Taomae-naim-e  kaodi!'
 speak-PART-JUV.MASC baby!  God-POSS-thing gift!
'A speaking baby!  A gift of God!

Darynese -- Smooth English

Look! It speaks!

Husband: Persevere!

Doctor:  Push! Ma'am, push!

         Ma'am! I see the baby's head!
         You have alsmost done it!

Husband: Persevere!

Baby:    Ah!  I think I see this place!

Doctor:  Damnit!

Wife:    What?                                  
Doctor:  Don't get in a bad mood!               
         Push again, Ma'am, push!               

Husband: Persevere!
Baby:    I want to dress!
         I often wear expensive clothing.        
Wife:    It can speak?

Baby:    Listen to me, mother.
         I am your son.
         I don't want to be called 'Konor',
         that's too common.

Wife:    Is that a trick?  The baby speaks!

Doctor:  I will now cut the umbilical cord.

Baby:    I had the death of a General.
         I have a good name.
         My name is 'Petrus'.

         And I am thirsty,
         but I don't want any milk.

Doctor:  Petrus!  Don't squirm like that!

Baby:    I drank vodka the last 8 months.

Husband: Persevere!

The next day, the writer wrote:
'A speaking baby!  A gift of God!

Da Mätz se Basa -- Running Text

De kuk un kuja ja he

Ä Man: Diu häl dur to.

Doto:  Ü drük to.  Muin Quän, ü drük to.
       Muin Quän, ich kan da Bäbi s' Kop ol sä höma.
       Ü hat de bäna saf ja.

Man:   Diu häl dur to.

Bäbi:  Säo, ich kan de hir Urt sä ima.

Doto:  Chofadem!

Quän:  Wat is he?

Doto:  Ü wot nich bang nä to.
       Ü drük noma to, muin Quän, ü drük to.

Man:   Diu häl dur to.

Bäbi:  Ich wil wat dräk an höma.
       Ich drach of gui Zuich ja.

Quän:  De kan kuja ima.

Bäbi:  Diu fan Modo hur ma ze to.
       Ich is duin Anak.
       Un ich wil nich "Konol" heis nä höma,
       omdat de ze tawal is ja.

Quän:  De do is ne Drik he.  De Bäbi kuja he.

Doto:  Ich wirt gätz de Nalsur snä dur.

Bäbi:  Ich hat na Gäral se Maut hat.
       Un ich hat ne hau Nam ja, nämich heis ich "Pädrus".
       Un ich hat ne Durs ja, ma ich wil kein Nai nä höma.

Doto:  Pädrus, diu zape nich säo nä to.

Bäbi:  Di lätz ach Mat hat ich ne Woka drik.

Man:   Diu häl dur to.

Ana näs Dach sir di Sir-Mätz: "Ne kuja s' Bäbi höma!  Ne da Got se Sänk ja!"

Da Mätz se Basa -- Interlinears

De         kuk  un  kuja ja  he
DEF.NOM.SG look and talk POS UNCERT
It looks and talks!?

Ä Man:           Diu  häl  dur     to
Matrimonial man: Thou hold through IMPER
Husband: Persevere!

Doto:   Ü      drük  to.    Muin Quän,  ü      drük to.
Doctor: you.SG push  IMPER  My   woman  you.SG push IMPER
Doctor: Push!  Madam, push!

      Muin Quän, ich kan da         Bäbi s'  Kop  ol      sä  höma
      my   woman I   can DEF.DAT.SG baby REL head already see EMPHAT
      Madam, I can see the baby's head already!

      Ü      hat  de         bäna   saf  ja
      you.SG have DEF.NOM.SG almost made POS
      You have almost done it!

Man:  Diu  häl  dur     to
Man:  Thou hold through IMPER
Man:  Persevere!

Bäbi: Säo,  ich kan de         hir  Urt   sä  ima
Baby: Well, I   can DEF.NOM.SG here place see VAGUE
Baby: Well, I can see this place, then...

Doto:   Chofadem!
Doctor: Damnit!
Doctor: Damnit!

Quän:  Wat  is he?
Woman: what is INTERROG
Woman: What is it?

Doto:   Ü      wot    nich bang    nä  to
Doctor: become not  anxious NEG IMPER
Doctor: Don't get disturbed!

        Ü      drük noma  to,   muin Quän,  ü      drük to push again IMPER my   woman push IMPER
        Push again, madam, push again!

Man:  Diu  häl  dur     to
Man:  Thou hold through IMPER
Man:  Persevere!

Bäbi: Ich wil  wat  dräk an   höma
Baby: I   want what pull onto EMPHAT
Baby: I want to wear something!

      Ich drach of gui Zuich ja
      I often wear precious clothes

Quän:  De         kan kuja ima
Woman: DEF.NOM.SG can talk VAGUE
Woman: It can talk!?

Bäbi: Diu fan   Modo   hur  ma      ze to
Baby: You APPOS mother hear 1SG.DAT to SUG mother
Baby: Mother, listen to me!

      Ich is duin Anak
      I   be your son/daughter.
      I am your son.

      Un  ich wil  nich 'Konol' heis      nä  höma,
      And I   want not  'Konor' be.called NEG EMPHAT
      And I don't want to be called 'Konor',

      omdat   de         ze  tawal  is ja
      because DEF.NOM.SG too normal be ja
      because that's too common.

Quän:  De         do    is ne Drik  he.     De         Bäbi kuja he.
Woman: DEF.NOM.SG there be a  trick UNCERT  DEF.NOM.SG baby talk UNCERT
Woman  This is a trick, right?  The baby talks!?

Doto:   Ich wirt gätz de         Nalsur         snä dur.
Doctor: I   will now  DEF.NOM.SG umbilical.cord cut through.
Doctor: I will now cut the umbilical cord.

Bäbi: Ich hat  na           Gäral   se  Maut  hat.
Baby: I   have INDEF.DAT.SG general REL death have.
Baby: I had a general's death.

      Un  ich hat  ne           hau  Nam  ja,
      And I   have INDEF.NOM.SG good name POS,
      And I have a good name,

      nämich heis      ich 'Pädrus'.
      namely be.called I   'Petrus'
      that is, I'm called 'Petrus'.

      Un  ich hat  ne           Durs   ja,
      And I   have INDEF.NOM.SG thirst POS
      And I am thirsty,

      ma  ich wil  kein Nai  nä  höma
      but I   want no   milk NEG EMPHAT
      but I don't want any milk.

Doto:   Pädrus, diu zape  nich säo nä  to
Doctor: Petrus, you quirm not  so  NEG IMPER
Doctor: Petrus, don't squirm like that!

Bäbi: Di         lätz ach   Mat   hat  ich ne           Woka  drik
Baby: DEF.NOM.PL last eight month have I vodka drink.
Baby: The last eight months I drank vodka.

Man:  Diu  häl  dur     to
Man:  Thou hold through IMPER
Man:  Persevere!

Ana    näs  Dach sir   di         Sir-Mätz:
on.the next day  write DEF.NOM.PL write-person:
The next day, the writers wrote:

'Ne           kuja s'  Bäbi höma!   Ne           da         Got se  Sänk ja!'
A talking baby! A gift of God indeed!

Da Mätz se Basa -- Smooth English

It looks and talks!?

Husband: Persevere!

Doctor:  Push!  Madam, push!
         Madam, I can see the baby's head already!
         You have almost done it!

Man:     Persevere!

Baby:    Well!  I can see this place, right!?

Doctor:  Damnit!

Woman:   What is it?

Doctor:  Don't get disturbed!
         Push again, madam, push again!

Man:     Persevere!

Baby:    I want to wear something!
         I often wear precious clothes!

Woman:   It can talk!?

Baby:    Mother, listen to me!
         I am your son.
         And I don't want to be called 'Konor',
         because that's too common.

Woman    This is a trick, right?  The baby talks!?

Doctor:  I will now cut the umbilical cord.

Baby:    I had a general's death.
         And I have a good name,
         that is, I'm called 'Petrus'.
         And I am thirsty,
         but I don't want any milk.

Doctor:  Petrus, don't squirm like that!

Baby:    The last eight months I drank vodka.

Man:     Persevere!

The next day, the writers wrote:
A talking baby! A gift of God indeed!


  - Da Mätz se Basa is an a posteriori language derived from Modern
    High German.
    Some influence from Dutch, Afrikaans, Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia and
    several other languages can be found, mainly in the lexicon, but
    sometimes also in the grammar.

  - The language is mostly isolating, with a few frequent words being
    fosilised fused forms, and with a few bound morphemes.  Further,
    compound nouns and verbs exist. They are listen in the lexicon.

  - Case:   nominative, dative.
  - Number: singular, plural.
  - Definiteness: definite, indefinite

  - Case, number and definiteness are all marked on the article.

  - Adjectives, relative clauses and possessives precede the
    phrase they modify.

  - Articles precede nouns (and their modifiers) and are optional in
    front of relative clauses, and possessive pronouns, and is
    forbidden before determiners ("some", "no", etc.).

    If left out in front of relative clauses, definiteness, case and
    number information is lost for that phrase, and must be inferred.
    (In ancient times, the relative particle would then be inflected,
    but this feature was lost is earlier times.)

  - For prepositions that can be followed by both nominative and dative
    case, nom. denotes a direction, dat. a location.

  - Articles and 3rd person pronouns are indistinguishable.  These
    word is glossed with DEF or INDEF.

  - Preposition + 3rd person pronoun/article fused into one word if
    adjacent, even if they belong to different phrases.
    This is a phonological fusion.

  - In a verb phrase, auxiliaries precede the main verb.  The first
    verb in such a phrase, the head verb, is shifted to first
    or second position when the word order changes.

  - There are three word orders:

        V-Last Order (this is the basic order):
            SOV: in certain subordinate clauses

            The first verb of the verb phrase is shifted to the front:

            In questions, suggestives, and in certain subordinate
            clauses triggered by some conjunctions.

            Starting from V1-order, the subject or an adverb is
            shifted to the front:

            Normal propositional order: the fronted constituent
            is the topic.  By default, this is the subject, so you
            get SVO order here.

    In the lexicon, conjunctions will show which order is selected.

  - The very end of a clause is often marked with a complement
    for truth value ("ja", "nä", "ima") and/or for speech act
    ("höma", "to", "he").  "ja" (positive truth value) and
    "höma" (propositional speech act) are optional -- if they
    are present, they are emphatic.

  - 'se': modification.
    In the construction:
         A 'se' B
    Here, A is a general modification of B.  This is used for
    relative clauses, possessives, and composition.  A bit like
    Chinese 'de' or Japanese 'no'.  In the neighbourhood of
    vowels, the word reduces to  s' .

    In possessives formed with 'se', the first part (A), a noun
    phrase, will be in dative case.  An optional determiner may
    precede the whole construction.

  - 'fan': apposition.
    In the construction:
         A 'fan' B
    A is the same as B.  In English, the translation could be
    simply "A B" (e.g. "Doctor Smith") or "A of B" (e.g.
    "city of New York").  Both A and B are in the the same case.

  - All nouns are capitalised.

  - Note that due to the speech act and truth value complements,
    the use of exclamation and question marks is very much reduced
    in this language.


Ä          - n.          - marriage
ä          - adj.        - matrimonial
ach        - num.        - eight
an         - prep.+dat.  - on, at (place); on, at (time)
           - prep.+nom.  - to, onto (place)
           - aux.        - see "dräk an"
ana        - fus.        - "an" + "da"; "an" + "na"
Anak       - n.          - child: son; daughter
Bäbi       - n.          - baby
bäna       - adv.        - almost
bang       - adj.        - anxious, fearful
Chofadem   - interj.     - Damnit!
da         - det.        -
Dach       - n.          - day
de         - det.        -
de do      - comp.det.   - distant: that
di         - det.        -
diu        - pron.       - informal
do         - adv.        - there; after det. indicates distance, see "de do"
Doto       - n.          - doctor
drach      - v.          - carry; wear
dräk       - v.          - to pull
dräk an    - comp.v.     - to don
drik       - v.          - to drink
drük       - v.          - to push, to press
duin       - poss.pron.  - informal
dur        - adv.        - through
           - aux.        - see "snä dur"
           - aux.        - see "häl dur"
Durs       - n.          - thirst
fan        - part.       - apposition particle (see grammar)
Gäral      - n.          - (military) general (or s.o. of similar rank)
gätz       - adv.        - now
Got        - n.          - God
gui        - adj.        - expensive; precious
häl        - v.          - to hold
häl dur    - comp.v.     - to keep up, to persevere; to withstand
hat        - v.          - to have; in a compound verb, marks past tense
hau        - adj.        - good
he         - compl.+V1   - question marker
           - compl.+V2   - uncertainty marker or still a question marker
                           (when an interrogative pronoun is in the clause)
heis       - v.          - to be called
hir        - adv.        - here
höma       - compl.      - proposition marker
hur        - v.          - to hear
hur ze     - comp.v.     - to listen
ich        - pron.       -
ima        - compl.      - vague proposition marker
is         - v.          - to be
ja         - compl.      - positive complement
kan        - v.          - to be able to
kein       - det.        - no; no-one
Konol      - n.prop.     - "Konor"
Kop        - n.          - head
kuja       - v.          - to talk
kuk        - v.          - to look
lätz       - adj.        - last
ma         - conj.       - but
Man        - n.          - man
Mat        - n.          - month
Mätz       - n.          - person
Mätz       - suff.       - forms subject noun: the person who ...
Maut       - n.          - death
Modo       - n.          - mother
muin       - poss.pron.  -
na         - det.        -
nä         - compl.      - negative complement
Nai        - n.          - milk
Nalsur     - n.          - umbilical cord
Nam        - n.          - name
nämich     - adv.        - that is..., namely
näs        - adj.        - next
ne         - det.        -
nich       - adv.        - not
noma       - adv.        - again
of         - adv.        - often
ol         - adv.        - already
omdat      - conj.+Vlast - because
Pädrus     - n.prop.     - "Petrus"
Quän       - n.          - woman
s'         - part.       - = "se" (adjacent to vowels)
sä         - v.          - to see
saf        - v.          - to manage; to accomplish
Sänk       - n.          - present, gift
säo        - adv.        - so, this way
           - interj.     - well!, aha!
se         - part.       - modification particle (see grammar)
sir        - v.          - to write
snä        - v.          - to cut
snä dur    - comp.v.     - to cut through, to transect
tawal      - adj.        - common, ordinary, normal
to         - compl.+V1   - imperative marker
ü          - pron.       - formal
un         - conj.       - and
Urt        - n.          - place, location
wat        - int.pron.   - what
wil        - v.          - to want
wirt       - v.          - auxiliary to form future tense
Woka       - n.          - vodka
wot        - v.          - to become
zape       - v.          - to squirm
ze         - adv.        - too; too much
           - v.          - see "hur ze"
Zuich      - n.          - stuff; clothing


1.           - first person
2.           - second person
adj.         - adjective
adv.         - adverb
aux.         - auxiliary verb
comp.        - compound
compl.       - complement: a word at the end of clauses to determine
               the speech act or the truth value
compl.+V1    - complement that requires V1 word order.  Note that some
               complements may mean different things with different
               word orders.
compl.+V2    - complement that requires V2 word order
conj.        - conjunction.  Word order in this clause is either V1 or V2,
               depending on type of clause and on complement.
conj.+Vlast  - conjunction that requires Vlast word order: this is a
               subordinate clause that cannot have speech act complements.
               (But it may contain truth value complements.)
dat.         - dative case
def.         - definite
det.         - determiner or article
fus.         - fused word: the original words are given
indef.       - indefinite
int.pron.    - interrogation pronoun
interj.      - interjection
n.           - noun
n.prop.      - proper noun
nom.         - nominative case
num.         - numeral
part.        - particle: see the grammar for these words
pl.          - plural
poss.pron.   - possessive pronoun
prep.        - preposition: the required case will be given.  Note that
               some prepositions may be followed by different cases and
               mean different things.
pron.        - pronoun
sg.          - singular
suff.        - suffix: second part of a compound
v.           - verb.  Note that some verbs only occur in compound verbs
               and may have other functions when used alone.
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