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LCC8 Relay/Temnish

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This is the Temnish text for the LCC8 Relay's Ring 1, by Tobias Lindorfer.


tajəf aagchegd khaagin atrə

aamai rerech tjunin atrə tléinavev, ke skelrav stlekə, id lég təbéj aabšə, id réid veləméj aabšə, e taiw inadnachaidnə perəgaij i'av.
tljairəfav tjunliirij lerə sdle, tailnul néigd kaagchaigd liirilut nimegd liiravev sdlaadə.
kailaigut šekuilaigd ši'anunij e ketaigut šaivaigd ijifi, échepaig stlekav tjichain kaataiknə atrə, daigin lefš, e sailaig ktaignə néigd kéilptlrefaavə.
fjed tjéfrə irev širin, khaag ti'aafech rafaaréivə, liir vljinegd tjunliirij i'ev tléinšech epked, tlain nirašag chevsetegd e nimegd tléinav enrə.
tajəf aagchegd raidég lrefšaigd šedundev fechinə. teštkule'udin təjainə lchoi'afraidnə šiin, raajd-ire'udin rilnij fijutidre šiin, sailaig ktaigulnə néigd e daigin lyfš tljairəfavev légšə, e visai daigin lyfš aamainə šəlagchavev tulə.

Smooth English

Bright snow over the land

One saw kids at midnight, that escaped clandestine, as the time was already late, as the land was already quiet, and the windows of the sleeping people were dark.
Although they kept away from the moon well, it illuminated their little, frightened faces with its pale light briefly.
With thick coats of fur and warm shoes of leather, they sneaked from the house away on the tips of the toes, like mice, and left small footprints behind.
The air became cold now, the frost bit the ground, the gentle light of the moon was no more visible, the eyes looked to a white and dull sky instead.
Bright snow fell greatly in the lands around.
Like the clustering of the memories of the years, like the getting-blunt of pain by blowing, it hid the little and mouse-like prints of their feet quickly, and blurred the mouse-like tracks of the kids entirely.

← LCC7 RelayLCC8 RelaydLCC Relay →
Ring 1 Ring 2
Tobias "Slorany" Fernandez — Edoki — text
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