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I know this is a mess graphically, but I thought it would be a courtesy to post this information for Relay 20 starts.

Siye Cheat Sheet

Phonology and Orthography


/m/ [m], > [ⁿ]/V_#, V_C

/n/ [n]

/p/ [p], > [pʰ]/#_, [f]/_u, [ç]/_i

/t/ [t], > [tʰ]/#_, [ʦ]/_u, [ʦʰ]/#_u

/k/ [k] > [kʰ]/#_, [x]/_u, [ʧ]/_i, [ʧʰ]/#_i

/s/ [s] > [ʃ]/_i

/w/ [v]

/y/ [j]

/l/ [l]

/h/ [placeholder after /m/ [ⁿ]]

/i/ [i]

/im/ [ɪⁿ]

/e/ [e]

/em/ [ɛⁿ]

/a/ [a]

/am/ [aⁿ]

/o/ [o]

/om/ [ɔⁿ]

/u/ [u]

/um/ [ʊⁿ]

Vowel Dominance

Siye Vowel Dominance indicates which vowel will dominate in a vowel-vowel sequence (nasalization of vowels does not affect this). The Vowel Dominance hierarchy is listed below: /u/ > /o/ > /a/ > /e/ > /i/

The 3rd person animate subject prefix of the verb is -i- and therefore vanishes most of the time after the object prefixes. It is, however, present in /yi-/ and /umhi-/.

Nominal Morphology



1. NOMINATIVE (NOM): -0 NOM: Pronouns, Personal Names

The Nominative Case is used for the subject of an intransitive clause and the subject of a transitive clause, provided that the noun is either a pronoun or a personal name.

2. ABSOLUTIVE (ABS): -0 ABS: Everything Except Pronouns and Personal Names

The Absolutive Case is used for the subject of an intransitive clause and the object of a transitive clause, provided that the noun is not a pronoun or a personal name.


The Accusative Case is used for the object of a transitive clause, provided that the noun is either a pronoun or personal name.

4. ERGATIVE (ERG): -ya, -na

The Ergative Case is used for the subject of a transitive clause, provided that the noun is not a pronoun or a personal name. -na follows a nasal syllable; -ya follows otherwise.

5. GENITIVE (GEN): -ne

The Genitive Case is used to describe alienable possession or an accidental characteristic of a object.


The Possessive Case is used to describe inalienable possession or an essential characteristic of an object. The Possessive Case, unlike the other Cases, precedes rather than follows the grammatical number suffix.

7. ABLATIVE (ABL): -sum

The Ablative Case is used to describe motion away from a point or origin from a particular location.

8. LOCATIVE (LOC): -kem

The Locative Case is used to describe a location, or, in ditransitive clauses, the object being transferred or the price of the object in the Absolutive Case (more rarely, Accusative Case).

9. (AL)LATIVE/DATIVE (ALL): -su ALL: Inanimates

The Dative Case is used for the inanimate indirect object of a main clause, the inanimate indirect object of a Causative Construction clause when the verb of the Causative Construction clause is in the imperfective aspect, and the inanimate direct object of a Causative Construction clause when the verb of the Causative Construction clause is in the perfective aspect.

10. DATIVE (DAT): -tu DAT: Animates

The Dative Case is used for the animate indirect object of a main clause, the animate indirect object of a Causative Construction clause when the verb of the Causative Construction clause is in the imperfective aspect, and the animate direct object of a Causative Construction clause when the verb of the Causative Construction clause is in the perfective aspect.


The Instrumental Case is used to describe the means by which something is done. This case is only used with Inanimate nouns; therefore it is rude to use the Instrumental Case with an Animate nouns.

12. ADVERBIAL (ADV): -ku

The Adverbial Case converts roots into adverbs. The Guild of Scholars treats this as a case rather than a separate part of speech.

13. EQUATIVE (EQ): -pu

The Equative Case is used to describe the second noun or adjective in predicate statement. It is also used a vocative exterior to the core arguments of the clause.


The Comitative Case is used to describe accompaniment. It also serves as the primary nominal form of 'and', thus contrasting with the primarily verbal form -(a)m.

Grammatical Number

Grammatical Numbers:

NULL (NL): -ku, -hu, -u

The Null Number refers to the absence of a particular thing. When used with an adjective, the Null Number changes an adjective to its opposite.


The Singular Number is used with singular nouns, some abstract nouns, and mass nouns.

DUAL (DU): -so

The Dual Number is used to refer to exactly two things. Although pairs of items, such as eyes, are in the Dual Number, the Dual Number does not inherently indicate a pair.

PAUCAL (PC): -ke

The Paucal Number refers to a group, smaller than that of Plural Number but more than the Dual Number.

PLURAL (PL): -lo

The Plural Number refers to a group, larger than that of Paucal Number. This is the generic plural in Siye.

PANTIC (PN): -ka

The Pantic Number refers to all of a certain thing. It is also used as a tribal designation.

Structure: ROOT-NUMBER-CASE, except if there is a Possessive Case, in which case it is ROOT-CASE-NUMBER.

Definiteness and Numeral Placement

Siye nouns are inherently definite. An indefinite noun requires a following /tum/. Ajectives follow the noun. Examples;

tupi the bird

tupi tuki white bird

tupi me this bird

tupi tuki me this white bird

tupi tum a bird

tupi tuki tum a white bird

tum tupi one bird

tum tupi tuki one white bird


le, la: 1st person

pe, sa: 2nd person

i, ya: 3rd person animate

e, a: 3rd person inanimate

mu: 3rd person indefinite

tum: 3rd person indefinate (after subkect prefix (h)i-)

um: reflexive.

The second form is exclusively Accusative; all other case suffixes attach to the Nominative form.

Verb and Participle Structure

Verb Structure

Verb Structure

1. Object Prefix

The last prefix in each list is the ya-conjugation form. The others are yi-conjugation forms.

le-, la-: 1st person

pe-, sa-: 2nd person

i-, y-, ya-: 3rd person animate

e-, a-: 3rd person inanimate

mu-: 3rd person indefinite

tum-: 3rd person indefinite

um-: reflexive

2. Subject Prefix

-le-: 1st person

-pe-: 2nd person

-y-, -(h)i-: 3rd person animate

-e-: 3rd person inanimate

-mu-: 3rd person indefinite

3. Root

Many basic Siye roots are suppletive and correspond with a particular aspect.

4. Grammatical Number

-ku: null number

-0: singular number (also indefinite)

-so: dual number

-ke: paucal number

-lo: plural number

-ka: pantic number (i.e., all); sometimes ethnic (tupikasum lupatekemkasum - from all the birds in the sky)

-pi: exclusive marker (replaces dual, paucal, plural)

The exclusive marker -pi- may replace the dual, paucal, or plural number if and only if the dual, paucal, or plural number is marked on the noun with which the verb agrees in number.

5. Causative

-sum: causative

6. Derivatives

[I may have forgotten one here, and this is a semi-open category. Fair warning.]

-ka: 'intend to X'

-me: 'stop X-ing'

-nam: 'begin to X'

-tam: 'continue to X'

-te: 'want to X'

-to: negative imperative 'do not X'

-wi: positive imperative 'do X'

-yam: 'able to X'

7. Directionals

-ki: 'in place'

-na: 'up'

-nu: 'down'

-su: 'away from'

-tu: 'towards'

The other suffixes are fairly self-explanatory, but -ki- probably requires some clarification. The suffix -ki- places emphasis on the stationary nature of the verb. Examples:

eletomtuna I bought it

eletomsuna I sold it

eletomkina I kept it in stock

8. Aspect

-me: imperfective

-ne: perfective

9. Mode

-a: positive realis

-e: irrealis

-u: negative realis

10. Relational

-(a)me: 'who/what/which/that'

-(a)mo: interrogative (creates a question)

-(e)ki: 'so that', 'with the result that'

-(e)kem: 'when'

-(e)su: 'then'

-(e)sum: 'if'

-(e)ya: 'because'

11. Coordinative

-(h)(a)m: 'and'

12. Negative (floater)

-ku: negative

Positions 1 and 2 often combine due to Vowel Dominance. There are two conjugations, yi-conjugation and ya-conjugation. The ya-conjugation is object-prominent. Position 3 is often suppletive depending on aspect (Position 8). Position 4 reflects the subject if the verb is imperfective, the object if the verb is perfective. It is mandatory even in the singular number. Position 5 is often derivational and triggers the Causative (Syntactical) Construction in originally transitive verbs. Position 6 is derivational; each suffix may be associated with a particularly aspect. Position 6 triggers the Causative Construction in specific cases. Position 7 is sometimes derivational, sometimes not, usually mandatory. Position 8 and 9, usually combine into one syllable. Position 10 usually indicates a subordinate clause or a matrix clause in a conditional statement. Position 11 indicates parallel clauses and may combine with Position 8/9 or Position 10. Position 12 is a mobile suffix used to disambiguate certain negative statements or strengthen an already negative statement.

Participle Structure

1. Root

2. Causative

3. Derivatives

4. Directionals

5. Aspect

6. Mode

7. Nominalizer

-ki: passive, instrumental

-kim: locative

-yam: active, ergative

8. Grammatical Number

9. Case

Positions 2, 3, and 4 are only present if necessary. Position 7 has three variants, active, passive, and locative. A participle lacks the Object and Subject Prefixes of a verb in a relative clause.



Basic syntax is SOV, with a yi-conjungation verb. The indirect object and other non-core arguments precede the Direct Object. If the Direct Object is fronted, the verb changes from yi-conjugation to ya-conjugation. If the Subject is placed after the verb, the verb remains yi-conjugation. Pronouns are mandatory in formal Siye. Examples:

'I sold the bird to the girl'

Le layeketu tupi iletompusuna.

Kili le layeketu yaletompusuna.

Layeketu kili iletompusuna le.

Causative Construction

If the causative suffix is added to a transitive verb, the cases of the core arguments from the original clause are governed by the aspect of the verb. If the verb is imperfective, the originally nominative or ergative subject of the original clause becomes dative or allative, while the originally accusative or absolutive object of the original clause remains accusative or absolutive. If the verb is perfective, the opposite occurs. Position 6 suffixes take the Causative Construction except when the Object of the Causative Construction is the same as the Subject of the Causative Construction. Thus “I wanted you to see the book” (le kenosu sa eleyemputena) uses the Causative Construction, while “I wanted to see the book” (le keno eleyamputena) does not.

Complex Clause Order

NP → N Adj Gen Relative-Clause Possessive Numeral Case

/tupi tuki lupate tupikelo yiyokakanamesokani/

tupi tuki lupate tupike-lo i-i-yo-ka-ka-ne-a-ame-me-so-ka-ni

bird white mountain bird.DIM-PL

With all the white birds of the two mountains who intended to eat the many small birds.


Siye uses post-positions. The preceding noun is in the Genitive Case (much less commonly, the Possessive Case).

Relational Verb Order

A clause with a verb ending in -(a)me is usually embedded within the matrix clause.

A clause with a verb ending in -(e)ki is either embedded within the matrix clause or follows the matrix clause.

A clause with a verb ending in -(e)kem usually precedes the matrix clause.

A clause with a verb ending in -(e)ya may precede or follow the matrix clause.

In a conditional statement, the clause with a verb ending in -(e)sum precedes the clause a verb ending in -(e)su.

A clause ending -(a)mo is always the final clause.


Babel Text

11:1 Luka ukakem tum siye yenakikeni ekimpikina.

11:2 Umlo lupomisum itulosumakem, ilo luponu lukem Sinalamekem eyuluwepunam ilo lu mekem itampusumkakina.

11:3 Ilo ilotu eyekena: lelo yetampake elenupinam lelo a nimuku elepapisumname. Ilotu yetampake yetamkem isaki tumsumtumakikem ekimsokina.

11:4 Ilo eyekena: lelo lusili sili nukepu lupatesu esupunamameni elenupinam lelo lelotu mele lelo mu ponukem luka uka mekem lamusupusumsumuki.

11:5 Kumayam i lusili sili nukepuni umlo yaso ekesona ekopumaki itupuna.

11:6 Kumayam eyekena: kolowima! Ilo tum yokonopu ikimlokisumham ilotu tum siye ekimpukinasum, eki me ilo anulonammasum, ilo eka ilo ekekakana enulomema.

11:7 Lelo lesupinumam lelo siye ilome ilo siye umsane epilomuki epilosumnume.

11:8 Kumayam ponukem luka ukakem yalo etulosumsunam ilo lusili enupumenanu.

11:9 Samku mele lume Papale ekimpukima, Kumayam lu mekem siye lu ukane emupusumnunayam Kumayam lumesum ponukem luka ukakem yalo etulosumsunaya.

The North Wind And the Sun

Impo Kasa Pomini eyuluweputenana: palatu tutu ekimpukimumo? Sukimayam tumna kamsutu pakeke tumki emtuku ikimpukimameyamna isuputuma. Iso isotu mekem umhiyesona: i tumkem sukimayamtu kamsutu etopusumsumameyamtu tutu ekimpukime. Impo Kasa tutuku yimpoputumam I yimpoputumakem sukimayamna pewaki imesu kamsutu etupusumtunakam Impo Kasa yimpunemetuna. Pomi pakeki ipomipunumam sukimayamna samnikekem kamsutu etopusunakam Impo Kasa eyepuwituna Pomitu tutu ekimpukima.

The Polar Wind and the Sun wanted to find this: to whom was the power? A traveler who was wrapped inside by means of a warm cloak approached. The two agreed (spoke to each other in this): To him who first makes the traveler remove his cloak is the power. The Polar Wind blew hard strongly but when he blew hard the traveler made the cloak move towards his body and The Polar Wind stopped blowing. The Sun shone with heat and the traveler quickly removed the cloak and the Polar Wind had to acknowledge that to the Sun was the power.

Impo Kasa Pomi-ni-0 e-i-uluwe-pu-te-na-n-a: pala-tu tutu e-kim-pu-ki-m-a-umo? Polar Wind Sun-COM-NOM 3.IN-3.AN-find-SG-VOL-DIR.UP-PFV-POS.REALIS who-DAT power Sukimayam tum-na kamsutu-0 pakeke tum-ki emtu-ku i-kim-pu-ki-m-a-ame-yam-na i-su-pu-tu-m-a. Traveler INDEF-ERG cloak-ABS warm INDEF-INS inside-ADV 3.AN-to.move-SG-DIR.TOWARDS-IMPFV-POS.REALIS I-so-0 i-so-tu me-kem um-i-ye-so-n-a: 3.AN-DU-NOM 3.AN-DU-DAT this-LOC REFL-3.AN-speak.PFV-DU-PFV-POS.REALIS i-0 tum-kem sukimayam-tu kamsutu-0 e-i-to-pu-sum-su-m-e-ame-yam-tu tutu-0 e-kim-pu-ki-m-e. 3.AN-NOM one-LOC traveler-DAT cloak-ABS 3.IN-3.AN-to.remove-SG-CAUS-DIR.AWAY-IMPFV-IRREALIS-REL-NMNLZR-DAT power-ABS Impo Kasa-0 tutu-ku i-impo-pu-tu-m-a-am Polar Wind-NOM power-ADV 3.AN-to.blow.hard-SG-DIR.TOWARDS-IMPFV-POS.REALIS-COORDINATIVE i-0 yimpoputumakem 3.AN-NOM 3.AN-to.blow.hard-SG-DIR.TOWARDS-IMPFV-POS.REALIS-TEMP sukimayam-na pewaki i-me-su kamsutu-0 e-i-tu-pu-sum-tu-n-a-ki-am traveler-ERG body 3.AN-POSS-ALL cloak-ABS


Impo Kasa-0 y-im-pu-neme-tu-n-a. Polar Wind-NOM 3.AN-to.blow.hard-SG-TERM-DIR.TOWARDS-PFV-POS.REALIS Pomi-0 pake-ki i-pomi-pu-nu-m-a-am Sun-NOM heat-INS 3.AN-to.shine-SG-DIR.DOWN-IMPFV-POS.REALIS-COORDINATIVE sukimayamna samni-ke-kem kamsutu-0 e-i-to-pu-su-n-a-ki-am traveler-ERG time-DIM-LOC cloak-ABS 3.AN-3.IN-to.remove-SG-DIR.AWAY-IMPFV-POS.REALIS-RESULT-COORDINATIVE Impo Kasa-0 e-i-ye-pu-wi-tu-n-a Polar Wind-NOM 3.IN-3.AN-speak.PFV-SG-NECESSITY-DIR.TOWARDS-PFV-POS.REALIS Pomi-tu tutu-0 e-kim-pu-ki-m-a. Sun-DAT power-ABS

New Text

Um tumna lu tupi lukelomesum sili susumsuyam Kumayamnelotutu etuputuna. Nimuku isupuyammu iya. Iya lu Atammesum Kiwasu samnike ituputuna. Im kekekem iya tutuku yimputamtumam iya tutuku yimputamsuma. Susumsuyam tumna ituki enampunam iya ya yikoputuna.

Susumsuyamna eyekena: "Pe susumsuyam leya luloya lu Atammesum yitupusumsuname pekimpukima. Letu mele leme Taniye Nusu ekimpukima. Petu mele pala?"

Um eyekena: "Letu mele leme Leyo Nusu. Yetam kutu me letu eyapu ekimpukima. Im lumekem yasakeku lekimpukima."

Taniye eyekena: "Emtu supuwitume.Lu mene emkim supusumwinume. Le petu saki pake elenupumam le petu elesupusumtuma."

Leyo silisu ituputunam Taniye ituki etampusummuna. Taniye saki pakeni yem isuputumakem Leyo itu eyekena: "Leya lo lenepiya sa yenakimsu sampukatuna. Mumnu pala sakikem ipetupusumnunamo? Pe Pem Nimulo Imlisum Siyesu epumlosumsunamo?"

A man reached the mission house from the spaceport, walking unsteadily. He had arrived very recently on Mars from Earth. In the thin air he huffed and puffed. A missionary opened the door and looked at him.

The missionary said: "You are the missionary whom the Fathers have sent from Earth. My name is Brother Daniel. What is your name?"

The man said: “My name is Brother Leo. I have an official report, bad news. In the atmosphere here I am a bit cold.”

Daniel said: “Come inside, sit down. I will make you tea and bring it to you.”

Leo entered the house and Daniel closed the door. When Daniel returned, Leo said to him: “Our mutual superiors have decided to remove you from mission work. How many have you baptized? Have you translated the Good News from English to Siye?”


um - man

tum – indefinite article

-na – nunated form of the ergative suffix

lu tupi luke-me – spaceport

lu – place

tupi luke – spaceship

tupi – bird

luke – world, planet

sili susumsuyam Kumayamnelotu- mission house

sili – house

susumsuyam Kumayamnelo – missionaries

susumsuyam – missionary

Kumayam – God; the Lord

etuputuna – he reached

nimuku – well (adverb)

isupuyammu – he did not walk

iya – he

lu Atammesum – from Earth

lu Atamme – Human's Land, Earth

Kiwa – Mars

samnike – a short time

ituputuna – he had arrived

im kekekem – in the thin air

im – air; breath; spirit

keke – small

tutuku – strongly

yimputamtumam – he continuously breathed out and …

yimputamtuma – he continuously breathed out

-(a)m – connective participle

yimputamsuma – he continuously breathed in

ituki – door

enampunam – he opened it

ya – him, accusative case

yikoputuna – he looked at him

eyekena – he said (it) [N.B.: the perfective aspect of 'to say' always takes the paucal suffix -ke- when a quote follows]

pe – you, nominative case

leya lulo – fathers; Fathers

leya lu – father

leya – male

yitupusumsuname - whom they have sent (who he/they have sent him)

yitupusumsuna – they have sent him

-(a)me – relative clause suffix

pekimpukima – you (sg) are

Letu mele leme … ekimpukima – my name is

letu – to me

le – I,me

-tu – dative case suffix

mele – name

-me – possessive case suffix

ekimpukima – it is

Taniye – Daniel

Nusu – Brother

Petu mele pala? - What is your name?

pala – what, who

Leyo Nusu – Brother Leo

yetam kutu me letu ekimpukima – I have this official report

yetam kutu – official report

yetam – stone

kutu – leader, to lead

letu – for me ( letu … I have)

eyapu – as a bad thing

eya – bad

-pu – equative case suffix

im lume – atmosphere

yasakeku – a little cold (adverbial)

yasake – a little cold

-ku – adverbial case suffix

yasa – cold; polar

-ke – diminutive suffix

emtu – inside (allative)

supuwitume – come inside (imperative)

lu mene emkim supusumwinume – sit down inside

lu mene emkim – inside (inside of this place)

emkim – inside (locative postposition); governs genitive case

lu mene – of this place

lu me – this place

-ne – genitive case suffix

me – this, that

supusumwinume – sit down inside (positive imperative)

saki pake – tea

saki – water

pake – hot

elenupumam – I shall make it and …

elenupuma – I shall make it

elesupusumtuma – I shall bring it

silisu ituputunam – he entered the house and ..

silisu – into the house

-su – allative case suffix

ituputuna – he entered

etampusummuna – he closed it (he/they caused it to not be open)

saki pakeni – with tea

-ni – comitative case suffix

Taniye yem isuputumakem – when Daniel returned …

yem isuputuma – he returned

-kem – when; temporal clause suffix

yem – again

isuputuma – he entered

itu – to him

leya lo lenepiya – our mutual Fathers

leya lo lenepi- - our mutual Fathers

-ya – iotated ergative case suffix

-pi- - inclusive number suffix

leya (lu) lo – Fathers

sa yenakimsu sampukatuna – they have decided to remove you from mission work

sa – you, accusative case

yenakimsu – from mission work

yenakim – mission work, place of writing

Mumnu pala sakikem ipetupusumnunamo? - How many have you baptized?

mumnu pala – what number?

sakikem ipetupusumnuna – you have baptized (caused to go under in the water)

sakikem – in the water

saki – water

-kem – locative case suffix

ipetupusumnunamo – have you caused him/them to go under?

ipetupusumnuna – you have caused him/them to go under

(a)mo – interrogative suffix

Pem Nimulo – Good News

pem – new

nimu – good

-lo – plural number suffix

Imlisum – from English

Imli – English

-sum – ablative case suffix

Siyesu – into Siye

Siye – Siye

-su - allative case suffix

epumlosumsunamo – have you translated?

epumlosumsuna – you have translated (you have caused it to change from)