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Revision as of 17:04, 16 October 2010 by Fenhl (talk | contribs)
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This is the homepage of the language Naeso, a collaborative project of #conlang members. It was begun on 17 September, 2010 by blisk, bornfor, Fenhl, MalfermitaKodo and micahjohnston. The separate channel #naeso was created shortly after. jim_henry and BlueRider joined the project a little later.

To do

This is the list of all pages, copied from Wikispaces:

General:VotingMember listAn Introduction to Naeso
Phonology and orthography:PhonologyStressOrthographyTransliteration
Lexicon and corpus:Naeso-EnglishEnglish-NaesoProposed wordsSwadeshNamesCorpus of SentencesMath
Conlang relay torches:LCC4 Relay
This page is part of the project Naeso. We meet up to discuss changes in 'real time' in #naeso on Freenode.