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A-a ...o in come

E-e ... e in met

I-i ... y in year(before/ after a wowel) ... i in in(after a constonant)

O-o ... o in on

é ... German ö

U-u ... German u

Å-å ... German ü

Note:é wowel cannot be written bigly.


B-b .... b in beard

J-j ... j in judge

Ç-ç ... ch in choose

D-d ... d in daisy

F-f ... f in fear

G-g ... g in goofy

Q-q ... c in car

L-l ... l in lame

M-m ... m in main

N-n ... n in never

P-p ... p in part

R-r ... r in rare

S-s ... s in smooth

Ş-ş ... sh in she

T-t ... t in tear

W-w ... w in whale

Z-z ... z in zoey

2.Some Notes

Olesi is a language which is pronounced as how it is written.There are no diphtongs and no stress.

That's one of the reasons that Olesi is easy to learn.


1.Kinds of Words

1.All nouns’ last letter is “e”.

2.All adjectives’ last letter is “a”.

3.For transforming adjectives into adverbs you have to add a “zu” at the beginning of the word.

4.There are no genders of the words.

5.The infinitive form of the verbs has the suffix "on"

6.All the pronouns', prepositions' last letter is "i".

2.Pronouns (Oåimez)

Zoi ... I

Çoi ... You

Qoi ... He/She/It

Loi ... We

Soi ... You

Joi ... They

Noi ... Someone

Foi ... Everybody


Accusative case

If we want to make nominative pronouns accusative, please add a “t” letter at the end of the word.

For example: Zoit=me

For words, use the ét word before the main word.

Zoi izaw ét maribez

I eat crabs

İzon=to eat

Dative case

If we want to make nominative pronouns accusative, please add a “p” letter at the end of the pronoun.

For example: Zoip=to me

For words, use “ép” word before the main word.

Joi bew ép pejane

They went to the cinema.


Genitive case

Add a “me” to the beginning of the pronoun.

For example: mezoi = my

For other words, add a “’s” to the end of the word.

Johny’s panike

Johny’s cat

Ablative case

For all words, add a “må” before the main word.

Må Turkeno

From Turkey

Locative case

For all words, add a “il” before the main word.

Il Adana

In Adana

Instrumental case

For all words, add a “be” before the main word.

Be karre

By car


There aren't any genders in Olesi.

Umnapez zasrein palaw kalena.

People are sometimes silly.

Zoi nanaw få kalena umnapez.

I don't like silly people.

5.Sentences Types

a.Normal Sentences


b.Question Sentences



The infinitive form ends with “on”.

Aar-on=to have

The conjugation of the verbs is too easy because it doesn’t change because of the pronoun.

Simple Present Tense

Add a “aw” to the end of the nominative verb.

Zoi palaw John

I am John.

Palon=to be

Simple Continiuos Tense

Add a “abi” to the end of the nominative verb.

Loi masnabi meloi quore.

We are doing our job.

Masnon=to do

Simple Past Tense

Add a “ew” to the end of the verb.

Çoi palew mezoi weronde.

You were my friend.

Future tense

You don’t conjugate verbs for future tense.You just put a “skå” before the verb’s nominative form.

Jai skå b ép pejane.

They will go to the cinema.

bon=to go

You have to proununce “b ép” just like a main word.

Passive Form


Mert palew bering in

Mert was betrayed.

Beringon=to betray

Negative form

Add a “få” after the verb.

Joi palew få kala

They aren’t good.

Imperative Form

Add a “Wei” before the infinitive form of the verb.

Foi, wei palon zukulta .

Everyone, be quite.

Modal Verbs


Have/has to=fasron

In ... “fadron” and “fasron” are the same but “fadron få” and “fasron få” aren’t the same.The difference is similiar to English


The sentence type:

Subject+Modal verb +Vinfinitive+Object

Qoi garraaw wiardon basketpalle zukala.

She can play basketball well.

Joi fasron få masnon mezoi falequore.

They don’t have to do my homework.