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Labial Dental Central Sibilant Lateral Palatal Velar Glotal
Plain /p/ /t͡θ/ /t/ /t͡s/ ts /t͡ɬ/ /t͡ʃ/ tc /k/
Ejective /p'/ /t͡θ'/ tþ' /t'/ /t͡s'/ ts' /t͡ɬ'/ tł' /t͡ʃ/ tc' /k'/ /ʔ/ '
Voiced /d͡ʒ/ j /g/
Fricative /ɸ/ f /θ/ þ /s/ /ɬ/ ł /ʃ/ c /x/ /h/
Sonorant /m/ /n/ /l/ /j/ y /ŋ/ /w/
Oral Nasal Sonorant Sibilant Fricative
Near-High /ɪ/ i /õ/ o /ŋ̊/ ŋr /ʃ/ cr /ɸ/ fr
Mid /ǝ/ e /ǝ̃/ u /n̊/ nr /ɬ/ łr /θ/ þr
Low /ä/ a /ã/ æ /m̊/ mr /s/ sr /x/ xr

Verb Slots

Verbs are built according to a template. The optional first slot is to make it a comment, not a main clause

  1. VAC - Valency Altering Complex
  2. EAF - Epistemic-Affective Framing
  3. Mood
  4. Tense
  5. Aspect
  6. subject/object class
  7. incorporated noun
  8. person
  9. adverbial
  10. root

Slot 0

This prefix turns a finite verb into a circumstantial clause, effectively making it non-finite.

Name Sound Translations Notes
Simultaneous fu- while, during, as can also mean "at the same place"
Purpose łæ- in order to, for the sake of, to, for can be irrealis, as in intended consequence
Comparative kxrc- like, as, -ly for an alike-manner or a metaphor/simile
Causal t'mr- since, from, because of specifies the origin or source
Concessive tþ'a- even though, despite, although contrary, adversative
Neutral xwe- -ing does not specify the relationship beyond circumstances-to-comment


The Valency-Alteration Complex (VAC). One is required each time

Name Effect Sound Notes
Transitive he- Normal conjugation for two-argument verbs
Intransitive cli- Normal conjugation for one-argument verbs
Causative +1 agent ŋi- Promotes external causer to subject, causee to object, old patient to oblique
Reflex/Recip -1 patient tł'æ- agent=patient
Antipassive -1 patient cłr- patient is backgrounded
Passive -1 agent mŋr- agent suppressed
Benefactive +1 patient ło- promotes goal/recipient
Locative +1 patient xþr- promotes location
Instr/Comit. +1 patient ce- Adds means or accompanier
Genitive +1 patient k'e- Adds alienable possessor


Epistemic-Affective Framing is about attitude or stance: how the speaker is positioned—emotionally, epistemically, experientially—toward the event. One is required per verb.

Name Sound Glosses Notes
Surprise -tþu- "I didn't expect that" often unpleasant but not necessarily so
Dislike -xo- "I dislike that" Always strongly negative
Love le- "I am glad that" Always strongly positive
Direct -ck'æ- "I experienced that" strict for personal, sensory phenomenon
Hearsay -tþi- "It was told to me that" read, heard, reported information
Inferential -pcr- "I assume that" assumptions, logically inferred


  1. Imperfective - ongoing, incomplete
  2. Perfective - done, complete
  3. Progressive - changing, evolving
  4. Subjunctive - likely but not real, command, conditional
  5. Optative - unlikely and not real, wishes, hypothetical


  1. Present - now
  2. Hodiernal - today
  3. Past - before today
  4. Future - after today
  5. Gnomic - timeless


  1. Momentane - of an instant
  2. Continuative - no clear boundaries
  3. Conative - attempt
  4. Semelfactive - one time unit in a sequence, once
  5. Stative - enduring, condition, identity