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  1. Endgoal - A noun-less language I can pronounce
  2. Vague phrases
    1. Process Philosophy - change is all that exists
    2. Predicate Centrism
    3. Radical Incorporation
    4. Gestalt experience
      1. Dynamic Interrelation
      2. Emergent Perception
      3. Holistic Understanding
      4. Meaning Making
      5. Psychological and Therapeutic
    5. Experiential Framing
    6. Murmuring to yourself
  3. Naturalism: 8/10.
    • Just a little push to get rid of all verb
    • Language isolate where none exists
    • I don't wanna do all the diachronic/irregularities, or at least, not at first
    • idioms are cool, ambiguity is cool
  4. Complexity - insane. Allowed to be worse than Navajo
  5. Derivation - the template is always a must
  6. Feature
    1. Phonology
      1. ejectives
      2. syllabic fricatives
      3. ã and õ
      4. þ and ł
      5. CV, CF, V (hiatus)
    2. Grammar
      1. Open: transitives, statives, intransitive, incorporated nouns, adverb
      2. Closed: relators, valency,
      3. evidentiality
      4. emotive/reflective language (mirativity, etc)
      5. politeness vocabulary, kinship marking, avoidance/passives
    3. Culture
      1. slightly in the future: has adapted to technology/internet

Try again on slots

  1. Circumstantials vs Person
  2. VAC
  3. EAF
  4. Mode
  5. Aspect
  6. Tense
  7. Subject
  8. Object
  9. Adverb
  10. Noun
  11. Root


Labial Dental Central Sibilant Lateral Palatal Velar Glotal
Plain /p/ /t͡θ/ /t/ /t͡s/ ts /t͡ɬ/ /t͡ʃ/ tc /k/
Ejective /p'/ /t͡θ'/ tþ' /t'/ /t͡s'/ ts' /t͡ɬ'/ tł' /t͡ʃ/ tc' /k'/ /ʔ/ '
Voiced /d͡ʒ/ j /g/
Fricative /ɸ/ f /θ/ þ /s/ /ɬ/ ł /ʃ/ c /x/ /h/
Sonorant /m/ /n/ /l/ /j/ y /ŋ/ /w/
Oral Nasal Sonorant Sibilant Fricative
Near-High /ɪ/ i /õ/ o /ŋ̊/ ŋr /ʃ/ cr /ɸ/ fr
Mid /ǝ/ e /ǝ̃/ u /n̊/ nr /ɬ/ łr /θ/ þr
Low /ä/ a /ã/ æ /m̊/ mr /s/ sr /x/ xr

Verb Slots

Verbs are built according to a template. The optional first slot is to make it a comment, not a main clause

  1. VAC - Valency Altering Complex
  2. EAF - Epistemic-Affective Framing
  3. Mood
  4. Tense
  5. Aspect
  6. subject/object class
  7. incorporated noun
  8. person
  9. adverbial
  10. root

Slot 0

This prefix turns a finite verb into a circumstantial clause, effectively making it non-finite.

Name Sound Translations Notes
Simultaneous fu- while, during, as can also mean "at the same place"
Purpose łæ- in order to, for the sake of, to, for can be irrealis, as in intended consequence
Comparative kxrc- like, as, -ly for an alike-manner or a metaphor/simile
Causal t'mr- since, from, because of specifies the origin or source
Concessive tþ'a- even though, despite, although contrary, adversative
Neutral xwe- -ing does not specify the relationship beyond circumstances-to-comment


The Valency-Alteration Complex (VAC). One is required each time

Name Effect Sound Notes
Transitive he- Normal conjugation for two-argument verbs
Intransitive cli- Normal conjugation for one-argument verbs
Causative +1 agent ŋi- Promotes external causer to subject, causee to object, old patient to oblique
Reflex/Recip -1 patient tł'æ- agent=patient
Antipassive -1 patient cłr- patient is backgrounded
Passive -1 agent mŋr- agent suppressed
Benefactive +1 patient ło- promotes goal/recipient
Locative +1 patient xþr- promotes location
Instr/Comit. +1 patient ce- Adds means or accompanier
Genitive +1 patient k'e- Adds alienable possessor


Epistemic-Affective Framing is about attitude or stance: how the speaker is positioned—emotionally, epistemically, experientially—toward the event. One is required per verb.

Name Sound Glosses Notes
Surprise -tþu- "I didn't expect that" often unpleasant but not necessarily so
Dislike -xo- "I dislike that" Always strongly negative
Love le- "I am glad that" Always strongly positive
Direct -ck'æ- "I experienced that" strict for personal, sensory phenomenon
Hearsay -tþi- "It was told to me that" read, heard, reported information
Inferential -pcr- "I assume that" assumptions, logically inferred


  1. Imperfective - ongoing, incomplete
  2. Perfective - done, complete
  3. Progressive - changing, evolving
  4. Subjunctive - likely but not real, command, conditional
  5. Optative - unlikely and not real, wishes, hypothetical


  1. Present - now
  2. Hodiernal - today
  3. Past - before today
  4. Future - after today
  5. Gnomic - timeless


  1. Momentane - of an instant
  2. Continuative - no clear boundaries
  3. Conative - attempt
  4. Semelfactive - one time unit in a sequence, once
  5. Stative - enduring, condition, identity