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Senjecas - List of Derivative Postpositions

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Pronunciation table

(vowels with प)
नि॓थो च्युस्वे॓नोस्
nı̋þo ṡ̨uuše̋nos
(weak vowels)
b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a ɔ o u ı ɛ y
म़ ल़ स़ क़ ग़ स्व स्य इ ई
पि पी
ए एै
ए पै
अ आ
प पा
ऒ ॵ
पॊ पॏ
ओ औ
पो पौ
उ ऊ
पु पू
पं पऺ पॅ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/

Glossing abbreviations

1s/p = 1st person singular/plural ABL = ablative suffix COL = collective F = feminine INT = intensive prefix PRV = privative prefix SUP = supine
2s/p = 2nd person singular/plural ABS = absolutive
(an unmarked modifying adjective)
DES = desiderative FRQ = frequentative LAT = lative suffix PST = past TRZ = transitivizer
3 = 3rd person ADV = adverb DIM = diminutive FUT = future LOC = locative suffix REV = reversive VOC = vocative particle
A(.s/p) = accusative (singular/plural) AG = agent ELIS = elision IMP = imperative M = masculine Q = interrogative particle YNG = young
G(.s/p) = genitive (singular/plural) AP = agent (active) participle ELT = elative INC = inchoative OCC = occupation suffix QUOT = direct quotation
N(.s/p) = nominative (singular/plural) AUG = augmentative EP = epenthesis IND = indicative PP = patient (past) participle RPR = recent perfective
V(.s/p) = vocative (singular/plural) CAUS = causative EQU = equative degree INS = instrument PRF = perfect SBJ = subjunctive

  • 25. altéua denotes paying no attention to: regardless of [< al-, negating prefix; te̋ua, t.v. pay attention to].
  • I am going regardless of the consequences.
  • mu dagőm altéu' a̋ta:
m-u dag-őm altéu=' a̋t-a
1s-N consequence-G.p regardless_of go-IND

  • 26. áána denotes encirclement: around [< a̋a̋na, i.v. form a ring or rings].
  • The warlike prince built a wall around his castle.
  • sőtu asűru ðuunős vóóa fa̋dom e-de̋ma:
sőtu-Ø asűr-u ðuun-ős áána fa̋d-om e=de̋m-a
warlike-ABS prince-N.s castle-G.s around wall-A.s PST=build-IND

  • 27. dása denotes on the authority of: by [< da̋sa, t.v. govern].
  • The coast guard seized the cargo on the authority of the governor.
  • k̨uðdı̋slu daslűs dása őnom e-e̋ma:
k̨uð.dı̋s-l-u das-l-űs dása őn-om e=e̋m-a
coast.guard-AG-N.s govern-AG-G.s on_the_authority_of cargo-A.s PST=seize-IND

  • 28. déla denotes reference: with reference to, as to [< de̋la, t.v. refer to].
  • As to your question, I don’t know the answer.
  • tu-meta̋s déla mu kı̋rom sa̋a̋ra ne:
tu=met-a̋s déla m-u kı̋r-om sa̋a̋r-a ne
your=question-G.s as_to 1s-N answer-A.s know-IND not

  • 29. déxa denotes in order to obtain or acquire: for [< de̋xa, t.v. obtain, acquire].
  • Can you go to the store for some eggs?
  • tu sade̋mom do toolőm déxa a̋tu ma̋ƣa me:
t-űm-om do tool-őm déxa a̋t-u ma̋ƣ-a me
2s-N buy.building-A.s to egg-G.p for go-SUP be_able-IND Q

  • 30. ðééa denotes in place of, replacement or preference: for, instead of, in lieu of, rather than [< ðe̋e̋a, t.v. put, place].
  • The rowers had to use boards for oars.
  • e̋rlus erőm ðééa fa̋lonɛ ne̋udu e-ke̋la:
e̋r-l-us er-őm ðééa fa̋l-on=ɛ ne̋ud-u e=ke̋l-a
row-AG-N.p oar-G.p for board-A.p=EP use-SUP

  • Instead of beef we had lamb for supper.
  • ǧom̃ős ðééa m̃us dorős kíma þe̋som e-e̋da:
ǧom̃-ős ðééa m̃-us dor-ős kíma þe̋s-om e=e̋d-a
beef-G.s instead_of 1p-N dinner-G.s for lamb-A.s PST=eat-IND

  • The baker used apples rather than pears in this cake.
  • vőőƣlu i-voogős éna k̨ortemős ðéé' abe̋lon e-ne̋uda:
vőőƣ-l-u i=voog-ős éna k̨ortem-ős ðéé=' abe̋l-on e=ne̋ud-a
bake-AG-N.s this=cake-G.s in pear-G.p rather_than apple-A.p PST=use-IND

  • 31. éba denotes eventuality: in case of, against [< e̋ba, t.v. befall, bechance].
  • In case of rain, we'll have the party in the barn.
  • m̃u' suum̃e̋s éba beƣős éna u-sa̋ra:
m̃-u=' suum̃-e̋s éba beƣ-ős éna u=sa̋r-a
1p-N=ELIS rain-G.s in_case_of barn-G.s in FUT=party-IND

  • They are saving money against a rainy day.
  • nu' sűűm̃' aha̋s éba pı̋ı̋nom a̋uka:
éȝ-u=' sűűm̃-' ah-a̋s éba pı̋ı̋n-om a̋uk-a
3-N.p=ELIS rainy-ELIS day-G.s against money-A.s save-IND

  • 32. éȝa denotes in charge of: in charge of, with [< e̋ȝa, t.v. entrust].
  • She is in charge of planting the vegetables.
  • ii-éȝu le̋e̋mon műűlu éȝa vűűa:
ii=éȝ-u le̋e̋m-on műűl-u éȝa vűű-a
F=3-N.s vegetable-A.p plant-SUP in_charge_of be-IND

  • 33. éra denotes done on behalf of, for the benefit, sake, or interest of someone: for [< e̋ra, t.v. take advantage of, benefit].
  • We are here on behalf of the people.
  • m̃us leuðűs éra íðu vűűa:
m̃=us leuð-űs éra íðu vűű-a
1p=N people-G.s on_behalf_of here be-IND

  • 34. éta denotes addition: as well as, besides, in addition to, (along) with [< étu, adv. also, too, as well, likewise].
  • Please bring your swimming suit as well as your towel.
  • sausm̃evős éta šemőutom toƣe̋ȝa:
saus.m̃ev-ős éta šem.őut-om toƣ-e̋ȝa
dry.cloth-G.s as_well_as bring-SBJ

  • Besides a mother, he has an invalid older sister to support.
  • maama̋s éta da̋mu e̋fu eȝús o mɔ̋ɔ̋ru e̋sa:
maam-a̋s éta da̋mu-Ø e̋f-u eȝ-ús o mɔ̋ɔ̋r-u e̋s-a
mother-G.s besides invalid-ABS older_sister-N.s 3-G.s to support-SUP be-IND

  • He bought the horse along with the saddle.
  • éȝu xirős éta mőrem e-sa̋a:
éȝ-u xir-ős éta mőr-em e=sa̋-a
3-N.s saddle-G.s along_with horse-A.s PST=buy-IND

  • 35. fára denotes in preparation for: for [< fa̋ri, adj. ready].
  • Let’s brew some mead (in preparation) for the celebration.
  • m̃ús ṡ̬ena̋s fára meðe̋ȝa:
m̃-ús ṡ̬en-a̋s fára með-e̋ȝa
1p-V celebration-G.s for brew_mead-SBJ

  • I must pack for my trip.
  • mu-taƣős fára bűtu ke̋la:
mu=taƣ-ős fára bűt-u ke̋l-a
my=trip-G.s for pack-SUP must-IND

  • 36. fésa denotes before in time: before, previous to [< fe̋si, adj. earlier, prior].
  • The bus leaves before noon.
  • leuðm̃e̋ƣo naaża̋s fésa vı̋da:
leuð.m̃e̋ƣ-o naaż-a̋s fésa vı̋d-a
people.vehicle-N.s noon-G.s before leave-IND

  • 37. f̨óþa denotes being able to see by some light: by, in [< f̨őþo, light].
  • By the light of the full moon the road became more visible.
  • pa̋a̋vo b̨aage̋s f̨óþa nına̋k̨o e-ı̋la:
pa̋a̋v-o b̨aag-e̋s f̨óþa nı~na̋k̨-o e=ı̋l-a
road-N.s full_moon-G.s by_the_light_of EL~visible-N.s PST=become-IND

  • 38. góþa denotes similarity or likeness: like, similar to [< gőþa, t.v. make similar, resemble.].
  • Your recipe is like/similar to mine.
  • tu-eðdőxra mu-eðdoxra̋s góþa e̋sa:
tu=eð.dőxr-a mu=eð.doxr-a̋s góþa e̋s-a
your=food.instruction-N.s my=food.instruction-G.s like be-IND

  • You spread out the heavens like a tent.
  • tu voutős góþa nűmon e-ża̋a̋da:
t-u vout-ős góþa nűm-on e=ża̋a̋d-a
2s-N tent-G.s like heaven-A.p PST=spread-IND

  • 39. íla denotes change from one form into another: into [< ı̋la, i.v. become].
  • He gathered air. He crafted it into loving beings:
  • éȝu ga̋a̋lem e-le̋ża: m̃enantűm íla éȝem e-űűra:
éȝ-u ga̋a̋l-em e=le̋ż-a m̃en-a-nt-űm íla éȝ-em e=űűr-a
3-N.s air-A.s PST=gather-IND love-IND-AP-G.p 3-A.s PST=craft-IND

  • 40. ı́za denotes descent from: down from [< ı̋za, t.v. descend, go down].
  • The workman fell climbing down from the roof.
  • kőrom ı́za re̋nantu da̋rlu e-főőla:
kőr-om ı́za re̋n-a-ntu-Ø da̋a̋r-l-u e=főől-a
roof-A.s down_from climb-IND-AP-ABS work-AG-N.s PST=fall-IND

  • 41. ȝéta denotes relating to someone or something: toward, in relation to [< ȝe̋ta, t.v. have to do with, relate to].
  • What are your feelings toward him?
  • tu-űtos eȝús ȝéta xos vűűa:
tu=űt-os eȝ-ús ȝéta x-os vűű-a
your=feelings-N.p 3-G.s toward what-N.p be-IND

  • 42. ȝóba denotes proximity: near, about, by, next to, on, close to, against [< ȝőba, t.v. approach, draw near].
  • The fisherman lived in a home by/on the lake in the valley.
  • mı̋ı̋nlu leðős éna eherős ȝóba nomős éna e-m̃e̋e̋sa:
mı̋ı̋n-l-u leð-ős éna eher-ős ȝóba nom-ős éna e=m̃e̋e̋s-a
fish-AG-N.s valley-G.s in lake-G.s by home-G.s in PST=live-IND

  • The barn is close to the house. You can hear the animals.
  • be̋ƣo m̃eesős ȝóba e̋sa: tu ta̋sen ve̋nu ma̋ƣa:
be̋ƣ-o m̃ees-ős ȝóba e̋s-a t-u ta̋s-en ve̋n-u ma̋ƣ-a
barn-N.s house-G.s close_to be-IND 2s-N animal-A.p hear-SUP be_able-IND

  • The shaman parked the wagon against the house.
  • sa̋mu m̃eesős ȝóba m̃e̋ƣom e-ṡűra:
sa̋m-u m̃ees-ős ȝóba m̃e̋ƣ-om e=ṡűr-a
shaman-N.s house-G.s against wagon-A.s PST=stand-IND

  • 43. ȝúa denotes interiority: inside, within [< ȝűi, adj. inside; interior].
  • Inside each baked apple was a walnut.
  • kűno nı̋ı̋go vőm̃aþo abelős ȝúa e-vűűa:
kűno-Ø nı̋ı̋go-Ø vőm̃-a-þo-Ø abel-ős ȝúa e=vűű-a
walnut-ABS each-ABS bake-IND-PP-ABS apple-G.s inside PST=be-IND

  • Horses are not permitted within the holy city.
  • mőre' sa̋ko riȝős ȝúa dőraþes ı̋la ne:
mőr-e=' sa̋ko-Ø riȝ-ős ȝúa dőr-a-þ-es ı̋l-a ne
horse-N.p=ELIS holy-ABS city-G.s within permit-IND-PP-N.p become-IND not

  • 44. kéésa denotes from a past time: since [< ke̋e̋sa, t.v. while (away)].
  • I have known her since last year.
  • mu hesdila̋s kéésa ii-éȝum żıże̋e̋na:
m-u hes.dil-a̋s kéésa ii=éȝ-um żı~że̋e̋n-a
1s-N yester.year-G.s since F=3-A.s PRF~know-IND

  • 45. kía denotes agency: by [< kı̋a, t.v. work, do].
  • He was killed by his father.
  • éȝu taata̋s kía ka̋a̋daþu e-ı̋la:
éȝ-u taat-a̋s kía ka̋a̋d-a-þ-u e=ı̋l-a
3-N.s father-G.s by murder-IND-PP-N.s PST=become-IND

  • 46. kíma denotes intention: for [< kı̋ma, t.v. intend].
  • I will buy the wine for the dinner.
  • mu dorős kíma m̃e̋inom u-sa̋a:
m-u dor-ős kíma m̃e̋in-om u=sa̋-a
1s-N dinner-G.s for wine-A.s FUT=buy-IND

  • 47. kúȝa denotes gratitude for: thanks to [< kűȝa, t.v. thank].
  • Thanks to his donation, I was able to buy my food.
  • eȝu-dooős kúȝa mu-e̋dom sa̋u e-ma̋ƣa:
eȝu=doo-ős kúȝa mu=e̋d-om sa̋-u e=ma̋ƣ-a
his=donation-G.s thanks_to my=food-A.s buy-SUP PST=be_able-IND

  • 48. láába denotes hanging down from: on [< la̋a̋ba, i.v. hang down loosely].
  • Apples grow on trees.
  • abe̋los haiṡı̋m láába a̋la:
abe̋l-os haiṡ-ı̋m láába a̋l-a
apple-N.s tree-G.s on grow-INsD

  • 49. méṡa denotes in a parallel direction: along, alongside of [< me̋ṡa, t.v. lie alongside].
  • The hunters walked along the road through the forest.
  • ve̋e̋ðlus fűrom þáfa pa̋a̋vom méṡa e-ne̋da:
ve̋e̋ð-l-us fűr-om þáfa pa̋a̋v-om méṡa e=ne̋d-a
hunt-AG-N.p forest-A.s through road-A.s along PST=walk-IND

  • The dog ran alongside me all the way to the tavern.
  • na̋a̋ȝe mumɛ méṡa saxm̃e̋e̋som do őra a̋tam e-re̋e̋sa:
na̋a̋ȝ-e m-um=ɛ méṡa sax.m̃e̋e̋s-om do őra-Ø a̋t-am e=re̋e̋s-a
dog-N.s 1s-A=EP alongside to all-ABS way-A.s PST=run-IND

  • 50. með- denotes the middle; the exact meaning is determined by the postposition to which it is prefixed [< me̋ði, adj. middle].
  • The girl stood in the middle of the room and cried.
  • ne̋sku terős meðéna e-ṡűrak̬' e-ɫı̋ı̋gak̬e:
ne̋sk-u ter-ős með.éna e=ṡűr-a=k̬=' e=ɫı̋ı̋g-a=k̬e
girl-N.s room-G.s PST=stand-IND=and PST=cry-IND=and

  • Then she ran to the middle of the field.
  • éȝu pósu lőukomɛ méðdo e-re̋e̋sa:
éȝ-u pósu lőuk-om=ɛ méð.do e=re̋e̋s-a
3-N.s then field-A.s=EP PST=run-IND

  • 51. méta denotes at the same time as [< métu, adv. at the same time].
  • She saw the lightning at the same time as me.
  • ii-éȝu mús méta he̋lem e-na̋ka:
ii=éȝ-u m-ús méta he̋l-em e=na̋k-a
F=3-N.s 1s-G at_the_same_time_as lightning-A.s PST=see-IND

  • 52. méþa denotes in the center of [< me̋þa, t.v. center, focus].
  • Let’s put the flowers in the center of the table.
  • m̃ú' se̋rom méþa na̋non ðeee̋ȝa:
m̃-ú=' se̋r-om méþa na̋n-on ðee-e̋ȝa
1p-V=ELIS table-A.s in_the_center_of flower-A.p put-SBJ

  • 53. móóda denotes the manner, method, way by which something is done: with, by means of, through, in [< mőőda, means, method].
  • Serve God with gladness.
  • raaðta̋s móóda ȝűmum nı̋ı̋xe:
raaðt-a̋s móóda ȝűm-um nı̋ı̋x-e
gladness-G.s with God-A.s serve-IMP

  • 54. m̃ása denotes to or on the side of a person or thing toward the north when facing the rising sun: on-, to-, -the left [< m̃a̋si, adj. left].
  • The young man stood to the left of his father.
  • ur-be̋ku eȝu-taata̋s m̃ása e-ṡűra:
ur=-be̋k-u eȝu=taat-a̋s m̃ása e=ṡűr-a
M=young-N.s his=father-G.s on_the_left PST=stand-IND

  • The soldier ran to the left of the tree.
  • sőþlu ha̋iṡim m̃ása e-re̋e̋sa:
sőþ-l-u ha̋iṡ-im m̃ása e=re̋e̋s-a
wage_war-AG-N.s tree-A.s to_the_left_of PST=run-IND

  • 55. néra denotes at or to a lower level than something else literally or figuratively: behind, below, beneath, under(neath) [< ne̋ri, adj. under].
  • The runner broke his leg below the knee.
  • re̋e̋slu þ̨axős néra la̋kom e-ȝa̋fa:
re̋e̋s-l-u þ̨ax-ős néra la̋k-om e=ȝa̋f-a
run-AG-N.s knee-G.s below leg-A.s PST=break-IND

  • Beneath that stern visage beats a kindly heart.
  • fa̋ṡo sűðo ka̋l' o-niivrős néra bűþa:
fa̋ṡo-Ø sűð-o ka̋l=' o=niivr-ős néra bűþ-a
kindly-ABS heart-N.s stern=ELIS that=visage-G.s beneath beat-IND

  • The farmer buried his treasure under(neath) the floor of his house.
  • zɔ̋ðlu m̃eesős behős néra eȝu-arı̋ȝom e-ðőőva:
zɔ̋ð-l-u m̃ees-ős beh-ős néra eȝu=ar-ı̋ȝ-om e=ðőőv-a
farm-AG-N.s house-G.s floor-G.s under his=precious-COL-A.s PST=bury-IND

  • 56. nóóla denotes to the extent of: by [< nőőla, t.v. size].
  • The picture measures 5 by 8.
  • n̨a̋ro pe̋n bı̋n nóóla me̋a:
n̨a̋r-o pe̋n bı̋n nóóla me̋-a
picture-N.s five eight by measure-IND

  • He is shorter than his older sister by one inch.
  • éȝu þűn ṡidős nóóla efű' sóma tıt̨a̋a̋ru vűűa:
éȝ-u þűn ṡid-ős nóóla ef-ű=' sóma tı~t̨a̋a̋r-u vűű-a
3-N.s one inch-G.s by older_sister-G.s=ELIS than ELT~short-N.s be-IND

  • 57. nóma denotes to or at the home of someone [< nőmo, home].
  • We will meet you at the home of the mayor.
  • m̃us riineeȝűs nóma tum u-pa̋na:
m̃-us rii.neeȝ-űs nóma t-um u=pa̋n-a
1p-N city.lead_a_community-G.s at_the_home_of 2s-A FUT=meet-IND

  • The younger ones ran to the home of the mayor.
  • ȝyȝűűnus riine̋ȝum nóma e-re̋e̋sa:
ȝy~ȝűűn-us̋ȝ-um nóma e=re̋e̋s-a
ELT~young-N.p city.lead_a_community-A.s PST=run-IND

  • 58. n̨áxa denotes disregard for: despite, in spite of, for, in face of, notwithstanding [< n̨a̋xa, t.v. defy].
  • The young man went hunting despite his lack of experience.
  • ur-be̋ku gaudős eȝu-egős n̨áxa ve̋e̋du e-a̋ta:
ur=be̋k-u gaud-ős eȝu=eg-ős n̨áxa ve̋e̋d-u e=a̋t-a
M=young-N.s experience-G.s his=lack-G.s despite hunt-SUP PST=go-IND

  • That soldier is a good worker for having only one arm.
  • a-sőþlu sóólvi þűn be̋som űðu n̨áxa dűbu da̋a̋rlu vűűa:
a=sőþ-l-u sóól=vi þűn be̋s-om űð-u n̨áxa dűbu-Ø da̋a̋r-l-u vűű-a
that=wage_war-AG-N.s only=ADV one arm-A.s have-SUP for good-ABS work-AG-N.s be-IND

  • 59. n̨óópa denotes in a position forward of: in front of, before, ahead of, against, in advance of [< n̨őőpo, front].
  • The priest stood in front of the church.
  • lı̋þlu tozdemős n̨óópa e-ṡűra:
lı̋þ-l-u toz.dem-ős n̨óópa e=ṡűr-a
sacrifice-AG- N.s worship.building-G.s in_front_of PST=stand-IND

  • The child’s shadow advanced before/ahead of him and frightened him.
  • ṡiṡűs nı̋zo éȝum n̨óópa e-me̋m̃a. da éȝum e-tűga:
ṡiṡ-űs nı̋z-o éȝ-um n̨óópa e=me̋m̃-a da éȝ-um e=tűg-a
child-G.s shadow-N.s 3-A.s before PST=advance-IND and 3-A.s PST=frighten-IND

  • We saw the flowers easily against the dark background.
  • m̃us żı̋mo posnákaþős n̨óóp' vóðvi na̋non e-na̋ka:
m̃-us żı̋mo-Ø pos.nák-a-þ-ős n̨óóp=' vóð=vi na̋n-on e=na̋k-a
1p-N dark-ABS after.see-IND-PP-G.s against easy=ADV flower-A.p PST=see-IND

  • 60. óita denotes the taking of an oath; by, in the name of [< őito, oath].
  • By God, I can do it.
  • ȝuműs óita. mu éȝom kı̋u ma̋ƣa:
ȝum-űs óita m-u éȝ-om kı̋-u ma̋ƣ-a
God-G.s by 1s-N 3-A.s do-SUP

  • 61. péga denotes position at or movement towards the side of something or someone; at-, to-, -the side of [< pe̋go, side].
  • The dancers sat at the side of the ballroom.
  • me̋vlus mevsárterős péga e-se̋da:
me̋v-l-us mev.sár.ter-ős péga e=se̋d-a
dance-AG-N.p at_the_side_of PST=sit-IND

  • The children ran to the side of the playground.
  • ṡı̋ṡus leida̋a̋rom péga e-re̋e̋sa:
ṡı̋ṡ-us leid.a̋a̋r-om péga e=re̋e̋s-a
child-N.p play.area-A.s to_the_side_of PST=run-IND

  • 62. réiða denotes a means of conveyance; by [< re̋iða, t.v. drive, ride].
  • The pilgrims went by wagon to the shrine.
  • soorta̋ƣlus m̃eƣős réiða noiivda̋rom do e-a̋ta:
soor.ta̋ƣ-l-us m̃eƣ-ős réiða noiv.da̋r-om do e=a̋t-a
bespeech.journey-AG-N.p wagon-G.s by to PST=go-IND

  • 63. ríza denotes support; in-, -support-, -favor-, -of [< rı̋za, t.v. prop, support].
  • The people are in favor of the king’s decree.
  • le̋udu reeƣűs tolős ríza vűűa:
le̋ud-u reeƣ-űs tol-ős ríza vűű-a
people-N.s king-G.s decree-G.s in_favor_of be-IND

  • 64. sépa denotes reference or interest; concerning, concern with, about. [< se̋pa, t.v. treat (of), concern].
  • The ferryman knew nothing regarding/as regards/about the money stolen from the treasury.
  • pe̋rlu saarkős áfa vőőuraþo piinő' sépa néxom e-sa̋a̋ra:
pe̋r-l-u saark-ős áfa vőőur-a-þo-Ø piin-ő=' sépa néx-om e=sa̋a̋r-a
ferry-AG-N.s treasury-G.s from steal-IND-PP-ABS money-G.s=ELIS regarding nothing-A.s PST=know-IND

  • 65. sóma denotes comparison, compared to, than [< sőma, t.v. liken, compare].
  • Compared to last year, this was not a hot summer.
  • hesdila̋' sóma. sa tı̋ı̋þa le̋e̋ta e-e̋sa ne:
hes.dil-a̋=' sóma s-a tı̋ı̋þa-Ø le̋e̋t-a e=e̋s-a ne compared_to this-N.s hot-N.s PST=be-IND not

  • A horse is bigger than a cow.
  • mőre mıme̋że m̃ake̋' sóma e̋sa:
mőr-e mı~me̋że-Ø m̃ak-e̋=' sóma e̋s-a
horse-N.s ELT~big-ABS cow-G.s-ELIS than be-IND

  • 66. þóla denotes position on both sides of something; astraddle, astride [< ṡőta, t.v. straddle, bestraddle, bestride].
  • The boy perched astraddle the fence.
  • hűsu turős þóla e-se̋da:
hűs-u tur-ős þóla e=se̋d-a
boy-N.s fence-G.s astraddle PST=sit-IND

  • The wizard sat astride his dragon.
  • lűmlu eȝu-paame̋s þóla e-se̋da:
lűm-l-u eȝu=paam-e̋s þóla e=se̋d-a
enchant-AG-N.s his=dragon-G.s astride PST=sit-IND

  • 67. súna denotes accompaniment in time or space; with, in company with, along with [< sűna, t.v. accompany].
  • Our sons played with their cousins all afternoon.
  • m̃u-pőiku' őra sı̋xam eȝu-orpűm súna e-le̋ida:
m̃u=pőik-u=' őra-Ø sı̋x-am eȝu=orp-űm súna e=le̋id-a
my=son-N.p=ELIS all-ABS afternoon-A.s their=cousin-G.p with PST=play-IND

  • The trader in company with three associates robbed the store.
  • ṡ̨őƣlu tı̋r eepűm súna mı̋ƣom e-ka̋da:
ṡ̨őƣ-l-u tı̋r eep-űm súna mı̋ƣ-om e=ka̋d-a
trade-AG-N.s three associate-G.p in_company_with store-A.s PST=rob-IND

  • The princess began to sing along with the minstrels.
  • ii-asűru ɫiirűm súna e-gaȝa̋sa:
ii=asűr-u ɫiir-űm súna e=gaȝ-a̋s-a
F=prince-N.s minstrel-G.p along_with PST=sing-INC-IND

  • 68. šéða denotes possessing a special characteristic; characteristic of, with [< še̋ða, t.v. characterize].
  • My father is the man with the moustache.
  • mu-ta̋a̋ta miiṡő' šéða m̃ı̋ı̋ru e̋sa:
mu=ta̋a̋t-a miiṡ-ő=' šéða m̃ı̋ı̋r-u e̋s-a
my=father-N.s moustache-G.s=ELIS with man-N.s be-IND

  • 69. šóóða denotes from one side of an opening to another; through [< šőőða, t.v. pass-, go-, -through].
  • He threw the hammer through the window.
  • éȝu tűngom šóóða þűslum e-ȝe̋e̋a:
éȝ-u tűng-om šóóða þűs-l-um e=ȝe̋e̋-a
3-N.s window-A.s through hammer-INS-A.s PST=throw-IND

  • 70. ṡ̨óga denotes in exchange for, literally or figuratively: (in-, -exchange-, -return-) -for [< ṡ̨őga, t.v. exchange].
  • Run for your life!
  • tu-ǧiira̋s ṡ̨óga re̋e̋se:
tu=ǧiir-a̋s ṡ̨óga re̋e̋s-e
your=life-G.s for run-IMP

  • I will give you three apples for your bow.
  • mu tu-l̨omős ṡ̨óga tús o tı̋r abe̋lon u-dőőa:
m-u tu=l̨om-ős ṡ̨óga t-ús o tı̋r abe̋l-on u=dőő-a
1s-N your=bow-G.s for 2s-G to three apple-A.p FUT=give-IND

  • 71. tááda denotes purpose; for, in order to [< ta̋a̋da, t.v. do on purpose].
  • We tried to break down the problem for further study.
  • m̃us m̃ite̋ra siiga̋s tááda ka̋ltam le̋mu e-pe̋ra:
m̃-us m̃ite̋ra-Ø siig-a̋s tááda ka̋lt-am le̋m-u e=pe̋r-a
1p-N further-ABS study-G.s for problem-A.s break_down-SUP PST=try-IND

  • 72. táɫa denotes to or on the side of a person or thing toward the south when facing the rising sun: on-, to-, -the right of [< ta̋ɫi, adj. right(-hand)].
  • The princess sat to the right of her father the king.
  • ii-asűru eȝu-taata̋s reeƣűs táɫa e-se̋da:
ii=asűr-u eȝu=taat-a̋s reeƣ-űs táɫa e=se̋d-a
F=prince-N.s her=father-G.s king-G.s to_the_right_of PST=sit-IND

  • 73. tára denotes motion from one side to the other; across, on the other side of, over [< ta̋ra, t.v. cross].
  • The washerwomen waded across the stream at its shallowest place.
  • ii-ba̋nlus vőgom tára ṡyṡ̬őko ðeeős éna e-m̃a̋a̋ða:
ii=ba̋n-l-us vőg-om tára ṡy~ṡ̬őko-Ø ðee-ős éna e=m̃a̋a̋ð-a
F=wash-AG-N.p stream-A.s ELT~shallow-ABS place-G.s at PST=wade-IND

  • Please put the chair on the other side of the room.
  • tú te̋rom tára se̋dom ðeee̋ȝa:
t-ú te̋r-om tára se̋d-om ðee-e̋ȝa
2s-V room-G.s on_the_other_side_of chair-A.s put-SBJ

  • The defeated troops fled over the bridge.
  • se̋haþu ṡa̋þmus þőlom tára e-vűga:
se̋h-a-þu-Ø ṡa̋þm-us þől-om tára e=vűg-a
defeat-IND-PP-ABS troop-N.p bridge-A.s over PST=flee-IND

  • 74. túȝa denotes with respect or regard to; in-, with-, -regard to, with respect to, regarding, as regards, about, with, on, for, in [< tűȝa, t.v. consider].
  • In/with regard to your letter, I will answer tomorrow.
  • mu tu-miþős túȝa ṡúm̃vi u-kı̋ı̋ra:
m-u tu=miþ-ős túȝa ṡúm̃=vi u=kı̋ı̋r-a
1s-N your=letter-G.s with_regard_to tomorrow=ADV FUT=answer-IND

  • With respect to your knowledge, I disagree.
  • tu-m̃ida̋s túȝa. mu ṡa̋a̋ma:
tu=m̃id-a̋s túȝa m-u ṡa̋a̋m-a
your=knowledge-G with_respect_to 1s-N disagree-IND

  • I am sure your wife will be pleased with this mother-of-pearl gift.
  • mu—ȝa tu-kőzu tanɠőno dooős túȝa u-se̋ba—ne̋sa:
m-u ȝa tu=kőz-u tanɠőno-Ø doo-ős túȝa u=se̋b-a ne̋s-a
1s-N that your=wife-N.s mother_of_pearl-ABS gift-G.s with FUT=be.pleased-IND be.sure-IND

  • The Committee on Orthography
  • ruunȝara̋s túȝa dááraul̤ı̋ȝu
ruun.ȝar-a̋s túȝa dáár.aul-l-ı̋ȝ-u
letter.write-G.s on work.advise-AG-COL-N.s

  • For this stitch, use a heavier thread.
  • (tú) i-sim̃ős túȝa bybőőko ne̋e̋tom ne̋ude:
t-ú i=sim̃-ős túȝa by~bőőko-Ø ne̋e̋t-om ne̋ud-e
2s-N this=stitch-G.s PRF~heavy-ABS thread-A.s use-IMP

  • My teacher helped me with my homework.
  • mu-dőxlu nomvagős túȝa mum e-þőna:
mu=dőx-l-u nom.vag-ős túȝa m-um e=þőn-a
my=teach-AG-N.s home.assignment-G.s with 1s-A PST-help-IND

  • The pirate was blind in one eye.
  • marvőőurlu þűn t̬alős túȝa re̋e̋mu e-e̋sa:
mar.vőőur-l-u þűn t̬al-ős túȝa re̋e̋m-u e=e̋s-a
sea.steal-AG-N.s one eye-G.s in blind-N.s PST=be-IND

  • 75. þála denotes in honor of [< þa̋la, t.v. honor, award].
  • They named the bridge in honor of the murdered prince.
  • éȝus ka̋a̋daþu asurűs þála þőlom e-fe̋e̋ta:
éȝ-us ka̋a̋d-a-þu-Ø asur-űs þála þől-om e=fe̋e̋t-a
3-N.p murder-IND-PP-ABS prince-G.s in_honor_of bridge-A.s PST=name-IND

  • 76. þééxa denotes foundation or dependence; based-, depending-, -on [< þe̋e̋xa, t.v. rest-, be based-, -on].
  • Depending on his response, we will continue the work.
  • eȝu-kiirős þééxa. m̃us da̋a̋rom u-se̋e̋ra:
eȝu=kiir-ős þééxa m̃-us da̋a̋r-om u=se̋e̋r-a
his=response-G.s depending_on 1p-N work-A.s FUT=continue-IND

  • 77. þifápa denotes at a far distance; far away from [< þı̋fi, adj. distant; a̋pi, adj. away].
  • We live far away from these mountains.
  • m̃us i-ǧarős þifápa m̃e̋e̋sa:
m̃-us i=ǧar-ős þif.ápa m̃e̋e̋s-a
1p-N this=mountain-G.s far.away live-IND

  • 78. þóósa denotes in opposition to, in contact with, against, contrary to, into, on, opposed to, opposite, up, with [< þőősa, t.v. oppose, face].
  • The desperate fugitives had to row against the swift current.
  • vı̋smu őőðlus a̋a̋to ṡűrkom þóósa e̋ru e-ke̋la:
vı̋smu-Ø őőð-l-us a̋a̋to-Ø ṡűrk-om þóósa e̋r-u e=ke̋l-a
desperate-ABS flee-AG-N.p swift-ABS current-A.s against row-SUP PST-have_to-IND

  • We saw the exhausted runner leaning against the tree.
  • m̃us haisı̋s þóósa ṡı̋lantu műdu re̋e̋slum e-na̋ka:
m̃-us hais-ı̋s þóósa ṡı̋l-a-ntu-Ø műdu-Ø re̋e̋s-l-um e=na̋k-a
1p-N tree-G.s against lean-IND-AP-ABS exhauste-ABS run-AG-A.s PST=see-IND

  • I do this against/contrary to my better judgment.
  • mu vıva̋a̋da mu-meda̋s þóósa som kı̋a:
m-u vı~va̋a̋da-Ø mu=med-a̋s þóósa s-om kı̋-a
1s-N ELT~good-ABS my=judgment-G.s against this-A.s do-IND

  • The patient lost the struggle against his illness.
  • da̋mu eȝu-damős þóósa na̋a̋rom e-ha̋ȝa:
da̋m-u eȝu=dam-ős þóósa na̋a̋r-om e=ha̋ȝ-a
patient-N.s his=illness-G.s against struggle-A.s PST=lose-IND

  • The employee asked for an advance against his salary.
  • kűűsaþu eȝu-þamős þóósa fesþa̋mom e-ı̋ga:
kűűs-a-þ-u eȝu=þam-ős þóósa fes.þa̋m-om e=ı̋g-a
hire-IND-PP-N.s his=salary-G.s against before.salary-A.s PST-ask_for-IND

  • The poor child does not yet know good from bad.
  • duse̋rmu ṡı̋ṡ' uflős þóósa va̋a̋dom że̋e̋na néstu:
dús.e̋rmu-Ø ṡı̋ṡ=' ufl-ős þóósa va̋a̋d-om że̋e̋n-a n.éstu
dis.advantaged-ABS child-ELIS bad-G.s from good-A.s discern.IND not.yet

  • The dazed workman ran into the tree.
  • mőőm̃aþu da̋a̋rlu ha̋isim þóósa e-re̋e̋sa:
mőőm̃-a-þu-Ø da̋a̋r-l-u ha̋is-im þóósa e=re̋e̋s-a
daze-IND-PP-ABS work-AG-N.s tree-A.s into PST=run-IND

  • The attack on the castle was planned for tomorrow.
  • ðűűnom þóósa ȝűðo ṡum̃a̋s fára pe̋e̋kaþo e-ı̋la:
ðűűn-om þóósa ȝűð-o ṡum̃-a̋s fára pe̋e̋k-a-þ-o e=ı̋l-a
castle-A.s on attack-N.s tomorros-G.s for plan-IND-PP-N.s PST=become-IND

  • The citizens were opposed to the prince’s going to war.
  • rı̋ı̋rus asurű' sőtu þóósa e-vűűa:
rı̋ı̋r-us asur-ű=' sőt-u þóósa e=vűű-a
citizen-N.p prince-G.s=ELIS war-SUP opposed_to PST=be-IND

  • The onlooker climbed the tree opposite the store to look at the fire.
  • ża̋vlu a̋a̋þem ża̋bu tááda miƣős þóósa da̋rim e-re̋na:
ża̋v-l-u a̋a̋þ-em ża̋b-u tááda miƣ-ős þóósa ha̋is-im e=re̋n-a
look_at-AG-N.s fire-A.s look_at-SUP in_order_to store-G.s opposite tree-A.s PST=climb-IND

  • The woman played opposite her husband.
  • ǧe̋nu potűs þóósa e-le̋ida:
ǧe̋n-u pot-űs þóósa e=le̋id-a
woman-N.s husband-G.s opposite PST=play-IND

  • The explorers had to sail the boat up wind.
  • ne̋e̋þlus m̃e̋e̋em þóósa na̋a̋m̃om na̋a̋m̃u e-ke̋la:
ne̋e̋þ-l-us m̃e̋e̋-em þóósa na̋a̋m̃-om na̋a̋m̃-u e=ke̋l-a
explore-AG-N.p wind-A.p against boar-A.s sail-SUP PST=have_to-IND

  • He spent the day fighting with his younger brother.
  • eȝu-ȝorűs þóósa ṡa̋tantu e-a̋ha:
eȝu=ȝor-űs þóósa ṡa̋t-a-nt=u e=a̋h-a
his=younger_brother-G.s with fight-IND-AP-N.s PST=spend_the_day-IND

  • The picture of the king has been hanging on the wall.
  • reeƣűs n̨a̋ro godős þóósa kőranþo vyvűűa:
reeƣ-űs n̨a̋r-o god-ős þóósa kőr-a-nþ-o vy~vűű-a
king-G.s picture-N.s wall-G.s on hang-IND-AP-N.s PRF~be-IND

  • 79. þóla denotes at or to the two sides of a place or thing; on both sides of [< þőlo, bridge].
  • The town was on both sides of the river.
  • rı̋iiko daae̋s þóla e-e̋sa:
rı̋ii-k-o daa-e̋s þóla e=e̋s-a
city-DIM-N.s river-G.s on_both_sides_of PST=be-IND

  • 80. þóna denotes assistance; with help [< þőna, t.v. help, aid].
  • I put out the fire in the attic with his help.
  • mu eȝús þóna meedős éna a̋a̋þem e-ǧe̋sa:
m-u eȝ-ús þóna meed-ős éna a̋a̋þ-em e=ǧe̋s-a
1s-N 3-G.s with_help attic-G.s in fire-A.s PST=put_out-IND

  • 81. úfa denotes the position of the body with the front toward the object; facing [< űfa, t.v. face, look out on].
  • The disobedient child stood facing the wall.
  • alta̋a̋bu ṡı̋ṡu godős úfa e-ṡűra:
al=ta̋a̋bu-Ø ṡı̋ṡ-u god-ős úfa e=ṡűr-a
PRV=obedient-ABS child-N.s wall-G.s facing PST-stand-IND

  • 82. úpa denotes to or at a higher level than something else literally or figuratively; above, over [< űpi, adj. upper, higher].
  • The knight held the sword above his head.
  • mı̋mlu niimős úpa va̋a̋lom e-ƣa̋va:
mı̋m-l-u niim-ős úpa va̋a̋l-om e=ƣa̋v-a
ride-AG-N.s head-G.s above sword-A.s PST=hold-IND

  • The osprey hovered over the lake.
  • ga̋s' ehe̋rom úpa e-k̬iilpe̋ta:
ga̋s=' ehe̋r-om úpa e=k̬̋t-a
osprey=ELIS lake-A.s over

  • 83. xéma denotes instrumentality; with, by means of [< xe̋mo, tool].
  • By means of a knife the policeman was able to open the door.
  • þorna̋m̃lu siimlős xéma ðűrom lűru e-ma̋ƣa:
þ̋m̃-l-u siim-l-ős xéma ðűr-om lűr-u e=ma̋ƣ-a
law-enforce-AG-N.s cut-INS-G.s with door-A.s open-SUP PST-be_able-IND

  • The swordsman killed the enemy with his sword.
  • vaala̋a̋gu eȝu-vaalős xéma n̨e̋tum e-ka̋a̋da:
vaal-a̋a̋g-u eȝu=vaal ős xéma n̨e̋t-um e=ka̋a̋d-a
sword-OCC-N.s his=sword-G.s with enemy-A.s PST=kill-IND

Senjecas - Table of Correlatives