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Senjecas - List of Non-derivative Postpositions

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Pronunciation table

(vowels with प)
नि॓थो च्युस्वे॓नोस्
nı̋þo ṡ̨uuše̋nos
(weak vowels)
b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a ɔ o u ı ɛ y
म़ ल़ स़ क़ ग़ स्व स्य इ ई
पि पी
ए एै
ए पै
अ आ
प पा
ऒ ॵ
पॊ पॏ
ओ औ
पो पौ
उ ऊ
पु पू
पं पऺ पॅ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/

Glossing abbreviations

1s/p = 1st person singular/plural ABL = ablative suffix COL = collective F = feminine INT = intensive prefix PRV = privative prefix SUP = supine
2s/p = 2nd person singular/plural ABS = absolutive
(an unmarked modifying adjective)
DES = desiderative FRQ = frequentative LAT = lative suffix PST = past TRZ = transitivizer
3 = 3rd person ADV = adverb DIM = diminutive FUT = future LOC = locative suffix REV = reversive VOC = vocative particle
A(.s/p) = accusative (singular/plural) AG = agent ELIS = elision IMP = imperative M = masculine Q = interrogative particle YNG = young
G(.s/p) = genitive (singular/plural) AP = agent (active) participle ELT = elative INC = inchoative OCC = occupation suffix QUOT = direct quotation
N(.s/p) = nominative (singular/plural) AUG = augmentative EP = epenthesis IND = indicative PP = patient (past) participle RPR = recent perfective
V(.s/p) = vocative (singular/plural) CAUS = causative EQU = equative degree INS = instrument PRF = perfect SBJ = subjunctive

List of Non-derivative Postpositions - algı̋ı̋no pos̈a̋m̃os=

  • 1. áda denotes in association or connection with: among(st), with(in).
  • That is a custom popular among(st)/with the desert people
  • no m̃a̋a̋sto leuðős áða le̋uða gűa e̋sa:
n-o m̃a̋a̋sto-Ø leuð-ős áða le̋uða-Ø gű-a e̋s-a
that-N.s desert-ABS people-G.s among popular-ABS custom-N.s be-IND

  • It is not within my power to free you from prison.
  • koldemős áfa tum še̋vu mu-m̃aka̋s áða vűűa ne:
kol_dem-ős áfa t-um še̋v-u mu=m̃ak-a̋s áða vűű-a ne
imprison_building-G.s from 2s-A free-SUP my=power-G.s within be-IND not

  • 2. áfa denotes separation from support, attachment or position: off (of), from, of.
  • one of us
  • m̃úm áfa þűn
m̃-úm áfa þűn
1s-G of one

  • The skittish horse shied and the rider fell off it.
  • t̨e̋ƣse mőr' e-t̨e̋ga. da mı̋mlu nem áfa e-főőla:
t̨e̋ƣse-Ø mőr=' e=t̨e̋g-a da mı̋m-l-u n-em áfa e=főől-a
skittish-ABS horse=ELIS PST-shy-IND and ride-AG-N.s 3-A.s off PST=fall-IND

  • The corrupt mayor was removed from office yesterday.
  • duspőrvu riine̋e̋ȝu boþa̋s áfa hesáhvi dűűraþu e-ı̋la:
dus.pőrvu-Ø rii_ne̋e̋ȝ-u boþ-a̋s áfa hes.áh=vi dűűr-a-þ-u e=ı̋l-a
dis.honest-ABS city_lead_a_community-N.s office-G.s from remove-IND-PP-N.s PST=become-IND

  • 3. ána denotes change to, toward, or at an elevated place literally or figuratively: up (to).
  • The threatened milkmaid quickly ran up the hill.
  • šı̋naþu ii-s̨űűþlu ra̋ȝom ána ááþvi e-re̋e̋sa:
šı̋n-a-þu-Ø ii=s̨űűþ-l-u ra̋ȝ-om ána ááþ=vi e=-re̋e̋s-a
threaten-IND-PP-ABS F=milk-AG-N.s hill-A.s up quick=ADV PST=run-IND

  • 4. ápa denotes removal from or location at a certain place or time either literally or figuratively: from, away from.
  • The herd of red deer ran away from the prowling lion.
  • laanı̋ȝo re̋e̋pante bı̋ı̋rem ápa e-re̋e̋sa:
laan-ı̋ȝo re̋e̋p-a-nte-Ø bı̋ı̋r-em ápa e=re̋e̋s-a
red_deer-COL prowl-IND-AP-ABS lion-A.s away_from PST=run-IND

  • 5. ba denotes on or toward the exterior of: outside, without.
  • We heard a loud noise outside the door.
  • m̃us ðurős ba tőro þı̋mom e-ve̋na:
m̃-us ður-ős ba tőro-Ø þı̋m-om e=ve̋n-a
1p-N door-G.s outside loud-ABS noise-A.s PST-hear-IND

  • Our opponent stood without the room while we decided.
  • m̃úm e-rekantűm. m̃u-þőőslu terős ba e-ṡűra:
m̃-úm e=rek-a-nt-űm m̃u=þőős-l-u ter-ős ba e=ṡűr-a
1p-G PST=decide-IND-AP-G.p my=oppose-AG-N.s room-G.s without PST=stand-IND

  • 6. do denotes motion towards literally or figuratively: to, toward, at, into.
  • The thirsty herd moved off toward the flooding river.
  • a̋a̋do ta̋do lı̋ı̋me da̋a̋em do e-a̋ta:
a̋a̋do-Ø ta̋d-o lı̋ı̋me-Ø da̋a̋-em do e=a̋t-a
thirsty-ABS herd-N.s flooding-ABS river-A.s toward PST=go-IND

  • The hiker threw the rock at the approaching bear.
  • ȝuþne̋ðlu ȝőbante ve̋rem do ta̋a̋inom e-ȝe̋e̋a:
ȝuþ.ne̋ð-l-u ȝőb-a-nte-Ø ve̋r-em do ta̋a̋in-om e=ȝe̋e̋-a
ramble.walk-AG-N.s approach-IND-AP-ABS bear-A.s at rock-A.s PST=throw-IND

  • Tomorrow the flock will move into the mountains for the summer.
  • ba̋a̋k̬o ṡúm̃vi le̋e̋tam ǧa̋ron do u-a̋ta:
ba̋a̋k̬-o ṡúm̃=vi le̋e̋t-am ǧa̋r-on do u=a̋t-a
flock-N.s tomorrow=ADV summer-A.s mountain-A.p into FUT=go-IND

  • Go to the party and have a good time.
  • tú sa̋ram do a̋tek̬e ra̋a̋dek̬e:
t-ú sa̋r-am do a̋t-e=k̬e ra̋a̋d-e=k̬e
2s-V party-A.s to go-IMP=and enjoy-IMP=and

  • 7. dúna denotes at or during a time anterior to; before, by, no later than, of, to.
  • Be here by/no later than sunset.
  • tú duua̋s dúna íðu vűűe:
t-ú duu-a̋s dúna íðu vűű-e
2s-V sunset-G.s by here be-IMP

  • twenty minutes of/to five
  • d̬őfoos őrdɛkas pe̋n őrda̋s dúna
d̬ő_foos őrd-ɛ-k-as pe̋n ord-a̋s dúna
two_tens hour-EPEN-DIM-N.p five hour-G.s to

  • To this very day, he insists he was right.
  • éȝu. rı̋ı̋ba i-aha̋s dúna. num m̃e̋e̋rum e-vűűu ðe̋ra:
éȝ-u rı̋ı̋ba-Ø i=ah-a̋s dúna n-um m̃e̋e̋r-um e=vűű-u ðe̋r-a
3-N.s very-ABS this=day-G.s to 3-A.s right-A.s PST=be-SUP insist-IND

  • 8. éha denotes movement or direction from the inside to the outside: (out) of, from (within).
  • The frightened occupants ran from the burning building.
  • tűgu pe̋e̋l̤us a̋iðanto de̋mom éha e-re̋e̋sa:
tűgu-Ø pe̋e̋l-l-us a̋ið-a-nto-Ø de̋m-om éha e=re̋e̋s-a

  • The young women were looking out (of) the window when the rode by.
  • soþmı̋mlum ɔ́nu e-mı̋mantum—ii-be̋kus tungős éha e-ża̋ba:
soþ.mı̋m-l-um ɔ́nu e=mı̋m-a-nt-um ii=be̋k-us tung-ős éha e=ża̋b-a
wage_war.ride-AG-A.s by PST-ride-IND-AP-A.s F=young-N.p window-G.s out_of PST=look_out-IND

  • The villagers heard the sound of fighting from within the fortress.
  • na̋a̋ðrus ðuunős éha ṡata̋' še̋nom e-ve̋na:
na̋a̋ð-r-us ðuun-ős éha ṡat-a̋=' še̋n-om e=ve̋n-a
village-inhabitant_suffix-N.p fortress-G.s from fight-A.s=ELIS sound-A.s PST=hear-IND

  • 9. éna denotes stationary position or location within or movement into: at, in, into, on, to.
  • The gigantic boulder came to rest at the bottom of the hill.
  • pempe̋lo ta̋a̋inżo raȝős niterős éna ṡe̋ȝu e-tőpa:
pempe̋lo-Ø ta̋a̋in-ż-o raȝ-ős niter-ős éna ṡe̋ȝ-u e=tőp-a
gigantic-ABS stone-AUG-N.s hill-G.s bottom-G.s at rest-SUP PST-arrive-IND

  • Please put the dishes in the cupboard on the left.
  • tú m̃aspe̋go e̋rgom éna pe̋lkon ðeee̋ȝa:
t-ú m̃̋go-Ø e̋rg-om éna pe̋lk-on ðee-e̋ȝa
2s-V left.side-ABS cupboard-A.s in dishes-A.p put-SBJ

  • The maid put the quilted clothing into the box under the bed.
  • ṡűvlu ṡeȝős néra ı̋vkom éna kűgom e-ðe̋e̋a:
ṡűv-l-u ṡeȝ-ős néra ı̋vk-om éna kűg-om e=ðe̋e̋-a
clean-AG-N.s bed-G.s under box-A.s into quilted_clothing-A.s PST=put-IND

  • 10. épa denotes accordance with: after the manner of, after, at, behind, in, under, according to, in terms of, as, in the role of.
  • The rider rode her horse after the manner of the nomads.
  • ii-mı̋mlu mal̤űm épa eȝu-mőrem e-mı̋ma:
ii=mı̋m-l-u mal-l-űm épa eȝu=mőr-em e=mı̋m-a
F=ride-AG-N.s wander-AG-G.p after_the_manne_of her=horse-A.s PST=ride-IND

  • At the general's command the troops charged.
  • ṡa̋þm̃usɛ soþveel̤űs eevős épa e-ȝűða:
ṡa̋þm̃-us=ɛ soþ.veel-l-űs eev-ős épa e-ȝűð-a
troops-N.s=EP war.be_in_charge_of-AG-G.s command-G.s at PST=charge-IND

  • It was clear that the miller’s wife was behind the plan.
  • ȝa mol̤űs kőzu peeka̋s épa e-vűűa—te̋ido e-e̋sa:
ȝa mol-l-űs kőz-u peek-a̋s épa e=vűű-a te̋id-o e=e̋s-a
that grind-AG-G.s wife-N.s plan-G.s behind PST-be-IND clear-N.s PST=be-IND

  • Under the king's new law, that would not be allowed.
  • no. reeƣűs ȝűűno þ̨orős épa. dőraþo ile̋ȝa ze:
n-o reeƣ-űs ȝűűno-Ø þ̨or-ős épa dőr-a-þ-o il-e̋ȝa ze
that-N.s king-G.s new-ABS law-G.s under allow-IND-PP-N.s become-SBJ not

  • 11. éva denotes position on top of literally or figuratively: on, over, to, upon.
  • You will find the hat on the table in the hall.
  • tu eðős éna serős éva ṡa̋bom u-de̋e̋sa:
t-u eð-ős éna ser-ős éva ṡa̋b-om u=de̋e̋s-a
2s-N hall-G.s in table-G.s on hat-A.s FUT=find-IND

  • The nomads applied red paint to the old wagon.
  • ma̋l̤us że̋e̋ro m̃eƣős éva re̋uði te̋e̋rt̬im e-te̋e̋ra:
ma̋l-l-us że̋e̋ro-Ø m̃eƣ-ős éva re̋uði-Ø te̋e̋rt̬-im e=te̋e̋r-a
wander-AG-N.p old-ABS wagon-G.s to read-ABS paint-A.s PST=paint-IND

  • The teacher put a variegated cloth over the wooden table.
  • dőxlu maat̨őno serős éva a̋ito m̃e̋vom e-ðe̋e̋a:
dőx-l-u maat̨őno-Ø se̋r-om éva a̋ito-Ø m̃e̋v-om e=ðe̋e̋-a
teach-AG-N.s wooden-ABS table-A.s over variegate-ABS cloth-A.s PST=put-IND

  • 12. ha denotes causality: at, because of, by, for, in, of, on account of, by reason of, in consequence of, as a result of, out of, owing-, due -to, from, through, under, with.
  • At our request, the guard finally opened the cell door.
  • dı̋slu m̃u-igős ha m̃enðónu terkős ðűrom e-lűra:
dı̋s-l-u m̃u=ig-ős ha m̃enðónu terk-ős ðűr-om e=lűr-a
guard-AG-N.s my=request-G.s at finally cell-G.s door-A.s PST=open-IND

  • Because of the torrential rain we could not go.
  • ṡarsa̋a̋ke suum̃e̋s ha m̃us a̋tu e-fe̋e̋a:
ṡarsa̋a̋ke-Ø suum̃-e̋s ha m̃-us a̋t-u e=fe̋e̋-a
torrential-ABS rain-G.s because_of 1p-N go-SUP PST=be_unable-IND

  • The queen was famous throughout the land for her beauty.
  • ii-re̋e̋ƣu mexa̋s þáfa eȝu-govta̋s ha de̋ku e-vűűa:
ii=re̋e̋ƣ-u mex-a̋s þáfa eȝu=govt-a̋s ha de̋k-u e=vűű-a
F=king-N.s land-G.s throughout her=beauty-G.s for famous-N.s PST=be-IND

  • Under these circumstances, we should turn back.
  • i-sepa̋m ha m̃us na̋a̋nu ke̋la:
i=sep-a̋m ha m̃-us na̋a̋n-u ke̋l-a
this=circumstance-G.p under 1p-N turn_back-SUP should-IND

  • At the sight the people went pale with fear.
  • le̋uðu nakaþős ha naaa̋s ha ðe̋inu e-ı̋la:
le̋uð-u nak-a-þ-ős ha naa-a̋s ha ðe̋in-u e=ı̋l-a
people-N.s see-IND-PP-G.s at fear-G.s with pale-N.s PST-become-IND

  • 13. ȝúṡa denotes situation or partition between two or more entities: among(st), (in) between, through, with.
  • There is no honor among(st) thieves.
  • þa̋la voourlűm ȝúṡa vűűla ne:
þa̋l-a voour-l-űm ȝúṡa vűűl-a ne
honor-N.s steal-AG-G.p among not

  • The beehives are between the house and the barn.
  • de̋e̋ȝos m̃eesősk̬e beƣősk̬e ȝúṡa vűűa:
de̋e̋ȝ-os m̃ees-ős=k̬e beƣ-ős=k̬e ȝúṡa vűű-a
beehive-N.p house-G.s=and barn-G.s=and between be-IND

  • This book has passed through many hands.
  • i-lűvo me̋e̋o ma̋non ȝúṡa kıke̋e̋da:
i=siia̋mɫ-o me̋e̋o-Ø ma̋n-on ȝúṡa kı~ke̋e̋d-a
this=book-N.s many-ABS hand-A.p through PRF~pass-IND

  • 14. kóma denotes physical proximity: about, beside, by, next to, on.
  • The shepherd waited beside the shrine on the hill for the messenger.
  • om̃ta̋ðlu raȝős éva noivdarős kóma miþa̋a̋gum e-me̋na:
om̃.ta̋ð-l-u raȝ-ős éva noiv.dar-ős kóma miþ-a̋a̋g-um e=me̋n-a
sheep.herd-AG-N.s hill-G.s on beside message-OCC-A.s PST=await-IND

  • 15. la denotes on this side of.
  • The diggers found the box on this side of the house.
  • vőðlus m̃eesős la ı̋vkom e-de̋e̋sa:
vőð-l-us m̃ees-ős la ı̋vk-om e=de̋e̋s-a
dig-AG-N.p house-G.s on_this_side_of box-A.s PST=find-IND

  • 16. n̨a denotes change to, toward or at a lower place either literally or figuratively: down (through).
  • The monkey climbed down the tree.
  • me̋ṡe ha̋iṡim n̨a e-re̋na:
me̋ṡ-e ha̋iṡ-im n̨a e=re̋n-a
monkey-N.s tree-A.s down PST=climb-IND

  • He has been my friend down through the years.
  • éȝu dı̋lanɛ n̨a mu-vı̋lu e̋e̋sa:
éȝ-u dı̋l-an=ɛ n̨a mu=vı̋lu e̋~e̋s-a
3-N.s year-A.p=EPEN down_through my=friend-N.s PRF~be-IND

  • The two otters followed our canoe down the river.
  • d̬ő űðres da̋a̋em n̨a m̃u-la̋im̃om e-da̋ga:
d̬ő űðr-es da̋a̋-em n̨a m̃u=la̋im̃-om e=da̋g-a
two otter-N.p river-A.s down my=canoe-A.s PST=follow-IND

  • 17. o denotes the indirect object of the verb: for, to; or indicates a relationship to an adjective: to.
  • These red and yellow flowers are for you.
  • re̋uðok̬e xűlok̬e i-na̋nos tús o e̋sa:
re̋uðo-Ø=k̬e xűlo-Ø=k̬e i=na̋n-os t-ús o e̋s-a
red-ABS=and yellow-ABS=and this=flower-N.p 2s-G to be-IND

  • His speech was clear to all.
  • eȝu-sa̋m̃no' orűm o te̋ido e-vűűa:
eȝu=sa̋m̃n=' or-űm o te̋id-o e=vűű-a
his=speech-ELIS all-G.p to clear-N.s PST=be-IND

  • 18. ɔ́na denotes on the farther side of time or space literally or figuratively: after, around, behind, beyond, by, on the other side of, outside, past.
  • The time is after/past midnight.
  • te̋na uȝa̋s ɔ́na e̋sa:
te̋n-a uȝ-a̋s ɔ́na e̋s-a
time-N.s midnight-G.s past be-IND

  • The exhausted army arrived way behind schedule.
  • műdu őmu kéþu ten̈e̋msom ɔ́na e-tőpa:
műdu-Ø őm-u kéþu ord=ɛ=pe̋e̋x-om ɔ́na e=tőp-a
exhausted-ABS army-N.s way hour=EP=plan-A.s behind PST=arrive-IND

  • It is beyond/past the time for sowing barley.
  • va̋rsim seea̋s tááda tena̋s ɔ́na e̋sa:
va̋rs-im see-a̋s tááda ten-a̋s ɔ́na e̋s-a
barley-A.s sowing-G.s for time-G.s beyond be-IND

  • The master’s ingenious plan is beyond/past my feeble understanding.
  • veel̤űs ne̋e̋ra pe̋e̋ka nı̋þa mu-þumra̋s ɔ́na e̋sa:
veel-l-űs ne̋e̋ra-Ø pe̋e̋k-a nı̋þa-Ø mu=þumr-a̋s ɔ́na e̋s-a
be_in_charge_of-AG-G.p ingenious-ABS plan-N.s feeble-ABS my=understanding-G.s beyond be-IND

  • The driver drove the wagon by/past the beseiged fortress.
  • re̋iðlu k̨ősaþo ðűűnom ɔ́na m̃e̋ƣom e-re̋iða:
re̋ið-l-u k̨ős-a-þo-Ø ðűűn-om ɔ́na m̃e̋ƣ-om e=re̋ið-a
drive-AG-N.s beseige-IND-PP-ABS fortress-A.s past wagon-A.s PST=drive-IND

  • The soldier's brave action was outside his duty.
  • soþlűs ƣőlvo kı̋o eȝu-boþa̋s ɔ́na e-e̋sa:
soþ-l-űs ƣőlvo-Ø kı̋-o eȝu=boþ-a̋s ɔ́na e=e̋sa
wage_war-AG-G.s brave-ABS action-N.s his=duty-G.s outside PST=be-IND

  • The peasant’s child couldn't count past 10.
  • rem̃rűs żőőnaþu főő ɔ́na lűku e-fe̋e̋a ne:
rem̃r-űs żőőn-a-þu-Ø főő ɔ́na lűk-u e=fe̋e̋-a ne
peasant-G.s beget-IND-PP-ABS ten past count-SUP PST=be_unable-IND not

  • 19. sána denotes having a lack of something; without.
  • The survivors traveled three days across the desert without water.
  • t̬ı̋ɫus tı̋r a̋han m̃a̋stom tára hurő' sána e-ta̋ƣa:
t̬ı̋ɫ-us tı̋r a̋h-an m̃a̋st-om tára hur-ő-' sána e=ta̋ƣ-a
survivor-N.p three day-A.p desert-A.s across water-G.s-ELIS without PST=travel-IND

  • 20. sííra denotes up to a limit; at the edge of, as far as, as many as, until/till, (up) to.
  • The murderer stood at the edge of the cliff, then jumped.
  • ka̋a̋ðlu peliső' sííra e-ṡűra: péru e-ı̋ta:
ka̋a̋ð-l-u pelis-ő=' sííra e=ṡűr-a péru e=ı̋t-a
murder-AG-N.s cliff-G.s=ELIS at_the_edge_of PST=stand-IND then PST=jump-IND

  • We will go with you as far as the river.
  • m̃us da̋a̋em sííra tum u-sűna:
m̃-us da̋a̋-em sííra t-um u=sűn-a
1p-N river-A.s as_far_as 2-A.s FUT=go_with-IND

  • You may have as many as five apples.
  • tu pe̋n abelőm sííra gae̋ȝa:
t-u pe̋n abel-őm sííra ga-e̋ȝa
2s-N five apple-G.p as_many_as take-SBJ

  • The apple tree grew to a height of eight feet.
  • abe̋li bı̋n peda̋m sííra e-a̋la:
abe̋l-i bı̋n ped-a̋m sííra e=a̋l-a
apple_tree-N.s eight foot-G.p to PST=grow-IND

  • We will wait for you until/till sunup.
  • m̃us needa̋' sííra tum u-me̋na:
m̃-us need-a̋=' sííra t-um u=me̋n-a
1p-N sunup-G.s=ELIS until 2s-A FUT=wait_for-IND

  • The cupbearer filled my cup (up) to the brim.
  • ginda̋a̋gu tűbom sííra mu-gı̋ndom e-pe̋e̋la:
gind-a̋a̋g-u tűb-om sííra mu=gı̋nd-om e=pe̋e̋l-a
cup-OCC-N.s brim-A.s to my=cup-A.s PST=fill-IND

  • 21. ša denotes exception; apart from, beside, besides, but for, except, save, not to-, -speak of, -mention, other than, outside.
  • Apart from that one storm, our vacation was wonderful.
  • m̃u-sevke̋e̋sa þűn ðuső' ša dı̋zra e-vűűa:
m̃̋e̋s-a þűn ðus-ő=' ša dı̋zr-a e=vűű-a
our=amuse.time-N.s one storm-G.s=ELIS apart_from wonderful-N.s PST=be-IND

  • Your statement is beside the point.
  • tu-tőso ȝoba̋' ša e̋sa:
tu=tős-o ȝob-a̋=' ša e̋s-a
your=statement-N.s point-G.s=ELIS beside be-IND

  • There's no one here besides Bill and me.
  • néu bilűsk̬e músk̬e ša íðu vűűla:
né-u bil-űs=k̬e m-ús=k̬e ša íðu vűűl-a:
no_one-N.s Bill-G.s=and 1s-G=and besides here there-be-IND

  • But for the cavalryman’s brave deed, the army would have lost the battle.
  • őmu ṡaþmórmimlűs ze̋go kiő' ša ṡa̋tom hıhaȝe̋ȝa:
őm-u ṡaþ.mór.mim-l-űs ze̋go-Ø ki-ő=' ša ṡa̋t-om hı~haȝ-e̋ȝa
army-N.s brave-ABS deed-G.s=ELIS but_for battle-A.s PRF~lose-SBJ

  • They were all there except/save me.
  • őru éȝus mú' ša tóru e-vűűa:
őru-Ø éȝ-us m-ú=' ša tóru e=vűű-a
all-ABS 3-N.p 1-G.s=ELIS except there PST=be-IND

  • The cooks served the troops three oxen, not to speak of/mention the many chickens.
  • dűƣlus ṡaþm̃űs o me̋e̋e kake̋m ša tı̋r ǧőősen e-nı̋ı̋xa:
dűƣ-l-us ṡaþm̃-űs o me̋e̋e-Ø kak-e̋m ša tı̋r ǧőős-en e=nı̋ı̋x-a
cook-AG-N.p troops-G.s to many-ABS chicken-G.p not_to_mention three ox-A.p PST=serve-IND

  • I have no money other than the few coins in my pocket.
  • mu paadős éna pa̋uo piinkőm ša néo pı̋ı̋nom űða:
m-u paad-ős éna pa̋uo-Ø piin-k-őm ša néo-Ø pı̋ı̋n-om űð-a
1s-N pocket-G.s iin few-ABS money-DIM-G.p other_than no-ABS money-A.s have-IND

  • Outside her beauty, she has nothing going for her.
  • néo govta̋' ša eȝús o vűűa:
né-o govt-a̋=' ša eȝ-ús o vűű-a
nothing-N.s beauty-G.s=ELIS outside 3-G.s for be-IND

  • 22. ṡ̨úfa denotes in the course of; during, for, in, in the process-, -course-, -of, on, through, throughout, under
  • During the war, the people fled to the mountains.
  • sőtam ṡ̨úfa le̋uðu ǧa̋ron do e-vűga:
sőt-am ṡ̨úfa le̋uð-u ǧa̋r-on do e=vűg-a
war-A.s during people-N.s mountain-A.p to PST=flee-IND

  • We have been friends through many trials.
  • m̃us vı̋l̤us me̋e̋a kalta̋m ṡ̨úfa e̋e̋sa:
m̃-us vı̋l-us me̋e̋a-Ø kalt-a̋m ṡ̨úfa e̋~e̋s-a
1p-N friend-N.p many-ABS trial-G.p through PRF~be-IND

  • Under the king's rule things were much better.
  • reeƣűs zila̋s ṡ̨úfa m̃e̋kos m̃éumvi vıva̋dos e-e̋sa:
reeƣ-űs zil-a̋s ṡ̨úfa m̃e̋k-os m̃éum=vi vı~va̋d-os e=e̋s-a
king-G.s rule-G.s under think-N.p much=ADV EL~good-N.p PST-be-IND

  • 23. þáfa denotes duration or extension through space literally or figuratively; (all) over, through(out).
  • Throughout the nation there was great joy.
  • me̋ża ba̋ȝa mexa̋s þáfa e-vűűla:
me̋ża-Ø ba̋ȝ-a mex-a̋s þáfa e=vűűl-a
great-ABS joy-N.s nation-G.s throughout

  • The singing could be heard (all) over the whole camp.
  • ga̋a̋ȝu őro vutiȝős þáfa ve̋naþa ı̋lu e-ma̋ƣa:
ga̋a̋ȝ-u őro-Ø vut-iȝ-ős þáfa ve̋n-a-þ-a ı̋l-u e=ma̋ƣ-a
sing-SUP whole-ABS tent-COL-G.s over hear-IND-PP-N.s become-SUP PST=be_able-IND

  • The king said we might wander through the castle.
  • re̋e̋ƣu m̃űn ðűűnom þáfa male̋ȝu e-te̋e̋a:
re̋e̋ƣ-u m̃-űn ðűűn-om þáfa mal-e̋ȝ-u e=te̋e̋-a
king-N.s 1p-A castle-A.s through wander-SBJ-SUP PST=say-IND

  • 24. úúda denotes egress; out of, from.
  • The chick fell out of its nest.
  • bőőd' eȝe-dűpom úúda e-főőla:
bőőd=' eȝe=dűp-om úúda e=főől-a
chick=ELIS its=nest-A.s out_of PST=fall-IND

Senjecas - List of Non-derivative Postpositions