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Sdanniskar language

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Spoken in: Kingdom of Sdannland
Timeline/Universe: Saxon Defeat
Total speakers: ca. 32 million
Genealogical classification: Indo-European

  West Germanic

Basic word order: SVO (SOV in infinitive clauses; VSO in imperative clauses and contrafactual statements)
Morphological type: Fusional
Morphosyntactic alignment: Accusative-Dative
Native script: Fuþark
Created by:
Sectori 2006

Sdannískar is a West Germanic language spoken in the Kingdom of Sdannland, called Kyningdómar Sdannlánder in Sdannískar. Its speakers refer to themselves as the Sdánnar.

Sdannískar was created by Sectori, derived via sound changes from Proto-Germanic, courtesy of the Proto-Germanic to West Germanic sound changes provided by Siride of the ZBB.


Bilabial Labiod. Dental Alveolar Palatal Velar Labiovelar Lateral
Nasal m n
Plosive p b t d k g
Fricative f v θ ð s ʃ x ɣ ɣʷ
Approximant r j w l

These are represented orthographically by the same symbol as their IPA representation, except /θ kʷ gʷ x ɣ xʷ ɣʷ ʃ/, which are represented <þ kw gw h ġ hw ġw sk>

Front Near-front Central Near-back Back
High i y u
High-mid o
Low-mid ɛ ɔ
Near-low æ
Low a

The vowels are represented by their IPA symbol except for /o ɛ ɔ/, which are written <ø e o>. Stress is marked by an acute accent on the vowel: í, ý, ú, ǿ, é, ó, ǽ, á.


Unstressed -i-, -j-, and -y- in suffixes cause a vowel shift in the preceding syllable, known as i-umlaut. The i-umalut affects the following vowels:

Normal i-umlaut
a æ
e i
i i
o ø
u y

Sound History

Vj > Vi unless _V
Vw > Vu unless _V
ɛː > ɛ
ɑ > a
ɔː > ɔ
ai > æ
ɛi > a
ɛu > ɔ
au > o
> u
ji > i
> i
i[-stress] > (nothing)/_#
CCV[-stress] > CC/_#
(only infrequently, possibly another explanation) ð > d/_#
θ > t/_#
β > v
v > b/_#
f > p/_#
ɣ > g/_#
x > k/_#
Cʷ > C/_#
iu, ui > y


Main article: Sdanniskar morphology
Sdannískar is a heavily inflecting language. Nouns inflect for five cases in two numbers, subdivided into the characteristic Germanic "strong" and "weak classes". Verbs conjugate for three persons and two numbers in two tenses and three moods. Like other Germanic languages, Sdannískar has a number of classes of "strong" verbs (those with internal ablaut) similar to those of German, for example. Adjectives have both "strong" and "weak" declensions also, and have a total of sixty inflections (though some of these are the same, e.g. the weak feminine nominative and instrumental singulars).


Main article: Sdanniskar syntax
Sdannískar has moderately complex syntax rules which govern the weak declension and placement of adjectives, the uses of the various cases, prepositional uses of various cases, and so on. Sdannískar's basic word order is Subject-Object-Verb (SVO).