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Romanzè è una lingua creâ d' espanola, italiana e francesa. Era creta por divertido e come una mèthode de communicasiona tre amicì. La lingua è simple con aucunì casì e c'è poco grammatica. La maggiore de grammatic è come sa de francesa e italiana.

L'ordina de motì sunt > SVO

Orìginato de Francesa, espanola e italiana.


Vocabulary is based on French, Italian and Spanish words, more of an spanish look to the language because of verbs ending in -ar/ir/er and pronunciation is similiar to that of Italian.


Personal Pronouns

I - Io

You - Tu

He - El

She - Ela

You - Voi

We - Noi

They - Els (all masculine or mixed group)

They - Elas (feminine only)

Direct objects and Indirect Objects

Direct Objects

Io - mi

Tu - ti

El - il

Ela - la

Voi - Voi

Noi - Noi

Els - le (les when vowel proceeds le)

Elas - le (les when vowel proceeds le)

Indirect Objects

Io - mi

Tu - ti

El - lu

Ela - lu

Voi - Vos

Noi - Nos

Els - lui

Elas - lui

Definite and indefinte articles

A/an = un (masculine) una (feminine) un' (feminine vowel)

The = il (masc.sng) la (fem.sng) l' (masc & fem vowel)

The = le (masc.pl and fem. pl) les (masc.pl & fem. pl)

Plurals of nouns

Masculine: Sng (o) Plural (ì)

Feminine: Sng(a/à) Plural (è)

Feminine 2: Sng (e/è) Plural (è)

Basic sentences

I want the coffee > Io volo la coffa

I wish (that) you would learn japanese > Io deso que tu apprenderai la giaponesa.

He would like to learn it > El amarà l'apprendar

You can not see that > Tu no poves ver sela


There is a subjunctive introduced after "que" (that)and is used frequently . Verbs that take the subjunctive (wish,hope,dream,think,believe and want). Also "avant que" and "jusque que" take subjunctive"


I think that you must go > Io penso que tu debias andar.

Reflexive Verbs

When using reflexive verbs in the past, the verb to be must be used as the auxiallary always > se tompar (to be wrong) Io mi son tompato.

Reflexive Pronouns

Io - me

Tu - te

Ei - se

Ea - se

Voi - Voi

Noi - Noi

Eis - se

Eas - se

Accents and Dipthongs

à > stressed ah

è> eh

ì > stressed ee

ò > oh

ù > Stressed oo

ce > cheh

ci > chee

ge > j (jump)

gi > j (jump)

â/ê/î/ô/û = when two of the same vowel come together > to explain (expliquar) they explain > expliqûnt. Expliquar -ar +unt.


No fluent speakers, closest person me with most knowledge, my friend with a decent knowledge, most people will understand some of this language with vocabulary being closely related to French,Italian and Spanish.