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Spoken in: North America c. AD 4000
Timeline/Universe: TaylorS's Eridanian Universe
Total speakers: Approx. 200 million
Genealogical classification: Indo-European
West Germanic
Basic word order: SVO
Morphological type: agglutinating
Morphosyntactic alignment: Split-Ergative
Created by:
Taylor Selseth 2010-

Solaric is an Anglic Language spoken predominantly in North America, centered along the middle and upper Mississippi River valley, the Ohio and Missouri River valleys, the American High Plains, the central Rockies, Pittsburgh, and the central Atlantic coast from Washington to New York. Solaric dialects are also spoken in many orbital colonies and on Luna.


Solaric has a very complex phonological system. Ejectives and implosives are dervied from fusions of glottal stops and plosives.

Syllable structure is (F)(C)(C)(F|L|N|w|y)V(C)(C)

Every word is mildly stressed and pitch-accented on the ultimate, penultimate, or antepenultimate syllable, whichever is heaviest because of vowel length and coda consonants.


Labial Labio-Dental Dental Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Stops, lenis p b t d ʧ j k g ʔ '
Stops, fortis p t ʧʰ c k
Stops, ejective p' t' ʧʼ c' k'
Stops, implosive ɓ b' ɗ d' ʄʲ j' ɠ g'
Stops, Nasal m m n n
Fricatives, unvoiced f f θ þ s s ʃ sh x kh h h
Fricatives, voiced v v ð ð z z ʒ zh ɣ gh
Laterals ɫ l
Trills r r
Semivowels w w j y

Only lenis plosives occur in the syllable coda. R is realized as a flap intervocalically. N assimilates to the point of articulation of a following consonant.


Oral Short

Front Front Rounded Central Back Diphthongs
High i i y ü u u
Mid-High e e ø ö o o
Mid-Low ɛ è ɔ ò ɛo eu ɔe oi
Low a a

Oral Long

Front Front Rounded Central Back
High ii üü uːː uu
Mid-High ee øː öö oo
Mid-Low ɛː èè ɔː òò
Low aa


Front Front Rounded Central Back Diphthongs
Mid-High e eng ø öng o ong
Mid-Low ɛ èng ɔ òng ɛo eung ɔe oing
Low a ang


Noun Phrase Morphology

Adjectives agree with their nouns in case and number. Case stacking occurs so that nouns in a non-core case modifying another noun agrees with that noun. Prepositions are also inflected for number and case agreement.

Basic Noun Phrase structure


Case Prefixes

Nominative-Absolutive: Ø-
Accusative-Ergative: ð-/d-

Marking is Split-Ergative, NOM-ACC is used when the subject is animate while ERG-ABS is used when the subject is inanimate and when the passive voice is used.

Genitive: è(v)-

Marks possession, participation, composition, origin, reference, and description.

Dative: t(a)-

Marks the indirect object.

Benifactive: f(a)-

Marks the beneficiary of an action.

Locative: 'n-

Marks location

Number, Definiteness

Indefinite: '- (plosives become glottalized)

Adjective Morphology

Comparative: -mo-
Superlative: -mös-

Verb Morphology

Preceding the Verb
Free Adverb

Slot 1: Subject Agreement
1SG: oi-
2SG: yü-
3SG: hi- (Animate)/-er- (Inanimate)
1PL: wi-
2PL: yò-
3PL: dè-

Slot 2: Interrogation
Animate Interrogative: -hü-
Inanimate Interrogative: -wè'-

Slot 3: Tense
Standard 3-tense distinction

Present: -Ø-
Past: -de-
Future: -nè-

Slot 4: Mood
Indicative: -Ø-
Used for factual statements

Subjunctive: -shu-
Used for probability, possibility, or uncertainty.

Conditional: -ke-
Used for hypotheticals.

Obligative: -gòr-
Used for demands and statements of obligations.

Optative: -wò-
Used for statements of wishing, wanting, or desiring something to happen.

Slot 5: Aspect
Verbs are either inherently active (are an action) or stative (are a state of being). Only active verbs can have habitual aspect.

Active Habitual: -Ø-
Active Imperfect: -bi
Active Perfect: -ven-
Stative Imperfect: -Ø-
Stative Perfect: -v-

The Habitual is used when the verb occurs on a regular basis. The Imperfect is used for unfolding actions while the Perfect is used for denoting completion.

Slot 6: Voice
Active Voice: -Ø-
Passive Voice: -gè'

The passive voice demotes the Agent and makes the Patient the subject. the special case marker boi- is only used with the passive voice Agent.

Slot 7: Verbal Negation
Negative: -n

Slot 8:Adverbal prefix

Slot 9: Derivational Prefixes

Slot 10: Verb Root

Slot 11: Non-productive derivational suffixes derived from prepositions and adverbs used in English Phrasal Verbs.

Slot 12: Object Agreement
1SG: -mi
2SG: -yü
3SG: -em- (Animate)/-e'- (Inanimate)
1PL: -us
2PL: -yò
3PL: -em

Non-finite verbs

Active Particle: -n-/-m-
Stative Participle: -d-/-ad-

The active participle is also used as a gerund and plays the role of an infinitive. They are inflected like nouns when used as a noun and like adjectives when they are used like adjectives.