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Pronounced: /gin̥tkøl/
Timeline and Universe: none
Species: Human
Spoken: Ginhtmaa
Total speakers: 13 million
Writing system: Latin
Genealogy: Gan

 South Ganic

Morphological type: Agglutinative
Morphosyntactic alignment: Nominative-Accusative
Basic word order: SVO
Creator: ILuvEire
Created: February 2009

Ginhtköl is the oldest and most prestigious language of the Gan family. Historically it was used as the lingua franca and literary language of the area, however now English has taken precedence.



Nasal: /m m̥ n n̥ ɲ/ <m mh n nh ng>

Plosive: /p b t d k g/

Fricative: /f v θ ð s z ʃ/ <f v ð þ s z sj>

Affricate: /tʃ/ <tj>

Approximate: /j w ʍ/ <j w wh>

Trill: /r r̥/ <r rh>

Lateral: /l ɬ/ <l lh>

All consonants but [θ] [ð] [ʃ] and [tʃ] can be long.


/ɑ e i o u æ ø y/ <a e i o u ä ö y>

All vowels can be long.

Vowel Harmony

/ɑ o u/ are class one

/e i/ are class two

/æ ø y/ are class three

Class one and three can never exist in the same word. Class two can be with either. The first root in a compound word (very common) and the second one must follow their own vowel harmony, however they don't have to follow each others. Mädon (morning, day-start) therefore doesn't break vowel harmony (even though most speakers say mädön anyway).


/i/ > [j] word final.

/b d g/ > /pʰ tʰ kʰ/ syllable final.

/f θ s ʃ/ > /v ð z ʒ / syllable initial.

/h/ > /ç/ before another consonant, and at the end of a syllable.

In VCV the consonant is always voiced. One note, /ɬ/ is the "unvoiced" counterpart of /l/.

Syllable Structire

The basic syllable structure is (O)S(O)(O)(O)V. I think this is how it would be written at least.

The onset is optional, and can be any obstruent. The nucleus (mandatory) can be any sonorant followed by 3 optional obstruents. The coda is any vowel (but not other sonorants!) This means that there are many words that are just on vowel long. Like "ää" meaning "therefore."



Singular: 1 Whin 2 Moon 3 Fäl Plural: 1 Gii 2 Mhöö 3 Lhi

First Second Third


