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Pronounced: Native: /ʃi.təːʟ/
Anglicized: /ʃiː.tʌl.i.ən/
Timeline and Universe: Alternate Earth
Species: Human
Spoken: Carnassus
Writing system: "Abugida"
Genealogy: Language Isolate
Morphological type: Somewhat Isolating
Morphosyntactic alignment: Ergative-Absolutive
Basic word order: Typically VSO
Creator: Thrice Xandvii |
Created: January 2014


Śitaal has 22 consonants and 7 distinct vowels (if you include the syllabic rhotic). It also has a system that was once phonemic tone, but is now most commonly seen as combination of phonational qualities and vowel lengths.


  Labial Coronal "Palatal" Dorsal
Nasal m /m/ n /n/ ń /ɲ/ ŋ (ng) /ŋ/
Plosive b /b/ t /t/   k /k/
d /d/ g /g/
Fricative v /β/ ~ [ɸ] s /s/ ś /ʃ/ h /x/ ~ [ɣ]
z /z/ ź /ʒ/
Affricate bv /b͜β/ ~ [p͜ɸ] ts /t͜s/ /t͜ʃ/
dz /d͜z/ /d͜ʒ/
Approximant l /ɺ/ ll (ļ) /ʟ/


  Front Central Back
High i /i/ a /ə/ u /ɯ/
Middle e /e/ o /ɔ/
Low /æ/ ~ [a]
Approximant ŗ (r) /ɹ̩/ ~ [ɚ]


  Level "Falling" "Dipping"
Tone a /ə/ ~ [ə˦] ă /ə̰/ ~ [ə˥˩] aa /əː/ ~ [ə˨˩˦]

Tones in Shitullian are not always rendered strictly as tone. Some speakers use length and different phonation qualities to render the same phonemic distinctions for which others would use more traditional tonal contours. Falling tone (which may also be a low tone in some dialects), when pronounced this way, is seen as a creaky-voiced phonation while the dipping tone would exist as increased vowel length with no presence of tone or alternate phonation. A syllable with a level tone in this situation would be "plain," that is with no noticeable alternate phonation and an unlengthened vowel.


The building of a syllable in modern Shitullian is governed by this basic expression: (C)V(D)τ, where V is any vowel, C is any consonant, D is any dorsal consonant. Finally, τ stands for the tone applied to that syllable.


The system of stress is one of weight governed on the moraic level. By that, it is meant that a syllable can only be stressed if it is the heaviest syllable in the word, or else is the backmost heavy syllable in the word (should there be multiple of the same weight). Heavy, here, means that the syllable has the most morae.

Morae are counted based on the system described here. Coda consonants count as a mora, long vowels count as an additional mora, creaky voice as an extra ½ (due to it relating to a tonal contour vs. a level tone), and an initial onset and/or vowel counts as one mora. So a syllable with maximal count would have three morae. This means many stressed syllables will either end in a coda consonant or contain a long vowel.


One of the most marked places of allophonic variation in Shitullian, is with the "tones." At this point, it might be more accurate to describe them instead as plain, long and creaky voiced vowels. However, they can also be described as high level tone, a falling tone, and a "dipping" tone akin to the third tone in Mandarin.

  • If /ɲi/ would occur, it is instead pronounced as [ɲə]. (This change does not result in a change in spelling.) Other consonants in the "palatal" group do not have similar synchronic changes.


The native script is called Tśaaśuŋ (interpreted as "paper-speak" and anglicized as Chaashung). Chaashung is similar to an abugida, except that a letter's location can impact the status of its inherent vowel, and separate glyphs exist to represent the vowels in isolation as well as to write a long vowel. The following table lists all of the glyphs used to write Shitullian and their meaning as bare phonemes.

ma na nja
SHI-ma.png SHI-na.png SHI-nja.png
ba ta da  
SHI-ba.png SHI-ta.png SHI-ta.pngSHI-!.png  
va sa za śa źa
SHI-va.png SHI-sa.png SHI-sa.pngSHI-!.png SHI-sha.png SHI-sha.pngSHI-!.png
bva tsa dza tśa dźa
SHI-bva.png SHI-tsa.png SHI-tsa.pngSHI-!.png SHI-tsha.png SHI-tsha.pngSHI-!.png
Øa la  
SHI-0.png SHI-la.png  
i u
SHI-i.png SHI-u.png
SHI-ae.png SHI-o.png
a e
SHI-a.png SHI-e.png
-k -g
SHI--k.png SHI--g.png

Chaashung is ordinarily written in two horizontal rows from left to right. Consonants have an inherent vowel, a. In order to over-ride that vowel, a sign can be added to indicate what vowel stands in its place. There are two types of signs: strong signs, and weak signs. Strong signs are always written above the consonant glyph that is affected and never change positions. However, weak signs are generally written below the consonant glyph. That is, except when that syllable contains a following coda consonant. In that case, the weak sign is instead written above the consonant glyph. It is that movement that distinguishes weak and strong signs. (Also, in general, weak signs are simpler in appearance.) Each vowel, except the inherent a, has a sign to indicate it. The following table uses the "null" glyph to illustrate which vowels take which signs.

i u
SHI-0i-below.png SHI-0u-below.png SHI-0ae-below.png
e o ŗ
SHI-0e.png SHI-0o.png SHI-0r.png

There is one way in which Chaashung is a defective script. That way is that tone is underspecified in the written language. Only long vowels are indicated, whereas the falling/creaky tone is never noted. This is rarely confusing, as context is usually sufficient to determine what is meant. (This is shown in the first example below.)


The following are a series of words and phrases written in Shitullian script.

Śitaall-ńạśe is spelled in Chaashung as in the above sample.

And ollńa sặ-tsaamŭ (which means "(There) exists a phrase/sentence") is written above.

tuuk-ŏnạh — (n. cl:S) stone, rock



Nouns in Shitullian all have what is referred to as a "separable suffix" appended to them. These suffixes do not carry any inherent meaning, but are loosely tied to the remnants of a much older (and more complex) noun class system. There are 15 total suffixes that make up this category. Whenever a noun is incorporated into a verb (among some other occasions) the separable suffix is dropped. The following are grouped into columns based on what noun class they now refer, but they are not completely uniform and there are many exceptions. Also of note, is that when a noun is used as a personal name, the suffix is also dropped.

Solid Liquid Aether
-mŭ -(C)og -niiŋ
-ńŭk -tsă -mek
-dull -(ź)ŗ -bvaah
-nạh -so -(C)uuh
-(C)akŏ -(C)ạśe -(C)iig
-(C)a/o -(C)e/ạ -(C)i/u


For a full list of words in Śituul, see: Lexicon.

The word list for Śituul is small at the moment, but expanding.

Creator Comments

I have worked on many different conlangs in the past, and all have died a slow painful death. This one was meant to be one I could focus on for the long haul and finally move from being a "scrapper" (i.e. someone who creates the skeleton of a language and then immediately stops working on it in favor of a new language) into being more of a "completist." I have had some success, but my attention has wandered still.

What I aim to do here, is create a mostly naturalistic language that integrates features from some of my scrapped languages over the years, as well as develop a language that is pleasing to me. This page will likely be slow to update, but rest assured that the script, at the very least, will be described fully here! (Scripts tend to be the feature of languages that I work on the hardest and enjoy creating the most.)