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anãk·śiig /ə.nə̰k.ʃiːg/

  1. n æth · spider ["sky walker"]

aholl·diig /əh.ɔʟ.diːg/

  1. n æth · moon



bvu·ńog /b͜βɯ.ɲɔg/

  1. n liq · snake, serpent

bva /b͜βə/

  1. part · no, not, neg


tuukõ·nạh /tɯːk.ɔ̰.næh/

  1. n sol · stone, rock

tuu·źŗ /tɯː.ʒɚ/

  1. n liq · fire, flame




tśạạll·u /t͜ʃæːʟ.ɯ/

  1. n æth · bird, ptero(n)-

tśelo·vakõ /t͜ʃe.lo.vək.ɔ/

  1. n sol · man, person

dźug·a /d͜ʒɯg.ə/

  1. n sol · hole, trench




luutśi·nạh /ɺɯː.t͜ʃi.næh/

  1. n sol · bow
  2. n sol · archway, arc

luu·dull /ɺɯː.dɯʟ/

  1. n sol · arrow



nŗnook·o /nɹ̩.nɔːk.ɔ/

  1. n sol · husk, shell
  2. n sol · corpse, dead body


ńạạdĩtuŋta·so /ɲæː.dḭ.tɯŋ.tə.so/

  1. n liq · community, large gathering



ŗkadall·bvaah /ɚk.ə.dəʟ.b͜βəːh/

  1. n æth · fate, fortune

ŗkadall·tsã /ɚk.ə.dəʟ.t͜sə̰/

  1. n liq · one's role in society

ŗktiiẽh·bvaah /ɚk.tiː.ḛh.b͜βəːh/

  1. n æth · holy site, shrine, temple

ŗźetsak·o /ɚ.ʒe.t͜sək.ɔ/

  1. n sol · knife, blade


signosuull·vạśe /sig.nɔ.sɯːʟ.βæʃe/

  1. n liq · rainstorm, downpour



śĩ·niiŋ /ʃi.niːŋ/

  1. n æth · tongue




vaańak-ill /vəː.ɲək.iʟ/

  1. v [3] · to break

This is a complete list of known words and word roots for Śituul. This language does not possess adjectives or adverbs as a distinct word class (headed under "Type" in the table) but instead uses a combination of nouns and verbs to fill this role.

Nouns in Śituul fall into one of three classes (indicated under the "NC" heading): solid (S), fluid (F) or aethid (Æ). These classes follow some loose guidelines, but are more often based on the word's semantics. The more abstract the concept, the more likely the word will be classified by its phonological properties over its semantic ones, but this rule is also not universal. Solids tend to end in a consonant and be associated with large, solid, and/or unchanging items. Fluids tend to end in a vowel, and are associated with small, liquid, moving, and/or highly changeable items. Lastly, aethids tend to be associated with celestial bodies, ephemeral things, or things associated with the gods or religious practices. Aethid nouns most commonly end in a long vowel, but this group has the least phonological consistency (in terms of ending).

Word List

Shitullian Lexicon Table
Śituul English Type NC Notes
śijaa speak Verb 1
tuul tongue Noun S 2
śii speech, speaking Noun F 3
śitaa carved obsidian Noun Æ Used in religious rituals, birthing ceremony 4
kuw̱om stone Noun S Common male name 5
jaa'a do Verb Used as the volitional verb ending 6
jona occur, have happen Verb Used as the avolitional verb ending 7
ḵara fruit Noun S 8
naaja eat, consume Verb 9
rom'a make, force Verb Used as a causative 10
ḵon folk(s), people 4pl S style="display: none;" | 11
caam'a write Verb 12
caam paper, s.thing written Noun Æ 13
śon voice, s.thing spoken aloud Noun F 14
caamśon script of Śituul Noun Æ 15
βa no, not, negation Ptcl 16
ḵaruul taste Noun F 17
ḵonaal people of Kheng Noun S 18
maan'a kill Verb 19
w̱a I, me 1sg 20
ni you, your 2sg 21
naal citizen, islander Noun S 22
ḵu one, a man 4sg 23
wacay water Noun F 24
w̱uu fire, flame Noun Æ 25
ruhot land, earth, ground Noun S 26
rucaa island Noun Æ 27
ṯii Inalienable Possession Ptcl 28
tol Alienable Possession Ptcl 29
xitaa exile, ban Verb 30
ol'a be, exist Verb Used for stative constructions 31
fiijaa flow, undulate Verb 32
śaap̄u cleanliness, potability Noun F 33
kiiji squint Verb Can also be used to mean to cover one's eyes from the sun 34
jaru beat, attack Verb 35
aal'a live, breathe Verb 36
uhaal animal, beast Noun S 37
kiiji enter, insert, put inside Verb 38
fjayt idea, thought Noun Æ 39
p̄apot toy, doll Noun S 40
fon plant Noun S 51
taṯu scream, wail Noun F 41
joltiim body, corpse Noun S 42
ruuju make, do, create Verb 43
piiay ear Noun S 44
jitiil spear, javelin Noun S 45
u from, away, out of PostP 46
aau destroy, end Verb 47
mujot soul, spirit Noun Æ 48
maanja corpse Noun S 49
kaytujot deity Noun Æ 50
ay of, from, for, at, on PostP Universal postposition, when more specificity is needed a noun is appended to imply the finer detail 52*
piit'a hear Verb 53
βuuomja happen during, occur simultaneously Verb 54
muuwom time, day Noun Æ 55
jaβu sameness Noun S 56
muu sun Noun Æ 57
w̱umii moon Noun Æ 58
sot he, him 3sg.masc S 59
śa she, her 3sg.fem F 60
saa it 3sg Æ 61
kjaan surprise, Mirative Noun, Ptcl Æ 62
tol name Noun S 63
talaa call, be named Verb 64
kiijaru give, donate Verb 65