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Senjecas - List of Conjunctions

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Pronunciation table

p b f v ɱ m t d þ ð ɫ l c s z r n k g x h ȝ š i e a ɵ o u ı ɛ y
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̊/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/

Coordinating conjunctions

  • 1. da connects two clauses or sentences: and.
nu nu-se̋dom áfa e-ę̋ga da te̋rom e-vı̋da:
She got up from her chair and left the room.
  • 2. ésti denotes in spite of what preceded: but, however, yet, although, nevertheless, on the other hand
mu mum tum ᵶę̋nu e-na̋ma. ésti mu műnu e-vűa:
I thought I knew you, yet I was wrong.
  • 3. éti denotes in addition to: plus, and in addition to, as well as.
ande̋ru ca̋bom éti sųmnı̨̋zom e-sa̋a:
In addition to the hat, the lady bought an umbrella.
  • 4. -ɱe denotes two alternatives, either of which could be true: or.
mą̋ma dőrküo tą́di ɱúm do alvɛðą̋nomɱe küa̋zomɱe u-tőᵹa:
Mother will bring us barley bread or wheat bread for supper.
  • 5. ɱo denotes a situation in which there are only two alternatives: or, or else.
mum sűne ɱo gÿa̋le:
Go with me or stay.
  • 6. néɱo denotes negative alternative: or not.
tu mum sűno néɱo:
You may go with me or not.
  • 7. pÿűvi denotes a consequence; so-, (such-, -that).
kétu mę̋’ a̋han e-sų̋ɱa. pÿűvi pa̋ðo e-ne̋va:
It rained so many days that the dam burst.
  • 8. þǫ́si denotes on the contrary: but (rather).
lę̋gu e-tőpa. þǫ́si kétu xa̋lo e-e̋sa:
The doctor arrived but it was too late.

Subordinating conjunctions

  • 9. ávi denotes at the moment when: as soon as.
ávi ha̋ɱaþu ı̋la. nőmom e-vıvı̋da:
He had left home as soon as he was called.
  • 10. ébi denotes possibility: in case, in the event that, if
ébi sų̋ɱo. ɱus nómþi u-gÿą̋la:
If it rains, we'll stay home.
  • 11. épi denotes in the same way that: as, so, in like manner, the way; in the capacity of.
épi ę̋vlu ę̋va. mu nom u-kı̋a:
I will do it as the commander has ordered.
  • 12. fési denotes up to the time that: before, until, ere.
fési ɱúm le̋ðom e-tőpa. ðų̋o güa̋rom éva mę̋e sų̋ɱem e-pa̋usa:
Before (ere) it reached our valley the storm dumped a lot of rain on the mountain.
  • 13. hi denotes by or for the cause that: because, as, for, since, now that, given that.
hi lą̋ta ą́þvi tőpa. ɱus bázvi ną̋nu ke̋la:
We must return early since (because, as, for, given that) night falls quickly.
  • 14. kÿára denotes in the circumstance(s) that: if, provided that, on the condition that, whether, as long as [with sbj.].
kÿára mum e-sűno. vıva̋dos e̋so:
It would be better if (provided that, as long as) you went with me.
  • 15. lácüi denotes in a manner suggesting: as if, as though, like [with sbj.].
láči tűmu síra vűo. mől̨u kı̋a:
The miller acts as if he were about to sneeze.
  • 16. méi denotes varying through time in the same proportion that: as.
méi ðűo e-ȝőba. mu ziþa̋sa:
I began to worry as the storm approached.
  • 17. metą́di denotes for fear that: lest, so that...not [with sbj.].
metą́di nu-nőbon va̋no. nu bu a̋tu ke̋la:
He should go outside for a moment lest (so that) he (not) damage his lungs.
  • 18. méti denotes at such time as: when, at the same time-, -that, -as, at the time that, at the time(s) at which, whenever, while, during the time at which, as, as-, -long-, -soon-, -as.
méti num tűma e-a̋ɱa. ɱus étu tőnom e-a̋ɱa:
When we heard him sneeze, we also heard the thunder.
  • 19. mǫ́di denotes in such or which way: how
mǫ́di mu dőþom de̋xu mą̋ᵹa. są̋ra:
I know how I can get some money.
  • 20. nǫ́li denotes to such an extent: insofar as, inasmuch as, in that.
nǫ́li ɱı̋ru kőuku e-e̋sa. ɱun e-þőna:
Inasmuch as the man was a cripple, he helped us.
  • 21. ópi introduces an indirect question : whether
ópi atı̨̋ha. mu są̋ra ne:
I do not know whether I want to go.
  • 22. pósi denotes that an action takes place after another action: after.
pósi sų̋ɱe u-de̋usa. tu le̋idu tą́da vı̋do:
You may go out to play after the rain stops.
  • 24. są́mi denotes a concession: though, although, while, notwithstanding, even-, -if, -though, albeit.
są́mi sų̋ɱe fésvi nımę̋' a̋han e-de̋usa. kı̋lrus éstu güarfǫ̋lan ną̋a:
Although the rain stopped several days ago, the [Lithan] villagers still fear landslides.
  • 25. sį́ri denotes up to a certain time or place: as far/much/ many as, until.
sį́ri dą̋es e-þ̇a̋la. sų̋ɱu e-sę̋ra:
It rained and rained until the rivers overflowed.
  • 26. síti denotes as example: as, such as, for example, by way of.
síti ɱus fésu nına̋ka neánu. güa̋lam ga̋uða:
We are experiencing a drought such as we’ve never seen before.
  • 27. sómi denotes a comparison: like; than [when comparing sentences].
sómi num. mu gą́mu tum ka̋a:
I like you more than (I like) her.
sómi nu tum ka̋a. mu gą́mu tum ka̋a:
I like you more than she does (likes you).
  • 28. süi denotes an exception to a previous statement: except (that), but (that), were it not that.
süi mu-mőre nınẽca. mu me̋xam vı̋do:
I would leave the country but (that) (except that, were it not that) my horse has died.
  • 29. tą́di denotes purpose: so that, in order that [with sbj.].
tą́di mu ta̋ᵹom tődo. fúnen sa' u-ke̋la:
I will have to buy another so that I may start the journey.
  • 30. toą́ri denotes in a certain case: then [apodosis]
toą́ri taᵹe̋dom sa̋' u-ke̋la. da mu fúnen sa̋o:
If I buy another, (then) I will have to buy provisions.
  • 31. vái denotes at or in which place or situation: where.
vái mu-tą̋zlos e-ðę̋a. mu ɱyɱűna:
I have forgotten where I put my keys.

Correlative conjunctions

  • 32. épi ...épi... denotes a comparison of the same way or like manner:
épi t’ u-sę̋a. épi t’ u-mę̋þa:
As you sow, so shall you reap.
  • 33. -küe...-küe connects two words: and.
nu' sa̋xomküe ka̋komküe küa̋zomküe tőᵹu mǫ́da u-aðne̋ma:
They will contribute by bringing beer, chicken and bread.
  • 34. ɱo... ɱo... denotes a situation in which there are only two alternatives: either...or.tu
ɱo tús dőrküom ávi u-e̋da ɱo u-dę̋a:
You will either eat your dinner right now or you will go to bed.
  • 35. néküe...néküe denotes the negative of either; neither... nor.
néküe se̋sos néküe gűno bőþam ápa sőþlum e-sűka:
Neither threats nor torture turned the soldier from his duty.
  • 36. ne sólvi... þǫ́s' étu, not only...but also.
ne sólvi gőbu vűa. þǫ́s' étu ᵹǫsą̋ru vűa:
Not only is he handsome, (but) he is also brilliant.
  • 37. ópi...ópi... denotes multiple alternative possibilities; whether...or.
ébi tu gÿą̋la. ébi a̋ta tús re̋ko e̋sa:
Whether you stay or go is your decision.
  • 38. sómi...sómi..., just
sóm’ iðrÿőnus ɱɵðga̋þon ᵶűsa. sómi ąþÿőnusɛ sÿǫfga̋þon ᵶűsa:
Just as Ethrans love rosehips, so Pyrans love sloe berries.
  • 39. vǫ́i...vǫ́i... denotes including two alternatives; both...and...
vǫ́i sőþlus vǫ́i kǫ̋vus me̋bom do u-güe̋ma:
Both the soldiers and the nobles will come to the dance.