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Pronounced: /"ElvIk@/
Timeline and Universe: Ill Bethisad
Species: Human
Spoken: Elba
Total speakers: 30,000
Writing system: Latin
Genealogy: Indo-European

   South-Central Romance
    Central-Southern Italian

Morphological type: Inflecting
Morphosyntactic alignment: Nominative-Accusative
Basic word order: SVO
Creator: Sectori
Created: May 2006

Elbic is the language of the Principality of Elba, an island off the coast of Tuscany. It is a Central and Southern Italian language, related to Neapolitan and Tuscan Italian. It has two sets of changes to initial consonants, similar to the mutations found in the Celtic consonants: the geminate mutation (also found in Neapolitan), and the gorgic mutation (Tuscan Italian).


The Elbic alphabet contains 37 distinct letters. There are 15 vowel letters representing ten sounds. Elbic has the following vowels:


Front Near-front Central Near-back Back
High i u
Near-high ɪ ʊ
High-mid e o
Mid ə
Low-mid ɛ ɔ
Low a

Orthographically, these are represented by:

Front Near-front Central Near-back Back
High í ú
Near-high ì ù
High-mid é ó
Mid à
Low-mid è ò
Low á

There are a set of unaccented vowels <a e i o u>. These, when stressed, are pronounced as the acute vowels, when unstressed as the grave vowels.


Bilabial Labiod. Dental Alveolar Post-alv. Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n ɲ
Plosive p b t d k g
Fricative ɸ β θ ð s ʃ x ɣ
Affricate dz t∫ kw (ks)
Approximants (w) (j)
Trill r
Lateral Approximant l

These are represented orthographically by the characters following. However, there are some important notes. /dz/ when adjacent to an unvoiced consonant or initially is [ts]. Double consonants <nn ss>, etc. are pronounced /nn ss/, etc. /t∫/ is [k] before <a o u> in all variations. /dʒ/ is [g] before <a o u> in all variations. There is also an orthographically represented <h>. <h> is non-phonemic, but rather represents /ˈ/, a movement of stress. <h> always precedes a vowel, and moves the stress of the word to that vowel. /kw/ is /k/ before <e i> in all variations. < i u> in diphthongs are pronounced /j w/. /ɲ ʎ/ before <a o u> in all variations are /gn gl/. /∫/ in non-Elbic words (i.e. lone words) is /ks/.

Bilabial Labiod. Dental Alveolar Post-alv. Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n gn
Plosive p b t d ch gh
Fricative hp hb ht hd s x hc hg
Affricate z c g qu (x)
Approximants (u) (i)
Trill r
Lateral Approximant l


To place the stress of a word, follow these rules in the order they are presented here.

  • When determining the stress of a word, always initially place it on the final syllable.
  • If the final phoneme is a vowel, stress moves back one syllable.
  • If the final syllable ends in a nasal or an approximant, move the stress back one syllable.
  • If anywhere in the word there is an <h> preceding a vowel, move the stress to the h-vowel.
  • In monosyllabic words, the vowel is always treated as if it were stressed.

Thus, Mhexicó, the Elbic name for Mexico, is /mˈɛksɪko/, and Helva, the Elbic name for Elba, is /ˈɛlvə/. No Nápolitanno, or "a Neapolitan", is /no napɔlɪtˈannɔ/.

Nominal Morphology

Phew. That's over. Good. Now we can get onto the interesting bit. Nouns in Elbic belong to one of three genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter. There are also two numbers: singular and plural. All Elbic nouns end in vowels. The changes applied to vowels to go from singular to plural are as follows:

  • -o>-i (in cases where the noun ends in -io, the i becomes -ì); gatto>gatti
  • -a>-e; cossina>cossine
  • -u>-e; frasu>frase
  • -e>-i; traduzione>traduzioni
  • -i>-e (very few nouns end in -i); spaghetti>spaghette

The singular endings can tell you a significant amount about the gender of a noun. Here are some basic guidelines.

  • Most nouns ending in -o are masculine; lo gatto
  • Most nouns ending in -a are feminine; la ccossina
  • Most nouns ending in -u are neuter; lu ffrasu
  • All nouns ending in -zione are feminine; la ttraduzione
  • All nouns ending in -ismo are neuter; lu ffaxismo
  • Nouns ending in -e or -i can be of any gender, and so you just have to memorize them; lo cambiatte, lu mmomenti


Along with nouns must come articles. Elbic has six definite articles and four indefinite articles. The definite articles are equivalent to English "the" and precede the noun they modify. There are both singular and plural definite articles. The indefinite articles are equivalent to English "a/an" and precede the noun they modify. There are only singular indefinite articles. The definite articles are as follows.

  • lo: masculine singular; lo gatto
  • la: feminine singular; la ccossina
  • lu: neuter singular; lu ffrasu
  • l: singular (substitutes for lo, la, or lu before a vowel); l'arbollo
  • li: masculine plural; li gatti
  • le: feminine and neuter plural; le ffrase

The indefinite articles are as follows.

  • no: masculine singular; no gatto
  • na: feminine singular: na ccossina
  • nu: neuter singular; nu ffrasu
  • n': singular (substitutes for no, na, or nu before a vowel); n'arbollo

Geminate Mutation

You may have noticed that some of the nouns changed when articles were placed in front of them. This is the geminate mutation, one of the more unique features of Elbic, shared with Neapolitan. The geminate mutation is a doubling of the initial consonant of a word. It is triggered by the feminine and neuter articles. Any word following these articles will experience the doubling. However, only certain consonants are doubled. Here is the list. It includes the gorgic mutation for future reference as well.

Initial Consonant Geminate Form Gorgic Form
t tt ht
d dd hd
c cc hc
g gg hg
z zz z
p pp hp
b bb hb
ch cch hch
gh ggh hgh
n nn n
m mm m
l ll l
r rr r
f ff f
v vv v
x xx x

So you can see how the transfer from frasu to lu ffrasu occurs.

  • cossina /kɔssinə/>la ccossina /la kkɔssinə/
  • nápolitanna /napɔlɪtannə/>la nnápolitanna /la nnapɔlɪtannə/
  • frasu /frasʊ/>lu ffrasu /lu ffrasʊ/
  • nome /nomɛ/>lu nnome /lu nnomɛ/

Verbal Morphology

Elbic has a great many verbs. All verbs belong to one of four types: -ha, -he, -hi, and irregular. This section will demonstrate the conjugations of verbs from each type.

Subject Pronouns

Before conjugating a verb, it is important to learn Elbic's subject pronouns. There are six personal subject pronouns, corresponding to English "I, you, he, she, we, you (all), and they". In Elbic, they are:

Person Singular Plural
1P io noi
2P tu voi
3Pm Lei Lori
3Pf Lui Lore