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Celestial Laefêvëši pronouns

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Celestial Laefêvëši has many types of pronouns.

Substantival pronoun

Personal pronouns

Case Singular
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 4th person (obviative)
Long Short Prep. Verb. Long Short Prep. Verb. Long Short Prep. Verb. Long Short Prep. Verb.
Nominative ós ó é jâ; dô â; ô léis
Genitive vrái va vá- vn- stái sa sá- sn- trái ta tá- tr- láu la lá- sk-
Dative vríu vi ví- vl- stíu si sí- sl- tríu ti tí- tl- léu lǿ- st-
Accusative vréi ve vé- vj- stéi se sé- sj- tréi te té- tj- léi le lé- sh-
Locative vrúi vu vú- stúi su sú- trúi tu tú- lúi lu lú-
Instrumental vrói vo vó- stói so só- trói to tó- lóu lo ló-
Case Dual
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 4th person (obviative)
Inclusive Exclusive Inclusive Exclusive
Long Short Prep. Verb. Long Short Prep. Verb. Long Short Prep. Verb. Long Short Prep. Verb. Long Short Prep. Verb. Long Short Prep. Verb.
Nominative hát xás tál dál kóe féis
Genitive hrái ha há- hr- hrái xa xá- šn- tjái tja tjá- hk- drái da dá- dr- krái ka ká- kr- fáu fa fá- fr-
Dative hríu hi hí- hl- hríu xi xí- šl- tjéu tjø tjǿ- ht- dríu di dí- dv- kríu ki kí- kl- féu fǿ- fl-
Accusative hréi he hé- hj- hréi xe xé- šj- tjéi tje tjé- hv- dréi de dé- dj- kréi ke ké- kj- féi fe fé- fj-
Locative hrúi hu hú- hrúi xu xú- tjúi tju tjú- drúi du dú- krúi ku kú- fúi fu fú-
Instrumental hrói ho hó- hrói xo xó- tjói tjo tjó- drói do dó- krói ko kó- fóu fo fó-
Case Plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 4th person (obviative)
Inclusive Exclusive Inclusive Exclusive
Long Short Prep. Verb. Long Short Prep. Verb. Long Short Prep. Verb. Long Short Prep. Verb. Long Short Prep. Verb. Long Short Prep. Verb.
Nominative jûn û jôr pál bál rjôn géis
Genitive njái na ná- vr- rái ra rá- rv- prái pa pá- pr- brái ba bá- br- rjái ja já- gr- gáu ga gá- šk-
Dative njéu nǿ- lj- réu rǿ- rl- príu pi pí- pl- bríu bi bí- bv- rjéu jǿ- gl- géu gǿ- št-
Accusative njéi ne né- nj- réi re ré- rj- préi pe pé- pj- bréi be bé- bj- rjéi je jé- gj- géi ge gé- šj-
Locative njúi nu nú- rúi ru rú- prúi pu pú- brúi bu bú- rjúi ju jú- gúi gu gú-
Instrumental njói no nó- rói ro ró- prói po pó- brói bo bó- rjói jo jó- góu go gó-

Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns

Case Reflexive Reciprocal
Long Short Prep. Verb. Long Short Prep. Verb.
Nom. - nî- - - nû- -
Gen. náu ma má- mn- nûde dja djá- zn-
Dat. néu mǿ- ml- nûdo djø djǿ- zl-
Acc. néi me mé- mj- nûda dje djé- zj-
Loc. núi mu nûdi dju djú-
Inst. nóu mo mó- nûdu djo djó-

Other pronouns

Case Interrogative Relative Relative unspecified Indefinite Negative Unspecified
Animate Inanimate Animate Inanimate Animate Inanimate Animate Inanimate Animate Inanimate Animate Inanimate
Nom. sél séi sól sós sóles sóxes tél téi tól tóh sêl síu
Gen. sái sák sói sók sóies sóges tái ták tói tók sáu sâk
Dat. sán sát sór sót sóres soðes tán tás tór tós sân sât
Acc. séu sét sóu sút sóues súðes téu tés tóu tús sǿn sǿt
Loc. sén sém són sóm sóŋes sôŋes tén tém tón tóm sên sêm
Inst. sín sím sún súm súŋes sûŋes tín tím tún túm sýn sým
Case Total Manifold
la- (many) xa- (many) ta- (few) ja- (rarely)
Animate Inanimate Animate Inanimate Animate Inanimate Animate Inanimate Animate Inanimate
Nom. fél féi lás lîn xás xîn tás tîn jás jîn
Gen. fái fâk lái lák xái xák tái ták jái ják
Dat. fân fât lán lár xán xár tán tár ján jár
Acc. féu fét lýn lýs xýn xýs týn týs jýn jýs
Loc. fén fém lén lém xén xém tén tém jén jém
Inst. fîn fím lûn lûm xûn xûm tûn tûm jûn jûm



The combined indefinite-relative pronouns are pronouns made from an indefinite and a relative pronoun. Pronouns are inflected by case and therefore cannot be the object and the subject of two different verbs at the same time. The usual construction is to use two pronouns separated by a comma, thus forming two clauses. With combined indefinite-relative pronouns, it becomes possible to use a single pronoun which is both the object and the subject of two different verbs at the same time.


  • How can you miss something (that) you never had?
  • Váj fíllallén tés, sók énnanaiŋe?
  • Váj fíllallén téssok énnanaiŋe?
Cases Indefinite Relative Indefinite-relative
Nom + Nom téi sós teós
Nom + Gen téi sók teók
Nom + Acc téi sút teút
Acc + Nom tés sós téssos
Acc + Gen tés sók téssok
Acc + Acc tés sút téssut


This kind of pronouns correspond to English we all, you all, they all pronouns. In contrary to other personal pronouns, personal-summative pronouns do not have a verbal form.

Case Personal-summative (plural)
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 4th person (obviative)
Inclusive Exclusive Inclusive Exclusive
Long Short Prep. Long Short Prep. Long Short Prep. Long Short Prep. Long Short Prep. Long Short Prep.
Nominative skjûn skû skjôr skjô stjál stjâ stál stâ kvôn kvî
Genitive skjái skja skjá- skái ska ská- stjái stja stjá- stái sta stá- kvái kva kvá-
Dative skjéu skjø skjǿ- skéu skø skǿ- stjéu stjø stjǿ- stíu sti stí- kvéu kvø kvǿ-
Accusative skjéi skje skjé- skéi ske ské- stjéi stje stjé- stéi ste sté- kvéi kve kvé-
Locative skjúi skju skjú- skúi sku skú- stjúi stju stjú- stúi stu stú- kvúi kvu kvú-
Instrumental skjói skjo skjó- skói sko skó- stjói stjo stjó- stói sto stó- kvói kvo kvó-

Adjectival pronouns

Personal possessive pronouns

Alienable possession
Person Singular Dual Plural
Long Short Clitic Long Short Clitic Long Short Clitic
voc. non-v. voc. non-v. voc. non-v.
1st person Inclusive sóiri sóu- sój- sjó- háiri háu- háj- hjá- júiri jóu- nój- njó-
Exclusive xáiri xáu- xáj- xjá- jôiri jôu- nôj- njô-
2nd person Inclusive séiri séu- séj- sjé- táiri táu- táj- tjá- páiri páu- páj- pjá-
Exclusive dáiri dáu- dáj- djá- báiri báu- báj- bjá-
3rd person jáiri jáu- náj- njá- kóiri kóu- kój- kjó- rjóiri rjóu- rjój- rjó-
4th person léiri léu- léj- ljé- féiri féu- féj- fjé- géiri géu- géj- gjé-
Inalienable possession
Person Singular Dual Plural
Long Short Clitic Long Short Clitic Long Short Clitic
Voc. Non-v. Voc. Non-v. Voc. Non-v.
1st person Inclusive sǿiri sǿu- sǿj- sjǿ- šáiri šáu- šáj- šjá- núiri nóu- nýj- njý-
Exclusive žáiri žáu- žáj- žjá- nǿiri nǿu- nǿj- njǿ-
2nd person Inclusive sĕiri sĕu- sĕj- sjĕ- cáiri cáu- cáj- cjá- fáiri fáu- fáj- fjá-
Exclusive ʒáiri ʒáu- ʒáj- ʒjá- váiri váu- váj- vjá-
3rd person máiri máu- máj- mjá- kǿiri kǿu- kǿj- kjǿ- rjǿiri rjǿu- rjǿj- rjǿ-
4th person lĕiri lĕu- lĕj- ljĕ- fĕiri fĕu- fĕj- fjĕ- gĕiri gĕu- gĕj- gjĕ-

Reflexive possessive pronoun

The forms of the reflexive possessive pronoun are:

  • long: nîjiri
  • short: nîu-
  • vocalic: nîj-
  • non-vocalic: njî-

Non-personal adjectival pronouns


Qualitative Relational Possessive Quantitative
Full Short Clitic English Full Short Clitic English Full Short Clitic English Full Short Clitic English
Interrogative vréisi vréi- - what kind (of) vráili vráe- - what, which lúiri lúu- - whose þámjē -(n)aþ+GEN how much, how many
kréisi kréi- - to what extent
Relative réisi réi- - the kind that ráili ráe- - which, that, who lǿiri lǿu- - whose þĕtjē - as much
Unspecified vréisi vréi- - what kind (of) vráili vráe- - what, which lúiri lúu- - whose þámjē - how much, how many
Relative unspecified préisi préi- - whatever kind práili práe- - whichever plúiri plúu- - whosever ƕĕtjē - however much
Indefinite tréisi tréi- - some kind of nóili nóe- - some(one) tǿmjē - somewhat
Negative skéisi skéi- - of no kind sáili sáe- - noöne
Total fréisi fréi- -(n)øør
of every kind fáili fáe- -(n)øøf
every(one) xôl -(n)ooh
- both
Manifold lavréisi lavréi- - of many kinds lavráili lavráe- - many a lalúiri lalúu- - -
Differential ljáisi ljái- - different láili láe- - sbd/sth else, another
Equal fáisi fái- -(n)aaf
of the same kind táili táe- - the same
Demonstrative šáisi šái- - of this kind pól -(n)ool
this - this much
sól -(n)oos
kjál -(n)aak

The clitic forms are normally pronounced simply as long vowels, even though they are written as two. However, they can also be written as a single vowel with an accute above it - they are pronounced long but unstressed (secondary stress may still apply).

Demonstrative and summative pronouns

Number Case Demonstratives Summative
Nom. pól(i) sól(i) kjál(i) xôl
Gen. pái sái kjáde xái
Dat. píu síu kjádo xíu
Acc. péi séi kjáda xéi
Loc. púi súi kjádi xúi
Inst. pói sói kjádu xói
Nom. pél(i) sél(i) kján(i) xêl(i)
Gen. piái siái kjánde xiái
Dat. pýe sýe kjándo xýe
Acc. piéi siéi kjánda xiéi
Loc. piúi siúi kjándi xiúi
Inst. piói siói kjándu xiói
Nom. pál(i) sâl(i) kjân(i) xál(i)
Gen. pâs(i) sât(i) kjâfe xâs(i)
Dat. pît(i) sît(i) kjâfo xît(i)
Acc. pés(i) sét(i) kjâfa xét(i)
Loc. pût(i) sût(i) kjâfi xût(i)
Inst. pós(i) sót(i) kjâfu xós(i)
Clitic forms -(n)ool
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