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Particles / Articles

  • ke - definite article / topic marker / accusative particle (non-obligatory, used for specificity)
  • kya - jussive particle (placed before the phrase)
  • ya - vocative particle (placed before the noun being addressed)


Nominative Accusative Possessive Reflexive Reciprocal
1s na ena nayo na'i
2s ta eta tayo ta'i
3s ha eha hayo ha'i
4s tla etla tlayo tla'i
1p nam enam namyo nami nanku
1p (EXCL) na'am ena'am na'amyo na'ami na'anku
2p tam etam tamyo tami tanku
3p kam ekam kamyo kami kanku
4p tlam etlam tlamyo tlami tlanku

Other pronouns

  • itla - this (here)
  • uatla - that (there)


query this that some none any every whichever
adjective ka itla uatla iha ak ula kua ote
person ko...ka iko uako ihako hok kola kohua oteko
thing no...ka itla uatla ihano nok nola nokua oteno
time ama/tsima...ka ima uama ihama amak amala kuama otema
place mo...ka hina uana ihamo mok mola mokua otemo
way to...ka yoto uato ihato tok tola tokua oheto
amount ku/o...ka iku uaku ihaku huk/ok kula hukua/okua oteku
reason nye...ka inye uanye ihanye nyek ulanye nyekua otenye
kind su...ka isu uasu ihasu suk sula sukua otesu


  • ma - and, also, as well
  • - both...and...
  • ua - or, other, either
  • uak - nor, neither
  • ehe - but, however
  • iya - if, whether
  • ke / uama - then
  • nye - because, in order that, so that
  • nke - and though; although; even though

Affirmation and Negation

  • uala - actually, indeed / verily, truly
  • tokua - by all means
  • tok - by no means
  • a - yes / certainly, evidently, of course
  • ak - no, not
  • eya - perhaps, maybe, possibly
  • apa - probably



  • a - to be, exist
  • munta - become, change, alter
  • muya - cause to, make, do
  • myonta - let, allow, permit to
  • heta - must, should, need to
  • ueha - want to, intend to
  • pala - can, could, am able to

simple movement

  • sapua - arrive
  • tala - come (back), return
  • yala - depart, leave, go, walk
  • eka - enter, come/go in
  • yese - exit, come/go out
  • itola - fall, drop
  • olo - fly, move through air
  • tapya - follow, continue, go on
  • topu - jump
  • hoya - raise, rise, lift
  • tlani - roll, revole
  • hatsu - run
  • sima - sit, recline, rest
  • tsamu - stand, be upright, rise to one's feet
  • uku - stop, wait
  • saka - swim, move through water



  • tonya - freeze, solidify
  • pana - rain, moisten, humidify
  • nyahi - snow [white]
  • sama - shine [sun, solar]

biological actions

  • nasa - be born
  • sinu - die
  • inu - drink
  • ina - eat
  • anu - hear, listen
  • asa - live
  • heta - need
  • anya - see, look
  • moku - sleep
  • taki - taste, like, enjoy
  • yanta - waken, awaken



  • omena - apple
  • melonka - apricot
  • kilatsi - cherry
  • hasukanu - date, fig
  • punka - fruit
  • enapa - grapes
  • ntimu - lemon
  • sokuya - lime
  • kapunu - melon
  • setona - olive
  • tsunkua - orange
  • takolo - peach
  • nasi - pear
  • matsatli - pineapple
  • etlika - plum
  • malina - raspberry
  • yakota - (straw)berry


  • kusupu - artichoke
  • asino - asparagus
  • tlopya - bean
  • tohi - cabbage / broccoli / cauliflower
  • ha'utsu - carrot
  • apyoma - celery
  • suani - chives
  • o'i - cucumber
  • nopilo - garlic
  • hyantso - herbs
  • etesa - lentil
  • tletsuka - lettuce
  • hakuni - mint
  • kopa - mushroom
  • kasuma - onion
  • metanoso - parsley
  • uansu - pea
  • ahiya - potato
  • kapotsa - pumpkin
  • tlapanu - radish
  • nyokutsu - sage
  • teleta - spinach
  • sitomatla - tomato
  • salatsa - turnip
  • napaka - grain
  • sayeli - barley
  • kanka - maize, corn
  • yolapu - oats
  • nyoma - rice
  • sikali - rye
  • mpoka - vegetable
  • kenime - wheat


  • inama - meal, dinner
  • sopane - breakfast
  • tetsuna - lunch
  • esa - supper
  • ina - food
  • kinuahu - dessert
  • sunalo - salad
  • ketosa - soup
  • matla - stew

Other Foods

  • x - biscuit
  • x - bread
  • x - cake
  • x - flour
  • x - roll
  • x - butter
  • x - cheese
  • x - cream
  • x - egg
  • x - omelet
  • x - honey
  • x - jam
  • x - mustard
  • x - oil
  • x - pepper
  • x - salt
  • x - sauce
  • x - sugar
  • x - vinegar


  • x - beverage
  • x - alcohol
  • x - beer
  • x - brandy
  • x - coffee
  • x - milk
  • x - soda water
  • x - tea
  • x - wine

The Table

  • x - cup
  • x - glass
  • x - plate, dish
  • x - saucer
  • x - platter
  • x - fork
  • x - knife
  • x - spoon
  • x - napkin
  • x - tablecloth

The Kitchen

  • x - basin, bowl
  • x - bottle
  • x - coffee pot
  • x - frying pan
  • x - jug
  • x - kettle
  • x - lid
  • x - pot
  • x - saucepan, pan
  • x - scale, measure
  • x - teapot


  • inu - drink
  • inupan - drinkable
  • kaua - coffee
  • tsai - tea
  • hali - milk
  • maya - water
  • ka'asu - juice

Kinship terms


  • otahaka - great-grandfather
  • onahaka - great-grandmother
  • otaha - grandfather / great-uncle
  • onaha - grandmother / great-aunt
  • ota - father / uncle
  • ona - mother / aunt
  • otaua - brother / cousin
  • onaua - sister / cousin
  • ota’i - son / nephew
  • ona’i - daughter / niece
  • ota’iha - grandson
  • ona’iha - granddaughter


  • tla’ota husband
  • tla’ona wife
  • po’ota father-in-law
  • po’ona mother-in-law
  • po’ona’i daughter-in-law
  • po’otaua brother-in-law
  • po’onaua sister-in-law
  • tla'ota’i - stepson
  • tla'ona’i - stepdaughter


  • akai - red
  • otliyo - orange
  • yana - yellow
  • kuya - green
  • tsuku - blue
  • tlaku - indigo, violet, purple
  • nyahi - white, pale
  • oya - black, dark
  • yehi - clear


  • apika - Africa
  • yatsa'ila - Algeria - tsayela - Algers
  • ankola - Angola - tlo'anta - Luanda
  • penina - Benin - hokupono - Porto Novo
  • antakutika - Antarctica
  • atsa - Asia
  • osutaliya - Australia
  • yolopa - Europe
  • amelika kita - North Amerika
  • kanata - Canada - otaua - Ottawa
  • kupa - Cuba - hauana - Havana
  • hanya te tolom (Nation of States) - USA - uasiton - Washington DC
  • amelika mina - South Amerika