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Heading 1

  • In syllable codas, [ʃ] replaces [s].
  • In syllable codas, [ʒ] replaces [z].
  • [β] and [ʙ] are in free variation.
  • [ʁ] and [ʀ] are in free variation.

Because of its small phoneme inventory, Miyu allows for extensive allophonic variation. For example, /p t k/ may be pronounced [b d ɡ] as well as [p t k], /s/ as [z] or [ʃ] as well as [s], /l/ as [ɾ] as well as [l], and vowels may be either long or short.

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

{{col-begin}} {{col-break}} words {{col-break}} ety {{col-break}} abbs {{col-end}}

Heading 5
Heading 6
= indentation
  • Item1
  • Item4
    • Sub-item 4 a)
      • Sub-item 4 a) 1.
        • Sub-item 4 a) 1. i)
    • Sub-item 4 b)
  • Item5
  1. Item1
  2. Item4
    1. Sub-item 1
      1. Sub-sub-item
        1. Sub-sub-sub-item
    2. Sub-item 2
  3. Item5

To italicize text, put two consecutive apostrophes on each side of it.

Three apostrophes each side will bold the text.

Five consecutive apostrophes on each side (two for italics plus three for bold) produces bold italics.

Italic and bold formatting works correctly only within a single line.

For text as Template:Smallcaps, use the template {{smallcaps}}.