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Conlang Relay 19/Jayus

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< Conlang Relay 19
Revision as of 17:41, 31 October 2012 by Fenhl (talk | contribs) (added syllabary image, color-coded direct speech, and smooth English)
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The Jayus torch from Conlang Relay 19, as submitted to Lars Finsen (no Jayus name yet) by Fenhl (<Labás>) and Anka (<Sára>), can be found here.

Jayus text

The text in the Jayus syllabary (bisús jayús)
  1. Visás vásaxu na lizánan bit tux fu gíjugíju.
  2. Dazánga yarisíyarisí na fúnda gúragúran jayúfas linfúnadúra na gíju dánda. Bun li lif láril lizánan jiríf lif faví linfúnadúra.
  3. Gúragúran birás linfúnadúra nuníf. Bun nixánu táli raxúva linfúnadúra.
  4. Gúragúran bit gíjugiju bit tux zínvatári sus ranári.
  5. Xánu lif linfúnalinfúnadúra yuxi lili lif. Gúragúran linfúnalinfúnadúra jayúfas lili. Bun gíjugíju jáni! Bun táli rínza lizánan nagát bit baxú zínvatári sus ranári.
  6. Gúragúran júnyu linfúnalinfúnadúra. Gúragúran lanjú zínvatári sus ránari.
  7. Gíjal xánu na firanbú gúragúran túru zínvatári. Bun gúran zínva zínvatári gadíju lizánan bit. Bun gúran bilánru bánrul sus dilú yutíra sus júlujúlux tu júrada zínvatári.
  8. Gúragúran jayúfas linfúnadúra na gíju dánda. Bun tánbi na li júrada fíbu gíjugíju zizú.
  9. Gúragúran birás linfúnadúra nuníf. Bun nixánu táli fisuvun gíjugíju.
  10. Dánda bindá na firanbú gúragúran túru ranári. Bun gúran baxú ranári gadíju lizánan tivás bit. Bun gúran vu na víndu tivás sus vu na rúnga tivás sus rasadárasadáx tivás júrada ranári.
  11. Gúragúran linfúnadúra dánda jayúfas. Bun nix, tánbi na lili júrada nix gíjugíju.
  12. Gúragúran birás linfúnadúra nuníf. Bun tanbíxanu táli fisuvun gíjugíju.

The text above is color-coded for the speakers:

  • first stone
  • second stone
  • mouse
  • bird
  • mouse and bird
  • narrator



  • Fenhl (<Labás>) as the narrator
  • Anka (<Sára>) as both stones
  • Sarah (no Jayus name yet) as the bird, and the mouse

Unfortunately, Nina (<Yúnta>) had to leave early and could not participate in the recording session.

Smooth English

  1. There are two stones on the slope of a hill.
  2. Many years in the past, the soul of the first stone said, “What kind of hill is this, I wonder.”
  3. The other soul answered, “I will never know.”
  4. A bird and a mouse were nearby.
  5. When they heard the souls, they told them, “Hey, stones! We will go to the hill over there!”
  6. The souls agreed and the bird and the mouse left.
  7. After a short time, the bird flew back and said, “I have flown across the hill and have seen a wide river and green valleys and tall trees.”
  8. The first stone’s soul said, “I wish we could see all of this!”.
  9. The other soul answered, “We will never be happy.”
  10. After a day had passed, the mouse came back and said, “I have walked across the same hill and I have seen the same grass and the same grain and the same insects.”
  11. The first soul said “No, we cannot see any of them.”
  12. The other answered “We will always be happy.”
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