Qatama dictionary
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This article is one of many about Qatama
This is the Qatama dictionary.
- Abbreviations used:
- n. - noun
- adj. - adjective
- adv. - adverb
- det. - determiner
- part. - particle
- conj. - conjunction
- pron. - pronoun
- adp. - adposition
- num. - number
- art. - article
- inter. - interjection
- qa -- interrogative part.
- always occurs at the end of a interrogative statement
- qatama -- n. the people of Qatama | adj. (abstract) timeless, universal
- qada -- n. a military unit of approximately 20,000 warriors
- qam -- n. din, bang, boom, loud noise; a cacophony or loud commotion
- qan -- n. lord, noble, chief | a noble or man of rank in various positions of power within the Qatama Empire
- qahaj -- n. faith, bellief | v. believe, have faith
- qaj -- n. an ethical code that is prevalent in Qatama culture that promotes unquestioning loyalty to the ancient ways at all costs and obedience in all deeds, valuing honor above life
- qal -- n. building, edifice, closed structure with walls and a roof | v. to build, construct, act or process of building
- qo
-- n. the sound /q/ or [X], the first grapheme in the Qatama collating sequence
- qom -- n. age of maturity, ceremony to celebrate age of maturity
- qu -- n. wall, barrier, border
- qung -- n. phoneme, indivisible unit of sound in language, sound, noise
- q`ta -- n. The fundamental life-force or energy | nature
- q`tan -- n. a military unit of between 100 and 500 warriors
- q`toj -- n. "Lord Warrior", the highest rank in the warrior class
- q`dom -- n. a military unit of approximately 5,000 warriors
- q`ma -- n. army | large, highly organized military force concerned mainly with ground operations
- kya -- part. positive imperative marker
- kya naj al tamu mua -- Go towards the house.
- ka -- n. stillness, motionlessness, non-movement
- kang -- n. adult male, man, male partner in marriage, mate, husband
- kangha -- n. father
- kangla -- n. uncle (any male adult of relation that is not ones father)
- kangra -- n. grandfather (any male elder of relation that is not ones father)
- ko
-- n. the sound /k/, the second grapheme in the Qatama collating sequence | adj./adv. fast, quick, quickly, rapid
- koga -- n. / adj. red, having red as its colour
- koto -- n. a drum or a performance of several drummers in an ensemble | v. drum, perform with a drum
- kotoq -- n. tempo or speed of a beat, song, or repeated event | n. variation of the duration of sounds over time; a beat or meter | n. flow, repetition or regularity
- komuga -- n. / adj. purple, a color that is a dark blend of red and blue
- konaga -- n. / adj. orange, color between red and yellow
- koyuga -- n. / adj. pink, pale red color
- kumna -- n. fee, charge, rate
- kumaq -- n. the day after the present day, tomorrow
- kura -- v. have, possess, hold
- kurayu -- v. save, collect, gather
- gya -- part. imperitive "Give!"
- Used specifically when demading an object/item.
- ga -- pron. 2nd person singular; you
- gaq -- n. food, sustenance | v. to eat, consume, take in | adj. edible
- gaqla -- v. to not be hungry | adj. inedible
- gaqra -- n. bread | v. to bake
- gaj -- pron. 2nd person plural; you (all)
- gahan -- pron. 2nd person singular/plural (formal); you (all)
- gaya -- v. to give, donate, bequeath
- gayam -- n. gift, donation
- go
-- n. the sound /g/ or [G\], the third grapheme in the Qatama collating sequence
- goq -- n. barrel, bucket, cannister, can
- goku -- n. (academic) student, learner, school age child
- gom -- n. land, ground, earth, dirt, soil
- gomoq -- n. tundra | adj. frozen (ground)
- gomoku -- n. snow, ice, frozen water | v. to snow, hail
- gomugra -- v. get dirty | adj. foul, dirty
- guq -- n. civility, politeness | v. be civil, polite
- guqra -- inter. thank you | v. to thank, appreciate, show gratitude
- gumu -- n. boat, ship, vessel, water-bound craft
- gumujra -- n. sailing, navigation | v. sail, navigate
- guj -- n. fluid, liquid | adj. fluidic
- gujla -- n. dryness, drought | adj. dry, barren, (colloquial) thirsty
- gujra -- n. lake, river, pond | v. flow (as a river)
- guja -- n. water | adj. wet
- gula -- n. wine, alcoholic beverage made by fermenting juice of fruits or vegetables other than grapes
- g`mul -- n. noon, midday, when the sun is at the highest point in the sky
- ta -- pron. 1st person singular; I, me
- taka -- pron. 1st person plural (inclusive); we, us
- taga -- n. tea/coffee | v. to drink tea/coffee
- Any drink made by infusing parts of various plants.
- tama -- adj./adv. good, well, fine, favorable
- tamaja -- 'all is well, peace', a common response to being greeted
- taja -- n. brother, male sibling, male cousin | member of a fraternal organiztion
- ta`aq -- pron. 1st person plural (exclusive); we, us
- to
-- num. two |
n. the sound /t/ , the fourth grapheme in the Qatama collating sequence
- toq -- n. ability, potential | v. be able
- toqla -- n. inability, lack of skill | v. be unable
- tojla -- n. a traditional sword worn by the warrior class and nobility
- tla -- n. sky, air, oxygen | adj. lofty, idealistic
- tlaq -- n. language, dialect, utterance | v. dictate
- tlaga -- n./adj. gray/grey; an achromatic colour
- tla`a
-- n. the sound /tK/ or [tl], the fifth grapheme in the Qatama collating sequence | n. swine, pig, pork
- da -- n. encampment, camp, fort | v. camp, set up camp
- daq -- n. mountain, peak, crest
- daqla -- n. valley, area that is lower than its surroundings
- daqra -- n. rigde, cliff | v. be uneasy, uncomfortable | adj. steep, drastic
- do
-- num. five |
-- n. the sound /d/ or [D], the sixth grapheme in the Qatama collating sequence
- d`haq -- n. hill, mound
- myo -- n. small, domestic cat; member of the cat family Felidae
- myoga -- n./adj. brown, having brown colour
- myong -- n. lion, tiger, panther etc...large cat; member of the cat family Felidae
- ma -- conj. and, too, also, as well
- maq -- n. day, daylight, hours between dawn and sunset
- maqla -- adv. never, at no time, no more, never again
- mada -- v. come, return, come back, return to a place
- manha -- n. method, manner
- maj -- n. commander, chief, leader | v. lead, command
- mo
-- num. three | adj. having to do with the heel of the foot |
-- n. the sound /m/, the seventh grapheme in the Qatama collating sequence
- moq -- n. place, location | adj. locative
- mon -- v. learn, acquire skills, be taught
- mong -- v. know, be informed/aware of
- monga -- v. think, ponder, conceive, be of an opinion
- mongha -- v. understand, comprehend
- mongla -- v. not understand, not comprehend, be confused (about), not know
- mongra -- n. understanding, comprehension, complete knowledge of
- moj -- n. writing, letter, glyph, grapheme | v. write, scribe, record
- mo`oj -- n. calligraphy | adj. calligraphic
- mu -- v. stop, wait, be patient | n. vertical components that form the sides of a door frame, window frame, or fireplace
- muq -- v. be, exist, stand | n. existence, being | adj. true, valid
- Rarely used in the copula sense when speaking.
- muga -- n./adj. blue, blue-colored
- mulal -- n. boredom | v. be bored; be boring
- mua -- v. go, travel, move; move from a place to another that is further away
- na -- pron. he, him; she, her; it, that; third-person singular, neuter
- naq -- n. night, evening (hours)
- naku -- n. / adv. now, yet, present
- naga -- n. / adj. yellow, having yellow as its color
- nada -- pron. he, him; third-person singular, masculine
- nama -- n. / v. tobacco | to smoke
- namuga -- n. / adj. having green as its color, green
- nang -- n. / v. to need, require | something needed or necessary
- naj -- adp. to, toward(s), at, in the direction of
- naja -- n. wood | substance making up a tree | used as a material for construction, to manufacture various items, etc. or as fuel
- naya -- pron. she, her; third person singular, feminine
- nara -- pron. they, them; third person plural
- no
-- num. six |
-- n. the sound /n/, the eighth grapheme in the Qatama collating sequence
- nom -- n. chair, seat, place in which to sit
- noj -- adp. with, together | in the company of
- nura -- n. life, vitality | v. to live, exist
- nga -- det. / adv. expressing negation | no, not
- always appears at the beginning of the verb phrase
- ngaq -- n. a year, a period encompassing all four seasons
- ngaj -- adp. away from, away, from the direction of
- nga`ayu -- n. an introvert, solitary individual | v. to be, act for, focus on oneself | adj. preferring the internal, satisfied with self, lacking interest or comfort in social interactions
- A contraction formed from nja (for, about) and ayu (self, reflective particle).
- ngumja -- adj. the property of not existing for indefinitely long durations | n. impermanence
- ngo
-- n. the sound /N/, the ninth grapheme in the Qatama collating sequence
- ja
-- n. the sound /Z/, /tS/ or /dZ/, the tenth grapheme in the Qatama collating sequence
- han -- n. Title of respect conferred on a man, with or without a name added, placed after the name.
- hana -- n. Title of respect conferred on a woman, with or without a name added, placed after the name.
- hu
-- n. the sound /h/ or [H], the eleventh grapheme in the Qatama collating sequence
- huga -- adj. clear, bright
- yu
-- n. the sound /j/, the twelfth grapheme in the Qatama collating sequence
- yunga -- n. carbuncle, sore, ulcer, abscess
- la`a
-- n. the sound /l/, the thirteenth grapheme in the Qatama collating sequence
- ra`a
-- n. the sound /r/ or [r\], the fourteenth grapheme in the Qatama collating sequence
- ru -- part. Indicating an agent, a person who makes or renders (adj.), does... (verb), or works with... (noun), commonly as part of his or her role or job
- a
-- n. the sound /a/ or [a:], the fifteenth grapheme in the Qatama collating sequence
- aq -- conj. or, either, other
- aqla -- conj. nor neither, no other
- aku -- n. verb, action word, occurrence | v. happen, occur, take place
- aga -- n. color, pigment, hue | v. to color, paint
- agaru -- n. multicolored bird
- adaqra -- v. become wealthy, inherit
- anyaga -- n./adj. fair skinned/haired person, blond
- anaq -- n. head, brian, skull, cranium
- anuq -- n. ear(s), side of head | v. hear, listen | adj. auditory
- aj -- prep. of, from, belonging to or associated with
- aya -- n. beauty, wonder, grace | adj. beautiful, gracious, wondrous
- aru -- n. any animal characterized by being warm-blooded, having feathers and wings usually capable of flight, and laying eggs, bird | v. fly, be in flight
- o
-- n. the sound /o/ or [o:], the sixteenth grapheme in the Qatama collating sequence | art. honorific article used to show esteem or respect for the noun it points toward, it is both definite and indefinite
- oqla -- n. theme, topic | adj. thematic, topical
- okota -- n. heart, muscular organ that pumps blood through the body
- oga -- n./adj. black, absorbing all light, without light
- ogo -- n. number | v. count, enumerate, number
- omyoga -- n. slightly yellowish gray colour, as that of unbleached wool | adj. beige
- omo -- n. tradition | adj. traditional | adv. traditionally
- omoq -- n. emperor (can be translated as "keeper/protector of the tradition(s)")
- on -- adj. dark, deep in colour
- onha -- n. visual representation of an area, map, atlas
- oha -- adv. n. yes, answer that shows agreement or acceptance, vote of support | v. affirm, accept
- oya -- inter. an exclamation to get attention | vocative
- u
-- n. the sound /u/ or [u:], the seventeenth grapheme in the Qatama collating sequence
- uga -- n. / adj. white, bright, colorless
- un -- adj. pale in color, light
- ujul -- v. commit crime, offend greatly
- uhugya -- v. reveal, disclose, tell a secret
- ulana -- conj. as follows, like this, such as
- ua -- n. movement, motion, wave, vibration
- `a
-- n. the sound /@/ or [V] (/?/ between vowels), the eighteenth grapheme in the Qatama collating sequence