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Romanzo is a language based on Spanish, Italian and French, it was created for fun and as a means of communication amongst friends, it is simple with no case systems and little grammar, most grammar is similair to that of French. It was started in 2008 around March time. The plans for this language are to improve amounts of vocabulary and get people interested in it, with more people learning Romanzo, it will help benefit and enrich the language.

Word order is > SVO

Originated from French, Italian and Spanish


Vocabulary is about 1/3 French, 1/3 Italian and 1/3 Spanish more of an italian look to the language because of verbs ending in -are and pronunciation is similiar to that of french and Italian. There is currently a vocabulary range of 875 words, with approximately 1/5 of these verbs, however the list is growing week by week. I hope to have at least 1,000 words soon =)


Personal Pronouns

I - Jo

You - Tu

He - El

She - Ela

You - Voce

We - Noi

They - Elles (all masculine or mixed group)

They - Ellas (feminine only)

Direct objects

Eu - mi

Tu - ti

El - lu

Ela - li

Voce - Votra

Noi - Notra

Elles - sios

Ellas - sias

Definite and indefinte articles

A/an = uno (masculine) una (feminine)

The = lo (masc.sng) la (fem.sng)

The = le (masc.pl and fem. pl)

Plurals of nouns

Masculine: Sng (o/ù) Plural (i)

Feminine: Sng(a/à) Plural (e)

Feminine 2: Sng (qua) Plural (què)

Basic sentences

I want the coffee > Jo voulo la coffa

I wish that you would learn japanese > Jo deso che tu apprendai japanesso

I would like it > Jo l'amais (referring back to last sentence,indirect/direct objects proceed the verb like in french)

You can not see that > Tu non pessi vorare ces


There is a subjunctive introduced after "que" (that) but it is only used in the present tense and very rarely. Verbs that take the subjunctive (wish,hope,dream,think). Also "avant que and jusqua que take subjunctive"


I think that you must go > Jo penso que tu devui andare

Reflexive Verbs

When using reflexive verbs in the past, the second verb to be must be used as the auxiallary always > se tompare (to be wrong) Eu mi sto tomparò

Accents and Dipthongs

à > stressed ah

è> eh

ì > stressed ee

ò > oh

ù > Stressed oo

ç > ss

ch > kih

j > y

ce > ch

ci > see

gg > ji (like jump)

ge > je (like french)

gi > je (like french)

ez > ay (like french é)


No fluent speakers, closest person me with most knowledge, my friend with a decent knowledge, most people will understand some of this language with vocabulary being closely related to French,Italian and Spanish.