Appendix B: Shemspreg Texts

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A Sheep and Horses.

owi echwoskwe

ne wilna-wesent owi eskwi echwosom: sos gwer wezho-, sos mej gem-deukentom; soskwe oochu shem-ferentom. owi wekwes echwosom: me cherd es gwer shemos echwo-ajent sekwent. echwos spreges: chleu owi! cherdes es gwer seskwent shemos, potis, apo owis wilnam khwer westro-werjentom, adkwe owim ne es wilna. chechlunt owi weuri en arum.

A Sheep and Horses

A sheep without wool saw horses: one pulling a heavy wagon, one a large load, and one bearing a human quickly. The sheep said to the horses: “My heart is heavy, seeing the human driving horses.” The horses said: “Listen, sheep! Our hearts are heavy having seen the human, the master, making warm clothing from sheep’s wool, and the sheep has no wool.” Hearing this, the sheep turned away into the field.

owi echwoskwe

owi echwo -s - sheep horse -PL =and

A Sheep and Horses

1. ne wilna-wesent owi eskwi echwosom:

ne wilna- wes -ent owi e- skw -i echwo -s -om

A sheep without wool saw horses:

2. sos gwer wezho-, sos mej gem-deukentom;

so -s gwer wezho- so -s mej gem- deuk -ent -om
3s -GEN heavy wagon- 3s -GEN large load- pull -PTC -OBL

one pulling a heavy wagon, one a large load,

3. soskwe oochu shem-ferentom.

so -s =kwe oochu shem- fer -ent - 3s -GEN =and quickly human- bear -PTC -OBL

and one bearing a human quickly.

4. owi wekwes echwosom:

owi wekw -es echwo -s - sheep speak -PRES horse -PL -OBL

The sheep said to the horses:

5. me cherd es gwer shemos echwo-ajent sekwent.

me cherd es gwer shem -os echwo- aj -ent sekw - 1s:GEN heart be:PRES heavy human -GEN horse- drive -PTC see -PTC

“My heart is heavy, seeing the human driving horses.”

6. echwos spreges:

echwo -s spreg - horse -PL speak -PRES

The horses said:

7. chleu owi!

chleu - hear:IMP sheep

“Listen, sheep!

8. cherdes es gwer seskwent shemos, potis,

cherd -es es gwer se- skw -ent shem -os poti - heart -PL be:PRES heavy PERF- see:0 -PTC human -GEN master -GEN

Our hearts are heavy having seen

9. apo owis wilnam khwer westro-werjentom,

apo owi -s wilna -m khwer westro- werj -ent - from sheep -GEN wool -OBL warm clothing make -PTC -OBL

the human, the master, making warm clothing from sheep’s wool,

10. adkwe owim ne es wilna.

ad =kwe owi -m ne es - to =and sheep -OBL not be:PRES wool

and the sheep has no wool.”

11. chechlunt owi weuri en arum.

che- chlu -nt owi we- wr -i en aru - PERF- hear:0 -PTC sheep PERF- turn.away:0 -PAST in field -OBL

Hearing this, the sheep turned away into the field.


  1. Introduction to Shemspreg
  2. Shemspreg sounds
  3. Shemspreg nouns
  4. Shemspreg pronouns and other particles
  5. Shemspreg verbs
  6. Shemspreg adjectives
  7. Shemspreg sentences