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Eylastal is my language; it's both an artistic and personal constructed language. It is an inflected fusional language with two grammatical genders and

It is based on no other language, but it is nonetheless mostly conventional.



Vowel IPA
a [a, ə]
e [ɛ]
ê [eɪ, e]
i [i]
o [ɔ]
ô [oʊ]
u [u]
  • At the end of a word, r can also serve as a vowel.
  • When two vowels are juxtaposed, o = ô and e = ê. Hence ear [eɪ.ar]
  • er = [er], not [ɜr]


Diphthong IPA
ay [aɨ]
oy [ɔɪ]
uy [uɪ]
aw [aʊ]
ew [eʊ]


Consonant IPA
b [b]
c [k]
ch [ʧ]
d [d]
dh [ð]
f [f]
g [g]
h [h]
k [x]
l [l]
m [m]
n [n]
ng [ŋ]
p [p]
r [r]
s [s]
sh [ʃ]
t [t]
th [θ]
v [v]
w [w]
x [ks]
y [j]
z [z]

At the end of a word, o is pronounced as ô and e as ê.


Stress falls on the first syllable unless there is an accented vowel:

  • a -> á
  • e -> é
  • ê -> è
  • o -> ò
  • ô -> ó
  • u -> ú

which, naturally, takes the stress. Also, any diphthong automatically takes the stress, including the "diphthongs" ar, er, ir, or, and ur, unless there is an accent mark, which always overrides it; however, stress cannot fall on the last syllable unless there is an accent written. Thus, "sathay" is pronounced ['saθaɪ] whereas "satháy" is pronounced [saθ'aɪ].

Syllable rules

Where C represents any consonant above and V any vowel, generally:

Word-initially, a syllable may take the form CCVC; Medially, a syllable may take the form CVC; Word-finally, a syllable may take the form CVC.

This boils down to a word structure of CCVCCVCCVCCVC, at most. In other words, you can never have more than two consonants next to each other, including liquids.

Some exceptions:

  • After a diphthong, only one consonant is allowed (in effect, the y or w at the end of the diphthong counts as a consonant even though it really isn't one).
  • If the last consonant is a spirant [s] or [z], the final syllable can take the form CVCs.
  • When the last consonant is r functioning as a vowel, the cluster can end in CCVCr or even theoretically CCVCsr. For example, "tiryatr" (to the kingdom), "èmatr" (to the animal), "cutsr" (to the cube).

When a voiced consonant comes in contact with an unvoiced consonant, the whole consonant cluster becomes voiced. Thus, satha (white) + varósa (clothed) = sadhvarósa (white-clothed) vekti (verb, to think) + ya (3rd person sing. pres. ind.) = vekta

Two plosives can never be juxtaposed. When there is a consonant cluster of the form PP (where P is a plosive), it will become FP, where F is the fricative equivalent according to the following rule:

  • p -> f
  • b -> v
  • t -> th
  • d -> dh
  • ch -> sh
  • c -> k
  • g -> g

The resultant is then voiced if necessary; since there is no voiced equivalent of k, it simply disappears.

The following clusters will change as follows, where P is any plosive, V any vowel, and F any fricative, N any nasal and P(n) that nasal's plosive equivalent:

  • PvV -> PwV
  • PgV -> PyV
  • kyV -> shV
  • hyV -> cyV
  • NN -> P(n)N

This transformations are performed before applying the two-consonant rule to reduce clusters. Hence, nelki (to hate) + ya (3rd person singular present) = nelsha



Eylastali nouns have the following properties:

  • Two genders: masculine and feminine;
  • Two numbers: singular and plural. Gender is lost in the plural.
  • Six cases: nominative, accusative, genitive, dative, locative, and vocative;
  • Two "aspects": definite and indefinite;
  • Two "verities": positive and negative.

I can't figure out how to do a fancy table so bear with me here:

For the prototypical masculine noun I here use "neldas" (the nose), for the prototypical feminine "etwês" (the star).

Not all nouns are regular; many nouns end simply in a consonant rather than the -a or -e gender ending. These words must simply be memorized along with their gender (normally denoted by the nominative pronoun they take, "ga" (masculine) or "e" (feminine)).

Regular masculine paradigm

  • Nominative positive: nelda (a nose), neldas (the nose)
  • Nominative negative: nelday (not a nose), neldays (not the nose)
  • Accusative positive: neldo (a nose), neldos (the nose)
  • Accusative negative: neldoy (not a nose), neldoys (not the nose)
  • Genitive positive: nelden (a/the nose's)
  • Genitive negative: neldedmá (not a/the nose's)
  • Dative positive: neldar (to a/the nose)
  • Dative negative: neldamá (not to the nose)
  • Locative positive: neldov (at the nose)
  • Locative negative: neldoyv (not at the nose)
  • Vocative positive: neldat (O nose!)
  • Vocative negative: neldayt (O non-nose!)

Regular feminine paradigm

  • Nominative positive: etwe (a star), etwês (the star)
  • Nominative negative: etweya (not a star), etwêsmá (not the star)
  • Accusative positive: etwo (a star), etwôs (the star)
  • Accusative negative: etwoy (not a star), etwôsmá (not the star)
  • Genitive positive: etwin (a/the star's)
  • Genitive negative: etwidmá (not a/the star's)
  • Dative positive: etwiz (to a/the star)
  • Dative negative: etwemá (not to the star)
  • Locative positive: etwon (at the star)
  • Locative negative: etwoyn (not at the star)
  • Vocative positive: etwêt (O star!)
  • Vocative negative: etwêtmá (O non-star!)

Regular plural paradigm

  • Nominative positive: etwi (stars), etwis (the stars)
  • Nominative negative: etwiya (not stars), etwismá (not the stars)
  • Accusative positive: etwu (stars), etwus (the stars)
  • Accusative negative: etwuy (not stars), etwusmá (not the stars)
  • Genitive positive: etwanir (a/the stars')
  • Genitive negative: etwadmá (not a/the stars')
  • Dative positive: etwalir (to a/the stars)
  • Dative negative: etwalmá (not to the stars)
  • Locative positive: etwanon (among the stars)
  • Locative negative: etwanoyn (not among the stars)
  • Vocative positive: etwit (O stars!)
  • Vocative negative: etwitmá (O non-stars!)


I'm going to sleep now

A finished text in Eylastal

Chalaylas Urov swa Driov

Aharo cwi aványir adzelir                   
swa sewlir sadhalir kay egmov so,           
cyat nwa voydhósa laylim ivlir te           
ti ecyo aynon sunanon efró.                
A sadhar so ek Uren tartebla,               
ol èov tiryo Dria egmo sco,                
agáhte Uras agadríabla,                     
ga nelsho glarion ta tiryatôs.             

Ga onlo Uras genwon Driathon,               
e naryo norov opyês egmien,                 
swa onlu fehi engei ton so,                 
shta edzu asi kay mot áveken;             
cha'y naru prôvilúlis evrulon,              
swa genulnon athoron Driathen,              
swa'y obnu Fortesmo, ga bliov sa,           
cha'y gyaru Driar fi mot zahus men.       

Niy aysho adzel Rahas Uzar ko               
swa tasco "Urat lei nari sha,               
ti trefi bladhi gyatsu athelon,             
è semza ga, ta nelki, cetson sa?          
Heth twari bladhim athriôs nwa fo           
am adri engi adzelis selát;                 
te bladhu amon fo el roy swa cwar           
swa shtendi vekti; nol anari sha."        

Agáhte sfetyo Uras adzelar,
"Shtalá cyatari sha tor athron men?"
Swa tar côcharya Rahas, "Tiryaví
sca sha aványa Driacétsien!"          
Cha tasco Uras, "asi tirim shwi,
shtalá nwa cetson si ef aprien?"
Niy cyuriécyo Rahas sadhazar,
rwa tasco "Charismá to malpien!       

Sha karaví athoriz niyov ha,
swa ihu prôvilúlus tólki fa,
rwa harbi sfia ta swa metri ta,
ti semza cetson scaya tira sa;                 
cha adzelbúloy ceri sfia noy,
cay Urat ti achari adzel sha,
swa asi scoy ek tarim ivlir sco,
sha voydhi say' numeya vanyêsmá."      

Ga shwendo Rahas Uren swa niylá,
ga aysho Driar genwon cetson lo,
swa taryo sfeto "Driel driathon,
heth twas ga hagya Urel cura fo                 
amétra heth swa prôvilúla sa,
swa trefya gyatsu harba tiryatôs."
"Sa zweri mo!" tas Dria pelion,
shta peliécyo 'haryo ágano.             

Ol evrulon tiz shwendo Uras ko,
kay feflu sheflis nubnon shtecanon
swa'y eliu ayni etwis tôvaltá;
ga hokto Uras saknon bednanon.         
Rwa haryo hesyu, beldatúus vef,
scay pomdu garis evron calanon,
swa te byo Uras froyo shtahte lo,
cul desfr samu kay ol eyanon.          
Sadhari naru samu kay amtá,
sarlúlis so, swa elitsus bu kay,
kay eliálu monyu capsius
cha evriul swa omris eliáy.            
"Sarlúlit cay!" tas Uras pelion,
"Vwex naro sfia engi vodhi say'!"
Cha tar côcharyo mona "Asi soy;
ca aydhu amel sta swa driôráy."                  

Niy thesis corvu Uzar swa niylá,
kay aniarlu tar el enlias:                        
ga Mawgras, Ublas, Bednas swa selát,
ga Shakas, Hèas, Genas, Eshentas;      
cha Sarlas monya naryo nei si,
shtahtá ektaryo Genas swa ga tas                   
"Ga trefya shawya Eriádnôs sca,
te hagya ga niy engov, Sarlias."       

Am icnon Uras vrner thoriz ko
ton genulir èn prôvilulanir,
swa óra onli kulis anfu kay
ti thokti sádharis kay niyalir         
atólku aga driacetsôs shu.
"Hex adzelcélit" hesyis galanir
è iku thoktis ko; ga 'ceryo lo
tarósus Rahen "Bulôsmá ibnir!"         

Niy nol a golga so ek enlôsáy,
ga Golgas tartel engir golgalir
--shta ahi ayshu engi tartelis--
sadhara mona drien vewzanir            
kay 'numon enanon ol egmov ko;
ga anwaharyo engir sadhalir
è sfetu kay swa fevlu Uzar fo,
swa ga akarso Golgas evrulir.          

Ton apro noron numon Ragnas so,        
ga gulmo ehaharyus golgen mo.
"Cay Ragnel bwi haróso pelya heth!"
tas Golgas ishu holwiz Ragnen ko,      
swa chio, "Cektu niyi bubis na
ek seku chagu genwo diulôs
el vecthelis, ta tólka Uras fa,
ga insa bladhanu, ga neli so!"         

Ol genul samyo Uras icnon so
kay obnu ta en lugal adzelnir
en helcanu, ga atra bulo ash,
swa tasco "Urel tólkanu imlir,         
cay pelyêt, ga mektáfya Drio sca!"
E ánwe froy ko Uzar vektalir. 
Ga Fèmas banranu tar tasco lo,
"E nerya tirês heth ha sèmbilir."     

Ton sèmbion e anfo tirês ko            
tsi ímar Urov corva ek firáy,
swa tasco "Adzelcélat, vanya sha,
shtalá bir sha ek gala sefyeráy?"  
Cyahtá aceryo ga azeryo tir
miánwiôs, e Uros mihaláy, 
swa aysho tiriz roy arnúilir,
swa cyuriblo cyataryo "Culiáyt!  

Shtalá shwi emlim eth, ti mawgi ha!
nwa adzelúle vweti hihu na,
ti hescu himu nalinir kay fa,                   
swa swari sha cyatari atri sha  
ni bulo adzelnir, e narye soy;
ga aysha monya glawdas teya sa."                
Swa árso Uras adzelroy ton lo			
aceryo tirês scaya Rahias.   

È samyo Uras imov tiron so,
kay huytu evrulir kay vecis ko.
Niy naru calis insuiya si,
swa ishu vecis diuliz tov lo   
è blias siralir atyár ga ko:
swa'y hexu drio tartelio sco
swa sfetu driar ehaharius
swa agatiru huytiya búbnaro.    

Casamyo Dria cetsin lurah lo                       
'k misúmya rahroy badwar arnunon;                  
swa tasco, "Tiryat men, e narya glad:
ga vlatya galu 'f monon plistanon                 
è pomdu amen egmov: cha selát,                     
Ni gladen glawden bwanro Ayvathon;
swa niy mektáfya agadriablus.
Alyár abánris tiren driathon!"        

Athoron sèmbon tirin sfetu kay
ek cyuribla, kay roybli arnunon,
e tasco Elês, "Tya, lo zeri sha
tor galnon nol, kay engov genulnon,   
kay saru nelyov drio athelôs? 
È aru laya, voydhu froyanon."
Ca Uras, ga vivékto sreto lo,
ga tas, "Bu amen enlus edhanon!"       

"Ek mawgi sha!" e taryo shuylon sco,             
swa tiz côcharyo Uras, "Asi mo,
ga Rahas aga himu sa, tya èn,
trefúla tar nol ayvathon nwa so        
swa cweri ta, ti èn isewa sa,
miroybla sa, swa monyo egmar ko
tsi onla royon royamawgranon
swa seku amen ftetu adzelo.                       

Selát vex kay ek genulnon ta scoy
ek bulya adzel himu noy: èn sa,
ash kay aceru scoy, rwa harbu èn,
swa chagu amen luya Drios fa.            
Swa twari chio luya shta asi sa,
kay hescuví sfiiya Driar sca,
kay shtendi vewzis tay swa nelei.
Niy twari eltá fteti Rahos fa."      

E tasco Elês, "Èna sreta sa;
visúnov èn lupòmdu 'men alyár."
È beldu kay tso sèmbin, a suna so,
swa'y pelyahúlwu prôvilulis tar,          
ti atra bulo vanyan Rahen sco.
Ektesyanir tay Uren Eshentar
lutréfu kay ekcapso Rahen fo,
ga goga hovlin hewliz adzelar.          

Visúnov veldon gyarin pomdu kay
ek banris vuyblir prôvilúlanir;
swa bu kay gogo capso flason ko,                       
swa'y meldu gladu gyaru feknalir.        
Swa felwe fenwin Rahen ko atyár,                       
ga bulnu vuyôs agnir sadhanir
dra ash mot vektius, kay samyu nol
ek saru adwir diulgenwalir.                            

Niylá lupòmdo ágabanras ha
cha sfetyo icnon froyin adzelar
ga tólka agnus harbon afi ga.
Kay deftu veci drilulnir alyár           
tsi banralir aványan Prôvilyen
cha Ragnas, ga atólko banros tar,
ga fwasyo glado taryo ráhroyon                           
amétra ta ti shwenda banriar.            

Alyár abánris, cha eís anyár
ga aysho Rahas edhanir nol lo
chahúlwo ga caroyen malpien
anélko swa aráho Uzar sco,              
"Niy búbit bwuli hivu sefya noy!
Swa ni ekcapsas vyacha mawga so;
ek deftôm adzelcharnu bulôsáy!
Niy sarex adzelo chanáliôs!"             

Ga shwendo ko cha ayshu royis lo,
kay omru veldo fwasyir dhèlanir,
swa siris rayi óra banranon,
ta vlatyo benda hosen hovlanir           
paroyan gogan capsen lófanon.
Swa tas drilúlis sfeto hemanir
"Ek ngawge froy, bu kay ni galis nol
caroyôs Rahen icnon gyaralir!"            

Niy shwendu kay, ti seku, caliz ko,
swa'y samu nol sfiiya driar mo,
kay gyaru adri adru hosanon
swa'y banranúis Ragnalúlus sco,    
ga Fèmas aga Ragnar gliadnon.
Pagládnon anwakaru thekti ko
tsi povalir gogen driadiulin;
rwa Uras swa sarlúlis oltá so.       

Kay diulon lugénwin haru ta,
ti harbahúlwo noron veldanon,
cha monyi hesyatsúi kay nol so
shta úo pómbi genis sèmbanon.        
Aceru elitsúnon vewzu lo,
kay vewzis ralen kalon driulon;
kay clèvi naru dhemzu vanyalir
swa'y ftetu fo sarlúlus gyaranon.    

Monúa anfo Uras èn alyár
swa shawyo súo tiro vewzo sco,
ga onlan icyan gladen meldion;
rwa ga izvésyo Uras glados ko,       
swa gyaron kay anyár, swa glar atyár;
cha tov asámyo Urov gladlays so,
ga vektanir swa royin cwarin èn
mot Rahen; feho ga chagósa fo.      

Cha hetlo aysho nelyen gara lo,
swa gliad samyo vewzov glaribla,
swa saryo Uras ta swa tasco, "Sha!
ek nei, ti ek evrulinon sa!"
Swa tar côchásco Sarlas, "Asi soy,
ca nwari ivnon anwo, Uriat;
sesyósoy nwanfi niyov enlinon."
Swa ecyo sadhvarósov elias.

Amtá kay sèmbiz cetsin Drien ko,
swa tóval poviz ko tsi iliz tay.
E Enês Etwanir nol tartebla,
shta raryu etwis kulanon caláy,
swa opyon semzo tira Dria so
ek engatir cha culon tiriays.
Swa byo ga onlo lesto shnaro nol
swa dimu arnuu ek misatháy.

Ga tasco veclir ímov cetsien:
"Hex adzelcélit, tirnu egmiar!
Mizeri sfia scaya amen cèn
ek tirnis aprov monyar Fortesmar?       
Niy sèmbon narya enga nalias
en sèmbon calov bliov; nwa ta tar.
Cay Sarlat, tirat egmar agmanir,
swa Urat galir vuyiz, nwesyiar!"

Ga tasco Sarlas, "Tira nelyar sha,
sha cèar shethar soy swa nesyadmá!"
Swa kay izvésyu vecis gladius,
swa tasco Uras, "Tiryat ulta sa.
Sha driya tira semzaví nol soy
cyat nisyen men, ta celu Nalis fa;
swa tirya vewle tiryat niy anát
ca venrays nayan tiraveken sca."

Ga tasco Dria, "Vekti sfia scay'
abúlya hivu nali adzelis,
dra cèa lèru kay tor ivu nay'?
Kay vyehu icnon engi aydhiis
en monov plistov arnunir, kay ha,
swa engi pelyis imir, sòrênis,
swa aftaliri, agaveki, hwi
swa afta ehu icnon sewsliis.

Tya èn, selát, ga Rahas omr ko
swa sfetyo omr sretus ivir sco."
Swa tasco Uras, "Chio tasco omr
ga cula sta; a tiradmá heth fo."
Rwa sfetyo sfeto Dria cetsion,
"Ga bulya nelyo metri nesyio;
shta afi adra metratira sha,
swa voydhi ason genwanon efró!"

Swa hulwo Dria vózon galedmá,
Acènu tartalu lugénwalir
swa vewzis tay, kay diulon èn stu,
kay eylu tartus edhielanir
'hu balyo iclir Rahas sunefró;
swa ahi lemzu genis pòvanir
swa apru pulti hihu engov lo.
Kay haru froyon vecis hesyalir.

Niy cyuriécyo Uras; alyár ga ko
swa samyo Drion gladen ili so,
cha hèvyo Dria venros Uzar sco
swa temzo tóval sèmbo galo lo;
ga hacyo flaylon tira cetsion
è èn ahèvyo Sarlas enlo sco
swa myatyo ta lusèmbin huyto ko
swa'y calshu genwi pòvis ómov fo.

Ga Uras beldalir è kay erèn,
cha sto kay anfu èn lugenwanon;
rwa vyehu kay palémzir pòvalir
swa'y ktahu sfinon lemzon genwanon
swa ulto tóval genwus cultanir
swa tóval pòviz, samu ehwanon
swa saru chagôs prôvilúlien.
Ênúe chage noron sunanon.

Tya èn! Drilúlis prôvilulus so,
swa ehu trefu ayno athelo
swa tiryo Uras vewlon sunanon,
swa Sarlas evruliz anát ga ko.
Cha aydho Dria sto diulion
sewzósa genanir, cha tirya sto
ta banranuus; diul bednar ko
swa pómbo 'l egmov semza cetson so.