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'''Arangothian''' ( also '''Arangothek''', "(speech) of the land" ) is an [[a priori]] [[fictional language]] which was created by Patrick Pfeaster prior to 2003.  It is nominative-accusative in alignment.
'''Arangothian''' ( also '''Arangothek''', "(speech) of the land" ) is an [[a priori]] [[fictional language]] which was created by Patrick Feaster prior to 2003.  It is nominative-accusative in alignment.

The language is used for the fictional concountry of [ Arangoth], and in particular the port city of [ Drache], which is also the de-facto capital of that land.  This language is also occasionally used in the related roleplay chatroom [ #blkdragon*inn] on The status of any actual speakers is unknown, though there has recently been some interest in continuing development and propagation of the language.
The language is used for the fictional concountry of [ Arangoth], and in particular the port city of [ Drache], which is also the de-facto capital of that land.  This language is also occasionally used in the related roleplay chatroom [ #blkdragon*inn] on The status of any actual speakers is unknown, though there has recently been some interest in continuing development and propagation of the language.

Revision as of 15:51, 12 February 2013

Timeline and Universe: Arangoth
Spoken: Arangoth
Total speakers: In-game, approx. 2 million.
Real-world, unknown.
Genealogy: Family:
Morphosyntactic alignment: Nominative-Accusative
Basic word order: SVO
Creator: Patrick Pfeaster
Created: <2003
This article is a stub. If you can contribute to its content, feel free to do so.

Arangothian ( also Arangothek, "(speech) of the land" ) is an a priori fictional language which was created by Patrick Feaster prior to 2003. It is nominative-accusative in alignment.

The language is used for the fictional concountry of Arangoth, and in particular the port city of Drache, which is also the de-facto capital of that land. This language is also occasionally used in the related roleplay chatroom #blkdragon*inn on The status of any actual speakers is unknown, though there has recently been some interest in continuing development and propagation of the language.

The website offers a "teach yourself"-styled introduction to the language with 8 lessons, a list of common Arangothian names, and an Arangothian-English dictionary. There are currently approximately 1300 words in the language, with room to form many more with provided suffixes.



Nouns have no separate ending which distinguishes them from verbs (or vice-versa), which can make telling the two apart a skill which must be acquired through much practice (or learning the language natively).

Nouns decline only by number.

Definite article

There are is only one article, '-(o)th', which marks both singular and plural nouns. It functions as a suffix:

  • tespe (meaning 'woman')


  • tespeth (meaning 'the woman')
  • pej ('dog')


  • pejoth ('dogs')

Declining by number:

  • tespe (meaning 'woman')


  • tespel (meaning 'women')

Note that to create a plural one simply adds +(e)l to the noun. To give a further example of creating a plural noun, we'll use 'pej', which means dog.

  • pej ('dog')


  • pejel ('dogs')

To form plurals with the definite article, one stacks the suffixes as PLURAL+ARTICLE, thus:

  • tespel (meaning 'women')


  • tespeloth (meaning 'the women')

  • pejel ('dog')


  • pejeloth ('the dogs')

Declining by case:

  • tespe (meaning 'woman')


  • ai tespe (meaning 'woman (acc.)')

  • pej ('dog')


  • ai pej ('dog' (acc.))


Subject pronouns (normally called "base" pronouns in Sandic) decline like any other noun in the language- by number and case.

However, Sandic is decidedly pro-drop when it comes to subject pronouns. They are rarely seen except when used as emphasis, or when used in childrens' and instructional texts. This pro-drop tendency does not extend to the object pronouns or the "faé/frn" forms however.

Subject Object
I (1ps) min ai min
You (2ps) ken ai ken
He (3ps.m) Da ai da
She (3ps.f) da ai da
It (3ps.n) da ai da
We (1pl) melin ai melin
You (2pl) kalin ai kalin
They (3pl) delin ai delin


Adjectives decline neither by number or case. They are not marked to distinguish them from other words in a sentence, but they generally precede their intended noun:

  • sarla tespe "pretty woman"

Arangothek has a freeish word order, though, so "tespe sarla" is also accurate, if less commonly seen.







External links

This article is part of the Conlang Rescue Project.

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 ( Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Unported License ).
Some information in this article was taken from LangMaker. (For the specific article, please see the 'External Links' section.)