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===Relative Pronouns===
===Relative Pronouns===
{| class="wikitable" border=1
! !! ''query'' !! ''this'' !! ''that'' !! ''some'' !! ''none'' !! ''any'' !! ''every'' !! ''whichever''
|- align=center
! ''adjective''
|| ka || itla || uatla || iha || ak || ula || kua || ote
|- align=center
! ''person''
|| ko...ka || iko || uako || ihako || hok || kola || kohua || oteko
|- align=center
! ''thing''
|| no...ka || itla || uatla || ihano || nok || nola || nokua || oteno
|- align=center
! ''time''
|| ama/tsima...ka || ima || uama || ihama || amak || amala || kuama || otema
|- align=center
! ''place''
|| mo...ka || hina || uana || ihamo || mok || mola || mokua || otemo
|- align=center
! ''way''
|| to...ka || yoto || uato || ihato || tok || tola || tokua || oheto
|- align=center
! ''amount''
|| ku/o...ka || iku || uaku || ihaku || huk/ok || kula || hukua/okua || oteku
|- align=center
! ''reason''
|| nye...ka || inye || uanye || ihanye || nyek || ulanye || nyekua || otenye
|- align=center
! ''kind''
|| su...ka || isu || uasu || ihasu || suk || sula || sukua || otesu

===Other Pronouns===
===Other Pronouns===

Revision as of 10:41, 24 November 2010


Cardinal Numbers

  • e'o - zero / nothing
  • na'o - one
  • ta'o - two
  • ha'o - three
  • ma'o - four
  • ya'o - five
  • tsa'o - six
  • ka'o - seven
  • pa'o - eight
  • sa'o - nine
  • ue'o - ten
  • nye'o - (one) hundred
  • tle'o - (one) thousand
  • mue'o - ten thousand
  • kye'o - (one) hundred thousand
  • nte'o - (one) million

Ordinal Numbers

  • ki- - ordinal prefix
Example : kisa'o - ninth (in a sequence)
Example : kiyanyepa'o - 508th


  • i- - fractional prefix
Example : isa'o - a ninth, 1/9
Example : iha'o te pa'o - three eighths, 3/8 [lit: a third of eight]

Types of Numbers

Basic Operations

Additional Mathematical Concepts




Quantity and Space

Weights and Measures

Weighing and Measuring

Concepts of Quantity

Concepts of Location



General Expression of Time

Telling Time

Units of Time


Concepts of Time

Days, Months and Seasons

Days of the Week

  • yoma'a te sema - Days of the week.
  • The Kala week begins on Thursday.
  • nayoma - Thursday
  • tayoma - Friday
  • yomha - Saturday
  • mayoma - Sunday
  • yomya - Monday
  • tsayoma - Tuesday
  • kayoma - Wednesday
  • yomita - holiday
iyoma ke yomita a - Today is a holiday.
  • otisema / semoti - weekend
  • iyoma ka - What day (is it)?
  • yomanimu - worday

Months of the Year

No. English Kala
1 January na'oku
2 February ta'oku
3 March ha'oku
4 April ma'oku
5 May ya'oku
6 June tsa'oku
7 July ka'oku
8 August pa'oku
9 September sa'oku
10 October ue'oku
11 November uenaku
12 December uetaku

See also: A chart of the Kala sayoma modeled after the Baha'i Calendar.


  • mosima - season
kueta - spring
natsu - summer
aki - fall / autumn
neku - winter
  • isime - equinox
  • kamala - moon
  • samapyola - solstice
  • sama - sun / star

Expressing the Date

Important Dates

Talking about the Weather

General Weather Vocabulary

Reacting to the Weather

Weather-Measuring Instruments and Activities


Basic Colors

  • etla ke sahi ka = What color (is) it?
  • oya - black
  • tsuku - blue
  • malo - brown
  • yehi - clear
  • ohola - gold
  • kono - gray
  • kuya - green
  • tsunkua - orange
  • nyeli / elila - pink
  • tlila - purple / mauve / violet / lilac
  • akai / ketla - red
  • tsokono - silver
  • nyahi - white
  • yana - yellow

Describing Colors

Additional Vocabulary: Colors

Basic Grammar

Grammatical Terms

Definite Articles

Indefinite Articles

Demonstrative Adjectives

  • itla - this
  • itlam - these
  • uatla - that
  • uatlam - those

Possessive Adjectives

Possessive Pronouns

  • nayo - my / mine
  • tayo - your(s)
  • hayo - his / her(s)
  • tlayo - its
  • namyo - our(s)
  • tamyo - your(s) [pl]
  • kamyo - their(s)
  • tlamyo - its [pl]

Reciprocal Pronouns

  • kanku itsa - They love each other.


  • nanku - we...each other
  • tanku - you...each other
  • kanku - they...each other
  • tlanku - they (things/ideas)...each other


Nominative Pronouns

  • na - I
  • ta - you
  • ha - he / she
  • tla - it
  • nam - we
  • tam - you [pl]
  • kam - they
  • tlam - it [pl]

Accusative Pronouns

  • ena - me
  • eta - you
  • eha - him / her
  • etla - it
  • enam - us
  • etam - you [pl]
  • ekam - them
  • etlam - it [pl]

Reflexive Pronouns

  • na'i - myself
  • ta'i - yourself
  • ha'i - himself / herself
  • tla'i - itself
  • nami - ourselves
  • tami - yourselves
  • kami - themselves
  • tlami - itselves

Relative Adjectives

Relative Pronouns

query this that some none any every whichever
adjective ka itla uatla iha ak ula kua ote
person ko...ka iko uako ihako hok kola kohua oteko
thing no...ka itla uatla ihano nok nola nokua oteno
time ama/tsima...ka ima uama ihama amak amala kuama otema
place mo...ka hina uana ihamo mok mola mokua otemo
way to...ka yoto uato ihato tok tola tokua oheto
amount ku/o...ka iku uaku ihaku huk/ok kula hukua/okua oteku
reason nye...ka inye uanye ihanye nyek ulanye nyekua otenye
kind su...ka isu uasu ihasu suk sula sukua otesu

Other Pronouns


Requesting Information

  • yaua - to answer, respond
  • kanyo - to ask, request


  • ta'ena ke...kalapa ka - Can you tell me...?
  • to ka - How?
  • nahe Kala ... yani ka - How do you say ... in Kala?
  • ku ka - How much?
  • na unyak - I don't understand.
  • ke ka / a ka - What?
  • ke ... yani ka - What does...mean?
  • ama ka / tsima ka - When?
  • mo ka - Where?
  • ote ka - Which (one)?
  • ko ka - Who?
  • nye ka - Why?

Family & Friends

Family Members

  • uena - aunt
  • otaua - brother
po'otaua - brother-in-law
  • nataue - cousin
taue - male cousin
naue - female cousin
  • nahi - daughter / girl
ponahi - daughter-in-law
  • tlika - family
  • ota - father
po'ota - father-in-law
  • inataha - grandchild
  • otaha - grandfather
  • onaha - grandmother
  • uenaha - great-aunt
  • inatahaka - great-grandchild
  • otahaka - great-grandfather
  • onahaka - great-grandmother
  • uetaha - great-uncle
  • tla'ota - husband
  • ona - mother
po'ona - mother-in-law
  • uetahi - nephew
  • uenahi - niece
  • onata - parent
  • nata - relative
  • onaua - sister
po'onaua - sister-in-law
  • tahi - son / boy
potahi - son-in-law
  • ueta - uncle
  • tla'ona - wife


Describing People

Gender and Appearance

Concepts of Age

Marriage and the Human Life Cycle

Religion and Race

Characteristics and Social Traits

Basic Personal Information

The Body

Parts of the Body

  • kahila - ankle
  • ute - arm
  • muta - back
  • tlihya - beard
  • tima - blood
  • keha - body
  • ueso - bone
  • anahya - brain
  • mune - breast
  • piku - buttock
  • kemelo - calf

Physical States and Activities

Sensory Perception

Personal Care

The Physical World

The Universe

The Environment

Matter and the Environment

Characteristics of Matter



General Vocabulary




Vegetables and Herbs

The Animal World


  • haya - animal / beast
  • peka - bat
  • kuma - bear
  • ayani - buffalo
  • nyesa - bull / bovine / cow / ox
  • nta - camel
  • mihu - cat
  • myao - meow
  • masa - deer
  • nika - dog
  • haoku - bark / howl
  • atsua - donkey
  • tlo'u - elephant

Birds and Fowl

Fish, Reptiles, Amphibians and Marine Mammals

Insects and Other Invertebrates