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||3SG Animate||ai||e||es||im||et
||3SG Animate||ai||e||es||im||et
||3SG Inanimate||sau|si||sis||sim||sit
||3SG Inanimate||sau||si||sis||sim||sit

Revision as of 18:00, 6 July 2010

Spoken in: Switzerland (Swestazjoka)
Conworld: League of Lost Languages
Total speakers: ~300,000
Genealogical classification: Danubian
SW Danubian
Basic word order: SVO
Morphological type: Synthetic/Fusional
Morphosyntactic alignment: Fluid-S Active-Stative
Writing system:
Created by:
Taylor Selseth 2010 C.E.

Alpic /ˈælpik/, natively Elbettusa /ˈɛlbɛˌtːusa/, spoken in southeastern Switzerland, with most speakers living along the Inn River and near Davos. It is the sole surviving language of the Danubian language family which was once spoken throughout the Danube River basin. The Danubian languages are part of the of the Europic Macrofamily, which consists of Indo-European, Hesperic, and Rhaeto-Etruscan. Europic itself maybe a part of an even larger language phylum called Mitian, Eurasiatic, or Core Nostratic, which also includes Uralic, Chukchi-Kamchatkan, Eskimo-Aleut, Altaic, and Kartvelian.


The syllable structure of Alpic is (C)(F|l|m|r|w|j)V(C), where F is any fricative. CF, Cl, Cm, and Cr can only occur at the beginning of a word. Stress is moderately light and is always on the initial syllable of a word. Prosody is syllable-timed and Trochaic in rhythm. Intonation patterns are typical for a Western European language, with a rising intonation in questions.



Labial Alveolar Postalveolar Palatal Velar
Stops, unvoiced p t ʧ k
Stops, voiced b d ʤ g
Fricatives, unvoiced f s ʃ x
Fricatives, voiced v z ʒ
Nasals m n ɲ
Laterals l ʎ
Trills r
Semivowels w j


Labial Alveolar Postalveolar Palatal Velar
Plosives, unvoiced p t tj k
Plosives, voiced b d dj g
Fricatives, unvoiced f s sj h/ch
Fricatives, voiced v z zj
Nasals m n nj
Laterals l lj
Trills r
Semivowels w j

/r/ is realized as the flap /ɾ/ in between vowels. /n/ assimilates to the point of articulation of the following consonant. /x/ is realized as /h/ in the syllable onset, it is represented as H in the orthography in the onset and as CH in the coda. /s/ and /z/ are [ʃ] and [ʒ] when before a plosive. /k/ and /g/ are [c] and [ɟ] when followed by /j/ or /i/.


Alpic has a simple Spanish-style /a e i o u/ vowel system, with the vowels realized as [ɐ ɜ ɪ ɔ ʊ] in closed syllables and are pronounced shorter than in open syllables to maintain syllable-timed prosody.

Morphology and Morphosyntax

Alpic is a synthetic and fusional language with rich morphology in nouns, adjectives and verbs.

Nouns and Adjectives

Nouns inflect for Possession, Case, and Number. Adjectives and the Definite and Indefinite Articles agree with their host nouns in Case and Number. The order of suffixes are:

1. Nominal Stem
2. Possessive Suffix
3. Case-Number Suffix

Possessive suffixes

Possessive Suffixes function like the Possessive Adjectives in other European languages, marking who possesses the marked noun

1SG 2SG 3SG.A 2SG.I 1PL 2PL 3PL Impersonal
-mi- -di- -se- -da- -vi -de- -be- -pa

"My father"

Case and Number

Case and Number marking is fusional. There are two numbers: singular and plural. There are 4 cases: Direct, Genitive, Dative, and Instrumental. The Direct Case is the unmarked case for the Agent or Patient of the sentence. The Genitive marks that the noun possesses or has a relation of some kind to another noun. The Dative marks the Direct Object of the sentence. The Instrumental marks by which means a verb is done as well as the demoted agent of a passive voice sentence.

Direct Genitive Dative Instrumental
Singular -s -m -t
Plural -t -sja -n -tta

Note that there are alternations of the vowels before morphemes starting with a nasal. /a/ becomes /o/, /e/ becomes /i/, and /o/ becomes /u/. This alternation occurs with all inflectional and derivational morphemes in all parts of speech, not just nouns.


Alpic has 3 articles, the Definite Article, the Indefinite Article, and the Partitive Article. All agree with their nouns in case and number, and all are regularly declined, though the Partitive has no plural form. The article precedes the noun.


The Definite Article indicates that its noun is a particular thing identifiable to the listener. It may be the same thing that the speaker has already mentioned, or it may be something uniquely specified. A noun marked with a possessive suffix always has the Definite Article.

Direct Genitive Dative Instrumental
Singular ta tas tom tat
Plural tat tasja ton tatta


The Indefinite Article indicates that its noun is not yet a particular thing identifiable to the listener. It may be something that the speaker is mentioning for the first time, or its precise identity may be irrelevant or hypothetical, or the speaker may be making a general statement about a particular thing.

Direct Genitive Dative Instrumental
Singular zo zos zum zot
Plural zot zosja zun zotta


The Partitive article indicates a non-specific quantity of a mass noun. It is not unlike the English determiner "some", but acts grammatically like an article since it agrees with it's noun in case.

Direct Genitive Dative Instrumental
Singular ni nis nim nit


Alpic has a 2-way Proximal-Distal demonstrative system, like English's "This-These" and "That-Those. It also has locative demonstratives like English's "Here-There"


Direct Genitive Dative Instrumental
Singular su sus sum sut
Plural sut susja sun sutta


Direct Genitive Dative Instrumental
Singular da das dom dat
Plural dat dasja don datta


Direct Genitive Dative Instrumental
Proximal swa swas swom swat
Distal ga gas gom gat


Alpic pronouns are thus:

Agent Patient Genitive Dative Instrumental
1SG mu mi mwe mim mit
2SG du di dwe dim dit
3SG Animate ai e es im et
3SG Inanimate sau si sis sim sit
1PL vu vi ve vin vit
2PL dju dje wa won wat
3PL ge gi gis gin git
Relative zju zji zjis zjim zjit
Interrogative ko ki kis kim kit
Impersonal pa pa pas pom pat