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== Close Reading Passage==
== Close Reading Passage==

This is like a mini-exam which people learning this language must do to prove their knowledge, it is equivalent to Standard Grade difficulty in examination with vocabulary. Try it and e-mail me your answers if you wish to see how well you can understand Romanto
This is like a mini-exam which people learning this language must do to prove their knowledge,there are 2 passages below, if you wish to try both which together = Altette level feel free, or you can try passage one at Note Nive level, there are 2 sets of questions and 1 question based on both passages. For altette level all questions must be attempted and for Note Nive level only the first passage's questions need to be done. Please try them and level me your answers through mytalk or comment on this page, it would be great for me to see how much people who haven't studied this language can understand.

(Passage 1)

Kate essa una ragarçona jevena, chiue esta en pour passare las examene dellas Note Nive. Ela essa 15 anni e ela ava un forello viejetto, chuie esta fachando sie examene dellas Altette, avant ch'el se trova un trabajo. Kate  ava i oeji maroni e i capelli lungi e maroni. Se ela, ela porta i giani e una cameseta, mai âlla scuola, ela deva portare l'uniforma della scuola. Ela habita î una casa petita avecco due domitorii. Ela deva dividare una stanza avecco sio forello, chuie comme i autri ragarçoni essa ruidoso e disordanto, c'êneva Kate
Kate essa una ragarçona jevena, chiue esta en pour passare las examene dellas Note Nive. Ela essa 15 anni e ela ava un forello viejetto, chuie esta fachando sie examene dellas Altette, avant ch'el se trova un trabajo. Kate  ava i oeji maroni e i capelli lungi e maroni. Se ela, ela porta i giani e una cameseta, mai âlla scuola, ela deva portare l'uniforma della scuola. Ela habita î una casa petita avecco due domitorii. Ela deva dividare una stanza avecco sio forello, chuie comme i autri ragarçoni essa ruidoso e disordanto, c'êneva Kate
(Passage 2)
Kate ava un amio, chuie esta etudando Chemia î Dinâmarca, Kate habita îlla suda de Fracia, e ela ne pessa sas lu visitare, e sie note della scuola estos glissando parçe ch'ela essa troppo distractifo. Sia madra, Sinjora Sorance, pensa ela ava besio de lu sultare mai Kate l'adora e avant ch'el ava partarô, elles avos avarô una buona relasiona.
(Passage 1)

1. What is Kate about to do? (1)
1. What is Kate about to do? (1)
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5. What 2 pieces of information describe her brother? (2)  
5. What 2 pieces of information describe her brother? (2)  

(Passage 2)
1. Where is her boyfriend and what is he studying? (2)
2. What can Kate not do? (1)
3. What do we learn about Kate's Note Nive? (1)
4. What does her mother think (1)
(From both passages)

1. From both passages we see two sides of Kate, one of intellegance and one of love. Which is more prodiment? You must quote at    least once as evidence.  (3)

Revision as of 04:02, 31 August 2008

Romanto is a language based on Spanish, Italian and French, it was created for fun and as a means of communication amongst friends, it is simple with no case systems and little grammar, most grammar is similair to that of French. It was started in 2008 around March time. The plans for this language are to improve amounts of vocabulary and get people interested in it, with more people learning Romanto, it will help benefit and enrich the language.


Vocabulary is about 40% French, 30% Italian and 30% Spanish, more of an italian look to the language however a lot of words are from french with an italian/spanish appearance. There is currently a vocabulary range of 558 words, however the list is growing fast by about 20-30 words a day


Personal Pronouns

I - Eu

You - Tu

He - El

She - Ela

You - Voce

We - Noi

They - Elles (all masculine or mixed group)

They - Ellas (feminine only)

Direct objects

Eu - mi

Tu - ti

El - lu

Ela - li

Voce - Votra

Noi - Notra

Elles - sios

Ellas - sias

Basic sentences

I want the coffee > Eu voulo la coffa

I wish that you would learn japanese > Eu deso che tu apprendarui japanesso

I would like it > Eu l'amru (referring back to last sentence,direct objects proceed the verb like in french)

You can not see that > Tu ne pessi sas vorare ça


There is a subjunctive introduced after "che" (that) but it is only used in the present tense and very rarely. Verbs that take the subjunctive (wish,hope,dream,think).


I think that you must go > Eu penso che tu devui andare

Accents and Dipthongs

All circumflexes used (a-u)to indicate stress and a ç to mark an s sound like in french

Ce = ch

j = y

egli/egla = eelyee(a)

ch = k

ge/gi - je (like in french)


No fluent speakers, closest person me with most knowledge, my friend with a decent knowledge, most people will understand some of this language with vocabulary being closely related to French,Italian and Spanish.

Il assisano d'Antionetta

This is a novel I am in the middle of writing, It is just in Romanto with no translation but you may understand some words and get the gist of it. It will also provide an extended text to give people more insight into the appearance and feel of the language.

Gridi faibili ecctos travers la ruella nera, plue de sangua brilltos îlla lunalucca, stelletti frapptos della rua, un'autra paira de saussure approcetos, Ellas esstos beaucou lentetta e puô controllari da i stelletti. La ragarçona se caceta detras un cubo, il desconno se parta e ascoltta. C'essta misto tranquillo e sio alento essta fort, il desconno l'eccoutta immediatemente. El leventta sio haco et el lu se balancta abajo. Un ruido horribilo suivta, pio silença. Il gio prosimo, la polizia esstos îlla ruella, un'ambulancia llegta avecco sia sirene sa. La casta ruga colgita et un cuerpo tirta. Il inspettorio chuie se chima Kate entta. Ela avta oeji verdi, ela portta una gjacca de cuero lunga. Sia taccone frapptos della rua comme la ragarçona avant ch'ela. C'essta sangue sal muri e salla terra, Il avta essarô brutalo. Kate estta cequara quando ela vorta la sangua. “Cô essa il cuerpo?” dita Kate Una polizia venta dessus avecco beaucou de papero. “Il cuerpo prendta âl hospitalo” dita la polizia. “Porquê!Eu avo besio de fotographi” crita Kate “Ehm, Eu ne savo sas! Eu esto juste prendando noti” dita la polizia “Argh, Cô essa il hospitalo?” dita Kate “Sa 7th Avenue su cinquê minuti âlla pieda” rispondta la polizia “Grazii” dita kate mientras ela irta via. Ell hospitalo, c'essta un odoro de muerta, Il fachta Kate nerviosa.

Education in Romanto

Although Romanto is on a very small scale, and has 2 people learning it, there is an education standard set to enforce the continued learning of the language and to give me a better understanding of their ability. They exams are easy and short. There are a couple of levels to the education system.

1) Note Nive (Standard Grade)- 1 close reading and 1 listening

2) Altette (Highers)- 1 close reading (with 2 passages) and 1 listening

3) Avanco (Advanced) - 2 close readings, 1 listening and 1 short novel of 2-3pages

After this anybody should have a basic - advanced knowledge being able to communicate in a variety of topics, there are no set topics, people learn whatever they want and when they want, the test are administered when the person thinks they are ready.

Close Reading Passage

This is like a mini-exam which people learning this language must do to prove their knowledge,there are 2 passages below, if you wish to try both which together = Altette level feel free, or you can try passage one at Note Nive level, there are 2 sets of questions and 1 question based on both passages. For altette level all questions must be attempted and for Note Nive level only the first passage's questions need to be done. Please try them and level me your answers through mytalk or comment on this page, it would be great for me to see how much people who haven't studied this language can understand.

(Passage 1)

Kate essa una ragarçona jevena, chiue esta en pour passare las examene dellas Note Nive. Ela essa 15 anni e ela ava un forello viejetto, chuie esta fachando sie examene dellas Altette, avant ch'el se trova un trabajo. Kate ava i oeji maroni e i capelli lungi e maroni. Se ela, ela porta i giani e una cameseta, mai âlla scuola, ela deva portare l'uniforma della scuola. Ela habita î una casa petita avecco due domitorii. Ela deva dividare una stanza avecco sio forello, chuie comme i autri ragarçoni essa ruidoso e disordanto, c'êneva Kate

(Passage 2)

Kate ava un amio, chuie esta etudando Chemia î Dinâmarca, Kate habita îlla suda de Fracia, e ela ne pessa sas lu visitare, e sie note della scuola estos glissando parçe ch'ela essa troppo distractifo. Sia madra, Sinjora Sorance, pensa ela ava besio de lu sultare mai Kate l'adora e avant ch'el ava partarô, elles avos avarô una buona relasiona.

(Passage 1)

1. What is Kate about to do? (1)

2. What is her brother doing? (1)

3. Give 2 pieces of information that describe Kate appearance (2)

4. What does Kate wear at home? Mention 2 things (2)

5. What 2 pieces of information describe her brother? (2)

(Passage 2)

1. Where is her boyfriend and what is he studying? (2)

2. What can Kate not do? (1)

3. What do we learn about Kate's Note Nive? (1)

4. What does her mother think (1)

(From both passages)

1. From both passages we see two sides of Kate, one of intellegance and one of love. Which is more prodiment? You must quote at least once as evidence. (3)