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|colspan="2"|egosenzasa /gozenzaza/
|colspan="2"|egosenzasa /egozenzaza/
|colspan="2"|sargosenzaser /gozenzazaer/
|colspan="2"|sargosenzaser /sargozenzazaer/

Latest revision as of 10:07, 9 January 2025

Kipin Nouns

Gender and Morphsyntactic allignment

Kipin is a split-S language with 3 genders: Human, Animal and Inanimate. Human and Animal nouns have Nominative/Accusative case marking, and Inanimate nouns have Ergative/Absolutive case marking.


For Human and Animal nouns, the form of the noun is


For Inanimate nouns, the form is



For Human and Animal nouns, the accusitive is marked by one of the following prefixes.

I weak
e, fi
/e/, /ɸi/
(prefix) Accusative singular for Human nouns
* hi
A strong
ser, sor
/ser/, /sor/
(prefix) Accusative plural for Human nouns
* sar
U, weak
mi, gno
/mi/, /ŋo/
prefix Accusative singular for Animal nouns
* ŋu
I strong
gen, bin
/gen/, /bin/
prefix Accusative plural for Animal nouns
* gin

Note that plural is double-marked in the accusative of Human and Animal nouns.

Deixis and Possession

Possession is marked on the possession by means of suffixes corresponding to the person, number, and, in the third person, gender of the possessor.

se, so
/se/, /so/
(suffix) my (1st person singular posessor)
Note Spelt ssa etc. after vowels
* sa
U, strong
uwir, wor
/uwir/, /wor/
(suffix) our (1st person singular possessor)
Note uwir does not trigger r-z mutation or z insertion. It becomes wwir after vowels.
* wur
I weak
te, twi
/te/, /twi/
(suffix) Your (2nd person singular posessor)
Note ti becomes c /t͡ʃ/ before vowels
* ti
A, strong
tel, tol
/tel/, /tol/
(suffix) Your (2nd person plural posessor)
* tal
U weak
iwi, yo
/iwi/, /jo/
(suffix) His, her (3rd person singular human posessor)
Note iwi does not trigger r-z mutation or z insertion. It is pronounced /jwi/ after vowels, although the spelling does not change if the preceding vowel is e
* ju
U strong
iwin, yon
/iwin/, /jon/
(suffix) Their (3rd person plural human posessor)
Note iwin does not trigger r-z mutation or z insertion. It is pronounced /jwi/ after vowels, although the spelling does not change if the preceding vowel is e
* jun
U strong
pin, kon
/pin/, /kon/
(suffix) his, her, its (3rd person singular animal possessor)
* kun
U, strong
pimbin, kongon
/pimbin/, /koŋgon/
(suffix) Their (3rd person plural animal possessor)
* kungun
A, strong
der, dor
/der/, /dor/
(suffix) Its (3rd person singular inanimate possessor)
* dar
A, strong
dese, dorfo
/deze/, /dorɸo/
(suffix) Their (3rd person plural inanimate possessor)
* darha

Nouns may also take the following deixis markers.

U, weak
bye, goa
/bje/, /goa/
(suffix) This (proximal deixis)
A strong
ese, forfo
/eze/, /ɸorɸo/
(suffix) That (medial deixis)
* harha
UA strong
soral, swirel
/soral/, /swirel/
(suffix) Yon (distal deixis)
Note Spelt ssurol etc. after vowels
* sural
U, strong
min, gnon
/min/, /ŋon/
(suffix) what, which
* ŋun

Deixis and possession do not co-occur on the same noun.


Plural marking follows possession or deixis, if present, and depends on the gender

I, strong
er, fir
/er/, /ɸir/
(suffix) plural marker for Human nouns
* hir
A weak
pe, po
/pe/, /po/
(suffix) plural marker for Animal nouns
* pa
UA, strong
kolan, pilen
/kolan/, /pilen/
suffix Plural marker for Inanimate nouns
* kulan

It should be noted that for Human and Animal nouns in the accusative, plurality is double-marked. This has been remarked upon before, but bears repeating.


For Inanimate nouns, the ergative is marked by the suffix

I, weak
ye, iwi
/je/, /iwi/
(suffix) Ergative
Note iwi does not trigger r-z mutation or z insertion
* ji


The following tables give full paradigms for a noun of each gender

UI Strong
bisin, gosen
/bizin/, /gozen/
(n) Human Widow - a woman whose lawful husband has died and has not remarried or taken a lover.
* gurhin
IA strong
elean /elean/, filwifon /ɸiɫiɸon/
(n) Animal Cock - male bird, especially domestic fowl
* hilihan
IU strong
pikun /pikun/ kekon /kekon/
(n) Inanimate voice, language
* kikun
Singular Plural
Nominative gurfin /gurɸin/ bisinzir /bizinzir/
1 bisinse /bizinse/ bisinuwir /bizinuwir/ bisinseir /bizinsejr/ gurfimwurfir /gurɸimwurɸir/
2 bisinti /bizinti/ bisintel /bizintel/ bisincir /bizint͡ʃir/ gosentalzer /gosentalzer/
3H bisiniwi /biziniwi/ bisiniwin /biziniwin/ bisinhuyir /biziɲujir/ gurfinhunzir /gurɸiɲunzir/
3A bisimpin /bizimpin/ gurfinkungun /gurɸiŋkuŋgun/ gurfinkunzir /gurɸiŋkunzir/ gurfinkungunzir /gurɸiŋkuŋgunzir/
3I bisinder /bizinder/ gosendasa /gozendaza/ gosendaser /gozendazer/ gosendasaer /gozendasaer/
This bisimbye /bizimbje/ bisimbyeir /bizimbjejr/
That gosenzasa /gozenzaza/ gosenzaser /gozenzazaer/
Yon bisinswirel /bizinswirel/ gosensoralzer /gozensoralzer/
What bisimmin /bizimmin/ gurfignnumfir /gurɸiŋŋumɸir/
Accusative figurfin /ɸigurɸin/ serbisinzir /serbizinzir/
1 ibisinse /ibizinse/ ibisinuwir /ibizinuwir/ serbisinseir /serbizinsejr/ sorgurfimwurfir /sorgurɸimwurɸir/
2 ibisinti /ibizinti/ ibisintel /ibizintel/ serbisincir /serbizint͡ʃir/ sorgosentalzer /sorgosentalzer/
3H ibisiniwi /ibiziniwi/ ibisiniwin /ibiziniwin/ serbisinhuyir /serbiziɲujir/ sorgurfinhunzir /sorgurɸiɲunzir/
3A ibisimpin /ibizimpin/ figurfinkungun /ɸigurɸiŋkuŋgun/ sorgurfinkunzir /sorgurɸiŋkunzir/ sorgurfinkungunzir /sorgurɸiŋkuŋgunzir/
3I ibisinder /ibizinder/ egosendasa /egozendaza/ sargosendaser /sargozendazer/ sargosendasaer /sargozendasaer/
This ibisimbye /ibizimbje/ serbisimbyeir /serbizimbjejr/
That egosenzasa /egozenzaza/ sargosenzaser /sargozenzazaer/
Yon ibisinswirel /ibizinswirel/ sargosensoralzer /sargozensoralzer/
What ibisimmin /ibizimmin/ sorgurfignnumfir /sorgurɸiŋŋumɸir/
Singular Plural
Nominative ilhen /iʎen/ eleampa /eleampa/
1 eleansa /eleansa/ eleamwor /eleamwor/ eleansapa /eleansapa/ filwifomwurpo /ɸiɫiɸomwurpo/
2 eleante /eleante/ eleantal /eleantal/ eleantepa /eleantepa/ eleantalpa /eleantalpa/
3H eleanho /eleaɲo/ eleanhon /eleaɲon/ eleanhopa /eleaɲopa/ filwiɸonhumpo /ɸiɫiɸoɲumpo/
3A eleankon /eleaŋkon/ filwifonkungun /ɸiɫiɸoŋkuŋgun/ filwifonkumpo /ɸiɫiɸoŋkumpo/ filwifonkungumpo /ɸiɫiɸoŋkuŋgumpo/
3I eleandar /eleandar/ eleandasa /eleandaza/ eleandarpa /eleandarpa/ eleandasapa /eleandazapa/
This eleangoa /eleaŋgoa/ eleangoapa /eleangoapa/
That eleanzasa /eleanzaza/ eleanzasapa /eleanzazapa/
Yon eleansoral /eleansoral/ eleansoralpa /eleansoralpa/
What eleagnnon /eleaŋŋon/ filwifognnumpo /ɸiɫiɸoŋŋumpo/
Accusative myilhen /mjiʎen/ genzeleampa /genzeleampa/
1 gnoeleansa /ŋoeleansa/ gnoeleamwor /ŋoelamwor/ genzeleansapa /genzeleansapa/ bimfilwifomwurpo /bimɸiɫiɸomwurpo/
2 gnoeleante /ŋoeleante/ gnoeleantal /ŋoeleantal/ genzeleantepa /genzeleantepa/ genzeleantalpa /genzeleantalpa/
3H gnoeleanho /ŋoeleaɲo/ gnoeleanhon /ŋoeleaɲon/ genzeleanhopa /genzeleaɲopa/ bimfilwifonhumpo /bimɸiɫiɸoɲompo/
3A gnoeleankon /ŋoeleaŋkon/ gnufilwifonkungun /ŋuɸiɫiɸoŋkuŋgun/ bimfilwifonkumpo /bimɸiɫiɸoŋkumpo/ bimfilwifonkungumpo /bimɸiɫiɸoŋkuŋgumpo/
3I gnoeleandar /ŋoeleandar/ gnoeleandasa /ŋoeleandaza/ genzeleandarpa /genzeleandarpa/ genzeleandasapa /genzeleandazapa/
This gnoeleangoa /ŋoeleaŋgoa/ genzelengoapa /genzeleangoapa/
That gnoeleanzasa /ŋoeleanzaza/ genzeleanzasapa /genzeleanzazapa/
Yon gnoeleansoral /ŋoeleansoral/ genzelealsoralpa /genzelealsoralpa/
What gnoeleagnnon /ŋoeleaŋŋon/ bimɸilwifognnumpo /bimɸiɫifoŋŋumpo/
Singular Plural
Absolutive kipin /kipin/ pikunkulon /pikuŋkulon/
1 pikunso /pikunso/ pikumwur /pikumwur/ pikunsokulon /pikunsokulon/ pikumwurkulon /pikumwurkulon/
2 pikuntwi /pikuntwi/ pikuntol /pikuntol/ pikuntwikulon /pikuntwikulon/ kekontalkolan /kekontalkolan/
3H pikunhu /pikuɲu/ pikunhun /pikuɲun/ pikunhukulon /pikuɲukulon/ pikunhunkulon /pikuɲuŋkulon/
3A pikunkun /pikuŋkun/ pikunkungun /pikuŋkuŋgun/ pikunkunkulon /pikuŋkuŋkulon/ pikunkungunkulon /pikuŋkuŋguŋkulon/
3I pikundor /pikundor/ kekondasa /kekondaza/ kedondarkolan /kekondarkolan/ kekondasakolan /kekondazakolan/
This pikungufo /pikuŋguɸo/ pikungufokulon /pikuŋguɸokulan/
That kekonzasa /kekonzaza/ kekonzasakolan /kekonzazakolan/
Yon pikunsurol /pikunsurol/ kekonsoralkolan /kekonsoralkolan/
What pikugnnun /pikuŋŋun/ pikugnnunkulon /pikunŋŋuŋkulon/
Ergagive pikuniwi /pikuniwi/ kekonkolanhe /kekoŋkolaɲe/
1 pikunsoyi /pikunsoji/ pikumwuriwi /pikumwuriwi/ kekonsakolanhe /kekonsakolaɲe/ kekomworkolanhe /kekomworkolaɲe/
2 pikuntwiywi /pikuntwiywi/ kekontalhe /pekonntaʎe/ kekontekolanhe /kekontekolaɲe/ kekontalkolanhe /kekontalkolaɲe/
3H pikunhuywi /pikuɲuywi/ pikunhuniwi /pikuɲuniwi/ kekonhokolanhe /kekoɲokolaɲe/ kekonhonkolanhe /kekoɲoŋolaɲe/
3A pikunkuniwi /pikuŋkuniwi/ pikunkunguniwi /pikuŋkuŋguniwi/ kekonkonkolanhe /kekoŋkoŋkolaɲe/ kekonkongonkolanhe /kekoŋkoŋgoŋkolaɲe/
3I kekondarye /kekondarje/ kekondasaye /kekondazaje/ kekondarkolanhe /kekondarkolaɲe/ kekondasakolanhe /kekondazakolaɲe/
This pikungofoywi /pikuŋuɸojwi/ kekongoakolanhe /kekoŋgoakolaɲe/
That kekonzasaye /kekonzazaje/ kekonzasakolanhe /kekonzazakolaɲe/
Yon kekonsoralhe /kekonsoraɫe/ kekonsoralkolanhe /kekonsoralkolaɲe/
What pikugnnuniwi /pikuŋŋuniwi/ kekognnonkolanhe /kekoŋŋoŋkolaɲe/