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* <span style="font-family: Calibri; font-size: 14px">aesk paeda zher xeka shaigauae roetzaev thak puathai stomsdroetae merg,, vazh veyeti ovush. muisk droet puatha, aesk koensh shur spaezha zhaed raes ijjiska aesk un ciaza aeskae shaihaem. uts, zhe auryk zhuica. raes zhuica vaezh vaezhon zhed erounde aeskes shur shoitshira, un raes jiska. raes jiska, kon vaezh peshdutnadaens zhed az iuk skarg, ur kon vaezh vaezhon zhed aesk kansh oshefa. koenoshefaae zhe grougae zhuicvasen az kyn xoshoshef ur jefnegriound cithesia. uts, koenshira ; zhe xosh skisan zher yuhi daega detxosh. uns, auryk oth jiska un gauska.</span>
* <span style="font-family: Calibri; font-size: 14px">aesk paeda zher xeka shaigauae roetzaev thak puathai stomsdroetae merg,, vazh veyeti ovush. muisk droet puatha, aesk koensh shur spaezha zhaed raes ijjiska aesk un ciaza aeskae shaihaem. uts, zhe auryk zhuica. raes zhuica vaezh vaezhon zhed erounde aeskes shur shoitshira, un raes jiska. raes jiska, kon vaezh peshdutnoedaens zhed az iuk skarg, ur kon vaezh vaezhon zhed aesk kansh oshefa. koenoshefaae zhe grougae zhuicvasen az kyn xoshoshef ur jefnegriound cithesia. uts, koenshira ; zhe xosh skisan zher yuhi daega detxosh. uns, auryk oth jiska un gauska.</span>
* <span style="font-family: Calibri; font-size: 14px">/'esk 'peda ʒər 'ɣəka 'ʃaigaue 'rɯtzev θak 'puaθai 'stɔmsdrɯte 'mərg, vaʒ 'vəjəti 'ɔvuʃ. muisk 'drɯt 'puaθa, 'esk 'kɯnʃ 'ʃur 'speʒa ʒed 'res 'idʒdʒiska 'esk un 'tʃiaza 'eske 'ʃaihem. 'uts, 'ʒə 'aurYk 'ʒuitʃa veʒ 'veʒɔn ʒəd 'ərɔundə 'eskəs 'ʃur 'ʃɔitʃira, un 'res 'dʒiska. 'res 'dʒiska, 'kɔn veʒ 'pəʃdutnadens ʒəd az iuk 'skarg, ur 'kɔn veʒ 'veʒɔn ʒəd 'esk 'kanʃ 'ɔʃəfa. 'kɯnɔʃəfae 'ʒə 'grɔuge 'ʒuitʃvasən az 'kYn 'ɣɔʃɔʃəf ur 'dʒəfnəgriɔund 'tʃiθəsia. 'uts, 'kɯnʃira ; 'ʒə 'ɣɔʃ 'skisan ʒər 'juhi 'dega 'dətɣɔʃ. 'uns, 'aurYk 'ɔθ 'dʒiska un 'gauska/</span>
* <span style="font-family: Calibri; font-size: 14px">/'esk 'peda ʒər 'ɣəka 'ʃaigaue 'rɯtzev θak 'puaθai 'stɔmsdrɯte 'mərg, vaʒ 'vəjəti 'ɔvuʃ. muisk 'drɯt 'puaθa, 'esk 'kɯnʃ 'ʃur 'speʒa ʒed 'res 'idʒdʒiska 'esk un 'tʃiaza 'eske 'ʃaihem. 'uts, 'ʒə 'aurYk 'ʒuitʃa veʒ 'veʒɔn ʒəd 'ərɔundə 'eskəs 'ʃur 'ʃɔitʃira, un 'res 'dʒiska. 'res 'dʒiska, 'kɔn veʒ 'pəʃdutnɯdens ʒəd az iuk 'skarg, ur 'kɔn veʒ 'veʒɔn ʒəd 'esk 'kanʃ 'ɔʃəfa. 'kɯnɔʃəfae 'ʒə 'grɔuge 'ʒuitʃvasən az 'kYn 'ɣɔʃɔʃəf ur 'dʒəfnəgriɔund 'tʃiθəsia. 'uts, 'kɯnʃira ; 'ʒə 'ɣɔʃ 'skisan ʒər 'juhi 'dega 'dətɣɔʃ. 'uns, 'aurYk 'ɔθ 'dʒiska un 'gauska/</span>
* <span style="font-family: Calibri; font-size: 14px">I sit and write today's entry under the canopy of a swaying palm tree. What a tender illusion. As the palm sways, I can't help but think it is observing me and reacting to my moods. Somehow this island lives. It lives in a way we human inhabitants are not yet aware of, and it watches. It watches, perhaps through sensory organs in the plants, perhaps in ways I can't imagine. If I could imagine how this place lives, it would be the imaginings of a dream or a fairy tale gone awry. I do know this--as this dream continues, it is quickly becoming a nightmare. And still the island watches and waits.</span>
* <span style="font-family: Calibri; font-size: 14px">I sit and write today's entry under the canopy of a swaying palm tree. What a tender illusion. As the palm sways, I can't help but think it is observing me and reacting to my moods. Somehow this island lives. It lives in a way we human inhabitants are not yet aware of, and it watches. It watches, perhaps through sensory organs in the plants, perhaps in ways I can't imagine. If I could imagine how this place lives, it would be the imaginings of a dream or a fairy tale gone awry. I do know this--as this dream continues, it is quickly becoming a nightmare. And still the island watches and waits.</span>
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<span style="font-family: Calibri; font-size: 14px">[ Learn griushkoent] with this preparation textbook. It is also available on [ Lulu]. [ Student dictionary], [ alternate link].<br>
<span style="font-family: Calibri; font-size: 14px">[ Learn griushkoent] with this preparation textbook. It is also available on [ Lulu]. [ Student dictionary], [ alternate link].<br>
Translated storybooks: [ ykgloemae yoiz]. [ taloem]. [ klustespalven riounds]. [ souyi un ilz yuhi]. [ vegler un roeter thiafbruafen]. [ fraeizhyehkuthplud]. [ sougel ual]. [ naib un er]. [ toekam].<br>
Translated storybooks: [ ykgloemae yoiz]. [ taloem]. [ ijpeshsonzerioe riounds]. [ klustespalven riounds]. [ souyi un ilz yuhi]. [ vegler un roeter thiafbruafen]. [ fraeizhyehkuthplud]. [ sougel ual]. [ naib un er]. [ toekam].<br>
General fiction: [ ijfenslef riounds]. [ krelsneyot] [ thuzhgjaevvazhen riounds]. [ stihkuja prab]. [ daezhkiroe]. [ degs gaeirae]. [ sulepstevo riounds]. [ zhevesmoezon riounds]. [ narou lash].<br>
General fiction: [ ijfenslef riounds]. [ krelsneyot] [ thuzhgjaevvazhen riounds]. [ stihkuja prab]. [ daezhkiroe]. [ degs gaeirae]. [ sulepstevo riounds]. [ zhevesmoezon riounds]. [ narou lash].<br>
Web-to-print: [ vurshzuik riounds]. [ yavklez riounds]. [ Video game].<br><br>
Web-to-print: [ vurshzuik riounds]. [ yavklez riounds]. [ Video game].<br><br>

Revision as of 15:09, 6 September 2023

Griushkoent view.png


Classification: Fictional language
Morphology: Agglutinative
Word order: SVO
Alignment: Trigger
Directionality: Head-final
Script type: Alphabet (phonemic)
User: Reyzadren
Revision: 2020 update

Griushkoent is a conlang for a fictional world that includes magic and technology as well as contemporary yet surreal themes. It has agglutinative morphology, SVO word order, trigger alignment, head-final phrases and a phonemic alphabetic script. Other features include affixations, prepositions, regular stress, no definiteness, no tenses and no agreement conjugations.

One of the many countries in its associated world that uses griushkoent is aseritonum.
See the griushkoent conscript: Click here



Labial Dental Alveolar Post-alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n ŋ
Plosive p, b t, d k, g
Fricative f, v θ s, z ʃ, ʒ ɣ h
Affricate tʃ, dʒ
Approximant w r l j


Front Near-front Central Near-back Back
High i u
Near-high Y
High-mid ɯ
Mid e ə
Low-mid ɔ
Low a

There are 10 diphthongs that natively appear in griushkoent, though triphthongs can also be formed with gliding diphthongs.
/ai au ia iɔ iu ɔi ɔu ua ui ei/


(C)(C)(C)V(V)(V)(C)(C)(C) for each syllable, as a theoretical maximum. CCVVCC is the usual configuration.
Stress is always on the first syllable of each word.


The griushkoent script has 32 alphabet symbols: with 24 consonants and 8 vowels.
Transcription p t k s b d g z
Sound p t k s b d g z
Transcription m n ng sh w y x zh
Sound m n ŋ ʃ w j ɣ ʒ
Transcription r c f h l j v th
Sound r f h l v θ
Transcription a i o u e ae y oe
Sound a i ɔ u ə e Y ɯ

Griushkoent uses its own alphabetic script that has a regular phonemic orthography, which means that 1 grapheme corresponds to exactly 1 phoneme. This script has components of only straight lines without curves or dots. It is written from left to right, downwards. The table above shows the romanised transcriptions.


The parts of speech of griushkoent include nouns, verbs, adjectives and particles. The affixations encourage interconversions of word classes with suffixes, while morphological derivations are done with prefixes. The affixes can usually be re-used across classes: There are passive nouns, passive verbs and passive adjectives, eventhough such voice category is often related to verbs.


Nouns appearing as core words are able to add these suffixes.
The empty box suffix does nothing, whereby it becomes a process or abstraction noun when interrupted by an imperative or passive suffix respectively.

Noun Suffix
Source e
Possessive ae
Empty box o
Collective plural s


Verbs appearing as core words are able to have these suffixes.
The 3 triggers themselves must be crafted from a stable combination of susceptible affixes.

Action Suffix
Verb class a
Passive voice n
Circumstantial voice d
Phasal TAM t
Imperative mood r


Adjectives appearing as core words have the +i suffix.
Adverbs are considered as adjectives in griushkoent.


Anything that is not a noun, verb or adjective is a particle in griushkoent.
This class includes prepositions and conjunctions, as well as bound and unbound particles.


SVOI structure is regularly used. In the passive voice, OV(S)(I) structure is used. With the circumstantial voice, the IV structure is utilised.


Here is a griushkoent passage, with the romanised transcription and its translation. Audio sample.


Griushkoent example.png

  • aesk paeda zher xeka shaigauae roetzaev thak puathai stomsdroetae merg,, vazh veyeti ovush. muisk droet puatha, aesk koensh shur spaezha zhaed raes ijjiska aesk un ciaza aeskae shaihaem. uts, zhe auryk zhuica. raes zhuica vaezh vaezhon zhed erounde aeskes shur shoitshira, un raes jiska. raes jiska, kon vaezh peshdutnoedaens zhed az iuk skarg, ur kon vaezh vaezhon zhed aesk kansh oshefa. koenoshefaae zhe grougae zhuicvasen az kyn xoshoshef ur jefnegriound cithesia. uts, koenshira ; zhe xosh skisan zher yuhi daega detxosh. uns, auryk oth jiska un gauska.

  • /'esk 'peda ʒər 'ɣəka 'ʃaigaue 'rɯtzev θak 'puaθai 'stɔmsdrɯte 'mərg, vaʒ 'vəjəti 'ɔvuʃ. muisk 'drɯt 'puaθa, 'esk 'kɯnʃ 'ʃur 'speʒa ʒed 'res 'idʒdʒiska 'esk un 'tʃiaza 'eske 'ʃaihem. 'uts, 'ʒə 'aurYk 'ʒuitʃa veʒ 'veʒɔn ʒəd 'ərɔundə 'eskəs 'ʃur 'ʃɔitʃira, un 'res 'dʒiska. 'res 'dʒiska, 'kɔn veʒ 'pəʃdutnɯdens ʒəd az iuk 'skarg, ur 'kɔn veʒ 'veʒɔn ʒəd 'esk 'kanʃ 'ɔʃəfa. 'kɯnɔʃəfae 'ʒə 'grɔuge 'ʒuitʃvasən az 'kYn 'ɣɔʃɔʃəf ur 'dʒəfnəgriɔund 'tʃiθəsia. 'uts, 'kɯnʃira ; 'ʒə 'ɣɔʃ 'skisan ʒər 'juhi 'dega 'dətɣɔʃ. 'uns, 'aurYk 'ɔθ 'dʒiska un 'gauska/

  • I sit and write today's entry under the canopy of a swaying palm tree. What a tender illusion. As the palm sways, I can't help but think it is observing me and reacting to my moods. Somehow this island lives. It lives in a way we human inhabitants are not yet aware of, and it watches. It watches, perhaps through sensory organs in the plants, perhaps in ways I can't imagine. If I could imagine how this place lives, it would be the imaginings of a dream or a fairy tale gone awry. I do know this--as this dream continues, it is quickly becoming a nightmare. And still the island watches and waits.


Learn griushkoent with this preparation textbook. It is also available on Lulu. Student dictionary, alternate link.
Translated storybooks: ykgloemae yoiz. taloem. ijpeshsonzerioe riounds. klustespalven riounds. souyi un ilz yuhi. vegler un roeter thiafbruafen. fraeizhyehkuthplud. sougel ual. naib un er. toekam.
General fiction: ijfenslef riounds. krelsneyot thuzhgjaevvazhen riounds. stihkuja prab. daezhkiroe. degs gaeirae. sulepstevo riounds. zhevesmoezon riounds. narou lash.
Web-to-print: vurshzuik riounds. yavklez riounds. Video game.

School syllabus: Bilingual guide. Sentence bank [Alt]. Intermediate. Advanced.
Auxiliary study: aronszag. skuipzag. kegfesh. perbduyaeij. thaenvaeron. zaumssyrt.
Songs: haezhgeth. eshpaerj. zaubar hethe. caeims. oth zidan vuzh zheg. shur az hin aesk. tibhaulen. arendaens. avas. uthzhaunendsa. sar saerpar thaf. thiafaun. shurvi yujonreb. shuryuji. shidshi thafen. auzakroe.
Reading: uarkegor. kleshorgluc. larsvusen. naertko un ploubgysh.

Various griushkoent images with a modern style.
Discussion at the CBB forum.