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(Created page with "{{CeLaefPages}}Celestial Laefêvëši verbs are highly inflected. == Characteristics == === Types === Lexical verbs (full meaning) * verbs of movement Auxiliary verbs: *...")
Line 391: Line 391:
! Full form !! Clitic !! English
! Full form !! Clitic !! English
| mâješvaj || -šáj || ''to finish''
| onóvaj || -nój || ''to begin''
| mâjevaj || -máj || ''to finish''
| mâivij || -máj || ''to finish''
| néčetlaj || -néj || ''to stop''
| nâivij || -náj || ''to finish/complete''
| onódvaj || -nój || ''to start''
| hélaj || -héj || ''to stop''
| óntodvaj || -tój || ''to start again''
| tonínovaj || -níj || ''to continue''
| véšetlaj || -téj || ''to stop''
| wôjevaj || -wój || ''to finish''

Revision as of 14:14, 3 October 2014

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Celestial Laefêvëši verbs are highly inflected.



Lexical verbs (full meaning)

  • verbs of movement

Auxiliary verbs:

  • phaseal verbs
  • modal verbs
  • the verb álaj (to be)


Three classes:

  1. verbs on -vij
  2. verbs on -laj
  3. verbs on -vaj



  • singular
  • dual
  • plural


  1. Perfective aspect
  2. Imperfective aspect


Realis moods:

  • Indicative
  • Generic

Irrealis moods:

  • Conditional
  • Subjunctive
  • Optative I
  • Optative II
  • Optative III
  • Presumptive
  • Potential
  • If-potential
  • Admirative
  • Imperative
  • Inferencial/renarrative


Simple tenses:

  • simple present
  • simple past
  • remote past
  • nonpast
  • pluperfect
  • simple future
  • future anterior
  • nonfuture
  • future-in-the-past


Stem lengthening

Class Type I Type II Type III Type IV Type V
-VIJ -Vvij → -Vtt- -[V]Cvij → -[V]Cat- -[V]Cvij → -[V]CCat- -CCvij → -CCi- -[V]CCëvij → -[V]CCi-
-LAJ -Vlaj → -Vll- -[V]Claj → -[V]Cal- -[V]Claj → -[V]CCal- -CClaj → -CCu- -[V]CCëlaj → -[V]CCu-
-VAJ -Vvaj → -Vnn- -[V]Cvaj → -[V]Can- -[V]Cvaj → -[V]CCan- -CCvaj → -CCi- -[V]CCëvaj → -[V]CCi-
-VIJ vévij → vétt- *sáxvij → sáxat- arénvij → arénnat- *sándvij → sándi- *sánnëvij → sánni-
-LAJ lálaj → láll- úuǯlaj → úuǯal- ajámlaj → ajámmal- ŋglaj → fóŋgu- ddëlaj → aéddu-
-VAJ *sávaj → sánn- *sáxvaj → sáxan- vvaj → névvan- *sándvaj → sándi- *sánnëvaj → sánni-


Person Simple present
Singular Dual Plural
affirm. negat. affirm. negat. affirm. negat.
1st -a -ake -e -eke -o -oke
2nd -an -aŋe -en -eŋe -on -oŋe
3rd -as -aksi -es -eksi -os -oksi
Simple past
1st -ai -aike -ei -eike -oi -oike
2nd -ain -aiŋe -ein -eiŋe -oin -oiŋe
3rd -ais -aiksi -eis -eiksi -ois -oiksi
1st -ao -aoke -eo -eoke -oo -ooke
2nd -aon -aoŋe -eon -eoŋe -oon -ooŋe
3rd -aos -aoksi -eos -eoksi -oos -ooksi
1st -øke -øi -øike -iø -iøke
2nd -øn -øŋe -øin -øiŋe -iøn -iøŋe
3rd -øs -øksi -øis -øiksi -iøs -iøksi
Remote past
1st -ae -aeke -ee -eeke -oe -oeke
2nd -aen -aeŋe -een -eeŋe -oen -oeŋe
3rd -aes -aeksi -ees -eeksi -oes -oeksi
Simple future
1st -au -auke -eu -euke -ou -ouke
2nd -aun -auŋe -eun -euŋe -oun -ouŋe
3rd -aus -auksi -eus -euksi -ous -ouksi
1st -ëke -ëi -ëike -ië -iëke
2nd -ën -ëŋe -ëin -ëiŋe -iën -iëŋe
3rd -ës -ëksi -ëis -ëiksi -iës -iëksi
Future anterior
1st -y -yke -yi -yike -iy -iyke
2nd -yn -yŋe -yin -yiŋe -iyn -iyŋe
3rd -ys -yksi -yis -yiksi -iys -iyksi
1st -aa -aake -ea -eake -oa -oake
2nd -aan -aaŋe -ean -eaŋe -oan -oaŋe
3rd -aas -aaksi -eas -eaksi -oas -oaksi

Compound tenses

Compound tenses are formed with the auxilliary verb álaj (to be) and past active participle.

Compound tenses are rarely used, and when they are, usually there's a clause inserted between the auxilliary and the past active participle.


Mood suffixes
Mood Long form Short form
Indicative -/ -/
Generic -an -n
Conditional -am -m
Subjunctive -al -l
Optative -ak -k
Jussive -ah -h
Reputative -ar -r
Presumptive -ag -g
Potential -as -s
If-potential -av -v
Admirative -at -t


Person Imperative
Singular Dual Plural
affirm. negat. affirm. negat. affirm. negat.
1st -/ -/ -et(e) -ekt(e) -ot(o) -okt(e)
2nd -ar(a) -ark(e) -er(e) -erk(e) -or(o) -ork(e)
3rd -/ -/ -/ -/ -/ -/


The causative is a verbal form with the meaning of "to make/cause someone/something do something". It is formed with an infixiated verb between the stem of the lexical verb and the inflection of the lexical verb, much like modal and phaseal verbs. Both the lexical verb and the causative infix can be inflected.

The bare causative infix is: -ajsk-

There are three types of causative derived from the original causative above:

  • -ajsk- is the default or neuter causative that means both "make" and "cause"
  • -ejst- is the volitional causative: to make on purpose, to force
  • -ojst- is the non-volitional causatve: to cause by accident

Inflextion of the causative (the agent of the verb) immediately follows the causative infix, and the inflection of the lexical verb is then added to the inflected causative. When negating, the position of the negation depends on what is negated, the lexical verb or the causative infix.

The formation paradigm is as follows: (agent) + (object 1) + [lexical verb]-ajsk-[agent inflection]-[object 1 inflection] + (object 1) + (object 2)

Examples without expressed agents and objects 1
Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
ávaj ánnan -ajsk- -ajskah- šânvaj šânnanan -ajsk- -ajskaih- winádo káulaj káullan -ajsk- -ajskais- -ajskaiksi- ýttafa
to go you go make I make to rule you rule make I made country draw you draw make he made he made not lines
Ánnajskahan. Šânnanajskaihan winádo. Káullajskaiksian ýttafa
go-make-I-you rule-make-I-ed-you country draw-make-he-ed-not-you lines
I make you go. I made you rule the country. He didn't make you draw the lines.
Examples with agents and objects 1 expressed
Example 4 Example 5 Example 6
ó se ávaj ánnan -ajsk- -ajskah- ó se šânvaj šânnanan -ajsk- -ajskaih- winádo â sa káulaj káullan -ajsk- -ajskais- -ajskaiksi- ýttafa.
I you to go you go make I make I you to rule you rule make I made country he you draw you draw make he made he made not lines
Ó se ánnajskahan. /
Ó ánnajskahan se.
Ó se šânnanajskaihan winádo. /
Ó šânnanajskaihan se winádo.
 sa káullajskaiksian ýttafa. /
 káullajskaiksian sa ýttafa.
I you go-make-I-you /
I go-make-I-you you
I you rule-make-I-ed-you country /
I rule-make-I-ed-you you country
he you draw-make-he-ed-not-you lines /
he draw-make-he-ed-not-you you lines
I make you go. I made you rule the country. He didn't make you draw the lines.

Other examples:

  • Ánnajskaihaŋe.
    • I made you not go.
  • Ánnajskaikeaŋe. / Ánnajskaikehaŋe.
    • I didn't make you not go.
  • Ánnajskalléhan. / Ánnajskalléhahan.
    • I can make you go.
  • Ánnajskallékehan.
    • I can't make you go.
  • Ánnajskallékehaŋe.
    • I can't make you not go.
  • Ánnajskalléketeŋe.
    • I can't not make you not go.

Álaj (to be)

Main article: Álaj (verb)

Auxiliary verbs

Several verbs have clitic forms, sometimes they act as infixes, too. In first person, they're simply added to the conjugational suffix; in second and third person, they're inserted between the vowel(s) and the final consonant of the conjugational suffix.

Three main types of auxiliary verbs are:

  1. modal verbs
  2. phaseal verbs
  3. verbs of movement


  • Vétta.Véttanné.
    • I give. → I have to give.
  • Véttos.Véttonnés.
    • They give. → They have to give.
  • Nótta.Nóttanój.
    • I work. → I start to work.
  • Nóttos.Nóttonójs.
    • They work. → They start to work.
Auxiliary verbs
Full form Clitic English
álvaj -nnó to wish
élvaj -nní to wish
évivaj -nné have to, must
vírvij -ttí can, to be allowed to
óvlaj -lló can be done, to be possible
vélaj -llé can
újelaj -llú to want
- -ttý to like
- -ttǿ would like
ávivaj -nná should
ǿlvaj -nnǿ to wish (to oneself)
ýlvaj -nný to wish (to oneself)
nášlaj -llá to manage, to be able to
-ttá to go
Phaseal verbs
Full form Clitic English
onóvaj -nój to begin
mâivij -máj to finish
nâivij -náj to finish/complete
hélaj -héj to stop

Auxilliary verb álaj (to be)

The verb to be is used as an ausxilliary verb in compound tenses. The auxilliary is fully inflected and the past active participle is inflected only by number. The auxilliary is somewhat special as it has stress on the actual inflection, which is marked. For moods other than the indicative, the indicative m- is replaced with the appropriate stem.

Auxilliary álaj in the indicative
Person Simple present
Singular Dual Plural
affirm. negat. affirm. negat. affirm. negat.
1st máke méke móke
2nd mán máŋe mén méŋe món móŋe
3rd más máksi més méksi mós móksi
Simple past
1st mái máike méi méike mói móike
2nd máin máiŋe méin méiŋe móin móiŋe
3rd máis máiksi méis méiksi móis móiksi
1st máo máoke méo méoke móo móoke
2nd máon máoŋe méon méoŋe móon móoŋe
3rd máos máoksi méos méoksi móos móoksi
1st mǿ mǿke mǿi mǿike míø míøke
2nd mǿn mǿŋe mǿin mǿiŋe míøn míøŋe
3rd mǿs mǿksi mǿis mǿiksi míøs míøksi
Remote past
1st máe máeke mée méeke móe móeke
2nd máen máeŋe méen méeŋe -oen -oeŋe
3rd máes máeksi mées méeksi -oes -oeksi
Simple future
1st máu máuke méu méuke móu móuke
2nd máun máuŋe méun méuŋe móun móouŋe
3rd máus máuksi méus méuksi móus móuksi
1st mĕke mĕi mĕike míë míëke
2nd mĕn mĕŋe mĕin mĕiŋe míën míëŋe
3rd mĕs mĕksi mĕis mĕiksi míës míëksi
Future anterior
1st mýke mýi mýike míy míyke
2nd mýn mýŋe mýin mýiŋe míyn míyŋe
3rd mýs mýksi mýis mýiksi míys míyksi
1st máa máake méa méake móa móake
2nd máan máaŋe méan méaŋe móan móaŋe
3rd máas máaksi méas méaksi móas móaksi
Mood stems
Mood Formation Example
Generic enn- enná
Conditional enm- enmá
Subjunctive enl- enlá
Optative enk- enká
Jussive enh- enhá
Reputative enr- enrá
Presumptive eng- engá
Potential ens- ensá
If-potential env- envá
Admirative ent- entá

Non-finite forms


First infinitive

The first infinitive is the basic form of verbs. It is a marked form, the suffixes are -vaj, -laj and -vij. Each suffix corresponds to one verbal class and each class undergoes a different change when conjugating.

Second infinitive

The second infinitive is a form derived from the first infititive. It can be used with one case, the benefactive, although it is mainly omitted; it usually indicates intention. Stem lenghtening does not apply. When combined with reflexive verbs, the forms are slightly changed (shown in brackets).

The forms are:

  • -vij → -vyyn (-vyen)
  • -laj → -laan (-laen)
  • -vaj → -vøøn (-vøen)

Third infinitive

The third infititive is a form of the verb meaning "to be just about to ..." . It is different from other infinitives because it is formed from two parts. One part is always attached to the verb while the other is the actual infinitival suffix which is removed when conjugated. Stem lenghtening applies.

The forms are:

  • -vij → -(t)einviaj
  • -laj → -(l)ainlaaj
  • -vaj → -(n)oinvaaj

Example: Example:

  • vévij → vétteinviaj → vétteina
    • to give → to be about to give → I'm about to give
  • névvaj → névvannoinvaaj → névvannoina
    • to teach → to be about to teach → I'm about to teach

Progressive infinitive

The progressive infinitive (or the fourth infinitive) is the basic form of verb indicating progressiveness. Both imperfective and perfective verbs can become progressive. The progressive form expresses an action taking place at the moment of speaking. The progressive infinitive is similar to the third infinitive because it's formed from two parts. One part is always attached to the verb while the other is the actual infinitival suffix which is removed when conjugated. Stem lenghtening applies.

The forms are:

  • -vij → -(t)eusvinj
  • -laj → -(l)auslanj
  • -vaj → -(n)ousvanj


  • vévij → vétteusvinj → vétteusa
    • to give → to be giving → I'm giving [at this moment]
  • névvaj → névvannousvanj → névvannousa
    • to teach → to be teaching → I'm teaching [at this moment]

Reflexive infinitive

The reflexive infinitive (or the fifth infinitive) is the basic form of reflexive verbs. There are two types, one ending in -ej and one ending in -ij. Stem lenghtening does not apply.

The forms are:

  • -vij → -viej, -viij
  • -laj → -laej, -laij
  • -vaj → -vaej, -vaij


First supine

The first supine is a form of verbs used after modal verbs (when they are used in their full form instead of the clitic form). Stem lenghtening applies.

The forms are:

  • -vij → -tia (type I, II and III verbs), -ia (type IV and V verbs)
  • -laj → -tie (type I, II and III verbs), -ie (type IV and V verbs)
  • -vaj → -tio (type I, II and III verbs), -io (type IV and V verbs)

NOTE: Verbs of the type I shorten the geminate consonant of the lenghtened stem:

  • -tt- → -t-
  • -ll- → -l-
  • -nn- → -n-

Second supine

The second supine is a form of verbs used after phaseal verbs and verbs of movement. Stem lenghtening applies.

The forms are:

  • -vij → -tiau (type I, II and III verbs), -iau (type IV and V verbs)
  • -laj → -tieu (type I, II and III verbs), -ieu (type IV and V verbs)
  • -vaj → -tiou (type I, II and III verbs), -iou (type IV and V verbs)

NOTE: Verbs of the type I shorten the geminate consonant of the lenghtened stem:

  • -tt- → -t-
  • -ll- → -l-
  • -nn- → -n-

Gerunds and participles

-VIJ forms -LAJ forms -VAJ forms Stem Meaning
Gerund I (verbal noun) -voi -loi -noi no, C1 Nominalised verb.
Present Active Gerund I -(i)tat -(i)lat -(i)nat yes Simultaneous events.
Present Active Gerund II -(i)taot -(i)laot -(i)naot yes An adverb of manner.
Past Active Gerund -(i)tait -(i)lait -(i)nait yes An action completed prior to the action of the main verb.
Present Active Participle -(i)ti / -iei- -(i)di / -iei- -(i)ni / -iei- yes Adjectvies, replace certain relative clauses.
Past Active Participle II -(i)tui / -iyi- -(i)dui / -iyi- -(i)nui / -iyi- yes Adjectvies, a quality acquired through action in the past.
Past Passive Participle -isi -isi -isi no Adjectives.
Past Active Participle I -rii (sg)
-rie (du)
-ria (pl)
-nii (sg)
-nie (du)
-nia (pl)
-gii (sg)
-gie (du)
-gia (pl)
yes* Participles used to form compound tenses.

NOTE: Verbs of the type I shorten the geminate consonant of the lenghtened stem:

  • -tt- → -t-
  • -ll- → -l-
  • -nn- → -n-

Reflexive verbs

There are two types of reflexive verbs, the -ej verbs and the -ij verbs (indicated as -viej, -viij, -laej, -laij, -vaej, -vaij). Their forms change depending on the person and number; and are attached to the verb.

Number Person -EJ -IJ
clitic clitic
Singular 1st -re -ro
2nd -ne -no
3rd -se -so
Dual 1st -ri -ru
2nd -ni -nu
3rd -si -su
Plural 1st -ra -rë
2nd -na -në
3rd -sa -së

Gradation of verbs

Verbal emphasis

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