Drow language: Difference between revisions

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Line 446: Line 446:
The interrogative pronoun has the following forms:
The interrogative pronoun has the following forms:

{| class="wikitable"
Line 514: Line 514:
| vel'ind
| vel'ind
The relative pronouns are similar, but with the stem '''ha''' instead of '''vel'''.
{| class="wikitable"
! Nominative
! Accusative
! Dative
! Gen./Poss.
! Instrumental
! 'who'
| ha'uss
| ha'usst
| ha'usstiv
| ha'ussta
| ha'usstue
! 'what'<br>(concrete)
| ha'bol
| ha'bolst
| ha'boliv
| ha'bolta
| ha'bolue
! 'what'<br>(abstract)
| ha'hyrr
| ha'hyrrst
| ha'hyrriv
| ha'hyrrta
| ha'hyrue
{| class="wikitable"
! Nominative
! Allative
! Ablative
! Locative
! Instrumental
! 'when'
| ha'drav
| ha'draver
| ha'draven
| ha'dravel
| &nbsp;
! 'where'
| ha'klar
| ha'klara
| ha'klarn
| ha'klar'l
| ha'klard
! 'why'
| ha'inth
| &nbsp;
| &nbsp;
| &nbsp;
| ha'inth
! 'how'
| ha'ind
| &nbsp;
| &nbsp;
| &nbsp;
| ha'ind

Revision as of 12:57, 2 November 2011

The Drow language is the language of the Drow, a people often imprecisely referred to as Dark Elves. The Drow live in the Underdark of the Forgotten Realms (a game world of the Dungeons & Dragons RPG; they also exist in several other Dungeons & Dragons settings) and are descendants of Elves who were cast out because they worshipped the evil spider goddess Lolth.

There are actually two Drow languages. Common Drow or Low Drow is the language described in the Drow Dictionary found on various web site (source?). It is a language with a simple grammatical structure not far removed from English, designed to be used easily by non-native speakers (extrafictionally, by roleplayers who play Drow characters). High Drow, designed by Jashan A'al, uses the same vocabulary, but has a much more elaborate grammar. It is a richly inflected language, typologically comparable (but not related) to Quenya, with nine noun cases and a set of formal personal pronouns used to address persons of higher rank.

Low Drow

Any closer look at the grammar of Low Drow will reveal that the language is actually a relex of English. The grammatical categories are exactly the same and are expressed in ways precisely parallel to the corresponding English categories, imitating even such English idiosyncrasies as the marking of the third person singular on verbs and the homophony of past tense and past participle.


The phonology of Low Drow is not specified in the Drow Dictionary, but one probably does not err much if one pronounces the language as given for High Drow below.


Low Drow is a mostly analytical language, inflecting words for the same categories as English.


Nouns are marked for plural with the suffix -en (after consonant) or -n (after vowel). The only case besides the unmarked form is the possessive, which is formed by a suffix -s. If the noun already ends in /s/, the form is not changed, but an apostrophe is written.


The comparative is formed with -ur, the superlative with -url.


The third person singular of the verb carries a suffix -e. The past tense is marked with a suffix -us; the same form is also the past participle. The future is expressed by the auxiliary verb orn and the uninflected form of the verb. A set of perfect tenses is formed with inbal 'to have' and past participle. The passive is expressed with 'to be' and past participle.


Low Drow has a basic word order Subject Verb Object (SVO), and presumably follows the same syntactic patterns as English.

High Drow

Spoken in: The Underdark
Timeline/Universe: Forgotten Realms
Total speakers:
Genealogical classification: Tel'Quessir
Basic word order:
Morphological type: agglutinating/fusional
Morphosyntactic alignment: accusative
Created by:
Jashan A'al

High Drow is a richly inflected language, and to be considered the true language the Drow use among themselves, while Low Drow is a sort of contact language.

The language shows an unmistakable similarity to Quenya in its grammatical typology, though no phyletic relationship to that language - that is spoken in a completely different world, anyway - can be discerned. It sounds much less mellifluously than Quenya, though.



The High Drow language has 24 consonant phonemes, tabulated below. The transcription conventions are given in angle brackets. The phoneme /ks/ is, of course, not really a velar affricate; it is placed in its cell for convenience.

  Labial Alveolar Post-
Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
Stops Unaspirated p <b> t <d>     k <g>    
Aspirated pʰ <p> tʰ <t>     kʰ <k>    
Affricates Voiceless pf <ph> ts <ss> tʃ <ch>   ks <x>    
Voiced     dʒ <j>        
Fricatives Voiceless f <f> s <s> ʃ <sh>       h <h>
Voiced v <v> z <z> ʒ <jh, zh>        
Nasals m <m> n <n>          
Liquids   l <l>       ʀ <r>  
Semivowels w <w>     j <y>      


The Drow language has seven monophthongs:

  Front Central Back
High i, ii   u, uu
Mid e   o
Low   a  

The relationship of /ii/ and /uu/ to /i/ and /u/ varies from dialect to dialect. In some dialects, /ii/ is [wi] and /uu/ is [wu]; in others, the distinction is one between tense and lax.

The vowels transcribed <aa> and <ee> are long vowels. Diphthongs are /au/, /ui/, /ue/ and a rare /ou/, the latter not considered a diphthong by native grammarians.



High Drow distinguishes between inanimate and animate nouns, which are declined differently. The inanimate nouns form their plural in -a and are thus also called "A-class" nouns. Most animate nouns form their plural in -en, -in or -n and are thus called "N-class" nouns. A few animate nouns pluralize irregularly in the nominative-accusative; all of them refer to Drow or other Elven beings. In the other cases, they pluralize like N-class nouns. Besides the normal plural, there is a partitive plural, which expresses that the referents belong to a larger group.

There are nine noun cases: nominative, accusative (mostly the same form as the nominative), dative, genitive, possessive, allative, ablative, locative, instrumental. The difference in meaning between the genitive and the possessive is similar to that of their counterparts in Quenya, or the partitive and genitive in Old Albic: the possessive expresses possession or ownership, the genitive a more general notion of origin, composition or association.

che'el 'city'
dalhar 'child'
  Singular Plural Partitive
Singular Plural Partitive
Nom./Acc. che'el che'ela che'elau dalhar dalharin sshadalhar
Dative che'elesh che'elesha che'elsshau dalharassh sshasalhar sshadalharassh
Genitive che'eles che'elesa che'elesau dalharass ssadalhar sshadalharass
Possessive che'eles che'elesa che'elesau dalharassre ssradalhar sshadalharassre
Allative che'eler che'elera che'elerau dalhararro rradalhar sshadalhararro
Ablative che'elen che'elena che'elenau dalharath tadalhar sshadalharath
Locative che'elel che'elela che'elelau dalharin dalharinin sshadalharin
Instrumental che'eled che'eleda che'eledau dalharand andadalhar sshadalharand


Adjectives follow the noun and agree with it in case and number. Sample declension (olath 'dark'):

  Singular Plural
Nom./Acc. olath olatha
Dative olathshe olathshem
Gen./Poss. olathse olathsem
Allative olathre olathrem
Ablative olathne olathnem
Locative olathle olathlem
Instrumental olathde olathande

So, 'to the dark city' is che'eler olathre, for instance.

The comparative is expressed with the suffix -ur (olathur 'darker'), the superlative with -url (olathurl 'darkest').

Adverbs are derived from adjectives with the suffix -ne (just -e after n): olathne 'darkly'.


There are personal pronouns for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd person; the 3rd person pronouns distinguish gender (feminine, masculine and generic). In addition, there is a set of formal pronouns for addressing persons of higher rank.

  1st person 2nd person 3rd person
3rd person
3rd person
Nom. usstau udos tau dos il ida uk nind ol nind idaes udaes
Acc. usst udosst tausst dosst ilt idat ukt nint olt nint idaest udaest
Dat. usstiv udosstiv tausstiv dosstiv iltiv idiv uktiv nindiv oltiv nindiv idaev udaev
Gen./Poss. ussta udossta taussta dossta ilta idalta ukta ninda olta ninda idaeta udaeta
Inst. usstue udosstue tausstue dosstue iltue idue uktue nindue oltue nindue idue udue

An additional pronoun is the proxy pronoun, which is used when someone acts in someone else's place. It has 1st person and formal forms.

Singular Plural
1st person usstil udosstil
Formal idaestil udaestil

The interrogative pronoun has the following forms:

Nominative Accusative Dative Gen./Poss. Instrumental
'who' vel'uss vel'usst vel'usstiv vel'ussta vel'usstue
vel'bol vel'bolst vel'boliv vel'bolta vel'bolue
vel'hyrr vel'hyrrst vel'hyrriv vel'hyrrta vel'hyrue
Nominative Allative Ablative Locative Instrumental
'when' vel'drav vel'draver vel'draven vel'dravel  
'where' vel'klar vel'klara vel'klarn vel'klar'l vel'klard
'why' vel'inth       vel'inth
'how' vel'ind       vel'ind

The relative pronouns are similar, but with the stem ha instead of vel.

Nominative Accusative Dative Gen./Poss. Instrumental
'who' ha'uss ha'usst ha'usstiv ha'ussta ha'usstue
ha'bol ha'bolst ha'boliv ha'bolta ha'bolue
ha'hyrr ha'hyrrst ha'hyrriv ha'hyrrta ha'hyrue
Nominative Allative Ablative Locative Instrumental
'when' ha'drav ha'draver ha'draven ha'dravel  
'where' ha'klar ha'klara ha'klarn ha'klar'l ha'klard
'why' ha'inth       ha'inth
'how' ha'ind       ha'ind


The High Drow verb inflects for tense (present, past, future) and the person and number of the subject. There is also an infinitive and two participles, and an imperative which consists of the bare stem.

Sample conjugation (khal 'trust'):

  Present Past Future
Singular 1st person khali khalusi khalith
2nd person khale khaluse khalesh
3rd person khal khalus khaloss
Formal khalazh khalusazh khalata
Plural 1st person khalui khalusui khalue
2nd person khalet khaluset khalesst
3rd person khalar khalusar khalosst
Formal khalazhim khalusazhim khalatau

External links